my favorit hat

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I hear Carol Burnett has some of those stupid hats, from her variety show. Good day to you, sir.


Well-known member
Oh, you are a barrel of laughs tonight,ain'tcha? Why don't you head on down to the local Bingo Hall, with Mr. Schwum, and put peanut butter on the dobbers?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I wore it while I exercise. I took off to take a shower. I carry everything in shower room so I don't have to go back to locker.

I have been doing this for 6 years. I guess my senior moment is getting bad.:cry:

My body is in perfect fit but I guess my mind does not match with my body.

You should have stapled your hat on your head. Perhaps, some Elmer's
glue all
for good measure?