Mean TOL members


New member
If we put all those pieces of info together

You mean if we take something out of context in a lot of places we end up with proper hermeneutics? - Listen to what you just said -
If we put all those pieces of info together

You are right - they are pieces of information taken out of context to the theme the Lord was speaking on - and besides that if you will only repent because of fear -
why should I repent if there is no punishment?

I am not sure if you know the Lord - We love Him who first loved us, Perfect Love casts out fear. - if you try to teach repentance because of fear - you have not known the One True God.

With Christ’s' Love



New member
Servant...Thought you might like this....It is a quote from Richard Rohr's book "Jesus' Plan For A New World"
"I usually say that if people are humble and honest, they will be alright. If either humility or honesty is missing you've got some spiritual work to do. Of course, we can grow in humility and honesty, but if the seed is there grace is going to keep invading you and breaking through.
God is for you more than you are for yourself. And all you can do is be open. The one who created you cares for you like a parent for a child (see Isaiah 49:15). God cares for creation in an irrational way, a way that has nothing to do with logic, worthiness or correct behavior. We are cared for simply because we are beloved daughters and beloved sons. Paul expresses the same truth with the concept of birthright and inheritance (Romans 814-17;Galatians 4:5-7;Ephesians 1:14)John simply describes it as the divine choice for our friendship not our servitude (John 15:15-16)

How can you not love a God like that?


Banned by Mod
Originally posted by Nineveh

You mean like where Christ describes hell as a nasty, dark, dirty, hopeless place no one will want to dwell in? Jesus seems to think this place is real, in fact, He felt so passionatly about keeping people out of it, He died.

beanieboy posted:

He meant Indiana.


That sounds more like New Jersey. But then again I've never been to Indiana.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by sybel101
You are right - they are pieces of information taken out of context to the theme the Lord was speaking on - and besides that if you will only repent because of fear -

The only way you can honestly say this is to say Christ was lying when He described the very real place of hell. He was sitting right there, to try saying He meant it was a "state of being" ( apart from God) at that time means either you don't belive Jesus is God, or your pagan precepts have stolen your ability to discern.

I did repent out of fear. I was faced with he fact if I did not repent, I would be without God forever in that place Jesus described. How about you? Why did you repent?

I am not sure if you know the Lord - We love Him who first loved us, Perfect Love casts out fear. - if you try to teach repentance because of fear - you have not known the One True God.

First, you have to know you are sick and going to die before you call on the Physician for the Cure. My personal experience seems to back up what Paul said about the use of the Law.


New member
I sure it is the best solution.
"Love me, and I won't put a bullet in your head."
Who couldn't love you with an offer like that?


Merely Christian
I guess one can play like Jesus was kidding about hell, that would take the edge off of fear.

I suppose one can even go so far as to believe being in fear for a moment is so much worse than living apart from God forever.

As for me, when I was alone and afraid, I started to listen, and I heard that "knock".


Merely Christian
I was afraid of how God was seeing me at that moment. I could no longer escape the reality I was a sinner and needed saved. The moment I accepted Christ as my Savior, the fear was replaced with a peace like I had never known.


New member
One Eyed Jack
I've been to Indiana and New Jersey. Indiana is quite nice. South Jersey isn't bad either.

If hell is not hot enough for you here - possibly you are just blind - perhaps you will have to go to a worse planet in your next life.

You’re not stupid - so you must be blind. Life on planet earth is not nice.

With Christ's Love



New member
I guess one can play like Jesus was kidding about hell, that would take the edge off of fear.

Jesus never addressed the topic of hell directly - but what He said is accurate - what he said about hell is what people who follow the lusts of their senses like greed, power, control, wealth - these people are in hell - their bodies burn with desires that they cannot quench, they suffer physical ailments, because of their attitude towards life, they know no peace of mind, they are always afraid. God repays them for their evil deeds - vengeance is Mine declares the Lord - and God does punish them - far less than their sins, and as well ours deserve, but there is a hell - don't get me wrong - and it is a gruesome place, it is inside of a number of people right now - living on planet earth.

With Christ's Love



New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

I was afraid of how God was seeing me at that moment. I could no longer escape the reality I was a sinner and needed saved. The moment I accepted Christ as my Savior, the fear was replaced with a peace like I had never known.

I don't know how to break this to you.
You are still a sinner.

And Santa is your mom and dad.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

I don't know how to break this to you.
You are still a sinner.

I am no longer damned to that place other pagans like sybel101 believe to be a joke Jesus was pulling.

Jesus' righteousness is now accounted to me, and can be to you, too.