The Blame Game pt.2

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
Good point. How many illegal aliens here committed terrorist attacks?

Zero. None at all.

How many illegal aliens have raped and murdered, pushed drugs on children and trafficked humans?

Few of them, relative to their numbers. As you learned, the data show that illegal aliens tend to be less criminal than native-born Americans. The white supremacists have repeatedly tried to convince people otherwise.

Does that count as "terror"?

Just unreasoning hatred, mostly.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It looks as if Art is a wee bit out of sorts. May I recommend a nice cup of warm milk and a couple of deep breaths?

Uninformed and naive people such as ArtBrain remain out of the loop because they don't keep themselves well informed. They just don't know what's going on in the real world. Although, we have to cut him some slack because he's a liberal BRIT and everything going on in America is foreign to him.

Sounds as though you're a bit hot under the collar yourself there GM so best have that milk yourself although best wait for it to cool down a bit... Considering that some of you far right snowflakes feel compelled to exaggerate and whine on about anyone who disagrees with that chump in the white house then your usual 'tweets' mean nowt dude. You're just another far right winger prone to the usual hyperbole. In the real world you and your ilk are widely regarded as cranks...



Well-known member
Sounds as though you're a bit hot under the collar yourself there GM so best have that milk yourself although best wait for it to cool down a bit... Considering that some of you far right snowflakes feel compelled to exaggerate and whine on about anyone who disagrees with that chump in the white house then your usual 'tweets' mean nowt dude. You're just another far right winger prone to the usual hyperbole. In the real world you and your ilk are widely regarded as cranks...


Gosh, you even read with liberal bias.:dizzy:

patrick jane

Sounds as though you're a bit hot under the collar yourself there GM so best have that milk yourself although best wait for it to cool down a bit... Considering that some of you far right snowflakes feel compelled to exaggerate and whine on about anyone who disagrees with that chump in the white house then your usual 'tweets' mean nowt dude. You're just another far right winger prone to the usual hyperbole. In the real world you and your ilk are widely regarded as cranks...

On the contrary, it seems the left is losing all over the world. That's why Brexit and Trump happened. Liberals are now being seen for what they are, sniveling babies that want Daddy government to wipe their snotty noses.


New member
In 1930s Germany, if someone knew you were a Jew, you'd get harassed and brutalized. The same goes for today in modern day America if you happen to be a Conservative Trump Voter.

:hammer: Are you really attempting to equate being a Trump supporter with being a Jew in 1930s Germany?




New member
Why not, the left calls all Trump supporters Nazis and white supremacists?

Well, which is it? Are Trump supporters being persecuted like the Jews in 1930s Germany or....?

What complete nonsense. This is a new level of stupidity, even for [MENTION=13925]Grosnick Marowbe[/MENTION].

Are citizens across the country boycotting Trump supporter's businesses?
Is the government taking away their political rights or preventing them from marrying or having sex with people who do not support Trump?
Are Trump supporter's homes, businesses, and places of worship being destroyed?

The comparison is beyond ignorant. Study what life was like for Jews in Germany in the 1930s and tell us how it's a fair comparison to poor snowflake Trumpies...


Well-known member
Well, which is it? Are Trump supporters being persecuted like the Jews in 1930s Germany or....?

What complete nonsense. This is a new level of stupidity, even for [MENTION=13925]Grosnick Marowbe[/MENTION].

Are citizens across the country boycotting Trump supporter's businesses?
Is the government taking away their political rights or preventing them from marrying or having sex with people who do not support Trump?
Are Trump supporter's homes, businesses, and places of worship being destroyed?

The comparison is beyond ignorant. Study what life was like for Jews in Germany in the 1930s and tell us how it's a fair comparison to poor snowflake Trumpies...

It started with small things, and it escalated. :duh:


Well-known member
Are Trump supporters being harassed and brutalized just like Jews in 1930s Germany? Is it a fair comparison? :think:

Duh indeed...

You do understand that the Jews were first harassed and brutalized in smaller numbers and in less obvious ways, don't you? They were forced to do things against their religion....not unlike our having to bake cakes for homosexuals. Then it grew from there. They didn't just send them to the gas chambers immediately. So, yes, it's a fair comparison.

They got beat up for wearing a yamaka, and we get beat up for wearing a Trump hat.

Liberals have simply lost the ability to use their brains. :nono: