pacifism for true Jesus' followers.


New member
Think of it this way in Jesus time on the earth, was there not conflict there. The Romans we persecuting people all over much of the European world killing innocent people crucifying people who in their eye's were wrong. All in the name of power, power to say we have more power than you and in each case it was to take lives to show that power. Jesus had another power the power that came from his father to divide, the powers to save life's not to take them.
Wars will always be because evil is in this world to gain the power of this world, but there is the power of another world that God sent his son to preach unto people another kingdom and if everyone knew that word that he preach and lived it then their would be peace. Had the Japanese had God's word in the first place they would never had hit pearl harbour, had the American worked out with the Japanese how they could work together then there wouldn't have been war but greed and power was what both sides were after and that cost the lives of millions. Still today there are wars for power but this is the evil which the devil controls even though people on both sides think they are right the devil is working on both sides. Trust in God and do the will of God and see how many wars you can stop everyday. 2 people who are hate each other then there is war and one if not 2 will be hurt. If 1 of them loves the other then there is always a chance of peace.


New member
There has never been a death that was outside of the will of the Eternal Almighty.​

The wages of sin is death and He is the paymaster. He uses all means at His disposal and never misses a payment when wages are due.


Well-known member
There has never been a death that was outside of the will of the Eternal Almighty.​

The wages of sin is death and He is the paymaster. He uses all means at His disposal and never misses a payment when wages are due.

Paul is speaking about spiritual death, not natural death.


Well-known member
Those who sent the atom bombs on Japan were not doing it for God, but because they are of the world and both sides were fighting for the things of the world and not for God.

And those truly born of God bring love, mercy and forgiveness to others, as Jesus did because his life will be in those who belong to him.


New member
Paul is speaking about spiritual death, not natural death.

When Yah Veh said to Adam "thou shalt die" He was saying that Adam would become mortal. The wages of that action became mortality and that mortality is paid to each man born in the line of Adam.

If you deny this then you must have an explanation of why people are mortal and each must shuffle off this mortal coil.


Well-known member
When Yah Veh said to Adam "thou shalt die" He was saying that Adam would become mortal. The wages of that action became mortality and that mortality is paid to each man born in the line of Adam.

If you deny this then you must have an explanation of why people are mortal and each must shuffle off this mortal coil.

Adam didn't die though did he, he was cut off from the tree of Life because he sinned.

And we are cut off from the Holy Spirit if we carry on wilfully sinning.

Thus we become dead again to God.


New member
Those who sent the atom bombs on Japan were not doing it for God, but because they are of the world and both sides were fighting for the things of the world and not for God.

And those truly born of God bring love, mercy and forgiveness to others, as Jesus did because his life will be in those who belong to him.

Spot on marhig, you cannot have that love to others unless you have God with you. You see the need in people and not just what we need. God is spirit and that is what he see's not the flesh how can you forgive flesh? but the spirit inside can be changed from a hard heart to a soft heart that is mercy from God. Once you have changed inside the outside will follow but first you must put yourself last we are only clay waiting to be formed we have to soften and the hand of God with the water will form us to be his vessel otherwise we are useless to him a pot with holes that cannot carry water or wine for the people that need it.


New member
Adam didn't die though did he, he was cut off from the tree of Life because he sinned.

And we are cut off from the Holy Spirit if we carry on wilfully sinning.

Thus we become dead again to God.
Adam gained mortality the moment he sinned. Each person's appointment with death is under Gods control. God didn't give Adam his appointment date and neither does he gives us one either.


Well-known member
Adam gained mortality the moment he sinned. Each person's appointment with death is under Gods control. God didn't give Adam his appointment date and neither does he gives us one either.
Did he? So how come God opened up his flesh to remove a rib to create Eve then?


Well-known member
But the actions of each were used by God for his purpose.
So for what purpose would God have done that? How did either side glorify God in what they were doing before the bomb? Why were they at war? Was it to spread the gospel and glorify him as Jesus did?

Or were they doing what they were doing for the lusts of their flesh for power and greed? or for God?

If for the desires of their flesh, then they were doing it because they are listening to Satan.

He is the Prince of this world and those of this world live by his will.

Someone said on here that we would be executed for teaching the gospel in Japan at that time, but, that won't have been by the people, I wonder how many would have listened, how many of those children that died would have loved to hear the stories of Jesus?

I was talking to a friend before, and I was talking about sodom, and most people only ever see that sodom was annihilated by God, but what they don't take into account is that God was willing to save the whole city if Abraham could find just ten righteous within it. Just ten and then God wouldn't have destroyed them. God is full of mercy.

I wonder if the gospel had of been preached in Japan, would there have been ten righteous? We'll never know, but I think that there would have been many more than ten who would have believed in Jesus if they had of had the chance to hear the gospel and hear the truth.


New member
So for what purpose would God have done that? How did either side glorify God in what they were doing before the bomb? Why were they at war? Was it to spread the gospel and glorify him as Jesus did?

Or were they doing what they were doing for the lusts of their flesh for power and greed? or for God?

If for the desires of their flesh, then they were doing it because they are listening to Satan.

He is the Prince of this world and those of this world live by his will.

Someone said on here that we would be executed for teaching the gospel in Japan at that time, but, that won't have been by the people, I wonder how many would have listened, how many of those children that died would have loved to hear the stories of Jesus?

I was talking to a friend before, and I was talking about sodom, and most people only ever see that sodom was annihilated by God, but what they don't take into account is that God was willing to save the whole city if Abraham could find just ten righteous within it. Just ten and then God wouldn't have destroyed them. God is full of mercy.

I wonder if the gospel had of been preached in Japan, would there have been ten righteous? We'll never know, but I think that there would have been many more than ten who would have believed in Jesus if they had of had the chance to hear the gospel and hear the truth.
A lot of at a time. What purpose? I can only guess but just look at Japan now and look at it prior to the bomb. You see nothing there that God would want to change or that is now there that God wanted to be there?


New member
Why were they at war? Japan sought control of the Pacific world. America sought protection of itself and the elimination of a world threat. Your point?


Well-known member
A lot of at a time. What purpose? I can only guess but just look at Japan now and look at it prior to the bomb. You see nothing there that God would want to change or that is now there that God wanted to be there?

What do you mean, that God would have wanted to change?

The only thing God wants to change is our hearts. Nothing materialistic! He's not worried about the material things of this world.


New member
Was the reason for war to spread the gospel and glorify God?

It's a nation.....not a person. Your applying personal motivations to a government in charge of protecting it's people. The government's responsibility is not to spread the gospel or glorify God. Those are the responsibility of the church.