The Blame Game pt.2

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Berkely is offering counseling for "students" who are hurt by Ben Shapiro's words. The LA Times says they are "bracing" for Shapiro's speaking appearance Thursday. So, they aren't bracing for Antifa's reaction to Ben, but Ben himself?

A huge percentage of our country is suffering an alarming lack of logic/reason and discernment on the far-left. They cannot withstand reasonable discussion and debate. They're running on "High Octane" emotionalism, period. Instead of relying on their thought processes, they go by their feelings. It's sort of like when somebody suffers from psychosomatic systems of pain and sickness that doesn't actually exist. They feel the pain on an emotional level, however, in reality, those symptoms are only created in the imaginary area of the mind and are not related to any true physical manifestation in the body itself.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Evidently, Hillary is laying blame on everything, anybody, and anything. She seems to be blind to her own "shortcomings" as a viable Candidate. Bill Clinton told her long ago not to take any blame for anything. This is coming from the same guy who stated; "I didn't have ANY physical relationship with Monica Lewinsky."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Trump will have a difficult time getting anything accomplished in such a Political climate, inundated by Republican and Democratic Obstructionism. I see that the Police and their Superiors are still not handling the Antifa/BLM terrorists that are permeating our cities/towns. The Police are still making "Token" arrests.

I also see that my old home state of California is doing its best to become a "Sanctuary State." Of course, what else can we expect when Jerry Brown is the Governor. Portland Oregan seems to be the "Epicenter" of Antifa activity at this point in time. The West coast is an extremely problemed area. It's infested with rabid far-left-wing ideology and leadership.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The "Lefties" consider Conservative Trump Voters as being, Racists, Neo-Nazis, and White Supremacists. If you happen to live on the West coast and somebody asks you who you voted for, it's best to tell them, "My voting is personal." That way, you'll avoid getting pummelled, yelled and screamed at, and called Nazis/White Supremacists. That's how CRAZY it's become in the America of today.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
In 1930s Germany, if someone knew you were a Jew, you'd get harassed and brutalized. The same goes for today in modern day America if you happen to be a Conservative Trump Voter. There's NO civil debating/discourse today, one is just labeled and judged unworthy. It looks as if History truly does repeat itself.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Communists/socialists, anarchists, criminals, and psychotics often take to the streets today in order to intimidate, yell obscenities, throw bottles/rocks, and Mace, at the Police and innocent bystanders. Something NEEDS to be done about this "Social Travesty."

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
In 1930s Germany, if someone knew you were a Jew, you'd get harassed and brutalized. The same goes for today in modern day America if you happen to be a Conservative Trump Voter. There's NO civil debating/discourse today, one is just labeled and judged unworthy. It looks as if History truly does repeat itself.

Oh stop being a snow flake and stop comparing the actual persecution of people to your paranoid garbage.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Uninformed and naive people such as ArtBrain remain out of the loop because they don't keep themselves well informed. They just don't know what's going on in the real world. Although, we have to cut him some slack because he's a liberal BRIT and everything going on in America is foreign to him.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
A portion of our society appears to be more interested in complaining about our President and the election results than, the North Korean situation, and other more important issues. The far-left-wing "CULTISTS" are preoccupied/focused entirely on President Trump and those who voted him into office. They riot, they complain constantly, they obstruct, they create chaos and violence, etc. They only live and breathe to bring down our present administration. If they were to be successful (Highly doubtful) I'm afraid there would be devastating consequences.

God Willing, Conservatism will continue to thrive within our Government and far-left-wing elements will not worm their way into places of leadership. I can't even imagine an America where the Government is controlled by characters like; Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Liz Warren, Maxine Waters, and the list goes on.