The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.


Hall of Fame






What a lovely thought. Apparently FURTHER damage to our country, as well as endangering American lives isn't enough for the GOP. Perhaps the thought of losing their majority is the only thing that would prompt them to put America first.


like marbles on glass

[h=2]Sally Yates on Flynn probe (full interview)[/h]
In a perfect world, Sally Yates would be President of the United States.


The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.

I wonder how many House Republicans now regret that they were seen, on national television, celebrating with President Trump in the White House Rose Garden!

The White House will now be totally consumed with attempting to keep Trump in office until 2018.

Infrastructure legislation passed - no

Tax Reform - no

repeal/replace Obamacare - no

coal jobs created in West Virginia - no

"swamps" drained - no

improvement in the lives of Trump supporters - no


New member

[h=2]Sally Yates on Flynn probe (full interview)[/h]
In a perfect world, Sally Yates would be President of the United States.

She is a true American Heroine.

That she should have to suffer the lies and smearing of fools on the right is a national disgrace for the history books.

At the same, time: that she has done so, so courageously and with such admirable integrity throughout is a quill in our cap as Americans also for the history books.

True that, anna :thumb:

And great interview.


like marbles on glass
She is a true American Heroine.

That she should have to suffer the lies and smearing of fools on the right is a national disgrace for the history books.

At the same, time: that she has done so, so courageously and with such admirable integrity throughout is a quill in our cap as Americans also for the history books.

True that, anna :thumb:

And great interview.

Agree 100%. She's an inspiration. :)


like marbles on glass
We tracked the Trump scandals on right-wing news sites.

Here’s how they covered it.

The past week of Trump scandals for people reading mainstream news outlets has gone something like this: President Trump fired the FBI director who was investigating his campaign’s connection with Russia — and then the next day, Trump shared classified information with Russian officials.

But on conservative news outlets, the narrative was very different. It was about an FBI director whose firing was long overdue, and a liberal media desperate to take down Trump.
To pinpoint exactly how this played out for a reader visiting only conservative-leaning sites, we analyzed the front pages of and and compared them with We wrote a program to screenshot the front pages of these sites every three hours after the Comey firing using the Wayback Machine’s internet archives.
Here’s how the Comey firing played out:

Interesting analysis follows at the link.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I was thinking how embarrassed people who voted for Trump should feel when they read about his speech to Coast Guard graduates, where he once again took the opportunity to publicly whine about the cruel, cruel treatment he's received.

“Look at the way I’ve been treated lately, especially by the media,” Trump said. “No politician in history — and I say this with great surety — has been treated worse or more unfairly.”

My favorite comment in response was a fellow asking what kind of "leader" does that in front of cadets celebrating their entry into national service.

The obvious answer being no kind. No kind of leader does that. :plain:

Of course, this was the same fellow who did his level best to avoid the draft then said of McCain,

“He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”​


like marbles on glass
I was thinking how embarrassed people who voted for Trump should feel when they read about his speech to Coast Guard graduates, where he once again took the opportunity to publicly whine about the cruel, cruel treatment he's received.

“Look at the way I’ve been treated lately, especially by the media,” Trump said. “No politician in history — and I say this with great surety — has been treated worse or more unfairly.”

My favorite comment in response was a fellow asking what kind of "leader" does that in front of cadets celebrating their entry into national service.

The obvious answer being no kind. No kind of leader does that. :plain:

Of course, this was the same fellow who did his level best to avoid the draft then said of McCain,

“He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”​

That's just so low. It's a good illustration of how everything is about him. He doesn't care about the country or the people in it, he only cares about himself and about the level of adulation he receives. That's why he needs those victory-lap rallies, to remind himself and everyone else that he won.

He cares more about what the press says about him than what his advisors tell him. He doesn't know how to be president, he's ignorant, and he doesn't know what the heck he's doing day in and day out. He wants his briefings in short, one page bullet points - and for this trip they're making sure the presentations mention his name frequently so they can get him to keep reading. Seriously.

National security officials put Trump's name in their briefings as much as possible so he will keep reading

He's inept and impulsive and that's not a good combination for anyone, let alone POTUS.


heckuva lot less embarrassed than the hillary supporters :idunno:
Rumor has it that the 2016 Election has been over for 6 months - why are Trump and his supporters so consumed with revisiting it?

Perhaps they are finding the present so depressing that they wish to revert to a happier period!


Rumor has it that the 2016 Election has been over for 6 months - why are Trump and his supporters so consumed with revisiting it?

Perhaps they are finding the present so depressing that they wish to revert to a happier period!

Because it takes the focus off the fact that The Trumpeter is incompetent, it lets him whine more and it feeds his ego.
It also avoids the fact that other than filling a stolen Supreme Court spot this "administration" along with a Republican Senate and House have been unable to do anything.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There's a dark cloud over our Nation. We're experiencing a "Psychological Civil War" between the far-left Democrats and the Conservatives. The left has the Media, Antifa, Hollywood, and a number of Republican Trump haters. The Left uses the "Antifa Thugs" to riot, chant, destroy property, fight the Police, and commit acts of violence. You might say that Antifa is similar to the "Brown Shirts" used by Hitler and the Nazi Party in the 1930s. The "Brown Shirts" would go around and break windows, commit violence, fight the German Police, and try and spread their propaganda through terrorist acts. Those that are screaming leftist slogans, blocking Freeways and perpetrating Anarchy are considered "Useful Idiots" by the Democratic Party.

The hierarchy of the Democratic Party is making "Subliminal Speeches" containing words such as: "Resist, fight, speak up, and cause trouble. If the Police don't "Up their game" simple violence MAY turn into deadly circumstances where people are maimed and even killed. Instead of condoning the violence continuing in our streets the Democrats out to be speaking up against it.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I honestly believe Trump is, God's man of the hour for our country. All of the demons of Hell are fighting against President Trump and what his goals are. It's a matter of "Good versus evil."

Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."