The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.


Is anyone surprised that aCW is feeding TOL "facts" about Martin Luther King directly from white supremacist websites?

"The Creativity Movement: Survival, Expansion, and Advancement of White Race."

Have a look. They use a book called "The White Man's Bible" as one of their "holy books."

These are the "16 commandments" from aCW's links:

Thanks for looking into that one source that I've used in exposing the fraud Martin Luther King Jr; I wasn't aware of who wrote it or their background.

That being said: Is there anything that is false from this post that came from that source? (note how they use references to the information that they've provided).

“Dr. King… spoke at the headquarters of the West Side Organization, where a sign on the wall
said: ‘Burn, baby, burn, boycott, baby, boycott.’ Roving bands of youths and some adults… broke
windows, looted stores, and stoned police cars and small police vans.”25
The riot was intense. It began when African-American youths, numbering approximately 100, stoned a police
car. Martin Luther King, Jr., blamed the riot on Chicago Mayor Daley’s refusal to make concessions to the civil
rights program. “This is his typical style,” said Congressman John Ashbrook of Ohio. “Rarely has Reverend
King chastised looters, arsonists, and conspirators for violence. He always justifies their actions and, directly or
indirectly, encourages them.”26 When the weekend came, Illinois Governor Kerner was forced to use the National
Guard, because “police could not control rioting that in three nights included burning, looting, two deaths, 100
injuries, and extensive property damage,” noted Congressman Ashbrook.27
King had a discussion with the militant African-American Stokely Carmichael [who was the "Prime Minister" of the radical Black Panther Party]. In the discussion, King
seemingly recommended to Carmichael that he should try to “dislocate the functioning of a city” but “without
destroying it.” These are King’s words of advice to Carmichael: “To dislocate the functioning of a city without
destroying it can be longer lasting, more costly to the society. It is more difficult for the government to quell it by
force. The disruption of cities you want will become much easier.”28 Unfortunately for the U.S., King’s
followers not only disrupted the city but also almost destroyed a large section of Chicago following King’s
Many respected African-American religious leaders felt that King was doing more harm than good and asked
him to leave their cities. They said that they did not want their cities disrupted. They pleaded with King to stop his
campaign, but it did no good. King continued to foment problems in the U.S.
Reverend Henry Mitchell, the leader of a group of West Side African-American ministers in Chicago who
represented about 50,000 African-Americans, felt that King should “get the hell out of here.” Mitchell and his
fellow ministers felt that way because King’s civil rights marching in 1966, he said, “brought hate.”29 “If [King]
wants to march on the West Side,” said Mitchell, “let him march with rakes, brooms, and grass seed.” Mitchell
continued, suggesting that African-Americans in the Chicago area wanted “peace, love, and harmony,” not the
violence that came to town with King.30

I look forward to to hearing whether or not King really did have close alliances with the hardcore racist and communist/Black Panther "Prime Minister" Stokely Carmichael and if indeed black pastors in the Chicago area told King to "get the hell out of here" because he "brought hate" with his message and movement.

If anyone can track down the truth ole eggnostic one, you certainly can.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yet you defend someone who amongst other things was an unrepentant adulterer, a thief, the first co-recipient of the "Baby Murderers R Us' Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood Award.

Did you also know that King, because of his close ties with communists during the Vietnam war, is indirectly responsible for the death of 10's of thousands of American GI's?

I wonder if Hanoi Jane Fonda gave a eulogy at his funeral? Could you look into that for me Morphie?


Back later with more from the 65 page article exposing the real Martin Luther King Jr.

Isn't that 65 page article from the very source that zoo pointed out along with its "manifesto"? If you carry on using such you can no longer use gormless ignorance as an excuse and be considered a proponent of their agenda.


Isn't that 65 page article from the very source that zoo pointed out along with its "manifesto"? If you carry on using such you can no longer use gormless ignorance as an excuse and be considered a proponent of their agenda.

I'll be sharing excerpts from that 65 page article (which mirrors other articles written by other sources).

I encourage you to refute any of the information that I've provided thus far in this thread and any information that I will provide in the future.

By the way Art: What concern does a Brit have with Martin Luther King Jr.?

(Art couldn't care less about King, he just wants get some dirt on me so he can defend buggery in another thread).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Still refuse to answer. Your continued unwillingness to answer a simple, direct question only confirms what everyone already knew about you. Especially since all of your sources are White supremacist sites. By using them you have proven nothing except your lack of character. You repeatedly try to convict through assertions of guilt by (very tenuous) association where others sought out associating themselves with him. Yet you continually seek out associating yourself with White supremacist, Nazi, hate groups. Maybe you should start a thread convicting yourself. You have already supplied all the proof you need.

What's even more ironic is that this dingbat uses sources that paint the Nazi's as homosexual butchers on his 'homosexual' epic and yet has no problem with using white supremacist source material for this thread. Can't make this stuff up...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'll be sharing excerpts from that 65 page article (which mirrors other articles written by other sources).

I encourage you to refute any of the information that I've provided thus far in this thread and any information that I will provide in the future.

By the way Art: What concern does a Brit have with Martin Luther King Jr.?

(Art couldn't care less about King, he just wants get some dirt on me so he can defend buggery in another thread).

Well, if it mirrored them then the reverse reflection would likely give the truth Connie, else I've no interest in any source as whacked out as you obviously have no problem with. It's not my job to refute the "findings" of a self proclaimed white supremacy group.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Thanks for looking into that one source that I've used in exposing the fraud Martin Luther King Jr; I wasn't aware of who wrote it or their background.

That just goes to show how much objectivity and honesty you had on the subject to begin with then doesn't it? Some site said something you wanted to hear and you just gladly lapped it up no questions asked?

You probably still don't even know how much of an idiot you look just by your own admission here. It's either sad, hysterical or some hybrid of the two and possibly some other factors...



New member
Thanks for looking into that one source that I've used in exposing the fraud Martin Luther King Jr; I wasn't aware of who wrote it or their background.

That being said: Is there anything that is false from this post that came from that source? (note how they use references to the information that they've provided).
. What? That might be the source Zoo pointed out, but what about this one I pointed out in post #259 on page 18? What is strange is that the bulk of your accusations are referenced from those two sites.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
For instance, Mike went to Oslo to accept the Nobel Prize. The evening before he did so found him running naked – naked? – yes, naked down the hallway of his hotel chasing a woman. A story in the Atlanta Journal, dated March 31, 1965, quoted Republican Congressman William Dickinson as saying that “all night sessions of debauchery” involving Mike took place in a church. On the night before he was killed, King participated in another orgy. He hired prostitutes and paid for them with church money. He beat at least one of them up..
Here is another article from the Alan Stang website you referred to here.


by Alan Stang
February 4, 2009

[Announcement: Did you know Alan Stang has a new radio show? Click here for details.]

The recent eruption of anti-Caucasian racism I cited in last week’s column – indeed, the fact that one of them erupted unpunished during the illegal coronation of Also Known As the First – is proof that the Race Racket will continue no matter how many blacks are elected to high office.

Remember that Marxist preacher Joseph Lowery, founder with Communist Martin King of the red Southern Christian Leadership Conference, spoke in his pseudo-benediction of “that day when black will not be asked to get in back . . . and when white will embrace what is right.”

Many whites have been wondering whether the installation as emperor of an illegal alien who is at least half black could mean that after a century and a half of “white guilt” the Race Racket would finally let them up. The answer is a resounding “No!” The Race Racket is just too consarned lucrative. If you were running it – I know you are not and could not, but if you were in the first place – would you give it up? Of course not!

You are talking about something worth hundreds of millions, even billions of dollars, plus huge, totalitarian power. It is the phony justification for the satanic beast that presently holds the nation in thrall and threatens to destroy it. It put illegal alien Also Known As in the Oval Office. (And it drones on)

So you refuse to answer whether you are affiliated with any group that is considered by anyone to be a White supremacist organization or hate group. Again, an honest answer would be appreciated.


How The FBI Invaded Martin Luther King Jr.'s Privacy -- And Tried To Blackmail Him Into Suicide

..... Hoover despised King with an incredible zest and put the bureau's full power behind eliminating the leader.

In her new book "The Burglary: the Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover's Secret FBI," journalist and author Betty Medsger chronicles Hoover's obsession with King and overzealous violation of the leader's privacy:

"Hoover's attitude toward King can be described as a nearly savage hatred... The plot involved office break-ins, use of informers, mail opening, wiretapping, and bugging of King's office, home, and hotel rooms."

..... While Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy reflects the memory of an utterly selfless man who prioritized peace and justice over hate and inequality, it simultaneously reveals how far a government is willing to go when it suspects that someone is a threat to the status quo, and effectively an enemy of the state.
The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.

The OP uses the FBI to promote his assertions - the FBI at that time was under the control of J Edgar Hoover who made it no secret that he was out to discredit King!
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New member
Well, if it mirrored them then the reverse reflection would likely give the truth Connie, else I've no interest in any source as whacked out as you obviously have no problem with. It's not my job to refute the "findings" of a self proclaimed white supremacy group.

But he has already said that they are a reliable source. Isn't that good enough? He really doesn't realize that once his source material has been shown to be flawed and biased that it becomes his responsibility to find actual reliable, unbiased sources to verify his claims. That is why research papers require footnotes and bibliographies, so that the sources can be checked out. For example, Rush Limbaugh frequently used his own prior writings as references to "prove" his points. Anyone gullible enough to accept his "research" at face value would never realize he was building a case of lies based on his previous lies...a house of cards.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thanks for looking into that one source that I've used in exposing the fraud Martin Luther King Jr; I wasn't aware of who wrote it or their background.

That being said: Is there anything that is false from this post that came from that source? (note how they use references to the information that they've provided).

. What? That might be the source Zoo pointed out, but what about this one I pointed out in post #259 on page 18? What is strange is that the bulk of your accusations are referenced from those two sites.

"Newswithviews is a racist website?

I'm not going to allow you to derail this thread by doing something that we've seen the baby murdering-sodomite loving-socialist Obama administration do to anyone that dares speak out against his policies in the past 6 years:

Cry "Racist!".

While I haven't looked over the website that zoo22 talked about, I will continue to share the article written by them (which has footnotes) as it is very informative. After each post, we can discuss if the information provided is true or not (you Obama supporters are interested in the truth aren't you?).

Speaking or racists: Why would a supposed "Christian Reverend" meet with racists like Stokley Carmichael of The Black Panther Party and Nation of Islam racists Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad to discuss strategies of the civil rights movement?


Continuing on page 5 of the article entitled:

"Why the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Should be Repealed"

"The late Bishop C. Fain Kyle, who was an African-American, issued a news release that said King was
“directly or indirectly responsible for the chaos, anarchy, insurrection, and rebellion brought about through
demonstrations and rioting throughout the United States in recent years, months, weeks, and days.” Kyle said that
Pg 6
King should be “shorn of his power and imprisoned for his criminal acts and deeds for defying the courts of the
land.”31 ,[<---footnote]
J. H. Jackson, an African-American who was president of the National Baptist Convention at Kansas City,
Missouri, said that King was causing problems all over America. Jackson said that King encouraged riots.
Jackson said that King’s actions were responsible for “designing the tactics that led to a fatal riot” and the death
of Rev. A. O. Wright in Detroit.32 [<---footnote]
In May of 1961, King spoke at the Southern Baptist Seminary. After he gave his speech, three churches in
Alabama voted to withhold funds from the seminary.33 [<--- footnote]
King often warned of impending riots if his demands were not met. In November of 1967, he delivered a
speech in Cleveland, Ohio. He warned of “massive winter riots in Cleveland, [Ohio;] Gary, [Indiana;] or in any
other ghetto.”34 [<--- footnote] King said, “A cadre of 200 hard-core disrupters will be trained in the tactics of massive
nonviolence.”35 [<--- footnote] The “massive nonviolence” mission of the “cadre of 200 hard-core disrupters” was ominous:
“nationwide city-paralyzing demonstrations.”36 [<---footnote] King even went to the extent of threatening two mayors,
suggesting that they would be the “two outstanding men we have set up as lambs for the slaughter.”37 [<---footnote] King said
that he was “very pleased” with certain “victories of creative black power” (emphasis added).38 [<---footnote] The young boy
who swore to “hate every white person” was now a man, and he was keeping the promise that he made in his

Correct me if I'm wrong here boyz, but I'm getting the feeling that a lot of black pastors weren't big fans of Martin Luther King Jr.


Well-known member
Well, either aCW is a white supremacist or at least sympathetic to the 'cause' - or he's a gormless crank who doesn't check his sources...

He calls black people "the jb's." He's obviously beyond gormless crank.

But I doubt he's a subscribed white supremacist. Just another run-of-the-mill hate monger who sits around day after day (week after week, month after month, year after year) posting about homosexual sex, calling guys "muffin," posturing that he's a vice cop assigned to patrol public men's restrooms. :plain:

And of course, yelping about "65 pages of facts" disparaging MLK that he's sourced directly from hardcore white supremacists.


Poor eggnostic zoo22. He can't refute any of the information provided, so like a true Obama supporter, he attacks the messenger.

Only 59 pages more to go boyz and girls.


Continuing with excerpts from the article

"Why the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Should be Repealed"

"King’s insurrectionist-tactics were commonplace among the places that he attended. In one instance, King
went to Albany, Georgia, and threatened to have a new drive for African-American rights. Ten days later, King
“set a day of penance following a night of rioting, during which Negroes were arrested as they marched on city
hall, hooting, laughing, and throwing bottles, bricks, and rocks at law officials,” said former Congressman John
Ashbrook of Ohio
.39 The situation had been maintained, reported the chief of police, until King returned to the city
for an “illegal demonstration.”40
When the FBI expanded COINTELPRO (Counter-Intelligence Program) in 1967 to include “Black
Nationalist-Hate Groups,” King’s Southern Christian Leadership (SCLC) was targeted, along with the Nation of
Islam.41 King was probably under that listing because he would often associate with minorities who hated whites.For instance, he was allied with Cassius Clay (a.k.a. Muhammad Ali), a professional African-American boxer who
at the time was a member of the Nation of Islam.42 (Later, however, it appears that Clay changed his beliefs, unlike
King.) King, also, met with Malcolm X, and King had a meeting with Stokely Carmichael, offering him words of
advice. And, on February 24, 1966, Martin Luther King, Jr., met with Elijah Muhammad, leader of the neo-
During the National Conference for New Politics, which had King listed as a member of its national council,
King delivered a speech. The people who attended were Vietnam War protesters, black power advocates, civil
rights workers, representatives from a number of leftist organizations, and others. The Chicago Tribune of
September 6, 1967, said that the convention “turned out to be an assembly of crackpots and innocent do-gooders
who meekly did the bidding of a handful of black power fanatics.” There were two marijuana parties that took
place during the convention. Sex orgies took place before audiences of delegates. The words “black power” were
written on the walls, hallways and rooms of the hotel and were carved on the 15 elevators in the hotel where the
delegates were staying. And, much merchandise was destroyed.44 The peaceful people who came to here King
speak caused a total of $10,000 in damage to the hotel."

Dope, orgies and property damage: quite the "Christian" the Reverend Dr. was.


I see that the annual Washington State March for Life is on Tuesday January 20 at noon at the State Capitol in Olympia.
If there are any Washingtonians out there that would like to join me and thousands of others to honor of all of the unborn babies (a disproportionate number whose skin color was black) who are the victims of evil men like Martin Luther King Jr., please come join us.



New member
What did you do...temporarily close the thread to stop the critique of your biased material, then reopen it so that you could add more trash to the pile? Maybe if you only open it long enough to disseminate your garbage, then immediately close it again you could prevent anyone pointing out your attraction to White supremacist material. Hurry, the clock is ticking. Tic-toc, tic-toc.

If you'd left out the disparaging King remark I would have said nothing.


What did you do...temporarily close the thread to stop the critique of your biased material, then reopen it so that you could add more trash to the pile? Maybe if you only open it long enough to disseminate your garbage, then immediately close it again you could prevent anyone pointing out your attraction to White supremacist material. Hurry, the clock is ticking. Tic-toc, tic-toc.

You Obama-ites were getting disruptive and attempting to hijack the thread.

Again: feel free to dispute any of the information given (even from the article that has <---footnotes).


Speaking of Planned Parenthood (the baby murdering organization that awarded Martin Luther the King the first "Margaret Sanger Award") :

Planned Parenthood kills 1000 times as many blacks as cops do

January 17, 2015

By Bryan Fischer [I'll let the Obama-ites going scurrying like that rats that they are to see if they can find "white supremacist" dirt on Fischer]

According to Black Genocide, Planned Parenthood situates 78% of its abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods. It is almost as if Planned Parenthood is targeting black and brown babies.

And perhaps it is. Margaret Sanger, the founder of PP shockingly said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." She created the Negro Project to sterilize unwitting black women and others she considered undesirable. Her motto was grotesque as well as Hitler-esque: "More children from the fit, less from the unfit."

I well remember, back in 2008, when Lila Rose and LiveAction released recordings of a call an actor made to the Planned Parenthood offices in my hometown of Boise, Idaho. Here is an excerpt:
Idaho (Planned Parenthood) Representative: Autumn Kersey, Director of Development

Idaho Donor: The abortion – I can give money specifically for a black baby, that would be the purpose?

PP Rep: Absolutely. If you wanted to designate that your gift be used to help an African-American woman in need, then we would certainly make sure that the gift was earmarked for that purpose.

Idaho Donor: Great, because I really faced trouble with affirmative action, and I don't want my kids to be disadvantaged against black kids. I just had a baby; I want to put it in his name.

PP Rep: Yes, absolutely.

Idaho Donor: And we don't, you know we just think, the less black kids out there the better.

PP Rep: Understandable, understandable...

Read more:



New member
You Obama-ites were getting disruptive and attempting to hijack the thread.

Again: feel free to dispute any of the information given (even from the article that has <---footnotes).

It has been disputed as coming from biased source material. It is your responsibility to find reliable sources to substanciate your claims. Using unreliable sources one can make a case for anything. If you use biased materials then the extent of our responsibility ends with invalidating your sources.


It has been disputed as coming from biased source material. It is your responsibility to find reliable sources to substanciate your claims. Using unreliable sources one can make a case for anything. If you use biased materials then the extent of our responsibility ends with invalidating your sources.

If you're stating that the 65 page article is an "unreliable source", shall we review the <---footnotes (several pages of them) to see if they're reputable?

BTW, I've been meaning to ask you Morphie:

Are you pro abortion? (my bad, lefties like to use the word "choice").