The Trinity

The Trinity

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There is no word "spirit" in this verse either. The "son" refers to Jesus Christ, who was a human being like all the other Israelites (Hebrews 2:14).

No, look again. It says the SON not Jesus. Jesus was not at the creation. Jesus is the human factor in the son. He is the body prepared for the spirit son who was at the creation.

Do not assume that the word son refers to Jesus alone. Jesus had to be a pure human to be the Lamb of God. However it was the spirit son that God sent to enlighten us and guide us to him.

I see Jesus Christ as human in flesh with the spirit son controlling his every word and action. How great and awsume is our God to send his son to die for us.

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No, look again. It says the SON not Jesus. Jesus was not at the creation. Jesus is the human factor in the son. He is the body prepared for the spirit son who was at the creation.

Do not assume that the word son refers to Jesus alone. Jesus had to be a pure human to be the Lamb of God. However it was the spirit son that God sent to enlighten us and guide us to him.

I see Jesus Christ as human in flesh with the spirit son controlling his every word and action. How great and awsume is our God to send his son to die for us.

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Is Jesus the Son?

Did Jesus exist prior to His birth?

Did the Son become flesh?

Is Jesus a puppet? Or is He God?

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Is Jesus the Son?

Did Jesus exist prior to His birth?

Did the Son become flesh?

Is Jesus a puppet? Or is He God?

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Jesus not the son in this verse.

No, Jesus did not prepared exist.

Yes, the spirit son became flesh in the body prepared for him.

Jesus Christ is a servant of his Father. Only his Father is the true God.

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Jesus not the son in this verse.

Read Matthew 16:15-17 and say that Jesus is not the Son of God.

No, Jesus did not prepared exist.

Jesus Christ is a servant of his Father. Only his Father is the true God.

So if Jesus is not God, then why was Jesus so self-focused in His ministry? For example...

Jesus said:
"Follow Me" 19x
Pray and act "in My name" 18x
"the Holy Spirit" comes "in My name"
"for My name's sake" leave family and property, or even be killed 5x
"believe in Me" 14x
You "are sanctified by faith in Me"
Live "in Me"
Do not deny "Me" 7x
"love Me" 5x
Thus He says keep "My commandments"4x
"All things that the Father has are Mine"
"I am the Way"
"I am ... the Truth"
"I am ... the Life"

All of these examples (and more, which can be found on, along with scripture references for each) make it very clear that Jesus is either a blasphemer, or He is the Son of God, and God Himself.

Also, where the Old Testament has "Thus says the Lord," the New Testament has "I say unto you." Not once in the New Testament do we find "Thus says the Lord."

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Read Matthew 16:15-17 and say that Jesus is not the Son of God.

So if Jesus is not God, then why was Jesus so self-focused in His ministry? For example...

Jesus said:
"Follow Me" 19x
Pray and act "in My name" 18x
"the Holy Spirit" comes "in My name"
"for My name's sake" leave family and property, or even be killed 5x
"believe in Me" 14x
You "are sanctified by faith in Me"
Live "in Me"
Do not deny "Me" 7x
"love Me" 5x
Thus He says keep "My commandments"4x
"All things that the Father has are Mine"
"I am the Way"
"I am ... the Truth"
"I am ... the Life"

All of these examples (and more, which can be found on, along with scripture references for each) make it very clear that Jesus is either a blasphemer, or He is the Son of God, and God Himself.

Also, where the Old Testament has "Thus says the Lord," the New Testament has "I say unto you." Not once in the New Testament do we find "Thus says the Lord."

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Jesus is the FLESH son born in Bethlehem, not the spirit son who was at the creation. Did Jesus have to become flesh? No, he was born flesh. He was no sent, be was born.

How many Gods do you have. I have only one, the same one that Jesus has. The early church would like you to believe in their pagan fairy tails, to find truth you need to get rid of them.

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Jesus is the FLESH son born in Bethlehem, not the spirit son who was at the creation. Did Jesus have to become flesh? No, he was born flesh. He was no sent, be was born.

John 1:1-5 states that Jesus is the Word made flesh.

How many Gods do you have. I have only one, the same one that Jesus has. The early church would like you to believe in their pagan fairy tails, to find truth you need to get rid of them.

Did you even read my above comment? Read through it again. Jesus does not have a God, He IS God.

Christ spoke through Jesus. Christ did not come of his own accord, he was sent from heaven to do his Father's will.

What verse in the Bible tells you that the Son (Spirit) is a different person than Jesus (flesh and Spirit)? I guarantee you can't provide one, because it would contradict Matthew 16:15-17.

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John 1:1-5 states that Jesus is the Word made flesh.

Did you even read my above comment? Read through it again. Jesus does not have a God, He IS God.

What verse in the Bible tells you that the Son (Spirit) is a different person than Jesus (flesh and Spirit)? I guarantee you can't provide one, because it would contradict Matthew 16:15-17.

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I do not see the name Jesus in the first five verses of John 1. Would you kindly show me where the name Jesus appears.

Or is it just more assumptions on your part?

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John 1:1-5 states that Jesus is the Word made flesh.

Did you even read my above comment? Read through it again. Jesus does not have a God, He IS God.

What verse in the Bible tells you that the Son (Spirit) is a different person than Jesus (flesh and Spirit)? I guarantee you can't provide one, because it would contradict Matthew 16:15-17.

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Jesus said he was going to his God, was he telling the truth? Or are you showing us how much you do not know?

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I do not see the name Jesus in the first five verses of John 1. Would you kindly show me where the name Jesus appears.

Or is it just more assumptions on your part?

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No it doesn't, show me the word Jesus.

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First of all, Who is John writing about in his book? Jesus, right? If not Jesus, then who?

Who is the Word? John 1:14 says the Word is the only begotten of the Father (God's Son).

Who is God's Son? In Matthew 3:17, God the Father Himself calls Jesus His Son.

Ergo, Jesus is the Son is the Word.

John 1:1 states that the Word (aka the Son, aka Jesus) existed at the beginning, and that the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Ergo, Jesus is God.

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First of all, Who is John writing about in his book? Jesus, right? If not Jesus, then who?

Who is the Word? John 1:14 says the Word is the only begotten of the Father (God's Son).

Who is God's Son? In Matthew 3:17, God the Father Himself calls Jesus His Son.

Ergo, Jesus is the Son is the Word.

John 1:1 states that the Word (aka the Son, aka Jesus) existed at the beginning, and that the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Ergo, Jesus is God.

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John is speaking of the logos, the logos is not Jesus, the logos was IN Jesus. Your assuming to much.

God said that Jesus Christ was his son. That was done after Jesus was anointed with his spirit son.

The logos existed before the Universe for God created all through his spirit son (logos). Realize that the logos spoke through Jesus. Jesus did not come down from above, Christ did. Christ became flesh. Jesus was flesh. There is so much more to the story that you do not know.

Your Greek to English translations are full of misleading words. The early Eastern Church has differences in their older manuscripts. It might be worth your time to learn Aramaic.

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Reference please?

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Joh_8:42 Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now I am here. I did not come on my own, but he sent me.

Joh_20:17 Jesus said to her, "Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"

Act_2:17 'In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.

Joh_8:42 Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now I am here. I did not come on my own, but he sent me.

Joh_20:17 Jesus said to her, "Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"

Act_2:17 'In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.


Psalm 89:26-28 - "He (the Messiah) shall say of me. "You are my father, my God, my rock, my savior". And I will make him the firstborn."

Micah 5:3-4 - "He (the Messiah) shall stand firm and shepherd his flock by the strength of the LORD, in the Majestic name of the LORD, his God."

Psalm 22:10-11 - "To you I was committed at birth. From my mother’s womb you are my God."


Jesus Speaking:
John 20:17 - "I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God."

Matthew 27:46 - "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"

Revelation 3:12 - "Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God."

Revelation 3:2 - "for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God."

Ephesians 1:3 - "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Ephesians 1:17 - "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father..."

2 Corinthians 1:3 - "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
2 Corinthians 11:31 - "The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ knows, He who is blessed forever, that I do not lie."

Romans 15:6 - "that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

1 Peter 1:3 - "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Revelation 1:6 - "To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, who has made us into a kingdom, priests for his God and Father."

When one reads the preceding verses, there is one thing that is a fact. That Jesus Christ has a God. Jesus speaks of his God, Peter Paul and John mention the God of Jesus Christ. Are they all mistaken? Are we to believe that all these verses are misprints? Are we to suppose that theologians several centuries after Christ knew more about Jesus than Jesus and his Apostles? There is no way around it.

One thing I have learned is you can not argue with stupid.


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Chapter 1
1. In the beginning was the Miltha. And that Miltha was with Elohim. And Elohim was that Miltha.
2. This was with Elohim in the beginning.
3. Everything existed through his hands……….

Miltha refers to the “Manifestation” of the Ruach haKodesh within Mashiyach. The physical body of Mashiyach is not the Word of YHWH, but his words and actions demonstrate the Will and Word of YHWH, which upholds observance of Torah.

Miltha is the spiritual son of Elohim (God).
Mashiyach refers to Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ)
YHWH is the name of the most high God.
Ruach haKodesh is the Holy Spirit.
Elohim is God or a god, it can refer to more than the creator.

Bright Raven

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Chapter 1
1. In the beginning was the Miltha. And that Miltha was with Elohim. And Elohim was that Miltha.
2. This was with Elohim in the beginning.
3. Everything existed through his hands……….

Miltha refers to the “Manifestation” of the Ruach haKodesh within Mashiyach. The physical body of Mashiyach is not the Word of YHWH, but his words and actions demonstrate the Will and Word of YHWH, which upholds observance of Torah.

Miltha is the spiritual son of Elohim (God).
Mashiyach refers to Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ)
YHWH is the name of the most high God.
Ruach haKodesh is the Holy Spirit.
Elohim is God or a god, it can refer to more than the creator.

There is only one creator :duh: Have you really stepped off the deep end?