On Deservedness

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Well-known member
“Rape is one of the most terrible crimes on earth and it happens every few minutes. The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate women about how to defend themselves. What really needs to be done is teaching men not to rape. Go to the source and start there.”

― Kurt Cobain

Interestingly enough, as flawed of a man as Kurt was, he was man enough to recognize that those who condone or promote rape are the source of the problem.

No one is condoning or promoting rape. What kind of knuckle head would continue to say that's the case? :shocked:

And, good luck teaching evil men not to do evil things. Rape is not the only evil thing evil men do, and rape is not only committed against women. More men are raped in prison than women on the streets. Good luck teaching those men in prison not to rape.

Mothers burn their kids with cigarettes and beat their own children to death...good luck teaching those mothers not to do that.

What kind of a fantasy world do people like Rusha live in? :shocked:


Well-known member
“over and over victims are blamed for their assaults. and when we imply that victims bring on their own fates - whether to make ourselves feel more efficacious or to make the world seem just - we prevent ourselves from taking the necessary precautions to protect ourselves. Why take precautions? We deny the trauma could easily have happened to us. And we also hurt the people already traumatized. Victims are often already full of self-doubt, and we make recovery harder by laying inspectors blame on them.”
― Anna C. Salter, Predators: Pedophiles, Rapists, And Other Sex Offenders

SOME victims are to blame for what happens to them. That's a real shocker, ain't it? :nono:

This is the kind of one-sided "reasoning" that is known as burying your head in the sand. Living in LaLa land is the liberal way.


Well-known member
Don't you understand? I'm a man who has dared speak on the subject and has dared to take a forbidden view. The only possible reason for it is that I cannot wait to rape someone. Sarc...for those who are literal.

It isn't just you. ANYONE and EVERYONE who has dared to speak reason on this issue has faced the same anger and the same accusations.

It kinda reminds me of the OBAMA craze. It's taken almost eight years for most of his fans to even consider the fact that he's a moron. If you get set in your ways, you might defend them to the death. You really don't want to hear any different. :idunno:


New member
I don't lack morals....nor am I a pervert, and I do believe that all of us deserve WHATEVER the Lord allows to come upon us for our bad behavior.
To be totally correct, you should have left off the ending >>>> for our bad behavior.

God allows cancer, rape, tornadoes, murder, adultery, kidnapping, torture, child molestation, cheating, birth defects, lying, poverty, and so on.

The old saying that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people is a distortion of reality. Good things are going to happen to bad people and bad things are going to happen to good people. There is no set standard for either. Both are going to get both in this lifetime. So behavior is not the standard of whether good or bad things can happen to you.

All you can do when bad things happen to you is take it and move on. The same with when good things happen to you. DESERVE has nothing to do with it. You are going to experience both no matter what your behavior.


Well-known member
To be totally correct, you should have left off the ending >>>> for our bad behavior.

No, we deserve whatever we get for our bad behavior. Bad behavior merits bad consequences.

God allows cancer, rape, tornadoes, murder, adultery, kidnapping, torture, child molestation, cheating, birth defects, lying, poverty, and so on.

Yes, He does....for His own purposes. Bad things happen to good people. No doubt about that. He ALSO allows us to suffer for our bad behavior here on earth. That's what chastening is all about.

The old saying that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people is a distortion of reality. Good things are going to happen to bad people and bad things are going to happen to good people. There is no set standard for either. Both are going to get both in this lifetime. So behavior is not the standard of whether good or bad things can happen to you.

I don't agree. There is the standard of reaping what we sow.

All you can do when bad things happen to you is take it and move on. The same with when good things happen to you. DESERVE has nothing to do with it. You are going to experience both no matter what your behavior.

You are going to experience both because you sow both. But we don't live in a world of chance....

If you're an unbeliever, you will see that bad behavior has bad consequences. You learn crime doesn't pay. You learn being hateful and angry keeps happiness at bay. You see that those who love God find peace in what you never could. If you're a believer, you will see that those things you considered good were not good at all, and those things you considered bad were reasons to rejoice, because they were conforming you into the image of the Son. You learn that you are chastened by your Father when you are doing what you shouldn't be doing. There can be some serious consequences right there....all based on our behavior.

I honestly don't understand how you can say that our behavior doesn't matter. I would say tell that to the cops who put you in jail when you rob the market. I can remember many times when I knew I shouldn't be doing something, and I have no doubt I was chastened by the Lord. Even something so simple as money....when I was spending it unwisely, I never had enough. When I spent it wisely, I never ran out. That's a Biblical principle, too....putting your money in pockets with holes.


Well-known member
Because tornadoes, cancer, rapists, and so on do not target only certain behaviors. The behavior of their victims can range from very good to very bad. Any behavior will do.

Tornadoes have nothing to do with the behavior of humans.....well, unless you one of those global warming buffs. :)

Sometimes cancer can be the result of man's behavior. If God had been putting it on my heart to stop smoking, for instance, I could very well get lung cancer, and I could very well claim I didn't deserve to get it, but I'd be lying to myself. Yes, some people do get lung cancer when they don't smoke, then they can know they didn't deserve to get it, and they can honestly say that.

Some rapists don't target anyone, and wouldn't even consider raping a woman if she wasn't stripping right in front of his face. I'm talking about those few people who do earn what they get by their bad behavior. Just because most people don't deserve to be raped, doesn't mean NONE deserve to be raped.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Some rapists don't target anyone, and wouldn't even consider raping a woman if she wasn't stripping right in front of his face. I'm talking about those few people who do earn what they get by their bad behavior. Just because most people don't deserve to be raped, doesn't mean NONE deserve to be raped.

Uh, if a man considers rape and does so simply because a woman has stripped off then he's not right in the head already. Most blokes have seen 'girlie mags' and the like and it doesn't cause them to entertain raping women if they're normal.

Nobody deserves to be raped, which again is what a normal person would be saying...


Well-known member
Uh, if a man considers rape and does so simply because a woman has stripped off then he's not right in the head already. Most blokes have seen 'girlie mags' and the like and it doesn't cause them to entertain raping women if they're normal.

Nobody deserves to be raped, which again is what a normal person would be saying...

Oh look....Artie the Smartie is back. :chuckle:

Perhaps you don't know that all "blokes" are not raised on "girlie mags", and perhaps you can't believe that not all rapists go out targeting women to rape. But, only a fool would deny that a stripper is enticing men who may be tempted to TAKE what she is offering.

Maybe if you had spent more time reading the Bible, you wouldn't be so surprised to find out that not all men ogle naked women until they become immune to her charms. Being "not right in the head", they may go right ahead and do something the stripper didn't expect. ;)

Proverbs 7:21-23
With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks; Till a dart strike through his liver; as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life.​

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh look....Artie the Smartie is back. :chuckle:

Perhaps you don't know that all "blokes" are not raised on "girlie mags", and perhaps you can't believe that not all rapists go out targeting women to rape. But, only a fool would deny that a stripper is enticing men who may be tempted to TAKE what she is offering.

Maybe if you had spent more time reading the Bible, you wouldn't be so surprised to find out that not all men ogle naked women until they become immune to her charms. Being "not right in the head", they may go right ahead and do something the stripper didn't expect. ;)

Proverbs 7:21-23
With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks; Till a dart strike through his liver; as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life.​

Oh look, you're still chuckling at your own drivel...

You seriously need to get real if you think most blokes haven't seen some form of pornography in their lives or search it out. I wasn't talking about 'being raised' on it so who knows where you're pulling that from...

The fact remains that seeing a playboy model nude or a stripper doesn't click something off in most mens brains that it suddenly becomes acceptable to force sex on a woman against her will, or in fact that she would deserve it for being in the buff or whatnot.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Shut up, Artie. I'm talking about people deserving what they get for their bad behavior. You need to listen instead of trying to make jokes.

Er, no I won't. You were the one to make some really feeble "joke" about Rusha being obsessed on rape and it wasn't a joke in turn to point out the complete irony from someone who bangs on about the subject as much as you do.

Get a grip, or if it bothers you so much then put me on ignore or whatever.
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