The Myth of saying that Jesus Christ died for all men without exception !

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Duty Faith teaching is heresy, and work salvation. Its obvious you have no Ideal what Faith is and who its given to. At this point I see no reason to say you are a true believer in Christ.

Duty-faith has nothing to do with works salvation.

Show me Biblically where the reprobate are told they do not have to repent.

Romans 9:19-21 shows that the protesting reprobate is STILL RESPONSIBLE for his failure to repent.

At this point, I think you're more off it than the typical Arminian.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I teach salvation by grace through faith with works being the fruit vs root (Eph. 2:10).

Your hyper-Calvinism affects your ability to judge other's beliefs.

Free will faith is not a work. This is a Calvinistic myth.

I take back my comment about him not being a hyper. It seems like he actually is a hyper.

"Hyper-Calvinist" is overused a lot, and is often confused with regular old supralapsarian double predestination, but denial of duty faith is quite hyper calvinistic. Even to me. The only thing worse would be to deny the necessity of preaching the gospel itself. Which thankfully B-57 has not done yet.

Now, I'm almost certain Spurgeon would agree with me on this, so I'd best get started on finding a quote.


Well-known member

Duty-faith has nothing to do with works salvation.

Yes it does ! What you think a duty is :

something that one is expected or required to do by moral or legal obligation.
the binding or obligatory force of something that is morally or legally right; moral or legal obligation.
an action or task required by a person's position or occupation; function: the duties of a clergyman.
the respectful and obedient conduct due a parent, superior, elder, etc.
an act or expression of respect.

A work according to the greek word ergon is:

any product whatever, any thing accomplished by hand, art, industry, or mind

an act, deed, thing done: the idea of working is emphasised in opp. to that which is less than work


Well-known member

Show me Biblically where the reprobate are told they do not have to repent.

Show me biblically were they are told to repent ! I have already showed you repentance is in view of remission of sins. The non elect reprbated are still being charged with their sins and are under God's Wrath and condemnation. Jn 3:18,36

Here are some reprobates Matt 23:32-33

32 Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. Thats an imperative. Jesus does not command them to repent !

33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?


Well-known member

Romans 9:19-21 shows that the protesting reprobate is STILL RESPONSIBLE for his failure to repent.

Thats a lie.

Rom 9:19-21

19 Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?

20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?

21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?


Well-known member

Now, I'm almost certain Spurgeon would agree with me on this, so I'd best get started on finding a quote.

Both you and Spurgeon are off on that duty Faith, and yet because I have observed more positive testimony of the Gospel from him than you, I would doubt your salvation more than his, though I am not sure of his either.

I have not seen anything in your testimony so far that gives me to believe you believe the True Gospel.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member

Thats a lie.

Rom 9:19-21

19 Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?

20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?

21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

He asks why God finds fault. Paul does not deny that God does find fault. God does find fault with those who do not believe. Because they are duty-bound to do so.


Well-known member
Acts 17:30 which, based on context, the "all" in that case actually does mean all, since it is talking about unbelievers.

Since they are talking about unbelievers means nothing. The Elect are unbelievers until they believe, but they had remission of sins before they believed, and while they are unbelievers.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Since they are talking about unbelievers means nothing. The Elect are unbelievers until they believe, but they had remission of sins before they believed, and while they are unbelievers.

True, but it says "All men everywhere." There's no sign its only talking to the elect.

I completely agree that the elect had their sins remitted before they believe and that they cannot believe without this.

Does a reprobate atheist sin when he refuses to repent of his sin and believe? If you say "Yes" you should have no issue with the duty faith position.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Another popular Myth in the religious world today, is the Jesus Christ died or gave His Life for everyone in the world without exception, but the problem with that, is there is not one shred of scripture evidence that states that........

NOW I know who you are!! You're that moron who got banned from the True 2 Ourselves forum, aren't you. I thought I recognized your brand of ignorance. So you found a place that would tolerate your nonsense, eh?

The OP is garbage. Jesus DID die for everyone. That does not mean that everyone will follow him, but everyone is welcome to if they choose to do so. Jesus will not turn anyone away who chooses to believe in him.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
NOW I know who you are!! You're that moron who got banned from the True 2 Ourselves forum, aren't you. I thought I recognized your brand of ignorance. So you found a place that would tolerate your nonsense, eh?

Who is he?

The OP is garbage. Jesus DID die for everyone. That does not mean that everyone will follow him, but everyone is welcome to if they choose to do so. Jesus will not turn anyone away who chooses to believe in him.

B-57 has shown himself to be a fairly radical hyper-calvinist by his denial of duty-faith. So I wouldn't take him too seriously. With that said, the idea that Christ died for all is still a myth.