Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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The Dark Knight
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Because there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and because a leopard can't change his spots change is unnecessary.
So a child molester doesn't need to stop raping children?

How are infertile people supposed to do it? Celibate ones? The exceedingly ugly?
Infertile people are exceptions to the rule. In fact, they are the exceptions that prove the rule. As for celibate people, their celibacy does not mean they are unable to procreate. Nor are the exceedingly ugly. Trust me, I've seen some pretty ugly people with children.


New member
So a child molester doesn't need to stop raping children?
Am I talking about child molesters? No, I'm discussing homosexuals- the topic of this thread. If you want to discuss whether or not child molesters should be given the death penalty start another thread- although I don't anticipate much disagreement on that one.
Infertile people are exceptions to the rule. In fact, they are the exceptions that prove the rule. As for celibate people, their celibacy does not mean they are unable to procreate. Nor are the exceedingly ugly. Trust me, I've seen some pretty ugly people with children.
The point is that reproduction is not the sole purpose of life, nor even the sole purpose of romance or copulation. People are free to do whatever they want with their consenting, adult partners secure in the knowledge that there are plenty of human beings on this planet without their contribution.


The Dark Knight
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Am I talking about child molesters? No, I'm discussing homosexuals- the topic of this thread. If you want to discuss whether or not child molesters should be given the death penalty start another thread- although I don't anticipate much disagreement on that one.
You said a leopard can't change their spots, and therefore change is unnecessary. You didn't say who you were applying it to, and it was a blanket statement anyway.

The point is that reproduction is not the sole purpose of life, nor even the sole purpose of romance or copulation. People are free to do whatever they want with their consenting, adult partners secure in the knowledge that there are plenty of human beings on this planet without their contribution.
It may not be the sole purpose, but it is the primary purpose, and commanded by the Creator. To go against that for reasons other than physical inability, or being single, is wrong, period.


New member
You said a leopard can't change their spots, and therefore change is unnecessary. You didn't say who you were applying it to, and it was a blanket statement anyway.
Then allow me to clarify my statement: I was referring to homosexuals.
It may not be the sole purpose, but it is the primary purpose, and commanded by the Creator. To go against that for reasons other than physical inability, or being single, is wrong, period.

Believing something is wrong from a religious standpoint is a far cry from it being made a crime by a secular government.


New member
So a child molester doesn't need to stop raping children?

Oh c'mon, molesting and rape are crimes that violate, of course that needs to stop, this is a pure strawman....

Infertile people are exceptions to the rule. In fact, they are the exceptions that prove the rule. As for celibate people, their celibacy does not mean they are unable to procreate. Nor are the exceedingly ugly. Trust me, I've seen some pretty ugly people with children.

What 'rule'? is it a sin for a couple to decide to not have children? :think:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Oh c'mon, molesting and rape are crimes that violate, of course that needs to stop, this is a pure strawman....
Then you idiots need to start putting qualifiers on your blanket statements.

What 'rule'? is it a sin for a couple to decide to not have children? :think:
What rule? The rule that says a man and a woman can create a child by having sex. You know, it's one of them scientific rules, it's like a law, or something.


The Dark Knight
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But religion is about God. And if you want to enforce laws based on what you THINK God wants than that is religious. What would you call it?
Religion is not the only thing about God. And doing what God wants is not religion, it's right.


New member
Then you idiots need to start putting qualifiers on your blanket statements.

What 'rule'? is it a sin for a couple to decide to not have children? :think:
What rule? The rule that says a man and a woman can create a child by having sex. You know, it's one of them scientific rules, it's like a law, or something.

I thought I was on your ignore list..... :rolleyes:

And to be quite honest the only people making blanket statements are those that try and make out that homosexuals are any way more likely to rape and molest than a hetero....
not one person that I'm aware of has tried to defend either rape or molestation, this much should already be obvious.....

And you've totally not answered my second question, I'm well aware that children are caused by reproduction, I asked you if it was a sin for a couple to decide not to have children......


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
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Religion is what tells people what God wants.
No. It isn't. Religion is when men propose to tell people what they think God wants. God tells/told us what He wants. And most people don't want to listen. braindead77 started a thread, asking what was wrong with democracy, and this is the answer: the majority reject God, and therefore majority rule is Godless.


New member
No. It isn't. Religion is when men propose to tell people what they think God wants. God tells/told us what He wants. And most people don't want to listen. braindead77 started a thread, asking what was wrong with democracy, and this is the answer: the majority reject God, and therefore majority rule is Godless.

All religions believe that they tell us what God wants. Yours is no exception- the only difference being that you believe that yours is set apart by being the one true faith that actually has the goods. All of the others make that claim as well, however. To make something criminal based on no more than your vision of God's will is a religious matter. For those of us who do not believe that this is God's will it is unacceptable.


New member
Religion is what tells people what God wants.

Religion is more like people telling God what He wants without asking Him first.

Like God really gives a rip about our stupid mega-churches with our stupid preachers prostituting the gospel, because they'd rather have money and a big name than win souls for the kingdom of God. Religion just makes people feel good about's worthless. Only the real Jesus can change hearts--not our self-righteous ceremonies and rituals. :bang: