Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
reverend said:
Look at in the context of the thread and the suggestion gays should be killed. Daft sop :banana:
If that were the law then it would be extremely unlikely for your dad to "come out." But if it were the law and he acted upon his sinful lusts, then he should be punished for his crime.

You aren't under the impression that "honor your father" means "harbor and/or abet your father should he become a criminal," are you?


New member
Go away, Giftgiver.

Beanie, since you don't even believe in God, for you do say that I wouldn't know Him is just assinine.

Stick with humor, it's the only thing you do well here.


Resident Fiend
Rimi said:
You both protest what God says about homoism too much.
I haven't protested a thing. I'm indifferent to a person's sexual orientation. Of course, around here the general view is that "indifference = approval".
Guess that makes you homos?
Is that your only insult, to say "You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo!"?

You need to get some new and better material.


Rimi said:
The argument was made that people should do what ever they want in the privacy of their bedrooms. This would not apply to rape, pedophilia or murder. Nor does it apply to homoism.

IQ's sure have dropped around here if I have to explain this one.

Thick-headed literalism. :dunce:


New member
Rimi said:
The argument was made that people should do what ever they want in the privacy of their bedrooms. This would not apply to rape, pedophilia or murder. Nor does it apply to homoism.

IQ's sure have dropped around here if I have to explain this one.
There are a great many people who use the phrase "in the privacy of their own badroom" and have nothing but utter disgust at rape and pedophilia. IQ's may indeed be dropping if that point isn't obvious.


New member
reverend said:
And I'm talking about the accountable action of the individual, and particularly the prevalent attitude on this site. The aggression shown here, if transferred to my imaginary scenario, would make for a sticky situation. The language used, if put into the context of cursing, would surely lead to half of the folk posting on this thread to be killed according to the Law (in the scenario). And Jesus verifies this. It brings my post full-circle and shows you haven't the ability to answer properly.

But we're not talking about the accountable action of the individual, that's just it. The question is "Should homosexuals be given the DEATH PENALTY?" That implies that there'd be a law in place that would allow for it. Otherwise, the question would have to read "Should homos be murdered?" But the homo didn't ask that, did he.

What language are you referring to, "put into the context of cursing"???? What are you babbling about? Since you're probably a homo, you're not going to get quite a few things and you won't be making much sense, but do try.


New member
Hall of Fame
Turbo said:
I pointed out one biblical basis: God gave Adam and Eve the option to end their relationship with him.

That's just in the opening chapters. The whole Bible is full of God expressing His desire for people to choose Him.

Upon what biblical basis do you conclude that all murdered babies are forced to spend eternity in heaven?

"Forced"? If somebody's "forced" to spend eternity there after getting dismembered or burned alive with saline maybe paradise ain't all it's cracked up to be.

Consider: the choices you cite were made IN LIFE. After birth, in other words. The literalism you're forced into makes you claim that aborted children could very well be consigned to eternal torture. Sickening and nightmarish, but at least you're consistent.


New member
beanieboy said:

It's like God was there with her blueprints, thinking, "brain? no brain?...No brain! Good luck!"
Do I smell an intentionally inflamitory possessive pronoun wafting from the kitchen?:cool:


Turbo said:
If that were the law then it would be extremely unlikely for your dad to "come out." But if it were the law and he acted upon his sinful lusts, then he should be punished for his crime.

You aren't under the impression that "honor your father" means "harbor and/or abet your father should he become a criminal," are you?

I'm on about people's reactions to such an affair. Work it out! In light of this thread, all hell would break loose :shocked:


New member
Gerald said:
I haven't protested a thing. I'm indifferent to a person's sexual orientation. Of course, around here the general view is that "indifference = approval".
Is that your only insult, to say "You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo! You're a homo!"?

You need to get some new and better material.

Pot. Kettle. Black. You've made some innuendos and personal attacks against me, but cry and whine like a fag when I call you a . . . well, ya know.

You need to get a life. And try dating someone of the opposite sex.


Rimi said:
But we're not talking about the accountable action of the individual, that's just it.

No, but I am! I asked a question you slow-witted fool :p

Rimi said:
What language are you referring to, "put into the context of cursing"???? What are you babbling about? Since you're probably a homo, you're not going to get quite a few things and you won't be making much sense, but do try.

Mate/lady, I'm about as gay as you. Think about that :party:


New member
Hall of Fame
Rimi said:
But we're not talking about the accountable action of the individual, that's just it. The question is "Should homosexuals be given the DEATH PENALTY?" That implies that there'd be a law in place that would allow for it. Otherwise, the question would have to read "Should homos be murdered?" But the homo didn't ask that, did he.

What language are you referring to, "put into the context of cursing"???? What are you babbling about? Since you're probably a homo, you're not going to get quite a few things and you won't be making much sense, but do try.

Anybody else notice that Rimi is getting worse?

Did anybody think that was possible? :think:


New member
Rimi said:
Go away, Giftgiver.

Beanie, since you don't even believe in God, for you do say that I wouldn't know Him is just assinine.

Stick with humor, it's the only thing you do well here.

I believe in God.
I don't believe in your version of God.

And I've read the bible.
You claim to be a christian.
I question it. "By your fruit you will know them."
You are bitter, angry, mocking, spiteful, murderous, cause strife.

You are not full of joy, gentlenes, kindness, hope, mercy, etc.

My, Rimi, what big EYES you have....


Resident Fiend
Rimi said:
I confront and rebuke.
And are you effective? Do you change the mocker's behavior?
What do you do when you see someone mocking your best friend? Don't you stand up for them?
Yes, and I accomplish this by beating the mocker to within an inch of his life.

That is the most effective rebuke available.


New member
Turbo said:
I pointed out one biblical basis: God gave Adam and Eve the option to end their relationship with him.

That's just in the opening chapters. The whole Bible is full of God expressing His desire for people to choose Him.

Upon what biblical basis do you conclude that all murdered babies are forced to spend eternity in heaven?

you're going to have to point out a biblical basis that isn't quite as subjective as A&E. free will to choose your god has a biblical basis, but dead babies being able to choose to go to heaven or not looks and sounds like a rabbit, the hat being the bible.