Perfect Answer to Ocasio-Cortez


In the 4thC, organized Christianity began to "morph" into what has been described as the "Imperial Church" - an historical "reversal" whereby it adopted all the pomp an circumstance of its secular counterparts which has no Biblical justification!

After 1700 years, Christianity is still "mired" in this stage, unwilling to renounce its affiliations with secular powers and embrace its true nature!


When the emperor Constantine gathered all the bishops and church fathers together in his great and awesome palace, the opulent lavish banquet hall was surrounded by armed soldiers.

Imagine the contrast.

The simple sharing of small meals among Jesus’ followers makes an interesting comparison, doesn’t it?


In 2005 on the The 700 Club, Robertson, in his infinite wisdom, contended that Hurricane Katrina was God's response to the issue of abortion in John Roberts' Supreme Court nomination.

Not only did Robertson become the object of satire and scorn, but the religion that he claimed to champion received its due share of criticism!
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When the emperor Constantine gathered all the bishops and church fathers together in his great and awesome palace, the opulent lavish banquet hall was surrounded by armed soldiers.

Imagine the contrast.

The simple sharing of small meals among Jesus’ followers makes an interesting comparison, doesn’t it?

This "unholy" alliance between Christianity and the Roman Emperor, who was also considered a living "god" who represented the pantheon of Roman gods, goddesses and their temples throughout the Empire, was not embraced by all Christians!

It gave rise to the monastic movement, whereby many devout Christians banded together in small groups, renounced all material wealth and position, retreated from society to live a life more in keeping with Christ's example of simplicity, prayer, religious education and a commitment to the poor!


From Trump.

Reporter: “Mr. President, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez called you a racist.”
President Trump: “Who did?”
Reporter: “Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez.”
President Trump: “Who cares?”

The childish name-calling and mockery of Ocasio-Cortez in this forum is proof that many are actually afraid of her.
She has a formidible knowledge of U.S. tax policy.
And she is well-educated in American socialism.

Not many Americans are even aware that police & fire departments, insurance pools, our own military, the U.S. highway system, libraries, the GI Bill, garbage collection, utilities, bridges, congressional health care, corporate subsidies, public parks, our court system, etc. are ALL built on a socialists model.

Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability.
Sounds horrible, huh?

As the Three Musketeers once said “All for One and One for All!"


New member
I’ve seen drive-by opinions from the right wing that she is actually so poor she can’t afford to live in Washington. And then those other attacks that inform us of the idea that she is rich and privileged.


What Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Net Worth, and How Much Is Her Salary?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez receives an annual congressional salary of $174,000. This is a steep rise from her prior salary. Last year, the young woman only claimed a yearly salary of $26,600. This salary was earned by working as a bartender while attending college.

Ocasio-Cortez's yearly salary of $26,600 as a bartender put her in the bottom 50% of Americans.
Ocasio-Cortez's yearly salary of $174,000 as a congressperson puts her in the top 5% of Americans.

How Much Money Do The Top Income Earners Make?
Based on the Internal Revenue Service’s 2010-2015 database below, here’s how much the top Americans make:
  • Top 1%: $380,354
  • Top 5%: $159,619
  • Top 10%: $113,799
  • Top 25%: $67,280
  • Top 50%: >$33,048

Ocasio-Cortez has gone from being one of the oppressed poor to being one of the rich people that are oppressing the poor.
(The only way to be rich is by oppressing the poor, amiright?)

The Berean

Well-known member
Socialism is a version of Fudalism where the nobles have been replaced with "the State".

Hmmm...:think: I never thought of it this way. Good point. This weekend I watched the film 1984. I hadn't watched this film in many years. It's crazy how SJW's today fully embrace the concept of thoughtcrime.
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Boy, are you guys obsessed with this woman!
Fear, fear, fear.
Fear the brown immigrants causing a “crisis at the border.”
Be afraid of Pocahontas!
If you refuse to argue policy, then humiliate, mock and name-call.

Fall back on those childish patterns. You have nothing else.

I wonder about your muse of a President.
Angry genital grabber, mocker of the handicapped, inciting violence and improving the economy while riding the Obama economic wave.


Boy, are you guys obsessed with this man!

You betcha. It’s like watching a train wreck.
I’m soooo tired of winning.

“How I LOVE the poorly educated!”
--Donald J. Trump
February 2016

“Im gonna get the best people!”

Guilty pleas, sentences to jail, forced to resign because of creepy scandals.
But no collusion!

During Paul Manafort "shared political polling data with a business associate tied to Russian intelligence."
These facts were found in a document that has already been presented to a court.the Times said, citing presented to a court on Tuesday.
But none dare call it collusion.