The Trinity

The Trinity

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You're not paying attention.

The book of Hebrews says the one who made the will and testament has to die for it to be put in action.

God made the Old with Israel and intended to make the New with Israel.

That means He must die for it to be put into action.

No other being can die for Him to put it into action.

Christ Jesus is the only one who in fact died.

That means Christ Jesus is God.

The math could not be simpler. You just don't want it to be true.

You're believing self-deluded untruths now.
It had to be a MAN to be the Lamb of God, by man sin came into the world and it took another man to die for us. God can not die. The logos took the form of man to bring light into the world, He is/was a spirit not a man to begin with. Jesus came into being when he was born to Mary, but the logos was at the creation.

God was not the sacrifice for God, silly thoughts friend. Did Jesus part to himself or his God?

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Well-known member
It had to be a MAN to be the Lamb of God, by man sin came into the world and it took another man to die for us. God can not die. The logos took the form of man to bring light into the world, He is/was a spirit not a man to begin with. Jesus came into being when he was born to Mary, but the logos was at the creation.

God was not the sacrifice for God, silly thoughts friend. Did Jesus part to himself or his God?

Don't ask me or anyone else to explain how Christ Jesus, in the flesh, could yet be God. Not 'a god,' but GOD. I don't know and don't pretend to know. Neither does anyone else, no matter what they claim. But that IS what the Bible teaches.

The One who made the covenant had to die to initiate it.

God made the covenant.

Christ Jesus died to initiate it.

So Christ Jesus is God.

You deny that because you can't comprehend it. So? I don't comprehend it either.

But that does not excuse me from believing it for exactly what it says.

You are faithless and without excuse.


Well-known member
Don't ask me or anyone else to explain how Christ Jesus, in the flesh, could yet be God. Not 'a god,' but GOD. I don't know and don't pretend to know. Neither does anyone else, no matter what they claim. But that IS what the Bible teaches.

The One who made the covenant had to die to initiate it.

God made the covenant.

Christ Jesus died to initiate it.

So Christ Jesus is God.

You deny that because you can't comprehend it. So? I don't comprehend it either.

But that does not excuse me from believing it for exactly what it says.

You are faithless and without excuse.
Your understand is flawed. Christ is not said to be God, he has a God, he was sent by his God.
He Obeys His God and glorifies his God.

You have no scripture to support your inheireted faith. Your own words say you do not know why Christ is God or not God.

Listen to the Lord when he says that he has a God who is greater than all.

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Well-known member
Your own words say you do not know why Christ is God or not God.

I don't need to know. Maybe the reason He chose not to explain it in more detail is that we'd still be too limited to understand it. All I need to know is that God said what He said, and I'm to accept it.

Your understand is flawed. . .You have no scripture to support your inheireted faith.

Let's test it to see which one of us that describes.

Did Christ Jesus die to initiate the New covenant? Yes.

Did God purpose to make that covenant? Yes.

Does Hebrews state that the one making it has to die before it's in effect? Yes.

That means Christ Jesus is God.

You keep ignoring this. Why?


Well-known member
I don't need to know. Maybe the reason He chose not to explain it in more detail is that we'd still be too limited to understand it. All I need to know is that God said what He said, and I'm to accept it.

Let's test it to see which one of us that describes.

Did Christ Jesus die to initiate the New covenant? Yes.

Did God purpose to make that covenant? Yes.

Does Hebrews state that the one making it has to die before it's in effect? Yes.

That means Christ Jesus is God.

You keep ignoring this. Why?
God created ALL through his Son but that does not make his son God. Why are you having a problem understanding that?

You can not be God and have a God.

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Well-known member
God created ALL through his Son but that does not make his son God. Why are you having a problem understanding that?

My understanding is crystal clear.

The one who died to initiate the New had to be the one who proposed it.

God proposed it.

Christ Jesus died to initiate it.

Christ Jesus is God.


Well-known member
You have a right to be wrong in your assumptions.

Demonstrate where any of these three points is not taught in this portion of Hebrews:

•God purposed the New covenant, just as He had the Old.

•Christ Jesus died to initiate the New covenant.

•The one purposing it has to be the one dying before it goes into effect.

All three points are taught very clearly in Hebrews, leading to only one conclusion: Christ Jesus is God.

Refute what you can, from Hebrews.


Well-known member
Demonstrate where any of these three points is not taught in this portion of Hebrews:

•God purposed the New covenant, just as He had the Old.

•Christ Jesus died to initiate the New covenant.

•The one purposing it has to be the one dying before it goes into effect.

All three points are taught very clearly in Hebrews, leading to only one conclusion: Christ Jesus is God.

Refute what you can, from Hebrews.

Nothing in these verses tell us that Jesus is God.

Your assuming again. How many God's do you have?

I have only one, the father, I also have one Lord, Jesus Christ.

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Bright Raven

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Hall of Fame
You do not understand Me or John BR. The logos is the spirit son, the first of all creation for it is the express image og God and Go's created all through it.

You have no clue what you read friend. The logos became flesh in the body of Jesus.

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Yes, I understand you both. John is the beloved disciple who told us the Word had no beginning, but himself existed for all eternity. He never was created, He had no beginning. The Word was with God having a distinct and separate personality. He is not just an idea but a real person who lived with God and was himself God. The Bible teaches there is one God and that there are three persons in the Godhead. All three of these persons are God. In the verse it is clear that two persons are mentioned, the Father and the Son. The Bible teaches that the Son is God The Word, Jesus is God. You on the other hand have the thought that Jesus is nothing but a mist, not God which of course to any true Christian believer, heretical. Some day hopefully you will come to the meaning of the truth and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Jesus is God. You do not believe His testimony and never have. Wake up friend!


Well-known member
Yes, I understand you both. John is the beloved disciple who told us the Word had no beginning, but himself existed for all eternity. He never was created, He had no beginning. The Word was with God having a distinct and separate personality. He is not just an idea but a real person who lived with God and was himself God. The Bible teaches there is one God and that there are three persons in the Godhead. All three of these persons are God. In the verse it is clear that two persons are mentioned, the Father and the Son. The Bible teaches that the Son is God The Word, Jesus is God. You on the other hand have the thought that Jesus is nothing but a mist, not God which of course to any true Christian believer, heretical. Some day hopefully you will come to the meaning of the truth and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Jesus is God. You do not believe His testimony and never have. Wake up friend!
So your saying Jesus lied in John 17:3?

The beginning as we know it began at the creation, the logos existed before then. All images are creations BR. You can supreme that in your mind if you wish but it does not change the facts. The spirit son, logos, is a created spirit. He is in every way like his creator and was given the fullness of his father. He is a created godlike spirit, the true son of God.

Your still stuck in the muck of tradition my friend.

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Well-known member
Yes they do. They indicate that He HAD to be order to do what Hebrews says He did.

You've just made up your mind in advance to accept it.
Disprove the many verses that disagree with your assumptions.

How many true God's are there? One

Does Jesus have a God? Yes, he prays to him.

Christ is the anointed of God and he was anointed with the logos.

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Well-known member
Disprove the many verses that disagree with your assumptions.

How many true God's are there? One

Does Jesus have a God? Yes, he prays to him.

Christ is the anointed of God and he was anointed with the logos.

I addressed this before with the attachment below, and you ignored it.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So your saying Jesus lied in John 17:3?

The beginning as we know it began at the creation, the logos existed before then. All images are creations BR. You can supreme that in your mind if you wish but it does not change the facts. The spirit son, logos, is a created spirit. He is in every way like his creator and was given the fullness of his father. He is a created godlike spirit, the true son of God.

Your still stuck in the muck of tradition my friend.

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Guess that you need to read the first three verses of the Bible and screw your head on straight. The Logos is uncreated and you cannot prove otherwise. You deny John 1:1. You will always deny John 1:1 for your eyes are blinded by the enemy. Don't you realize that he came to steal, kill and destroy. God came in the flesh to destroy the works of the devil. What does Acts 20:28 mean to you;

Acts 20:28 New King James Version (NKJV)

28 Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

The verse says God purchased the Church in His own blood. WHO was that friend? WHO's blood was shed for the redemption of humankind?


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Disprove the many verses that disagree with your assumptions.

How many true God's are there? One

Does Jesus have a God? Yes, he prays to him.

Christ is the anointed of God and he was anointed with the logos.

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Then how do you explain Hebrews 1:8-12? Here is what it says, emphasis and clarifications mine:

*But to the Son He [God the Father] says:
Your [The Son's] throne, O God [The Son], is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom [the Son's Kingdom].*You [The Son] have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; Therefore God [The Father], Your [The Son's] God [The Father], has anointed You [The Son] With the oil of gladness more than Your [The Son's] companions.”
“You [The Son], Lord [The Son], in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your [The Son's] hands.*They will perish, but You [The Son] remain; And they will all grow old like a garment;*Like a cloak You [The Son] will fold them up, And they will be changed. But You [The Son] are the same, And Your [The Son's] years will not fail.” - Hebrews 1:8-12

Seems to me like this passage is saying that the Son is the one who created.


Well-known member
I refuse to assume your understanding friend, there are many verses that do not fit your puzzle.

I quoted Hebrews pretty much verbatim. Word for word.

God proposed the New, so He had to die for it to become effective.

God cannot die.

Christ Jesus died for it to become effective.

A testament become valid only upon the death of the one who made it.

The logic is simple, drawn right from what the Bible teaches. Too bad you refuse to believe it, because I know you can see it.

God is not a Trinity. YHWH is one, not three.

The shema uses a plural form of one. But you've already been told that.


Well-known member
Guess that you need to read the first three verses of the Bible and screw your head on straight. The Logos is uncreated and you cannot prove otherwise. You deny John 1:1. You will always deny John 1:1 for your eyes are blinded by the enemy. Don't you realize that he came to steal, kill and destroy. God came in the flesh to destroy the works of the devil. What does Acts 20:28 mean to you;

Acts 20:28 New King James Version (NKJV)

28 Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

The verse says God purchased the Church in His own blood. WHO was that friend? WHO's blood was shed for the redemption of humankind?
Do you really think God was his own sacrifice?

How silly BR. However, Jesus was his flesh son and the one who had blood. The logos is spirit and has no blood. Ponder on that friend.

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