The Great Debate

The Great Debate

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New member
Ever heard of Henry Ford, Milton Hershey, Walt Disney, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, H J Heinz? that is just a few of the very successful businessmen & politicians that have filed bankruptcy and went on to great things. Carly Fiorina is not an entrepreneur, just a hired executive and a failed one at that, it is not as if she has done something that can be spun into a win since her HP disaster, she owns no business, she has just run one of the biggest ones into the ground before being promptly fired and has never been tapped to run anything since, and you think that record is qualification to run the worlds biggest business, the United States economy? Hardly

"Failing upward" I think is what they call it.


New member
Maybe so, I just know some of the biggest entrepreneurs have suffered failure before coming back to great success'.

That's true. But I don't think Fiorina has a success to her name to balance against that record. If anything, it exemplifies the corruption of executive pay for failed executives.


Hall of Fame
what about Trump's multiple bankruptcies and bad business dealings ?
heck, he thinks Gary Busey is a genius !!!!!!!!!! - he would likely hire Gary to his staff of advisers - :chuckle:

Trump feeds into the anger of certain voters. He lives to have his ego stroked and to lash out at those who are unimpressed.

He is not pro-life OR pro-family ... and if past and current behavior were associated with something other than the presidency, people wouldn't be tripping over themselves to defend the guy.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
That's true. But I don't think Fiorina has a success to her name to balance against that record.

Moreover it is very telling to me that nobody, not one company has tapped her to take the helm of a company since. She touts Steve Jobs called her to console her after her termination, what she never heard was Jobs ask her to be an executive at Apple, nor did anyone else. Just saying...


New member
Moreover it is very telling to me that nobody, not one company has tapped her to take the helm of a company since. She touts Steve Jobs called her to console her after her termination, what she never heard was Jobs ask her to be an executive at Apple, nor did anyone else. Just saying...



Being a wealth of useless facts and having a record of poor decisions in the past may equal a win for you but, as for me I simply don't share your attraction Patrick. It is not as if Carly went on after HP to do great things...get back on the horse as it were, every successful business person will see failure but, Carly has never run anything since! and as it stands now she is a failed business person & a failed politician...not a great track record.

This is the ad that could sink Carly Fiorina’s campaign

Fiorina::Whipsnap: Women knew what Trump meant :sibbie:

patrick jane

Things said by the candidates at Republican debate​

  • Bush falsely claimed that he was the "most pro-life governor" there. True, he did a lot in Florida to stop abortion, and I give him a lot of credit for that. But he holds the position that some babies are more worthy of life than others. Those conceived by a rapist "parent" are to be killed. We have to rid ourselves of this notion that some humans are more important than others. It is NOT true...

  • Kasich doesn't believe in a gov shut-down if that's what it takes to defund Planned Barrenhead

  • Cruz is not political and believes in letting his core beliefs take him where they will, political fallout be... and so he probably would go with a shut-down evn though (wahh!) the Rs will be blamed... So what?? They are ALWAYS blamed regardless, you rino WIMPS!

  • Christie defunded PP 6 yrs ago in New Jersey. He says Hillary "believes in systematic murder" of the unborn. Chjristie says MAKE the president veto the defund PP bill (which veto would show the whole nation what many of us know already, that he promotes murder of children)

  • Trump, when faced with the issue of Planned B.. changed the subject. We are so surprised

  • Walker said Forget about the 60 vote thing, do a 51 majority vote (which helps to lift my confusion about... how nothing is getting done in Congress despite a R majority... CRUZ also has been VERY helpful explaining why this always happens... refers to the "Washington cartel"... aka WA crooks)

  • I am thankful to Bush for having school VOUCHER program in Florida

  • I totally agree with Trump about birthright citizens, how this should be ENDED... says 9 mo pregnant woman crosses border, has baby, and USA has to take care of baby for 80 yrs.. "I don't think so" (100% behind T on this one)

  • T says Fiorina ran HP into the ground.. still don't know whether this is true or not... but T has been caught in lies, so...

  • LOVE what Huckabee said about getting rid of a tax on those who produce... too bad we didn't get to hear mor about his tax on CONSUMPTION, not income... That sounds like a GREAT idea...



patrick jane

Voters should watch the Republican Debate more than once!!

When I watched it a 2nd time last night, I got WAY more out of it than the first time. The first time, it is natural to overlook this and that b/c we are waiting for.. such things as: "food fights"... and candidates saying something odd..

which reminds me

Rick Perry ... people made a HUGE issue out of him forgetting what the

3rd gov agency was that he would get rid of if elected


That's a big deal?

at least he didn't say Planned Barren-head should be funded by you the taxpayers who don't believe in butchering babies...

but some of those candidates in the 16 Election are... going strong... Hellary, etc...

crazy world...

Moron City


patrick jane

looks like my honeymoon w/ Fox is OVER

Fox News tells you who to vote for.. As you may have noticed, they show way more coverage of these following candidates than any of the others:

  • Trump
  • Fiorina
  • Carson
  • Bush

guess what all these folks have in common (besides being @ top in some polls)?


patrick jane


looks like my honeymoon w/ Fox is OVER

Fox News tells you who to vote for.. As you may have noticed, they show way more coverage of these following candidates than any of the others:


One of those isn't even a Republican (but I guess we have to call him that anyway... [sigh])

Yeh, I was watching Fox News from about 7 pm (ET) until.. Hannity

and it was like this, starting with Greta (who, by the way had an EXCELLENT "Off the Record" on Thursday)

so doing the impressionistic thing, it was like this:

Walker (one sentence from him)

And then I don't know what happened b/c I went to the Weather channel, where I was fascinated by the science behind rip tides and whirlpools in oceans and rivers.. :)

Then I checked in with Kelly Files... and... ended up @ CNN... don't even recall off top of my head what KF's was about... hmmm... but cnn was interesting... some history about JFK assassination and Nixon, etc.. (I overlook the bias, pay attn. to what can be presumed to be known facts..)

Then Hannity had Mark Levin on, so I watched that... but then he had that... that... (Ok, I am a Christian so won't use the word that came into my head... but... Resident of Moron City?) Steyn guy on.. so it was back to cnn and weather channel and "Forensic Files"

Trump.. Why cover him (much?) We already know what he is going to say..

such things as:

"He [she] is behind me in the polls"


"I am ahead in the polls"

Hmmm... well,

yeh, he's ahead in the polls

can't possibly imagine WHY...


patrick jane


republicanchick does astounding work on her many threads, i wanted some posted on my thread - good work rc ! i approve this message -

patrick jane

  • [Assuming I understood the closed captions perfectly, and I believe I did] Walker says that raising minimum wage is not necessary [As many of us realize: Some businesses can't afford to do that and might go bankrupt if forced to] if we did what he has done in Wisconsin: cut property taxes, cut income taxes and put in place a good educational system and if we would repeal Ocare

  • Kasich declined to criticize Hellary

  • Rubio called out Trump on not knowing certain world figures (terrorists in particular)

  • Rubio was EXCELLENT in his knowledge foreign affairs and also in how to deal with problems... stating what should be (but often isn't) obvious: that the Fed gov is involved in many things, but should be primarily involved with keeping hte nation SAFE

  • Walker jumped in to make the great point that it was not Bush, but Pres O who has made us less safe


New member

1 Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump:

for the trump shall sound and THE FOLLOWERS shall be changed.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
republicanchick does astounding work on her many threads, i wanted some posted on my thread - good work rc ! i approve this message -

No she doesn't, she trashes up the board with mindless redundant drivel. She starts a thread for every idle thought, instead of tending to the other idle thoughts on the same subject she has already made a thread's lame!

patrick jane

I changed my mind re: grading Republican candidates @ Debate - Yesterday, 03:16 PM

I changed my mind re: grading Republican candidates @ Debate​

I got to thinking about how I graded the candidates

and this is how I grade them now, after thinking things over:

No one got below a B; they should get a B just for showing up, just for standing there 3 long hours... and having to deal with unfair moderators (gave Trump something like 18 minutes, Walker and others only about half that)

B Candidates

  • Kasich
  • Christie
  • Pataki
  • Santorum
  • Huckabee [lost points w/ me for accepting T as valid R candidate when we all know Trump is more liberal than anything else]

A Candidates

  • Walker
  • Cruz
  • Fiorina
  • Carson
  • [Jindal, but for some dumb reason, he was @ the first Debate]
  • Rubio
  • Paul


I am not giving Trump a grade because he is NOT a Republican



patrick jane


Does Kasich believe in the First Amendment?

Well, Pataki doesn't... He gets a C (though he was not in that Debate but the earlier one) b/c he doesn't believe Kim Davis should have a right to First Amendment accommodation b/c of her faith.. he apparently thinks she should be forced to issue licenses (to gay couples) that she feels are NOT valid in the eyes of God

The following get a B grade

  • Christie
  • Kasich
  • Santorum
  • Fiorina
  • Carson
  • Bush

These get an A

  • Walker
  • Cruz
  • [Jindal, but for some dumb reason, he was @ the first Debate]
  • Rubio
  • Paul
  • Huckabee [lost points w/ me for accepting T as valid R candidate when we all know Trump is more liberal than anything else but gets an A just the same b/c he is pro life]

So, I have changed things b/c no one who is pro-death in any way gets an A

(still not sure about RAnd Paul... He seems confused on the issue of life...)


patrick jane

Media praises Fiorina, but she is NOT pro-life - Yesterday, 03:45 PM

I just verified that Fiorina is not truly pro life

she is against abortion unless for rape/incest

Tht is not logical

If it is murder, you do not do it just b/c the parent did something evil

the child should not have to suffer and forfeit his/her life for the sins/crimes of the parent(s)

protect ALL human life

Our government is WRONG (about so many things...)

Roe v Wade violated the Constitution

the part that says we have a right to "LIFE

liberty... [etc]..."

(can't have too many other rights without that one..)


patrick jane


Trump 1st
Fiorina 2nd
Carson 3rd
Rubio 4th
Bush 5th
Walker doesn't register at a half of one percent

this is only a CNN poll - (not Fox)