The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Asserting the same thing over and over and no effect really except confirming your presuppositions, which appear to fortify your own belief-system which is apparently an absolutely true representation of Jesus. We shall ask again.....

What specific words and teachings of Jesus shared here so far, and contained in Part 4 of the UB, are 'demonic doctrines'? We must test the spirit, ethic, principle and meaning of the teachings themselves, and use discernment from within that platform, to see if the teachings have any value or truth. This goes for any religious writing or philosophical discourse. While religious writings or records may not be perfect, they stand alone on principle, not necessarily by 'tradition' or 'heresay' alone. This holds by the way whether the UB or the Bible has human embellishments or literary inventions of any sort,....the precepts or content and how its applied(interpreted) is what counts.

You will note in the last post, Jesus is revealing that 'faith' is essential for salvation,....this was taught to Abraham by Melchizedek, as the papers reveal much more about Melchizedek than the biblical records....where the missionaries of Salem spread the teachings of the 'One God' and the principle of faith as a seed-truth among the peoples (see also papers 94 & 95). Can you prove by principle that his words here or elsewhere are 'demonic'?

Each reader can decide for themselves.


Have you had any "Martians" visit you lately?


Well-known member
Over the ages, the shamans of Church government, the elite prelist class, surreptitiously co-opted history and organized the layers of theology that would govern the mostly uneducated, illiterate people, into scripture. Like a flea market containing some fakes, some forgeries and some genuine priceless artifacts, the Obama's of the church have been able to compel men and women, mostly through fear based propagandizing, to believe that the churches writings are Gods writings.
God's Word proves Itself to BE God's Word. It is the model of integrity and honor. It holds true when all else fails. His Word stands for eternity. All your ramblings and even the ramblings of hell cannot rail against The Holy Scriptures. You cannot pull down one single cloud from the sky with your complaining and foolish accusations against God's Holy Word, how can you possibly expect to pull God down from His Throne and exalt Jebus in His Place? The UB proves itself to be demonic doctrine, just as God's Word proves Itself to be the ultimate Truth.
So these people... do to others what was done to them.
Perfectly correct in the last part of your railing accusation: we intend to set free as many men as we can from the bonds of sin, just as we were set free. Freely we have received eternal life, so... freely we give it. It's yours for the taking, but you have to believe in Christ. Trampling His Blood under your feet only proves that you don't belong to Christ. You belong to your father: the devil.
By their fruits ye will know them. If they teach Halloween doctrines of fear and negativity, they are molesters.
We don't teach 'halloween' doctrines, but the UB does. You do. You promote doctrines of demons, disguised as pablum. The words of a demon only cause you to need more words of the demon to keep you from reading, recognizing and acknowledging the Truths of Scripture. You're holding to a book channeled by a demon as if it is fresh out of God's Mouth, when all along you have had God's Word, breathed out of His Holy Mouth into the hearts and minds of the holy men who wrote His Scriptures down. Your Bible contains Truth. The UB has NONE.


"Evolutionary religion is born of a simple and all-powerful fear, the fear which surges through the human mind when confronted with the unknown, the inexplicable, and the incomprehensible. Religion eventually achieves the profoundly simple realization of an all-powerful love, the love which sweeps irresistibly through the human soul when awakened to the conception of the limitless affection of the Universal Father for the sons of the universe. But in between the beginning and the consummation of religious evolution, there intervene the long ages of the shamans, who presume to stand between man and God as intermediaries, interpreters, and intercessors."​

The First Shamans — The Medicine Men

(986.4) 90:1.1 The shaman was the ranking medicine man, the ceremonial fetishman, and the focus personality for all the practices of evolutionary religion. In many groups the shaman outranked the war chief, marking the beginning of the church domination of the state. The shaman sometimes functioned as a priest and even as a priest-king. Some of the later tribes had both the earlier shaman-medicine men (seers) and the later appearing shaman-priests. And in many cases the office of shaman became hereditary.

(986.5) 90:1.2 Since in olden times anything abnormal was ascribed to spirit possession, any striking mental or physical abnormality constituted qualification for being a medicine man. Many of these men were epileptic, many of the women hysteric, and these two types accounted for a good deal of ancient inspiration as well as spirit and devil possession. Quite a few of these earliest of priests were of a class which has since been denominated paranoiac.

(987.1) 90:1.3 While they may have practiced deception in minor matters, the great majority of the shamans believed in the fact of their spirit possession. Women who were able to throw themselves into a trance or a cataleptic fit became powerful shamanesses; later, such women became prophets and spirit mediums. Their cataleptic trances usually involved alleged communications with the ghosts of the dead. Many female shamans were also professional dancers.

(987.2) 90:1.4 But not all shamans were self-deceived; many were shrewd and able tricksters. As the profession developed, a novice was required to serve an apprenticeship of ten years of hardship and self-denial to qualify as a medicine man. The shamans developed a professional mode of dress and affected a mysterious conduct. They frequently employed drugs to induce certain physical states which would impress and mystify the tribesmen. Sleight-of-hand feats were regarded as supernatural by the common folk, and ventriloquism was first used by shrewd priests. Many of the olden shamans unwittingly stumbled onto hypnotism; others induced autohypnosis by prolonged staring at their navels.

(987.3) 90:1.5 While many resorted to these tricks and deceptions, their reputation as a class, after all, stood on apparent achievement. When a shaman failed in his undertakings, if he could not advance a plausible alibi, he was either demoted or killed. Thus the honest shamans early perished; only the shrewd actors survived.

(987.4) 90:1.6 It was shamanism that took the exclusive direction of tribal affairs out of the hands of the old and the strong and lodged it in the hands of the shrewd, the clever, and the farsighted......


(969.4) 88:2.6 Words eventually became fetishes, more especially those which were regarded as God’s words; in this way the sacred books of many religions have become fetishistic prisons incarcerating the spiritual imagination of man. Moses’ very effort against fetishes became a supreme fetish; his commandment was later used to stultify art and to retard the enjoyment and adoration of the beautiful.

(969.5) 88:2.7 In olden times the fetish word of authority was a fear-inspiring doctrine, the most terrible of all tyrants which enslave men. A doctrinal fetish will lead mortal man to betray himself into the clutches of bigotry, fanaticism, superstition, intolerance, and the most atrocious of barbarous cruelties. Modern respect for wisdom and truth is but the recent escape from the fetish-making tendency up to the higher levels of thinking and reasoning.

Concerning the accumulated fetish writings which various religionists hold as sacred books, it is not only believed that what is in the book is true, but also that every truth is contained in the book. If one of these sacred books happens to speak of the earth as being flat, then, for long generations, otherwise sane men and women will refuse to accept positive evidence that the planet is round."



Well-known member
Concerning the accumulated fetish writings which various religionists hold as sacred books, it is not only believed that what is in the book is true, but also that every truth is contained in the book.
Jesus read from The Holy Scriptures. He called God's Word: "Truth." He was described as 'faithful and true' by Scripture. He called Himself: "The One and Only Truth." He doesn't just speak Truth, He IS Truth. All we need to know about God is found in Him. His Spirit (The Spirit of Christ or Spirit of Truth) is The One Who inhabits our bodies if we are born again. Without Him inside, all you have are half-truths, which are the same as lies. If you don't drink His Blood and eat His Flesh you have NO LIFE in you. He is The One and Only Way to God, He is The One and Only Life and He is The One and Only Truth. Believe in Jesus, not Jebus.


Eclectic Theosophist



Just reminding you and readers that your points have already been addressed :)

You have it all figured out, don't you?

Oh far from. Any who know me, would see that I've never made a claim to know all or have all figured out. I'm growing, learning, expanding, experiencing, progressing just like the rest, as far as the illusion of movements in space and time continue.

Remember,....much shared in the UB are human concept-frames in which to relate to a greater cosmic revelation of God, cosmology of eternal progression and the ministry of Jesus, as the Creator-Son of this local universe. It is consistent in its own contextual presentation, whether one chooses to accept it as true or not, just like any other 'Christological view' which varies within Christianity.




Shamanistic Practices

(987.5) 90:2.1 Spirit conjuring was a very precise and highly complicated procedure, comparable to present-day church rituals conducted in an ancient tongue. The human race very early sought for superhuman help, for revelation; and men believed that the shaman actually received such revelations. While the shamans utilized the great power of suggestion in their work, it was almost invariably negative suggestion; only in very recent times has the technique of positive suggestion been employed. In the early development of their profession the shamans began to specialize in such vocations as rain making, disease healing, and crime detecting. To heal diseases was not, however, the chief function of a shamanic medicine man; it was, rather, to know and to control the hazards of living.

(987.6) 90:2.2 Ancient black art, both religious and secular, was called white art when practiced by either priests, seers, shamans, or medicine men. The practitioners of the black art were called sorcerers, magicians, wizards, witches, enchanters, necromancers, conjurers, and soothsayers. As time passed, all such purported contact with the supernatural was classified either as witchcraft or shamancraft.

(987.7) 90:2.3 Witchcraft embraced the magic performed by earlier, irregular, and unrecognized spirits; shamancraft had to do with miracles performed by regular spirits and recognized gods of the tribe. In later times the witch became associated with the devil, and thus was the stage set for the many comparatively recent exhibitions of religious intolerance. Witchcraft was a religion with many primitive tribes.

(987.8) 90:2.4 The shamans were great believers in the mission of chance as revelatory of the will of the spirits; they frequently cast lots to arrive at decisions. Modern survivals of this proclivity for casting lots are illustrated, not only in the many games of chance, but also in the well-known “counting-out” rhymes. Once, the person counted out must die; now, he is only it in some childish game. That which was serious business to primitive man has survived as a diversion of the modern child.

(988.1) 90:2.5 The medicine men put great trust in signs and omens, such as, “When you hear the sound of a rustling in the tops of the mulberry trees, then shall you bestir yourself.” Very early in the history of the race the shamans turned their attention to the stars. Primitive astrology was a world-wide belief and practice; dream interpreting also became widespread. All this was soon followed by the appearance of those temperamental shamanesses who professed to be able to communicate with the spirits of the dead.

(988.2) 90:2.6 Though of ancient origin, the rain makers, or weather shamans, have persisted right on down through the ages. A severe drought meant death to the early agriculturists; weather control was the object of much ancient magic. Civilized man still makes the weather the common topic of conversation. The olden peoples all believed in the power of the shaman as a rain maker, but it was customary to kill him when he failed, unless he could offer a plausible excuse to account for the failure.

(988.3) 90:2.7 Again and again did the Caesars banish the astrologers, but they invariably returned because of the popular belief in their powers. They could not be driven out, and even in the sixteenth century after Christ the directors of Occidental church and state were the patrons of astrology. Thousands of supposedly intelligent people still believe that one may be born under the domination of a lucky or an unlucky star; that the juxtaposition of the heavenly bodies determines the outcome of various terrestrial adventures. Fortunetellers are still patronized by the credulous.

(988.4) 90:2.8 The Greeks believed in the efficacy of oracular advice, the Chinese used magic as protection against demons, shamanism flourished in India, and it still openly persists in central Asia. It is an only recently abandoned practice throughout much of the world.

(988.5) 90:2.9 Ever and anon, true prophets and teachers arose to denounce and expose shamanism. Even the vanishing red man had such a prophet within the past hundred years, the Shawnee Tenskwatawa, who predicted the eclipse of the sun in 1806 and denounced the vices of the white man. Many true teachers have appeared among the various tribes and races all through the long ages of evolutionary history. And they will ever continue to appear to challenge the shamans or priests of any age who oppose general education and attempt to thwart scientific progress.*

(988.6) 90:2.10 In many ways and by devious methods the olden shamans established their reputations as voices of God and custodians of providence. They sprinkled the newborn with water and conferred names upon them; they circumcised the males. They presided over all burial ceremonies and made due announcement of the safe arrival of the dead in spiritland.

(988.7) 90:2.11 The shamanic priests and medicine men often became very wealthy through the accretion of their various fees which were ostensibly offerings to the spirits. Not infrequently a shaman would accumulate practically all the material wealth of his tribe. Upon the death of a wealthy man it was customary to divide his property equally with the shaman and some public enterprise or charity. This practice still obtains in some parts of Tibet, where one half the male population belongs to this class of nonproducers.

(989.1) 90:2.12 The shamans dressed well and usually had a number of wives; they were the original aristocracy, being exempt from all tribal restrictions. They were very often of low-grade mind and morals. They suppressed their rivals by denominating them witches or sorcerers and very frequently rose to such positions of influence and power that they were able to dominate the chiefs or kings.

(989.2) 90:2.13 Primitive man regarded the shaman as a necessary evil; he feared him but did not love him. Early man respected knowledge; he honored and rewarded wisdom. The shaman was mostly fraud, but the veneration for shamanism well illustrates the premium put upon wisdom in the evolution of the race.

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(990.5) 90:3.10 Evolution unerringly achieves its end: It imbues man with that superstitious fear of the unknown and dread of the unseen which is the scaffolding for the God concept. And having witnessed the birth of an advanced comprehension of Deity, through the co-ordinate action of revelation, this same technique of evolution then unerringly sets in motion those forces of thought which will inexorably obliterate the scaffolding, which has served its purpose.​


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
(990.5) 90:3.10 Evolution unerringly achieves its end: It imbues man with that superstitious fear of the unknown and dread of the unseen which is the scaffolding for the God concept. And having witnessed the birth of an advanced comprehension of Deity, through the co-ordinate action of revelation, this same technique of evolution then unerringly sets in motion those forces of thought which will inexorably obliterate the scaffolding, which has served its purpose.​

Brought to you by; The little green UFO people! They couldn't have
done it without the help of Freelight and Caino!


The Violet Race After the Days of Adam

(868.1) 78:0.1 THE second Eden was the cradle of civilization for almost thirty thousand years. Here in Mesopotamia the Adamic peoples held forth, sending out their progeny to the ends of the earth, and latterly, as amalgamated with the Nodite and Sangik tribes, were known as the Andites. From this region went those men and women who initiated the doings of historic times, and who have so enormously accelerated cultural progress on Urantia.

(868.2) 78:0.2 This paper depicts the planetary history of the violet race, beginning soon after the default of Adam, about 35,000 B.C., and extending down through its amalgamation with the Nodite and Sangik races, about 15,000 B.C., to form the Andite peoples and on to its final disappearance from the Mesopotamian homelands, about 2000 B.C......



Eclectic Theosophist
races of man.........

races of man.........


Hi caino,

I've not gotten into a deep study of the racial details or eugenics in the UB which correlate to the various colored races and wondered how such info. holds up from the early 20th century data of the times the papers came forth and if any findings of current data validate statements made. It is an interesting subject but never my forte up to the present. I've taken a break from studies in Theosophy and wonder if the colored races in the papers correlate with the 'root-races' spoken of in Theosophy.




Hi caino,

I've not gotten into a deep study of the racial details or eugenics in the UB which correlate to the various colored races and wondered how such info. holds up from the early 20th century data of the times the papers came forth and if any findings of current data validate statements made. It is an interesting subject but never my forte up to the present. I've taken a break from studies in Theosophy and wonder if the colored races in the papers correlate with the 'root-races' spoken of in Theosophy.


Hi Freelight, It's a fascinating subject in light of the distribution of the Adamic infusion and how that can be seen in the current power structures and cultural centers around the world.

(851.6) 76:4.8 After becoming established in the second garden on the Euphrates, Adam elected to leave behind as much of his life plasm as possible to benefit the world after his death. Accordingly, Eve was made the head of a commission of twelve on race improvement, and before Adam died this commission had selected 1,682 of the highest type of women on Urantia, and these women were impregnated with the Adamic life plasm. Their children all grew up to maturity except 112, so that the world, in this way, was benefited by the addition of 1,570 superior men and women. Though these candidate mothers were selected from all the surrounding tribes and represented most of the races on earth, the majority were chosen from the highest strains of the Nodites, and they constituted the early beginnings of the mighty Andite race. These children were born and reared in the tribal surroundings of their respective mothers.

The races of the world would be far more blended by now were it not for the default and subsequent kayos. Also many diseases would have been eliminated as well as undesirable genetic traits.


Conversion and Mysticism​

(1098.4) 100:5.1 The world is filled with lost souls, not lost in the theologic sense but lost in the directional meaning, wandering about in confusion among the isms and cults of a frustrated philosophic era. Too few have learned how to install a philosophy of living in the place of religious authority. (The symbols of socialized religion are not to be despised as channels of growth, albeit the river bed is not the river.)

(1098.5) 100:5.2 The progression of religious growth leads from stagnation through conflict to co-ordination, from insecurity to undoubting faith, from confusion of cosmic consciousness to unification of personality, from the temporal objective to the eternal, from the bondage of fear to the liberty of divine sonship.

(1099.1) 100:5.3 It should be made clear that professions of loyalty to the supreme ideals — the psychic, emotional, and spiritual awareness of God-consciousness — may be a natural and gradual growth or may sometimes be experienced at certain junctures, as in a crisis. The Apostle Paul experienced just such a sudden and spectacular conversion that eventful day on the Damascus road. Gautama Siddhartha had a similar experience the night he sat alone and sought to penetrate the mystery of final truth. Many others have had like experiences, and many true believers have progressed in the spirit without sudden conversion.

(1099.2) 100:5.4 Most of the spectacular phenomena associated with so-called religious conversions are entirely psychologic in nature, but now and then there do occur experiences which are also spiritual in origin. When the mental mobilization is absolutely total on any level of the psychic upreach toward spirit attainment, when there exists perfection of the human motivation of loyalties to the divine idea, then there very often occurs a sudden down-grasp of the indwelling spirit to synchronize with the concentrated and consecrated purpose of the superconscious mind of the believing mortal. And it is such experiences of unified intellectual and spiritual phenomena that constitute the conversion which consists in factors over and above purely psychologic involvement.

(1099.3) 100:5.5 But emotion alone is a false conversion; one must have faith as well as feeling. To the extent that such psychic mobilization is partial, and in so far as such human-loyalty motivation is incomplete, to that extent will the experience of conversion be a blended intellectual, emotional, and spiritual reality.

(1099.4) 100:5.6 If one is disposed to recognize a theoretical subconscious mind as a practical working hypothesis in the otherwise unified intellectual life, then, to be consistent, one should postulate a similar and corresponding realm of ascending intellectual activity as the superconscious level, the zone of immediate contact with the indwelling spirit entity, the Thought Adjuster. The great danger in all these psychic speculations is that visions and other so-called mystic experiences, along with extraordinary dreams, may be regarded as divine communications to the human mind. In times past, divine beings have revealed themselves to certain God-knowing persons, not because of their mystic trances or morbid visions, but in spite of all these phenomena.

(1099.5) 100:5.7 In contrast with conversion-seeking, the better approach to the morontia zones of possible contact with the Thought Adjuster would be through living faith and sincere worship, wholehearted and unselfish prayer. Altogether too much of the uprush of the memories of the unconscious levels of the human mind has been mistaken for divine revelations and spirit leadings.

(1099.6) 100:5.8 There is great danger associated with the habitual practice of religious daydreaming; mysticism may become a technique of reality avoidance, albeit it has sometimes been a means of genuine spiritual communion. Short seasons of retreat from the busy scenes of life may not be seriously dangerous, but prolonged isolation of personality is most undesirable. Under no circumstances should the trancelike state of visionary consciousness be cultivated as a religious experience.

(1099.7) 100:5.9 The characteristics of the mystical state are diffusion of consciousness with vivid islands of focal attention operating on a comparatively passive intellect. All of this gravitates consciousness toward the subconscious rather than in the direction of the zone of spiritual contact, the superconscious. Many mystics have carried their mental dissociation to the level of abnormal mental manifestations.

(1100.1) 100:5.10 The more healthful attitude of spiritual meditation is to be found in reflective worship and in the prayer of thanksgiving. The direct communion with one’s Thought Adjuster, such as occurred in the later years of Jesus’ life in the flesh, should not be confused with these so-called mystical experiences. The factors which contribute to the initiation of mystic communion are indicative of the danger of such psychic states. The mystic status is favored by such things as: physical fatigue, fasting, psychic dissociation, profound aesthetic experiences, vivid sex impulses, fear, anxiety, rage, and wild dancing. Much of the material arising as a result of such preliminary preparation has its origin in the subconscious mind.

(1100.2) 100:5.11 However favorable may have been the conditions for mystic phenomena, it should be clearly understood that Jesus of Nazareth never resorted to such methods for communion with the Paradise Father. Jesus had no subconscious delusions or superconscious illusions.


Well-known member
The more I read of the UB, the more lies jump out at me. It's things like this:

Short seasons of retreat from the busy scenes of life may not be seriously dangerous, but prolonged isolation of personality is most undesirable. Under no circumstances should the trancelike state of visionary consciousness be cultivated as a religious experience.

I've meditated and spent long periods of time seeking The Lord in fasting and prayer and the results are worth more than all the money and power this world has to offer. I've been in trances and know what God's Presence is like. It it a profoundly freeing experience. It frees one from religion and even from one's own knowledge. One learns to trust in The Spirit of The Lord more than one's own body and mind. Thank God for His Dreams and Visions and being isolated in His Presence. It is the best thing this side of Heaven. The UB is nothing but LIES.


TOL Subscriber
The more I read of the UB, the more lies jump out at me. It's things like this:

Short seasons of retreat from the busy scenes of life may not be seriously dangerous, but prolonged isolation of personality is most undesirable. Under no circumstances should the trancelike state of visionary consciousness be cultivated as a religious experience.

I've meditated and spent long periods of time seeking The Lord in fasting and prayer and the results are worth more than all the money and power this world has to offer. I've been in trances and know what God's Presence is like. It it a profoundly freeing experience. It frees one from religion and even from one's own knowledge. One learns to trust in The Spirit of The Lord more than one's own body and mind. Thank God for His Dreams and Visions and being isolated in His Presence. It is the best thing this side of Heaven. The UB is nothing but LIES.

It's but another of many sources and venues to subtly draw away from the truth of the ontological Gospel, including theosis and hesychasm as you've clearly noted.

These are schismatics of the greatest order, far beyond heretics. So if heretics are to be admonished thrice and then utterly rejected, so should we all the more dismiss these and their drivel.

Since they don't actually intuitively know the Gospel by the Spirit to recognize and understand it as an ontological translation of putting on Christ as our substantial (hypostatic) underlying reality of existence, they mistake the shallow sectarian dogmatism as just a belief system.

No Theosophistic, Hermeticistic, or other Esoteric substitute can even begin to approach the hypostatic ontological truth of true Christian believers being IN Christ.

No need to even spend time rejecting all this phantasmagorical revisionist fantasy-fodder and mythology. The (lack of) true fruit is in the empty lives of those promoting such dung as they've flipped every script imaginable just like the Luciferian globalists with their extensive cultural engineering and cognitive deviation.

These are the lowest of the low, preaching another Jesus that was only (allegedly) revealed in little more than the last century. There is no veracity whatsoever for such late revisionism, but delusion knows no bounds.

Shake the dust off your feet and be on your way. There's less than nothing here, and it will come to naught ultimately. Sadly, I don't even relish the "I told you so" that will come for them, first in death according to their lack of faith and then of works in final judgment.

Leave them to be bundled and burned, yet praying for their souls. Only God's grace can move upon their hardened and deceived hearts. If they won't hear the Apostles and Prophets according to the only inspired Word, they will not hear us. And they've heard another rhema to bring another faith. A false faith of a false word.

Their blood is not on your hands, faithful servant of the Most High. You're just the messenger, and that message has been more than delivered. Leave them to their prelest and apostasy as pure and utter rebrobates. They've loved lies more than the truth, which they've never heard.

(Or just start posting long copy/pastes of any secular literature, or Facebook-type memes. At least there would some substance rather than all the Urantia Papers/Book crap. Post some jokes and images, and bombard this thread with anything inane. It would all be superior to the topic at hand. But nothing to actually contend with the Urantia nonsense, since it's only profitable to be ignored.)


Well-known member
You're too kind. I do pray for their souls. Let's agree that they will one day repent, due to God's Goodness. He doesn't want them to be lost, and neither do I!
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