The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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The bible is a closed book to the unregenerates. The Holy Bible claims that it contains the words of God Himself, that is, it is truly Holy – set apart – from all other books in this world, particularly other “holy” books of other religions.
“ prophecy (spoken or recorded word) of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God, spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. “ 2 Peter 1: 20-21
“ All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work ”. 2 Timothy 3: 16-17
In other words, The two statements are either right or wrong. The scientific, historical facts, and internal evidence prove the statements to be 100% accurate.

2 Timothy wasnt scripture when the letter was written. The unknown author was giving his or her opinion about the OT scriptures. The church at Rome made 2Timothy scripture. The holy men who wrote the scripture often taught the common man that God inspired them to write. They may have had good intentions but the writings are just human.


New member
2 Timothy wasnt scripture when the letter was written. The unknown author was giving his or her opinion about the OT scriptures. The church at Rome made 2Timothy scripture. The holy men who wrote the scripture often taught the common man that God inspired them to write. They may have had good intentions but the writings are just human.

Speaking of opinions, I'm not interested in your opinion.


Eclectic Theosophist
More to consider..............

More to consider..............

I read the urantia like other occult books . I just read through them. Doesn't mean I understand them. It means I gave it a chance to store them in my memory just for the sake of having read them.

And I addressed this in my 2 former posts to you, with resource links for some re-educating. As an eclectic I explore, study and research many different religious or philosophical schools, recognizing that truth is universal, and a golden thread of it runs thru most all religious traditions, as the 'perennial wisdom'.

If you've read the UB, its over 2,000 pages (comprising 196 papers)'d have some memory of the main concepts, its epochal revelation and the significance of some of its primary concepts, among them 'the thought-adjuster' we shared on earlier. There are at least 4 papers alone devoted to the subject.

Good that you extend your vision to consider doing research,...but keep asking, seeking and knocking as Jesus encourages.

What I do know is that nothing can be added or subtracted from the complete 66 book bible as if it were seal closed by God.

I find this belief illogical, immature and ridiculous....since its only your 'belief', as the Bible itself as a whole nowhere teaches such a notion. It also denies the dynamic of 'progressive revelation', which would retard the spiritual progress and evolution of man. If you're basing this 'finality' of revelation on the passage in the Book of Revelation, it does NOT apply to the whole of the Bible,....but means that nothing should be added or subtracted from that particular book or revelation (not the whole bible or whatever else men included in the 'canon').

'God' is a living Spirit, who by His nature and man's evolutional nature, must always be unveiling, revealing, teaching, guiding, enlightening man...along the course of his soul's evolution, growing in wisdom and knowledge. You cant limit 'God' to a book. When the time is ripe for continued streams of information, new downloads of knowledge will come. Such is how life and creation unfolds.

What I see here is that the papers added and substracted from the stand alone bible. All writings by or about melchizedek in three books are inspired by God.

Still 'assuming' the Bible stands alone or is the complete and 'final' revelation of 'God'. I cant believe that, having tasted 'God' in fields beyond.

The writings outside the bible reguarding to Moses's religion are on its own meaning you can't be sure if its from the devil or from God or if its true or its lies. There are no lies in the bible so what we know about the early religions in the bible are true. The urantia groups are relying on most of the info outside the Bible and claim the Bible are full of errors. This is proof you have been fooled by lucifer as claimed only in the bible, not outside the Bible such as the urantia books and papers. I see that your mind has been ruined by unrealible writings to the point of never finding to right answers during thier entire lifetime. They die totally lost as if they got no where at all. They gained nothing based on proofs they deny the bible as being 100% inspired by God, as scientifically mathematically proven, whether not the story are real or not or real or false. Your interpretations are unreliable cause you do accept 2+2=4 but you want it to be 2+2=5 as well cause the urantia claims math is a lie as well. You live in an illusion. Since I have been proven right by the hidden mathematical formulas, its best for me to back up my claims like I did here and stick with it.

You're all over the board here, with a lot of misconceptions. - also, the UB does not discount mathematics or the science of numbers, and you've yet to prove your theory of math to support the bible holds any water. As I shared, truth is truth wherever it is revealed. Truth is not limited to the written pages of the Bible, just as 'God' is not limited by any physical dimension, object or religious denomination or cult. Even the UB does not claim to be a perfect or final revelation, for ultimate in time as man progresses and ready for more revelation,...a new dispensation of revelation will be given...adding onto, expanding and correcting the material of previous dispensations.

What do we have here. The unrantia claims the bible is part lies but don't know which ones are true. They add or subtract from the sealed bible. The proofs that I experienced personality shows the urantia had failed and the book will only lead me down the wrong path like you're on. I don't want to be on your path cause I know exaclty the path I'm on now cause I'm on it now as in reality. Its the path that the holy spirit made me walk on. I do not have the free will choice to follow your beliefs cause God's promises will be broken if God allowed me to. He makes sure it ain't gonna happen on my end on His watch. I praise Him for not falling into yoir errors.

Your free to believe as you wish, based on whatever information or disinformation you have, and your religious experience....and by such respect afford others the same. The UB and other religious writings are information, can do what they please with it, applying, interpreting or expounding on such. - that the purpose of this thread.

There is nothing to fear with the honest examination of what is written, with one's own intelligence, conscience and spiritual discernment guiding the way.



Eclectic Theosophist
Beyond exclusiveness..............

Beyond exclusiveness..............

The bible is a closed book to the unregenerates. The Holy Bible claims that it contains the words of God Himself, that is, it is truly Holy – set apart – from all other books in this world, particularly other “holy” books of other religions.

Belief and assertion.

“ prophecy (spoken or recorded word) of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God, spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. “ 2 Peter 1: 20-21
“ All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work ”. 2 Timothy 3: 16-17

Addresed these passages earlier. They are both 'pseudographical' for starters,...and even still....none of these passages say the Bible is the absolute, complete and final revelation of God.

The scientific, historical facts, and internal evidence prove the statements to be 100% accurate.

Belief and assertion. You cant prove your claim beyond such.

You cant put 'God' in a box.



2 Timothy wasnt scripture when the letter was written. The unknown author was giving his or her opinion about the OT scriptures. The church at Rome made 2Timothy scripture. The holy men who wrote the scripture often taught the common man that God inspired them to write. They may have had good intentions but the writings are just human.

2 timothy is part of what makes the Bible complete. Removing timothy makes the Bible not complete. There are individual letters (like a,b,c,d...)
in timothy that contains a sum of numbers that are added to the other sum of numbers in the rest of the bible. The end result is that the total sum of numbers through the entire Bible adds up to be complete. Removing timothy destroys the total result of the complete package. This is to protect the Bible from outside errors such as other papers that dishonors God. The unregenerates will do everything they can to claim the Bible isn't the Word of God as a whole. Claiming parts of the bible to be true only gives the demons more time to suck you into their pits of lies. Parts of Urantia comes from the same league of angels that wrote the Quran. Those angels are terrible with numbers and can't compete with the perfect writings of the Lord.

Sorry guys, you've been busted: “The words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth, puri- fied seven times Thou shalt keep them, O Lord; thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever” (Psalm 12:6-7).

“Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Pet. 1:21).
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2 timothy is part of what makes the Bible complete. Removing timothy makes the Bible not complete. There are individual letters (like a,b,c,d...)
in timothy that contains a sum of numbers that are added to the other sum of numbers in the rest of the bible. The end result is that the total sum of numbers through the entire Bible adds up to be complete. Removing timothy destroys the total result of the complete package. This is to protect the Bible from outside errors such as other papers that dishonors God. The unregenerates will do everything they can to claim the Bible isn't the Word of God as a whole. Claiming parts of the bible to be true only gives the demons more time to suck you into their pits of lies. Parts of Urantia comes from the same league of angels that wrote the Quran. Those angels are terrible with numbers and can't compete with the perfect writings of the Lord.

Sorry guys, you've been busted: “The words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth, puri- fied seven times Thou shalt keep them, O Lord; thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever” (Psalm 12:6-7).

“Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Pet. 1:21).

You should probubly stick with the Bible.


Eclectic Theosophist
more light...........

more light...........

2 timothy is part of what makes the Bible complete. Removing timothy makes the Bible not complete. There are individual letters (like a,b,c,d...)
in timothy that contains a sum of numbers that are added to the other sum of numbers in the rest of the bible. The end result is that the total sum of numbers through the entire Bible adds up to be complete. Removing timothy destroys the total result of the complete package.

Your pseudographical 'letters' were addressed earlier, and no evidene of some 'numerical' proofing has been provided, let alone that it somehow verifies the veracity of the Bible as it was 'canonized'. Don't forget,...other canons existed and included or excluded certain books. Some communities favored some over others. Men chose the canon.

This is to protect the Bible from outside errors such as other papers that dishonors God.

I'm at a loss to find anything in the Urantia Papers that 'dishonors' God....but exalts our Heavenly Father, the higher powers (orders) that be, and the whole of creation in a new and exquisite way, in a greater cosmological context and expanding vision, taking us to the sublime edge of the Infinite, unfolding and empowering the potential and progress of man in the divine Plan.

There are parts that some may find controversial,...but over-all the fundamentals of 'God', his divine nature, and his relationship with all other beings and the whole of creation itself is magnificient, inspiring awe and worship of the Most High (see the first12 papers for starters).

The unregenerates will do everything they can to claim the Bible isn't the Word of God as a whole. Claiming parts of the bible to be true only gives the demons more time to suck you into their pits of lies. Parts of Urantia comes from the same league of angels that wrote the Quran. Those angels are terrible with numbers and can't compete with the perfect writings of the Lord.

I don't see a Quran connection. Mind you, Gabriel is spoken of in many religious traditions and angels and their names sometimes get confused or confounded in the transmission of tradition.

Sorry guys, you've been busted: “The words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth, puri- fied seven times Thou shalt keep them, O Lord; thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever” (Psalm 12:6-7).

Note the writer speaks from a place of purity he perceived in his concept or understanding of divine inspiration, - the eternal truth that is shared in any revelation or writing has eternal value or import, if it be from above. Note this writer didn't say 'God' was limiting his 'word' or 'revelation' to a canonized book given in any given generation. Remember,....revelation must be progressive if there is the dynamic of ever unfolding knowledge and inspiration from above,...for truth is living, it is not limited to or confined to a static, dead form, codex, symbology or language, it is ever fluid, flowing, unfolding, progressive, creative, life-giving, illuminating. ("the letter kills, the Spirit gives life")

“Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Pet. 1:21).

Sure,....all inspiration comes from 'God' the source of life, light, knowledge, truth. How this 'light' comes thru is not limited to any one given 'method' or 'medium'. That 'light' is being communicated is what is 'key' in the enlightening of man. This 'inner light' is spoken of in many religious texts,....the Bible and UB included, and others.



Eclectic Theosophist
Open minds.............

Open minds.............

The point is not to claim it contains error as if God didn't write it.

I think the 'points' shared in the papers speak for themselves, depending on what parts one is willing to accept, explore or further research. Its about keeping an 'open mind',...not just 'con-cluding' that 'God' has locked and sealed his 'living word' in only one 'canon', and somehow NOW all progressive revelation has stopped. I don't see that as plausible. As time moves along, progressive revelation must as well,...its just how the law of movement goes, the laws that undergird creation and evolution.



New member
I think the 'points' shared in the papers speak for themselves, depending on what parts one is willing to accept, explore or further research. Its about keeping an 'open mind',...not just 'con-cluding' that 'God' has locked and sealed his 'living word' in only one 'canon', and somehow NOW all progressive revelation has stopped. I don't see that as plausible. As time moves along, progressive revelation must as well,...its just how the law of movement goes, the laws that undergird creation and evolution.


No, those who accept the ub as a revelation from God are far too simple minded. The ub is almost good enough to reach comic book status.


The point is not to claim it contains error as if God didn't write it.

The Bible has plenty if documented error but it's too disturbing for Bible worshipers to face so they just fake it.

I think Genesis and other Old Testiment books were sincerely written in ignorance about the ancient transactions that the older authors alluded to, further complicated by redactions, edits and history revisionism like ISIS is destroying history today in Iraq. That was very common for the victors to deface the history of the vanquished while elevating their own, declaring God had given them victory over so and so.
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Place a half a dozen dead fish, and the Urantia book side by side for a month,
and they will both smell the same.

What if you put a dead talking donky next to a dead unicorn inside of an iron chariot, that was stronger than God, and sent them to Tyre which still exists today even though the Bible says it was destroyed? What would that smell like? The Cannanites who's blood lines still exist today even though the Babylonian redactors said they killed them all, could have a parade while chanting the two different versions of making David King.


The Bible has plenty if documented error but it's too disturbing for Bible worshipers to face so they just fake it.

I think Genesis and other Old Testiment books were was sincerely written in ignorance about the ancient transactions that the older authors alluded to, further complicated by redactions, edits and history revisionism like ISIS is destroying history today in Iraq. That was very common for the victors to deface the history of the vanquished while elevating their own, declaring God had given them victory over so and so.

Dr Ivan Panin challenged nine noted rationalists and Bible critics through the medium of the "New York Sun" newspaper to publicly refute or give explanation for a few of his presented facts other than the obvious; that the Word of God was the product of a Divine Mastermind above all possibility of human construction, carrying within itself a self-checking and protecting factor to ensure against additions and subtractions to its text in the original languages. Four made lame excuses; the rest were silent. He issued a challenge throughout leading newspapers of the world to offer a natural explanation or refute the facts; not a single person has ever been able to do so.

The fact remains; only an Infinite mind could have devised this Book of books. Will you carefully consider His personal message to you and be willing to do something about it?


I think the 'points' shared in the papers speak for themselves, depending on what parts one is willing to accept, explore or further research. Its about keeping an 'open mind',...not just 'con-cluding' that 'God' has locked and sealed his 'living word' in only one 'canon', and somehow NOW all progressive revelation has stopped. I don't see that as plausible. As time moves along, progressive revelation must as well,...its just how the law of movement goes, the laws that undergird creation and evolution.


Two men please God: who loves Him with all his heart because he knows Him, who seeks Him with all his heart because he knows Him not!


Your pseudographical 'letters' were addressed earlier, and no evidene of some 'numerical' proofing has been provided, let alone that it somehow verifies the veracity of the Bible as it was 'canonized'. Don't forget,...other canons existed and included or excluded certain books. Some communities favored some over others. Men chose the canon.

I'm at a loss to find anything in the Urantia Papers that 'dishonors' God....but exalts our Heavenly Father, the higher powers (orders) that be, and the whole of creation in a new and exquisite way, in a greater cosmological context and expanding vision, taking us to the sublime edge of the Infinite, unfolding and empowering the potential and progress of man in the divine Plan.

There are parts that some may find controversial,...but over-all the fundamentals of 'God', his divine nature, and his relationship with all other beings and the whole of creation itself is magnificient, inspiring awe and worship of the Most High (see the first12 papers for starters).

I don't see a Quran connection. Mind you, Gabriel is spoken of in many religious traditions and angels and their names sometimes get confused or confounded in the transmission of tradition.

Note the writer speaks from a place of purity he perceived in his concept or understanding of divine inspiration, - the eternal truth that is shared in any revelation or writing has eternal value or import, if it be from above. Note this writer didn't say 'God' was limiting his 'word' or 'revelation' to a canonized book given in any given generation. Remember,....revelation must be progressive if there is the dynamic of ever unfolding knowledge and inspiration from above,...for truth is living, it is not limited to or confined to a static, dead form, codex, symbology or language, it is ever fluid, flowing, unfolding, progressive, creative, life-giving, illuminating. ("the letter kills, the Spirit gives life")

Sure,....all inspiration comes from 'God' the source of life, light, knowledge, truth. How this 'light' comes thru is not limited to any one given 'method' or 'medium'. That 'light' is being communicated is what is 'key' in the enlightening of man. This 'inner light' is spoken of in many religious texts,....the Bible and UB included, and others.


God controls man's knowledge of the divine and supernatural, by either giving or witholding inspiration. We can know nothing about God, unless He steps through the veil and chooses to reveal Himself. If God does not give a person the gift of faith, they will remain blind ~ this subject will hold no interest to them. So the bottom line to all this is not academic excellence by impressing all the statisticians and theologians in major universities. Those types of individuals are generally not interested in having the Bible proven to them.


Dr Ivan Panin challenged nine noted rationalists and Bible critics through the medium of the "New York Sun" newspaper to publicly refute or give explanation for a few of his presented facts other than the obvious; that the Word of God was the product of a Divine Mastermind above all possibility of human construction, carrying within itself a self-checking and protecting factor to ensure against additions and subtractions to its text in the original languages. Four made lame excuses; the rest were silent. He issued a challenge throughout leading newspapers of the world to offer a natural explanation or refute the facts; not a single person has ever been able to do so.

The fact remains; only an Infinite mind could have devised this Book of books. Will you carefully consider His personal message to you and be willing to do something about it?

An Infinate mind doesn't make mistakes like the authors of the Bible books. Neither did an Infinate mind write the Urantia Book.

I have carefully read both books.
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