Keeping Racism Alive


The Apology Police have arrived

The Apology Police have arrived

And SOD's wit, maturity, elan, panache and debonair characteristics are once again found.....

In the imagination...


Since George Zimmerman hasn't yet apologized for shooting the guy that had him on the ground beating him, perhaps you should call and DEMAND an apology Arthur.

Hopefully it'll work better with him than it did with me.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
tardlyartie, desperate for some attention, attempts to contribute as best he can:

:wave2: Yes artie, we see you

Dude, if there's a day comes where I'm desperate for attention from the likes of you then I'll have problems. Thanks for exploding another irony meter though...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
and tardlyartie, struggling to explain that he really isn't seeking attention, continues to shout "Me! Me! Look at me!" :darwinsm:

Yes, that just must be it dude. I'm so desperate in my life that I need to have acknowledgement even if it's from a complete gimp....


Thankfully, not the case. Granted, this involves certain posts from Kmo bemoaning specific vegetable shortages but I can put up with that.....almost.....



:dizzy: It wasn't racial profiling:

[MSNBC's Convenient Ellipses Make Zimmerman Look Racist by Dan Riehl] "In a published report bylined " Staff and NBC News," a quote attributed to Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman, appears to be purposefully distorted by the left to read as though Zimmerman is a racist. A full reading of the transcript of the quoted 911 call suggests nothing of the kind. Here's what MSNBC staff and NBC News published.

“This guy looks like he’s up to no good … he looks black,” Zimmerman told a police dispatcher from his car. His father has said that Zimmerman is Hispanic, grew up in a multiracial family, and is not racist.

The quote gives the impression Zimmer was somehow equating the fact that Martin was black with his looking suspicious, or "up to no good." Here is what MSNBC/NBC News left out thanks to a convenient ellipsis.

ZIMMERMAN: This guy looks like he's up to no good, [begin ellipsis] or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about.

911 DISPATCHER: Okay, is this guy, is he white, black, or Hispanic? [end ellipsis]

ZIMMERMAN: He looks black.

Not only did Zimmerman not equate Martin's skin color with his looking suspicious; he didn't even initiate the comment. It was simply a response to the police dispatcher. What the full quote does seem to make certain is that at that period in time, Zimmerman wasn't even positive as to what race Martin was. He was speculating based upon what he could determine at night in the rain to answer the police dispatcher..." Full text: MSNBC's Convenient Ellipses Make Zimmerman Look Racist
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New member
“I think all of us have to do some soul searching..." ~ Barack Obama Story

Is the President using this tragic event for political purposes? :Nineveh: "..If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon...” :AMR: What does that mean?

Wasn't he supposed to be :bow: beyond race?


"Barack can get shot going to the gas station." :peach: ~ Michelle Obama

“For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country." :peach: ~ Michelle Obama

Are they trying to tell us that we are :yawn: a racist country--again? :rolleyes: Ac 17:26

some just wont quit with the race card..

I"m So bored

some other dude

New member
:dizzy: It wasn't racial profiling:

[MSNBC's Convenient Ellipses Make Zimmerman Look Racist by Dan Riehl] "In a published report bylined " Staff and NBC News," a quote attributed to Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman, appears to be purposefully distorted by the left to read as though Zimmerman is a racist. A full reading of the transcript of the quoted 911 call suggests nothing of the kind. Here's what MSNBC staff and NBC News published.

“This guy looks like he’s up to no good … he looks black,” Zimmerman told a police dispatcher from his car. His father has said that Zimmerman is Hispanic, grew up in a multiracial family, and is not racist.

The quote gives the impression Zimmer was somehow equating the fact that Martin was black with his looking suspicious, or "up to no good." Here is what MSNBC/NBC News left out thanks to a convenient ellipsis.

ZIMMERMAN: This guy looks like he's up to no good, [begin ellipsis] or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about.

911 DISPATCHER: Okay, is this guy, is he white, black, or Hispanic? [end ellipsis]

ZIMMERMAN: He looks black.

Not only did Zimmerman not equate Martin's skin color with his looking suspicious; he didn't even initiate the comment. It was simply a response to the police dispatcher. What the full quote does seem to make certain is that at that period in time, Zimmerman wasn't even positive as to what race Martin was. He was speculating based upon what he could determine at night in the rain to answer the police dispatcher..." Full text: MSNBC's Convenient Ellipses Make Zimmerman Look Racist

Good catch SD!