

Does pot mess up your sensibilities that way? I seem to remember being able to 'function' rather well while stoned. [I haven't smoked pot in over 20 years, so I may be wrong about my recolection]

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by BillyBob

Does pot mess up your sensibilities that way? I seem to remember being able to 'function' rather well while stoned. [I haven't smoked pot in over 20 years, so I may be wrong about my recolection]

I guess it can if you smoke enough. But if you can pass the roadside sobriety test you should be okay to drive. At least, that's the way I see it.


New member
Originally posted by BillyBob

No, more like: 'I've had it with this crap! I will not co operate and willingly allow you to take away my freedom any longer!'

Then, of course, you barricade yourself in your house with a full arsenal and make ready.

Ruby Ridge?

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Thia

The real drug plagues are methamphetimine and heroin. Meth tweakers are the biggest losers around and a real plague on society. But, that's fodder for another thread.
Where did they start the drug habit..." The gateway drug...pot. :doh:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

What people don't realize--at least the shivering Puritans who want to stomp out weed use--is that it's possible to be a fully functional and productive member of society and still smoke pot. The whole idea of a glass-eyed pothead who doesn't stir till noon time is a stereotype (the first stereotype was that reefer made you go insane and especially turned Negro males into psychotic rapists with a taste for white women; what a coincidence). But it's an effective one, and the mass media's been going along for the ride since Hearst figured out hemp would cost him money.

What a racket.
The problem lies in the fact that you think you're fully functional...Pot smokers are the scum of the earth...:madmad:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Art, once again you're not reading, or paying attention, and you're rushing to judgment. This is a plant that makes you feel better, has medicinal value, and has been used and enjoyed by mankind for thousands of years. What, exactly, are people so afraid of?
People like you who think this mind altering drug is harmless. You're sick dude... :doh:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by BillyBob

We're afraid of the government legalizing pot so the masses are too stoned to notice [or care] what the evil, self serving politicians are doing.
That's just for starters...:madmad:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

And like Deco you ignore the point I made: marijuana has medicinal and beneficial value.

To Billy's point: people can be completely straight and sober and STILL be disinterested or too callous to really give a hoot in hell what the parliament of whores happens to be up to. Politicians have been able to bone us before without the help of weed.
Weed is merely a symptom of the culture that glorifies getting stoned..."Let's party dude." Brain dead SOBs that mock the culture and votes Democrat on the off chance they may legalize pot... They're a waste of skin.:mad:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by BillyBob

I was making a joke.

My opinion is that Marijuana is no more harmful than alcohol and maybe even less harmful in some ways.

I think it desreves the same restrictions that alcohol does as well as the same availability and legality.

However, I am a bit apprehensive that legalizing marijuana may be a step toward legalizing other, more harmful drugs. Where do we draw the line? What scale do we use to determine what intoxicants should be legal and which shouldn't?

What, a patriot giving pot a free pass...?:help:


Originally posted by Art Deco

What, a patriot giving pot a free pass...?:help:

Not at all, Art. I realize there has been a lot of posting at this thread today and you are getting caught up. My stance is that pot is probably not a big deal as far as drugs go, but if we legalize pot we are probably opening a bigger can of worms. Also, I do not think that it is culturally advantagious for the US Government to promote drug use by legalizing pot.

I am truly at a crossroads with this issue, but I would prefer to err in favor of safety, which means keeping pot illegal.

I admit, I still have a problem with imprisoning Americans for selling a bag of dried weeds.....

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by deardelmar

A cop once told me that MJ would never be legal untill they devolop a simple non evasive road side test for it. Made sense to me.
Just ask a pot head three questions: 1. Who won the last presidential election? 2. Who is the Vice President? 3. What's the name of the Ocean off the Pacific coast of California?

That's a simple roadside test that these jerks couldn't pass with que cards... :doh:


Originally posted by Art Deco

Just ask a pot head three questions: 1. Who won the last presidential election? 2. Who is the Vice President? 3. What's the name of the Ocean off the Pacific coast of California?

That's a simple roadside test that these jerks couldn't pass with que cards... :doh:

Most dems couldn't pass that test! They would say that Kerry won the election but Bush somehow stole it. :doh:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by BillyBob

Not at all, Art. I realize there has been a lot of posting at this thread today and you are getting caught up. My stance is that pot is probably not a big deal as far as drugs go, but if we legalize pot we are probably opening a bigger can of worms. Also, I do not think that it is culturally advantagious for the US Government to promote drug use by legalizing pot.

I am truly at a crossroads with this issue, but I would prefer to err in favor of safety, which means keeping pot illegal.

I admit, I still have a problem with imprisoning Americans for selling a bag of dried weeds.....
BillyBob, watching these drugged out scum bags tear up America since the 60's only fuels my fire of utter contempt. :madmad:

We should have had hundreds of KENT States,where the national guard finally got even with these drugged out pro NVA maggots. I despise dopers and those who support them. John Kerry and Jane Fonda shared some weed at their anti American demonstrations that cost Americans lives and limbs in Viet Nam. Anyone that sells dope should be shot by firing squad and charge the parents for the ammo. :mad:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack

Why can't they just have the person walk in a straight line, tilt his head back, close his eyes, and touch his nose, and perhaps recite the alphabet backwards -- the way they used to do before they had the breathalizer test?
That's to easy..How about some thumb screws and cattle prods... with the accompanying question they can all relate to: How do you feel about that? :mad: