The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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God's Truth

New member
Man wrote that, that's why it reflects mans way of thinking. The Son of God never acted like that. The story's written by the people who killed Jesus lead people into an immature concept of deity.

You have a fake god that you made up by choosing what you like about he Bible and throwing out the rest and adding things.


The thief that does not enter through the gate.

Ok, in context the "thief" that Jesus spoke of in the parable would be anyone who knowingly rejects the Creator Son's ordained way to the Father. Someone who leads people away from faith in the Son. The parable actually spoke to different people within the audience. The Urantia revelation is ordained by the Son, it reveals a great deal more information that the world was not ready for when Jesus lived. It has within it the entire life of Christ, accurately restated in modern phraseology for people living in this age and the next.


165:1.1 By the middle of January more than twelve hundred persons were gathered together at Pella, and Jesus taught this multitude at least once each day when he was in residence at the camp, usually speaking at nine o'clock in the morning if not prevented by rain. Peter and the other apostles taught each afternoon. The evenings Jesus reserved for the usual sessions of questions and answers with the twelve and other advanced disciples. The evening groups averaged about fifty.

165:1.2 By the middle of March, the time when Jesus began his journey toward Jerusalem, over four thousand persons composed the large audience which heard Jesus or Peter preach each morning. The Master chose to terminate his work on earth when the interest in his message had reached a high point, the highest point attained under this second or nonmiraculous phase of the progress of the kingdom. While three quarters of the multitude were truth seekers, there were also present a large number of Pharisees from Jerusalem and elsewhere, together with many doubters and cavilers.

165:1.3 Jesus and the twelve apostles devoted much of their time to the multitude assembled at the Pella camp. The twelve paid little or no attention to the field work, only going out with Jesus to visit Abner's associates from time to time. Abner was very familiar with the Perean district since this was the field in which his former master, John the Baptist, had done most of his work. After beginning the Perean mission, Abner and the seventy never returned to the Pella camp.


165:2.1 A company of over three hundred Jerusalemites, Pharisees and others, followed Jesus north to Pella when he hastened away from the jurisdiction of the Jewish rulers at the ending of the feast of the dedication; and it was in the presence of these Jewish teachers and leaders, as well as in the hearing of the twelve apostles, that Jesus preached the sermon on the "Good Shepherd." After half an hour of informal discussion, speaking to a group of about one hundred, Jesus said:

165:2.2 "On this night I have much to tell you, and since many of you are my disciples and some of you my bitter enemies, I will present my teaching in a parable, so that you may each take for yourself that which finds a reception in your heart.

165:2.3 "Tonight, here before me are men who would be willing to die for me and for this gospel of the kingdom, and some of them will so offer themselves in the years to come; and here also are some of you slaves of tradition, who have followed me down from Jerusalem, and who, with your darkened and deluded leaders, seek to kill the Son of Man. The life which I now live in the flesh shall judge both of you, the true shepherds and the false shepherds. If the false shepherd were blind, he would have no sin, but you claim that you see; you profess to be teachers in Israel; therefore does your sin remain upon you.

165:2.4 "The true shepherd gathers his flock into the fold for the night in times of danger. And when the morning has come, he enters into the fold by the door, and when he calls, the sheep know his voice. Every shepherd who gains entrance to the sheepfold by any other means than by the door is a thief and a robber. The true shepherd enters the fold after the porter has opened the door for him, and his sheep, knowing his voice, come out at his word; and when they that are his are thus brought forth, the true shepherd goes before them; he leads the way and the sheep follow him. His sheep follow him because they know his voice; they will not follow a stranger. They will flee from the stranger because they know not his voice. This multitude which is gathered about us here are like sheep without a shepherd, but when we speak to them, they know the shepherd's voice, and they follow after us; at least, those who hunger for truth and thirst for righteousness do. Some of you are not of my fold; you know not my voice, and you do not follow me. And because you are false shepherds, the sheep know not your voice and will not follow you."

165:2.5 And when Jesus had spoken this parable, no one asked him a question. After a time he began again to speak and went on to discuss the parable:

165:2.6 "You who would be the undershepherds of my Father's flocks must not only be worthy leaders, but you must also feed the flock with good food; you are not true shepherds unless you lead your flocks into green pastures and beside still waters.

165:2.7 "And now, lest some of you too easily comprehend this parable, I will declare that I am both the door to the Father's sheepfold and at the same time the true shepherd of my Father's flocks. Every shepherd who seeks to enter the fold without me shall fail, and the sheep will not hear his voice. I, with those who minister with me, am the door. Every soul who enters upon the eternal way by the means I have created and ordained shall be saved and will be able to go on to the attainment of the eternal pastures of Paradise.

165:2.8 "But I also am the true shepherd who is willing even to lay down his life for the sheep. The thief breaks into the fold only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; but I have come that you all may have life and have it more abundantly. He who is a hireling, when danger arises, will flee and allow the sheep to be scattered and destroyed; but the true shepherd will not flee when the wolf comes; he will protect his flock and, if necessary, lay down his life for his sheep. Verily, verily, I say to you, friends and enemies, I am the true shepherd; I know my own and my own know me. I will not flee in the face of danger. I will finish this service of the completion of my Father's will, and I will not forsake the flock which the Father has intrusted to my keeping.

165:2.9 "But I have many other sheep not of this fold, and these words are true not only of this world. These other sheep also hear and know my voice, and I have promised the Father that they shall all be brought into one fold, one brotherhood of the sons of God. And then shall you all know the voice of one shepherd, the true shepherd, and shall all acknowledge the fatherhood of God.

165:2.10 "And so shall you know why the Father loves me and has put all of his flocks in this domain in my hands for keeping; it is because the Father knows that I will not falter in the safeguarding of the sheepfold, that I will not desert my sheep, and that, if it shall be required, I will not hesitate to lay down my life in the service of his manifold flocks. But, mind you, if I lay down my life, I will take it up again. No man nor any other creature can take away my life. I have the right and the power to lay down my life, and I have the same power and right to take it up again. You cannot understand this, but I received such authority from my Father even before this world was."

165:2.11 When they heard these words, his apostles were confused, his disciples were amazed, while the Pharisees from Jerusalem and around about went out into the night, saying, "He is either mad or has a devil." But even some of the Jerusalem teachers said: "He speaks like one having authority; besides, who ever saw one having a devil open the eyes of a man born blind and do all of the wonderful things which this man has done?"

165:2.12 On the morrow about half of these Jewish teachers professed belief in Jesus, and the other half in dismay returned to Jerusalem and their homes.


Just because you do not understand why God does something or not does not mean He is not good and unjust.

I know the voice of the shepherd, I know he would not direct soldiers to slaughter men, women and children while keeping the young virgin children for themselves.

I know that the shepherd never has and never will be disappointed in his creation, drown the entire earth only to have all the same problems as before. A human dreamed that story up and it wasn't very well thought out!

The true Shepherd is the Living Word of truth, the Bible books were written by holy men, some more holy than others.


You have a fake god that you made up by choosing what you like about he Bible and throwing out the rest and adding things.

You are forced to believe things just because they are in the current 66 book list of the cannon, not because those stories ring true in your heart. That sounds more fake than sincere questioning.


The Word is living and knows how to preserve His written Word for human kind

Jesus didn't leave any written words and for good reason, man makes fetishes even out of the words of preachers like Paul whose words have been made equal to Christ.


Jesus didn't leave any written words and for good reason, man makes fetishes even out of the words of preachers like Paul whose words have been made equal to Christ.

That sounds logical and reasonable, yet we all follow what we have decided to follow and trust and believe.

We can all make logic out of everything.

That's why we have to wait till last day for whole truth and judging.


I have a request for you.

Why don't you gather up or list up the difference between what Jesus said and UR says.

thank you.


That sounds logical and reasonable, yet we all follow what we have decided to follow and trust and believe.

We can all make logic out of everything.

That's why we have to wait till last day for whole truth and judging.

I follow the truth wherever it may lead, I don't believe something just because it's in a book.


I have a request for you.

Why don't you gather up or list up the difference between what Jesus said and UR says.

thank you.

That would be time consuming. There is what Jesus said, then there is how the gospel writers sincerely remembered what he said based on eye witnesses and such, then some of the gospels were edited according o the UR, and then there is what Jesus said in the UB which is much more extensive and in some cases restated in modern phraseology.

Previous written records:

P"previous written records"#U121_8_0

God's Truth

New member
Jesus didn't leave any written words and for good reason,

Jesus didn't have to write the words down, he knew his disciples would.

man makes fetishes even out of the words of preachers like Paul whose words have been made equal to Christ.

Just because people do wrong with Paul and twist his words does not mean Paul did something wrong.

You stand in accusations to all who believe the written words of God.

You do not think the Creator of everything cannot preserve His word exactly as He wants.

You pick what tickles your ears and throw out the rest, and make up things to add. That is about a fake god that you made up.

God's Truth

New member
You are forced to believe things just because they are in the current 66 book list of the cannon, not because those stories ring true in your heart. That sounds more fake than sincere questioning.

Jesus reveals to me what they mean, just as he says he would.

You are making false accusations.

Accusations as a defense is a sign of the devil and false teachings.

God's Truth

New member
I know the voice of the shepherd, I know he would not direct soldiers to slaughter men, women and children while keeping the young virgin children for themselves.
You added the word 'children' so that you could twist His word.

You are deceitful.

You have to know you are by what you did.

I know that the shepherd never has and never will be disappointed in his creation, drown the entire earth only to have all the same problems as before. A human dreamed that story up and it wasn't very well thought out!

If the whole world was bad except for one man and his small family, why not?
The true Shepherd is the Living Word of truth, the Bible books were written by holy men, some more holy than others.

You base your defense on accusations. You should think about that more. It is what the devil does.

God's Truth

New member
Ok, in context the "thief" that Jesus spoke of in the parable would be anyone who knowingly rejects the Creator Son's ordained way to the Father. Someone who leads people away from faith in the Son.

People who lead others from the truth...the truth as given in the Holy Bible.

Jesus says salvation is from the Jews, you go against that. The world was flooded because of the evilness of the world, you go against that.
You have a fake Jesus that is a making of men, not of God.

The parable actually spoke to different people within the audience. The Urantia revelation is ordained by the Son, it reveals a great deal more information that the world was not ready for when Jesus lived. It has within it the entire life of Christ, accurately restated in modern phraseology for people living in this age and the next.
Your blasphemous book came around in the 1900's. That alone should alert you to a lie, but you honor and promote it.


I am not reading from your fake book. What good would that do?

God's Truth

New member
Ok, in context the "thief" that Jesus spoke of in the parable would be anyone who knowingly rejects the Creator Son's ordained way to the Father. Someone who leads people away from faith in the Son. The parable actually spoke to different people within the audience. The Urantia revelation is ordained by the Son, it reveals a great deal more information that the world was not ready for when Jesus lived. It has within it the entire life of Christ, accurately restated in modern phraseology for people living in this age and the next.


165:1.1 By the middle of January more than twelve hundred persons were gathered together at Pella, and Jesus taught this multitude at least once each day when he was in residence at the camp, usually speaking at nine o'clock in the morning if not prevented by rain. Peter and the other apostles taught each afternoon. The evenings Jesus reserved for the usual sessions of questions and answers with the twelve and other advanced disciples. The evening groups averaged about fifty.

165:1.2 By the middle of March, the time when Jesus began his journey toward Jerusalem, over four thousand persons composed the large audience which heard Jesus or Peter preach each morning. The Master chose to terminate his work on earth when the interest in his message had reached a high point, the highest point attained under this second or nonmiraculous phase of the progress of the kingdom. While three quarters of the multitude were truth seekers, there were also present a large number of Pharisees from Jerusalem and elsewhere, together with many doubters and cavilers.

165:1.3 Jesus and the twelve apostles devoted much of their time to the multitude assembled at the Pella camp. The twelve paid little or no attention to the field work, only going out with Jesus to visit Abner's associates from time to time. Abner was very familiar with the Perean district since this was the field in which his former master, John the Baptist, had done most of his work. After beginning the Perean mission, Abner and the seventy never returned to the Pella camp.


165:2.1 A company of over three hundred Jerusalemites, Pharisees and others, followed Jesus north to Pella when he hastened away from the jurisdiction of the Jewish rulers at the ending of the feast of the dedication; and it was in the presence of these Jewish teachers and leaders, as well as in the hearing of the twelve apostles, that Jesus preached the sermon on the "Good Shepherd." After half an hour of informal discussion, speaking to a group of about one hundred, Jesus said:

165:2.2 "On this night I have much to tell you, and since many of you are my disciples and some of you my bitter enemies, I will present my teaching in a parable, so that you may each take for yourself that which finds a reception in your heart.

165:2.3 "Tonight, here before me are men who would be willing to die for me and for this gospel of the kingdom, and some of them will so offer themselves in the years to come; and here also are some of you slaves of tradition, who have followed me down from Jerusalem, and who, with your darkened and deluded leaders, seek to kill the Son of Man. The life which I now live in the flesh shall judge both of you, the true shepherds and the false shepherds. If the false shepherd were blind, he would have no sin, but you claim that you see; you profess to be teachers in Israel; therefore does your sin remain upon you.

165:2.4 "The true shepherd gathers his flock into the fold for the night in times of danger. And when the morning has come, he enters into the fold by the door, and when he calls, the sheep know his voice. Every shepherd who gains entrance to the sheepfold by any other means than by the door is a thief and a robber. The true shepherd enters the fold after the porter has opened the door for him, and his sheep, knowing his voice, come out at his word; and when they that are his are thus brought forth, the true shepherd goes before them; he leads the way and the sheep follow him. His sheep follow him because they know his voice; they will not follow a stranger. They will flee from the stranger because they know not his voice. This multitude which is gathered about us here are like sheep without a shepherd, but when we speak to them, they know the shepherd's voice, and they follow after us; at least, those who hunger for truth and thirst for righteousness do. Some of you are not of my fold; you know not my voice, and you do not follow me. And because you are false shepherds, the sheep know not your voice and will not follow you."

165:2.5 And when Jesus had spoken this parable, no one asked him a question. After a time he began again to speak and went on to discuss the parable:

165:2.6 "You who would be the undershepherds of my Father's flocks must not only be worthy leaders, but you must also feed the flock with good food; you are not true shepherds unless you lead your flocks into green pastures and beside still waters.

165:2.7 "And now, lest some of you too easily comprehend this parable, I will declare that I am both the door to the Father's sheepfold and at the same time the true shepherd of my Father's flocks. Every shepherd who seeks to enter the fold without me shall fail, and the sheep will not hear his voice. I, with those who minister with me, am the door. Every soul who enters upon the eternal way by the means I have created and ordained shall be saved and will be able to go on to the attainment of the eternal pastures of Paradise.

165:2.8 "But I also am the true shepherd who is willing even to lay down his life for the sheep. The thief breaks into the fold only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; but I have come that you all may have life and have it more abundantly. He who is a hireling, when danger arises, will flee and allow the sheep to be scattered and destroyed; but the true shepherd will not flee when the wolf comes; he will protect his flock and, if necessary, lay down his life for his sheep. Verily, verily, I say to you, friends and enemies, I am the true shepherd; I know my own and my own know me. I will not flee in the face of danger. I will finish this service of the completion of my Father's will, and I will not forsake the flock which the Father has intrusted to my keeping.

165:2.9 "But I have many other sheep not of this fold, and these words are true not only of this world. These other sheep also hear and know my voice, and I have promised the Father that they shall all be brought into one fold, one brotherhood of the sons of God. And then shall you all know the voice of one shepherd, the true shepherd, and shall all acknowledge the fatherhood of God.

165:2.10 "And so shall you know why the Father loves me and has put all of his flocks in this domain in my hands for keeping; it is because the Father knows that I will not falter in the safeguarding of the sheepfold, that I will not desert my sheep, and that, if it shall be required, I will not hesitate to lay down my life in the service of his manifold flocks. But, mind you, if I lay down my life, I will take it up again. No man nor any other creature can take away my life. I have the right and the power to lay down my life, and I have the same power and right to take it up again. You cannot understand this, but I received such authority from my Father even before this world was."

165:2.11 When they heard these words, his apostles were confused, his disciples were amazed, while the Pharisees from Jerusalem and around about went out into the night, saying, "He is either mad or has a devil." But even some of the Jerusalem teachers said: "He speaks like one having authority; besides, who ever saw one having a devil open the eyes of a man born blind and do all of the wonderful things which this man has done?"

165:2.12 On the morrow about half of these Jewish teachers professed belief in Jesus, and the other half in dismay returned to Jerusalem and their homes.

YOU ARE THE THIEF who does NOT come through the gate.

You come by jumping the fence.

You do not come by the gate that is stated in the Holy Bible.


You do not think the Creator of everything cannot preserve His word exactly as He wants.

God does preserve his Word, he Bible books were written and rewritten by men.

Census Brings Pestilence

1 Chronicles 21:1
Then Satan stood up against Israel and moved David to number Israel.

200 years later the same story rewritten:

2 Samuel 24:1

The anger of the Lord burned against Israel, and it incited David against them to say, “Go, number Israel and Judah.”
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