Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)


Eclectic Theosophist
One Light, manifesting a rainbow of diversity......

One Light, manifesting a rainbow of diversity......

I confess, P.J., I'm not following you're conversation here, and I haven't finished reading you're whole post even.

But this sentence popped out at me. I recognize this thinking anywhere, as it is mine too. We are dedicated to taking the step back, checking our gut, and never veering too far from what is the most obvious explanation for what is continually right in front of us. If they'res a rainbow in the wide sky, thats what we call it; we understand about 42 degree angle's1 and such, but its a rainbow.
And the rainbow that I'm talking about is the Church. We are those who believe in Jesus Christ. We have almost all of us been baptized with water, in the name of the Trinity, even if we do not currently subscribe to the Trinity. Our most prominent feature is the Holy Catholic Church, headquartered in the Holy See; the Roman particular Church, and the named recipient of the Apostle Pauls single lengthiest New Testament epistle.

Some of us even specifically identify ourselve's with the rainbow.

The Jewish faith in which the Church is rooted precede's the Church by between about 1,500 and 2,000 year's, depending upon whether you trace it back to Moses or back to Abraham. The Muslim faith is also rooted in the same Jewish faith, and Islam believe's that Jesus Christ will judge us at the resurrection.

Between three and four billion people are Christian, Muslim, or Jewish.


1 --


Hi DE,

I resonate with some parts of what you share,...but I'll put it in a universal sense, that 'God' is 'Light',....and the primary colours express outward from that primal light as 3 (the trinity), and then as 7(the Septonate) the 7 colours of the rainbow are as the 7 Spirit of God, as there are 7 notes in each octave....there being a 7-fold expression manifesting variables of the Trinity in creative movement.

As far as the Abrahamic monotheistic religions, yes...there are 3. I'd have to do more research into the 42 degree angles involved in the reflection of light, to see any correlaries :)

The symbol of the rainbow is also for those spiritual warriors and ministers who of the LGBT community, as all of these souls are also God's children. All souls have their place in the body of the Christ, as we are all members of that universal One.




Well-known member
All souls have their place in the body of the Christ, as we are all members of that universal One.
Quite simply: WRONG! There are MANY who are outside The Body of Christ. Yourself, for one; sorcerers, whoremongers, murderers, idolaters also, just to name a few. In point-of-fact, you're specifically mentioned in this verse:

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

You pretend to love and then make up lies, besides worshipping idols. All those pretend gods you have in your mind are idols, who don't even exist. I'd estimate that you're one of the biggest heretics on TOL, if not the biggest.


Eclectic Theosophist
Unitarian Universalism........

Unitarian Universalism........

I serve a clarification on your identification above here. - you have to understand the history of UU.

Also Mickiel denies being a UU, and a 'christian' here.

I would probably qualify more as a devotee under the umbrella of being a UU, because I agree with most of their guiding principles here. - these are commendable. I think UU ought to be available in the 'Religious Affiliation' list as an 'option' for members to choose.

For those not too familiar with Unitarian Universalism -

Voices of Liberal Faith

Unitarian Universalist Association


Eclectic Theosophist
fossilized list?.......

fossilized list?.......

Anna can be declassified as Catholic. She's still on the list but not sure where.

Lets note our illustrious thread creator last posted in this thread in Oct. of 2013. :nightall: Additionally, I think the 'heretic list' is a bit outdated perhaps,...unless any have personally contacted him with a request to add or modify anyone on the list, and its descriptions.

I know he was somewhat 'selective' with the descriptions I gave him for myself, and just chose 2 of those to categorize me :rolleyes:


New member
Hello Everyone. It's been a while but thought I'd poke my head in and see what is going on. Hope everyone is well. Here is the list last updated. I see lots of new names so I am sure we will have to do some updating. I looked at the last few posts from a few folks (thanks serpentdove) but as freelight pointed out, mikiel says he is not a chrisitian. I will look into disturbo as well.

Here is the list:

The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians)
1) Keypurr
2) Pierac
3) csuguy
4) adopted son 77
5) Paul McNabb (Mormon)
6) Seydlitz77 (Mormon)
7) Martin.Harris (Mormon)
8) Elected4ever
9) Squeaky
10) Aner
11) Lazy Afternoon
12) truebeliever7
13) jerzy
14) krystyna
15) Krsto
16) Oatmeal
17) meshak
18) jamie

Religious Zealots (saved by works crowd):

1) Rightglory
2) Spitfire
3) Evoken
4) chrysostom
5) rbdeli
6) RC_Eagle
7) The Reverent One
8) annabenedetti
9) The Barbarian
10) patricius79
11) Yahushuan
12) IXOYE - makes salvation and born again two separate events
13) graceandpeace - makes salvation and born again two separate events
14) Cruciform
15) Truthsetsfree
16) genuineoriginal "Salvation is given only to those who merit it by pleasing God"

The 'Paul is a godless liar' crowd (Ebionites) (**this crowd also believes works are necessary for salvation)
1) Glenda (Glenda also denies the deity of Christ, she is trying to get to the bottom of the Lake of Fire)
2) jeremysdemo

1) Freelight (spiritualist/universalist)

If you are on this list and you repent of your heresy, or if you find my categorization of your beliefs is in error, just post and let us know.

If you feel someone needs to be added to the list, either post or PM me. In order to speed things along, if you can post a link to one of the offending party's posts reflecting their heresy, that would be greatly appreciated. Also, a person must have a decent amount of posts and have been around for a few months at least to be considered for the list. I don't want to throw every one post wonder who wanders through here onto the list. After all, this is TOL's list and if the person isn't a regular visitor, they don't make the cut.

Thanks for any help or feedback.


patrick jane

Lets note our illustrious thread creator last posted in this thread in Oct. of 2013. :nightall: Additionally, I think the 'heretic list' is a bit outdated perhaps,...unless any have personally contacted him with a request to add or modify anyone on the list, and its descriptions.

I know he was somewhat 'selective' with the descriptions I gave him for myself, and just chose 2 of those to categorize me :rolleyes:

The Urantia folks should be on the list also


Eclectic Theosophist
Urantian sound bytes......

Urantian sound bytes......

The Urantia folks should be on the list also

I don't know of any Urantia folks, but if 'Urantia' is the name given to this planet by a group of celestials (from their perspective), then we are all 'Urantians' if you want to get technical. Anyone interested in the Urantia Book (UB) can research the thread on it, there is nothing to fear or hide, since any book can be known and understood by reading its content.

I think the OP on our thread here is sufficient, and a reading of the Foreword and first 5 papers, for those interested in the theology presented there. One must familiarize themselves with a 'theology' before they can critique or challenge it - otherwise there is just a foray of presumptions, presuppositions and misconceptions as has been shown in this particular thread.

Be courageous enough to think for yourself and do your own research, as reality includes the totality of existence, all realms of consciousness. Even 'God' classically defined or 'Deity' is beyond the grasp of the finite mind, as that which is truly INFINITE.

An epochal revelation is one marking a given dispensation, so if the Urantia Book is the 5th epochal Revelation given to this planet by celestials, then what is contained in it is of intrinsic value to humanity. It is but for a truly honest seeker of truth to discover if this is so...or follow wherever the Spirit of truth leads.

As for as 'Satan' is concerned, the UB gives a very detailed account of the Lucifer Rebellion, and 'Satan' was a rebel son of God that joined ranks with Lucifer, as well as other rebel sons. One can see this as a mythical account to explain the problem of evil or 'free will', or take it as a real event, but such legends of some kind of classic struggle between good and evil is a universal theme.

As far as 'religious beliefs' go, one man's 'truth' is another man's 'heresy', so welcome to humanity ;)


New member
Yes, the urantia UFO cult folks definitely belong on this list. They push materials written in the 20th century that they claim are a revelation from God. Much of their material was stolen from the Holy Bible but mangled into its current form. They deny the blood atonement of Jesus Christ at the Cross and much more. In short, it's Anti-Christ and denies the Gospel of the Grace of God. Mormons are much more reasonable in their beliefs.


Yes, the urantia UFO cult folks definitely belong on this list. They push materials written in the 20th century that they claim are a revelation from God. Much of their material was stolen from the Holy Bible but mangled into its current form. They deny the blood atonement of Jesus Christ at the Cross and much more. In short, it's Anti-Christ and denies the Gospel of the Grace of God. Mormons are much more reasonable in their beliefs.
UFO is a physical object. Urantia is an imagination object. One is real and the other isn't


Eclectic Theosophist
Lets get a few facts straight......

Lets get a few facts straight......

Yes, the urantia UFO cult folks definitely belong on this list. They push materials written in the 20th century that they claim are a revelation from God. Much of their material was stolen from the Holy Bible but mangled into its current form. They deny the blood atonement of Jesus Christ at the Cross and much more. In short, it's Anti-Christ and denies the Gospel of the Grace of God. Mormons are much more reasonable in their beliefs.

First of all, for those following the UB thread or discussion, I've thoroughly refuted journey's and other's claims about the UB having anything to do with UFOs here, and many other places (please follow all associated links). They continue however to make this claim.

Address to GM in his mock thread here.

Second,.....I've addressed any relation the UB might have to Mormonism, and they are two different systems entirely, and the UB cannot be compared to the Book of Mormon (BoM) for the UB has a much larger scope of knowledge and revelation than the BoM. Futehrmore, the UB does not substantiate any of the BoM's claims that American Indians are of Hebrew origin, neither that he visited the Americas after his resurrection. There are of course commonalities between the teachings of Jesus as taken from the NT and expanded thereon, since they both affirm and agree with the teachings of Jesus on those counts.

If you think Mormonism has more 'reasonable' beliefs than what the UB reveals, I think you're more liberal minded than you realize, unless you're not very knowledgable of Mormonism (we already know you refuse to read any of the UB, but freely criticize it). For starters, this means you're assuming that polygamy, the Adam-God doctrine, the LDS version of blood-atonement, polytheism, the pre-existence, celestial marriage, eternal progression and exaltation unto godhood (to name a few) are more 'reasonable' than what the UB reveals, which is centered more in an eternal progression plan of mortals to become more spiritually perfect like their Father in heaven, and ascend the scale of soul-progress thru many worlds along the way to Paradise, earning by their own free will the gift of immortality (by choice), then continuing on in universe service and unfolding the potentials of life unto infinity. While both systems have high aims and ideals,...I don't know if Mormonism really has a more 'reasonable' plan for eternity, since its history and doctrines are problematic and probably more antithetical to tradition-orthodoxd Christianity than UB theology, but some may beg to differ. Again, sorry these are two different systems and cannot be compared.

As usual journey, you in your apologetic ferver and bigotry speak from presupposition, presumption and ignorance. You also have proven this by your refusal to read any significant portion of the UB so you can know it firsthand, since in your stubbornness you have already judged before a right and proper research of the material itself. So, all you have is hot air claims and apologetic diatribes to back your 'belief', while you in your insecurity have to work so hard to defend your 'version' of 'Christianity'. What is true, or what has value or meaning needs no 'defense',...but simply is something to shared and recognized, in whatever context the discussion is being oriented. This is an art or practice you might want to learn, as it would give you a better opportunity to exercise freedom of thought, expansion of consciousness and real research into theological matters. Such is what 'creative dialogue' is.


Eclectic Theosophist
a special rose for Tulipbee.......

a special rose for Tulipbee.......

UFO is a physical object. Urantia is an imagination object. One is real and the other isn't

We would remind you again, the UB has nothing to do with UFOs.

We would secondly remind you to consider that your 'religious belief' or 'concepts' about 'God' or whatever could just as well be 'imaginary'.

Finally, the term 'Urantia' is the name this particular group of celestials have given to our planet 'Earth'. Hence the papers that were dictated or arranged are called 'The Urantia Papers', which in the public domain later became published as 'The Urantia BOOK' (UB). Its just a word. All 'words' are but symbols or referents to some thing, concept or subject. They all include using your 'mind' or 'imagination'.

As far as what is 'real' or not, do you determine that or prove it? This is an area of epistemology, or ontology. It pretty much looks like you're back to square 1, in providing any evidence that your 'belief' or 'concept' about 'God' is any more imaginary or real as any other.