KJ-ONLYite claims: Enyart does not believe The Bible is inerrant

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New member
SteveG. said:
The KJV makes for a terribly awkward read. To most people, it is difficult to understand due to the
archaic terminology. I am familiar with most popular versions and have concluded that the KJV no longer serves a useful purpose and is best left on the shelf. .

Tell that to the 8 kids that trusted Christ today in my junior church class this morning.

Peter A V

New member
King James for Kids

King James for Kids

SteveG. said:
The KJV makes for a terribly awkward read. To most people, it is difficult to understand due to the
archaic terminology. I am familiar with most popular versions and have concluded that the KJV no longer serves a useful purpose and is best left on the shelf. None of the most popular, newer versions, e.g. the NIV does any violence to any core Christian doctrine and is far better for daily reading and study for the "average" reader. The whole KJV-only position is unnecessary, destructive,
and a huge time waster. We have much bigger fish to fry and we're burnin' daylight.
No longer serves a useful purpose hey?
My son was led to the LORD only using the Supposed archaic King James.He was 5 at the time and had already memorized some 20 verses by then Oct '04.Now he reads a chapter per day with my wife and I in our daily devotions.He calls the NIV an old man.
He has now memorized at least 70 verses,and uses them in his daily life.He is bold in asking the Sundayschool teacher to read the Bible ,if they didn't the week before.He will ask people if they believe in Jesus.
All the NIV touters,have children that don't read or memorize anymore.My boy does even despite the liberal land here in Canada.


New member
SteveG. said:
The KJV makes for a terribly awkward read. To most people, it is difficult to understand due to the
archaic terminology..

Only some terms are archaic, most of the few can easily be taken care of with a dictionary. True, some words have changed meaning, but only a few. While somewhat archaic, it's still early modern english.

I am familiar with most popular versions and have concluded that the KJV no longer serves a useful purpose and is best left on the shelf.

There are 2 many good Works that go hand in hand to neglect the KJV. Not nearly have any been made to go with other versions. It's like the other Bible publishers think there just is no money in real Bible study. Let people buy their version, take their money and run. I am not KJVonly by any means, but it just to good a version to neglect.

[/QUOTE]None of the most popular, newer versions, e.g. the NIV does any violence to any core Christian doctrine and is far better for daily reading and study for the "average" reader.[/QUOTE]

The NIV was made on a 7th grade reading level I think. Something tells me it's not a bunch of 7th graders buying this version. Do not get me wrong, I find it useful and think everyone should have one, but it is not literal enough for adults to use it "only".

The whole KJV-only position is unnecessary, destructive,
and a huge time waster. We have much bigger fish to fry and we're burnin' daylight.

On one hand thats true, especialy with people like ruckman and gail whats her name. However, others are able to point out problems with some Bible Versions, that would otherwise never be discused by 'advertisers'.


New member
conan said:
Only some terms are archaic, most of the few can easily be taken care of with a dictionary. True, some words have changed meaning, but only a few. While somewhat archaic, it's still early modern english.

There are 2 many good Works that go hand in hand to neglect the KJV. Not nearly have any been made to go with other versions. It's like the other Bible publishers think there just is no money in real Bible study. Let people buy their version, take their money and run. I am not KJVonly by any means, but it just to good a version to neglect.

None of the most popular, newer versions, e.g. the NIV does any violence to any core Christian doctrine and is far better for daily reading and study for the "average" reader.

The NIV was made on a 7th grade reading level I think. Something tells me it's not a bunch of 7th graders buying this version. Do not get me wrong, I find it useful and think everyone should have one, but it is not literal enough for adults to use it "only".

On one hand thats true, especialy with people like ruckman and gail whats her name. However, others are able to point out problems with some Bible Versions, that would otherwise never be discused by 'advertisers'.


What coulda been...

What coulda been...

GlenBurnieMD said:
Tell that to the 8 kids that trusted Christ today in my junior church class this morning.

Didja stop & think it coulda been twelve if youda been using a BV in THEIR(and YOUR) English?

Nuffin wrong with the KJV...it's simply not in OUR English .


There's PLENTY wrong with the man-made false doctrine that the the KJV is the ONLY valid English Bible version. That doctrine is from MAN, not God, and is NOT found within the covers of ANY KJV edition.


Yet another attempt to fool ya, folks!

Yet another attempt to fool ya, folks!

Brandplucked:Jeremiah 8:8 The pen of the Scribes is in Vain

KJB "How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in vain."

The meaning of the King James Bible is NOT that the scriptures themselves had been altered by the scribes, but rather that the Scriptures did not profit the people because they were not listening to them nor obeying them. It was not the Scriptures which had been changed or altered, but the people who thought themselves wise even in their rejection of God's word.

Sorry, Will, but a simple check of a concordance shows you wrong again...not about SCRIPTURE, but about the KJV's having the best rendering. The Hebrew the KJV renders"in vain" is 'sheqer', which anyone proficient in Hebrew will tell you means, "false, a lie, deceit, fraudulently", etc. and in fact those are how it's rendered most of the time in the KJV as well as in newer versions.

Don't believe me, sports fans? Simply ask any rabbi or other person you know is proficient in Hebrew. Just ask'em what that little word"sheqer" means!

Modern bible translators have no sure words of God and deny that God has preserved His words in any Bible version or any text in any language on the earth today. They think themselves wise to decide which are God's words and which are not.

And the KJV translators DIDN'T? YEAH, RIIIIGHT !

They have in fact rejected the word of the LORD in the King James Bible

In fact, they've rejected the KJVO MYTH and are NOT confined to 400-yr-old English.

and set themselves up as the final authority.

Actually, that's a KJVO thingie.

And each and every one of their individual versions differs from those of everyone else.

As if the KJV doesn't ever differ within itself.

There are now many anti-Christian atheistic or Islamic sites that try to debunk the infallibility of the Bible, and they use Jeremiah 8:8 as it reads in most modern versions to prove that the Bible itself teaches that the Biblical texts have been corrupted.

At this Islamic site they begin their article with these words and a quote from the NIV to prove their point.

Easy to debunk them ragheads...There are at least FOUR Arabic versions of the Q'ran, whether they'll admit it or not. Solidarity? tell that to the Shiites & Sunnis whacking each other in Eye-Rack right now. They're phony as the KJVOs.

The true Bible, the Authorized King James Holy Bible, never lies and never perverts true doctrine.

Neither does any other true Bible.

It does not teach that God's words have been corrupted by lying scribes, as most modern versions do, and Jeremiah 8:8 in the KJB cannot be quoted by the mockers and destroyers of the faith to prove their point that God's words have been tampered with.

Guess it never occurred to you that the AV translators were men like us, and therefore were imperfect like us.


that you misinterpreted the archaic English.

Those modern version promoters who continue to tell us all bible versions have the same message are simply blind to the facts.

Actually, the KJVOs who continues to bleat that same ole propaganda that the KJV is the only valid English Bible version there is, is both blind and deaf to the TRUTH, as well as willfully ignorant of it. His/her myth is more important to them than is the work of GOD to supply His word as He has chosen.



New member
robycop3 said:
Didja stop & think it coulda been twelve if youda been using a BV in THEIR(and YOUR) English?

Nuffin wrong with the KJV...it's simply not in OUR English .


There's PLENTY wrong with the man-made false doctrine that the the KJV is the ONLY valid English Bible version. That doctrine is from MAN, not God, and is NOT found within the covers of ANY KJV edition.

The Spirit of God is responsible for drawing the sinner to repentance, not me.He uses the preaching of the word to bring about faith. I would be careful with the glib comments in that area and be thankful for any soul saved.

BTW, I did not see or hear of you, or anyone like you, out in the drug infested neighborhoods these kids come from with the Gospel message. Liberals do not like bringing these kids into their churches. Reaching them is something they may do in their prayers, but not with their time or efforts.

Also, I have never had anyone with a NIV or anything other than the KJV approach me to wittness to me, or even give me a tract. I guess Great Scholarship does not includeobedience to the Great Commission.


New member
KJVO Scriptural support

KJVO Scriptural support

robycop3 said:
Huldrych, we''ve had many a discussion on many a board. Have you EVER seen any KJVO deal with their myth's lack of Scriptural support?

Those that have taken a sincere look at the evidence, aren't Onlyists anymore :thumb:

Have you EVER seen them come up with anything that disproves the SMALLEST part of our stated origins of the modern KJVO myth...that it began in 1930 with the release of Dr. Wilkinson's book?

No, most of them seem to have a hard time looking back beyond 1611, as if Western Christianity started then.



More KJVO propaganda...

More KJVO propaganda...

GlenBurnieMD:The Spirit of God is responsible for drawing the sinner to repentance, not me.He uses the preaching of the word to bring about faith. I would be careful with the glib comments in that area and be thankful for any soul saved.

With all due respect, Sir, YOU made a comment suggesting it was the KJV that led those kids to Christ.

BTW, I did not see or hear of you, or anyone like you, out in the drug infested neighborhoods these kids come from with the Gospel message. Liberals do not like bringing these kids into their churches. Reaching them is something they may do in their prayers, but not with their time or efforts. Has nothing to do with any BV. I have my 'hood & you have yours. We witness as God gives us opportunity

Also, I have never had anyone with a NIV or anything other than the KJV approach me to wittness to me, or even give me a tract. I guess Great Scholarship does not includeobedience to the Great Commission.

Ever stop & think that the Holy Spirit hasn't sent anyone to witness to you cuz you're already saved? As a doctor, you don't treat well people, do you?

Again...Nothing to do with Bible versions. But KJVOs are generally grasping at straws they believe will support their myth while ignoring the lifeboat of the TRUTH...and that truth is that KJVO is a FALSE DOCTRINE.


More KJVO propaganda...

More KJVO propaganda...

GlenBurnieMD:The Spirit of God is responsible for drawing the sinner to repentance, not me.He uses the preaching of the word to bring about faith. I would be careful with the glib comments in that area and be thankful for any soul saved.

With all due respect, Sir, YOU made a comment suggesting it was the KJV that led those kids to Christ.

BTW, I did not see or hear of you, or anyone like you, out in the drug infested neighborhoods these kids come from with the Gospel message. Liberals do not like bringing these kids into their churches. Reaching them is something they may do in their prayers, but not with their time or efforts. Has nothing to do with any BV. I have my 'hood & you have yours. We witness as God gives us opportunity

Also, I have never had anyone with a NIV or anything other than the KJV approach me to wittness to me, or even give me a tract. I guess Great Scholarship does not includeobedience to the Great Commission.

Ever stop & think that the Holy Spirit hasn't sent anyone to witness to you cuz you're already saved? As a doctor, you don't treat well people, do you?

Again...Nothing to do with Bible versions. But KJVOs are generally grasping at straws they believe will support their myth while ignoring the lifeboat of the TRUTH...and that truth is that KJVO is a FALSE DOCTRINE.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
SteveG. said:
The KJV makes for a terribly awkward read. To most people, it is difficult to understand due to the
archaic terminology. I am familiar with most popular versions and have concluded that the KJV no longer serves a useful purpose and is best left on the shelf. None of the most popular, newer versions, e.g. the NIV does any violence to any core Christian doctrine and is far better for daily reading and study for the "average" reader. The whole KJV-only position is unnecessary, destructive,
and a huge time waster. We have much bigger fish to fry and we're burnin' daylight.
Try reading Shakespeare KJV is a breeze!

Peter A V

New member
KJVO & Scholarship onlyism

KJVO & Scholarship onlyism

Johnthebaptist said:
KJV Only, KJV Only, ignorance is bliss! :bang:
Scholarship onlyism,Scholarship onlyism,Man's widom is foolishness. :banana:

Peter A V

New member
This thread started with Will exposing the beliefs of B.Enyart.He has not refuted the claim.
So we end up with a whole barage of posters,some pro-Bible,most pro-errored -Bible..
Brandplucked is a Bible believer.
Logos_x only believes in the originals and various translations.[There are no originals,and all versions disagree]
godrulz believes that only the originals as inspired,and that there are no translations that era infalible.[same boat as logos_x]
Rimi thinks that by quoting the 1611 translators will be of more authority than God's words.
Turbo thinks that God is not uptight about translations.
Shimei believes that the A.V.has errors.trying to correct God's word.
godrulz also thinks that the KJV has errors,and would stand in authority against God in this.
Bob Enyart belives that only the originals as inspired.Rejecting 2 Tim 3:15,16 as the standard.
Turbo has been so deceived as to think that the New Testament quotes the LXX[72] when it was not around till 150 years AFTER the New testament was written.
drbrumley also thinks that the KJV is wrong
Lighthouse believes in no inerrant Bible.but cofesses that God's word's are??
deardelmar would question the fact of an inerrant KJV.
Dean thinks that the 1769 edition could be improved upon because of obscurities.But he prefers the KJV nevertheless.
Justin Wiccan is a Non-Christian
AVBunyan believes that the KJV is inspired and is the infalible words of God.
Mr5020 says KJV only is nonsense.
Mr Coffee is pro B.C. LXX[72]
godrulz is also a B.C.LXX[72] fan with no proof as usual.
Martian Manhunter is not a KJVO,but a Texus Receptus Only.
B.Enyart lies and says Will's posts are missleading,when they were not.He just didn't want to be exposed.
Rimi questions the KJV,and believes it has errors.but it doesn't.
godrulz says the NIV is more acurate at times than the KJV.He defends Thayer[a Unitarian]of which the Textbook itself warns of his stand towards the deity of Christ.
He magnifies Greek,and ridicules the KJV as archaic.
Zakath is an athieist.
godrulz like to compare what he says as credible translations[plural]based on sound scholarship & manuscript evidence.
Silverkz is a Bible believer.
Yorzhik's defence is questioning the pre-1611 English.
Crow suggests that the Bible has errors,because of typos such as 1631 the wicked Bible.
Knight won't make a stand.
Keypurr assumes that the KJV has errors and is imperfect.
one4christ believes that the 1611 is not the only version.
Rimi thinks he found a mistake in Isaiah 29:13 with Matt 15:8,9.But it is not a mistake.
keypurr like many Bibles to find the right reading on any verse.Pick and choose.
Yorzhik says the KJV claims are trivial.Claims of being the word of God is trival?
cocan would like to lead us to Strong's because he thinks it is great.
Cranstonroby believes in no infalible Bible.He further claims that the KJV flops & has anomilies.
He also falsely defends the LXX[72]But he USES the KJV tranlation,but claims that the KJV to be false time and again,but gives NO PROOF.
logos_x says his error free Bible is the Hebrew Tanackh.
Johnthebaptist defends the heretical critical Text.
Robycop3 exposes himself by claiming that EVERY Bible is PERFECT for God's intended uses.
logos_x exposes himself by saying that the KJV is an idol.
Huldrych believes in the Luther Bible and any Texus Receptus,especially those of the reformation.
42ndgen thinks that if the originals did not exist,that then there is no chance of a reliable KJV.
Just like my parents are dead,so I can't reliably be a Fuhrman.

Plus there are a few more posters,but this will suffice for the time being.The majority have no Holy Bible that they believe to be what God's word says it is.Inspired,preserved,infalible,purified,perfect.

Instead they use their own oppinions and the oppinions of others,conflicting authorities,Various conflicting manuscripts put out by hereticts,and the like.

We are not God,God's word is the standard.We are to speak the same thing,mind the same things,etc.But look at this mess we have made of it.We need to really take a good hard look at our direction as believers.For if this continues,then we all might as well join the Catholics,for that is the versions most are using,even though they are read in the protestant side of churches.These phony New Bibles are nothing more than the Vaticanus[Catholic] and the Sinaiticus[catholic]Jesuit Rheims 1582[catholic]LXX[72][Catholic]Westcott and Hort[Catholic]UBS[Catholic]etc.
Are you going to be a Bible believer,or a compromizer?
There is no comparison according to God's word.


New member
Mr Coffee is pro B.C. LXX[72]
godrulz is also a B.C.LXX[72] fan with no proof as usual.

Brother, put me on record as believing the Septuagint is the Word of God as well.

cocan would like to lead us to Strong's because he thinks it is great.

It is a great Bible resource, as well as the Englishmans Hebrew & Greek concordances. They are used to study the Word of God, and I apologize not for it.


New member
Peter A V said:
The majority have no Holy Bible that they believe to be what God's word says it is.Inspired,preserved,infalible,purified,perfect.
...Are you going to be a Bible believer,or a compromizer?

When God's word says it is.Inspired,preserved,infalible,purified,perfect...when was that written? In what language?

If I believed as you do..then I would be a compromiser, believing that the translators knew better than the inspired authors.

Your position is nothing but bunk.
Worse...it elevates the Bible into an object of worship.
It is a form of idolatry.

Bibliolatry --- Bible worship

I will not compromise with you on this.


Peter AV believes a FALSE DOCTRINE...

Peter AV believes a FALSE DOCTRINE...

Peter A V: This thread started with Will exposing the beliefs of B.Enyart.He has not refuted the claim.

He prolly thinks they're so poor he won't waste his time.

So we end up with a whole barage of posters,some pro-Bible,most pro-errored -Bible..

Actually, that would be those believers in a false doctrine, the KJVOs.

Turbo has been so deceived as to think that the New Testament quotes the LXX[72] when it was not around till 150 years AFTER the New testament was written.
drbrumley also thinks that the KJV is wrong

Not according to the AV translators.

Mr5020 says KJV only is nonsense.

He's right.

Rimi questions the KJV,and believes it has errors.but it doesn't.

Yes, it DOES.

Cranstonroby believes in no infalible Bible.He further claims that the KJV flops & has anomilies.

Infallible Bible? That would be every valid version. Booboos in the KJV? Absolutely.

He also falsely defends the LXX[72]But he USES the KJV tranlation,but claims that the KJV to be false time and again,but gives NO PROOF.

That's an outright LIE. I have supplied the proof that EASTER in Acts 12:4 is wrong. And the misstarement in Acts 5:3, "slew and hanged", requires no elaboration.

Robycop3 exposes himself by claiming that EVERY Bible is PERFECT for God's intended uses.

And, have YOU proven otherwise? Newp. And you CAN'T. All you cats can say is, "Dey aint da KJV so dey RONG. So wy'z da KJV rite? Cuz mah PREECHER gimme a koppie & sed Mr. Rukmn blest it! How do Ah NOE itz rite? Cuz it IZZ!"

Huldrych believes in the Luther Bible and any Texus Receptus,especially those of the reformation.

I've "spoken" with Huldrych many times on many boards; he knows GERMAN as well as we know English. I'd say he knows more about the Luther Bible than anyone else on this board, & that includes YOU.

As for the Textus receptus, WHICH EDITION is right? Erasmus alone revised it at least 3 times. The KJVO poster-boy, Dean John Burgon, said it needed a thorough revision!

Plus there are a few more posters,but this will suffice for the time being.The majority have no Holy Bible that they believe to be what God's word says it is.Inspired,preserved,infalible,purified,perfect.

Actually, the MAIN thing YOU have is a FALSE DOCTRINE. You cannot prove a single thing you say about the KJV.

Instead they use their own oppinions and the oppinions of others,conflicting authorities,Various conflicting manuscripts put out by hereticts,and the like.

Actually, it's the KJVO who does this! You rely upon the dope spouted by the likes of Wilkinson, Ray, Fuller, Ruckman, Riplinger, Cloud, Marrs, and the rest of those purveyors of bunk.

We are not God,God's word is the standard.We are to speak the same thing,mind the same things,etc.

But God didn't limit us to one language, while allowing/causing all in-use languages to change constantly.

But look at this mess we have made of it.We need to really take a good hard look at our direction as believers.

Yes, and ESPECIALLY YOU KJVOs. You're promoting a MAN-MADE FALSE DOCTRINE about a version of God's word.

For if this continues,then we all might as well join the Catholics,for that is the versions most are using,even though they are read in the protestant side of churches.These phony New Bibles are nothing more than the Vaticanus[Catholic] and the Sinaiticus[catholic]Jesuit Rheims 1582[catholic]LXX[72][Catholic]Westcott and Hort[Catholic]UBS[Catholic]etc.


You cannot prove the first word of it.

Are you going to be a Bible believer,or a compromizer?
There is no comparison according to God's word.

I'm gonna continue to believe GOD'S WORD, and not a man-made false doctrine about it.

Shoot, you cats are STUMPED by this one little fact: THERE'S NOT ONE WORD OF SUPPORT FOR THE KJVO MYTH TO BE FOUND IN THE KJV ITSELF. That fact alone proves your doctrine FALSE, not to mention tha MOUNTAIN of other proofs.

And I'm not talking about EMPIRICAL proofs; I'm talking about IMPLICATION. There's simply NO SCRIPTURAL SUPPORT for the KJVO myth!

If you can even BEGIN to overcome that obstacle, you have a better chance for someone to actually believe your codwallop.
But you CAN'T, so your myth LOSES.


New member
To all

I have nothing against the KJV since I preach from it, but cannot hold to the KJV Only viewpoint. I prefer the NASV or ASV. I know that KJV Only people are trying topreserve the Word of God. But much of the accertains they made are not based on sound scholarship nor facts. But I will say one thing with all of our Bible translations and Bible study tools today, we are less spiritual than than we were 30 or 40 years ago. Our parents and grandparents were better Christians than we are today. There is less spirituality in churches today. There is less presence of the power of God in most churches today. 75 percent of Southern Baptist Churches are plateaued or dying.

God Bless


New member
Johnthebaptist said:
...But I will say one thing with all of our Bible translations and Bible study tools today, we are less spiritual than than we were 30 or 40 years ago. Our parents and grandparents were better Christians than we are today. There is less spirituality in churches today. There is less presence of the power of God in most churches today. 75 percent of Southern Baptist Churches are plateaued or dying.

God Bless

What do you see as the remedy for this situation?
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