Jesus is God? Or Jesus is begotten of God?


Eclectic Theosophist
God in His various forms.....and beyond form......

God in His various forms.....and beyond form......

Jesus is God the Father come in the flesh as a Son.

There are three, and the three are one and the same.

You make three different and separate Gods, and then call them one.

Its all 'God' just manifesting/expressing in different forms :)

I approach this here and eslewhere.

So its not so much as having 3 gods (to the protest of monotheists) , just 3 'forms' of 'God', while 'God' in 'His' or 'Its' singular unique indivisible essence remains as pure Spirit-Energy-Consciousness. All is born out of this Singular essence, as the fundamental, original reality. In Theosophy, this is 'The Absolute', being 'pre-personal'...yet the source of all personality.

We relate to this infinite indescribable ABSOLUTE as a Personality ('Our Father-Mother), yet there are aspects of 'Deity' that are 'pre-personal' and 'trans-personal', going beyond any description of 'personality' that our finite minds can comprehend. In the context of 'God' as 'personal' and being a 'Personality', we have a tri-une assocation of divine personalities being the foundation-head, the Monad from which all sentient beings and personalities arise in the cosmos.

Whether one holds a Unitarian, Trinitarian or Modalistic view of 'God' and 'Christ', they all claim a true monotheistic theology of there being only ONE GOD, however this 'God' exists in His various forms, transformations or adaptations. Its still just 'God' in his various trans-formations. Debates are over preferred views and logics of how Christ is related to 'God', and if Christ is 'God', but how this affects anything beyond the context of one's own theology or religious culture is worth pondering.


Eclectic Theosophist


God and Jesus are NOT the exact same being.



Lets go cosmic :)

As far as the Holy Spirit being a combination, I suppose the one universal primordial Spirit is one essence originally no matter what differentials, combinations, mixtures or differing qualities exist or emerge from that universal Spirit, so its just 'cosmetics' on one level, and a preferred relational perspective on our part how we view the 'Godhead' inter-relating.


God's Truth

New member
Its all 'God' just manifesting/expressing in different forms :)

I approach this here and eslewhere.

So its not so much as having 3 gods (to the protest of monotheists) , just 3 'forms' of 'God', while 'God' in 'His' or 'Its' singular unique indivisible essence remains as pure Spirit-Energy-Consciousness. All is born out of this Singular essence, as the fundamental, original reality. In Theosophy, this is 'The Absolute', being 'pre-personal'...yet the source of all personality.

We relate to this infinite indescribable ABSOLUTE as a Personality ('Our Father-Mother), yet there are aspects of 'Deity' that are 'pre-personal' and 'trans-personal', going beyond any description of 'personality' that our finite minds can comprehend. In the context of 'God' as 'personal' and being a 'Personality', we have a tri-une assocation of divine personalities being the foundation-head, the Monad from which all sentient beings and personalities arise in the cosmos.

Whether one holds a Unitarian, Trinitarian or Modalistic view of 'God' and 'Christ', they all claim a true monotheistic theology of there being only ONE GOD, however this 'God' exists in His various forms, transformations or adaptations. Its still just 'God' in his various trans-formations. Debates are over preferred views and logics of how Christ is related to 'God', and if Christ is 'God', but how this affects anything beyond the context of one's own theology or religious culture is worth pondering.

There are three, and the three are the same. It is very important to know the truth. There are those who say Jesus is not God, and there are those who say Jesus is God but not the Father.

Greg Jennings

New member
Are all laws equally valid?

Laws of the land? Yeah. Kentucky Kim wanted to force her religion on others as a government employee. That's just wrong and she knew it.

Plus she'd been divorced four times. Talk about hypocritical.

We probably shouldn't hijack this thread with Kim Davis things, but I encourage you to bring this dialogue of yours over to the Politics forum in the thread about the Hindu girl who was fired for "being a witch."

Right Divider

Body part
Laws of the land? Yeah. Kentucky Kim wanted to force her religion on others as a government employee. That's just wrong and she knew it.

Plus she'd been divorced four times. Talk about hypocritical.

We probably shouldn't hijack this thread with Kim Davis things, but I encourage you to bring this dialogue of yours over to the Politics forum in the thread about the Hindu girl who was fired for "being a witch."
You're off on a of a bit a tangent. I was just asking whether you think that all laws of governments were equally valid.

How does an agnostic (or atheistic) make these types of determinations? Majority opinion? Might makes right?

Greg Jennings

New member
You're off on a of a bit a tangent. I was just asking whether you think that all laws of governments were equally valid.

How does an agnostic (or atheistic) make these types of determinations? Majority opinion? Might makes right?

The same way any citizen makes them: by adhering to the constitution and when something is questionable, majority opinion will often lead to congress enacting policy change.


Eclectic Theosophist
relational context important here.........

relational context important here.........

There are three, and the three are the same.

Which basically agrees with the formulated orthodox creed of them all having the same 'essence', (same 'being'), but you don't allow each 'person' in the Godhead to have their own unique/separate personality or distinction as a compound unity, having a more 'modalist' perspective. Is this correct? - Your concept of 'God' is modalistic, the Father, Son and Spirit just being 'phases' of the One God, yet in this economy, is 'God' only working thru one 'phase' during any given dispensation? or are all phases inter-acting and operating in the cosmos at every moment?

It is very important to know the truth.

Well,...depends on whose 'truth' or what 'version' is being proposed, but over all,....our perception of 'truth' will be 'relative' and 'conditioned' by various filter-factors. All truth in this limited mortal space-time conditioned world, is 'relative'. What is Absolute Truth or Reality...just IS. - everything 'else' is distorted, conceptualized, compartmentalized by mind.

There are those who say Jesus is not God, and there are those who say Jesus is God but not the Father.

Which makes for a wonderful con-fusion eh? Jesus the Son, represents his Father-God to us, serving to reveal Him to us. - recognizing this is sufficient, to behold 'God' in 'Christ', Jesus being his 'agent' of 'agency' ( for creation and redemption).

As far as Jesus being the Father manifested in the flesh, this counters distinction of persons and relational logics as Jesus relates to his Father being in heaven (in Spirit, being 'transcendental', 'all-pervading'.... a 'presence' greater than his own localized form), showing clear separation of personalities RELATING to one another (even if you mesh them all together as one essence, differentiated somehow to be able to 'relate' to one another). You STILL have relational difference between 'persons' distinguished THRU 'relationship'. Otherwise there is no relationship, just a succession of phases or modes of 'God'.

Right Divider

Body part
The same way any citizen makes them: by adhering to the constitution and when something is questionable, majority opinion will often lead to congress enacting policy change.
So you think that the constitution is sacred and that the majority is always wise and benevolent?
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Greg Jennings

New member
So you think that the constitution is scared and that the majority is always wise and benevolent?

I trust you mean "sacred."

It's the foundation of our country, so in a sense yes it is sacred.

In this country, the majority always represents the will of the people, which is the whole point of democracy. Sometimes it has to evolve, but we've been shown throughout history that the most benevolent and wise viewpoint always wins out in the end

Greg Jennings

New member
Yeah, he has a very eclectic view of truth vs. untruth.

If you hadn't been born to a Christian family, but instead to a Muslim one, you'd think that the Quran was ultimate truth and that the Bible was inaccurate.

You were born into a Christian family, and therefore believe the Bible to be truth and the Quran inaccurate.

If your opinion on something is so heavily affected by which denomination you were placed into at birth, then neither side is much more convincing than the other. As such, you need to show respect for other views besides your own.

Amazing to me that that is somehow a radical opinion here when a fellow by the name of Jesus said "love thy neighbor as thyself." He didn't preach "tell thy neighbor how stupid he is and totally disregard him because he isn't the same religion as you." Or maybe I just missed that sermon?
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Well-known member
I trust you mean "sacred."

It's the foundation of our country, so in a sense yes it is sacred.

In this country, the majority always represents the will of the people, which is the whole point of democracy. Sometimes it has to evolve, but we've been shown throughout history that the most benevolent and wise viewpoint always wins out in the end

We were given in the beginning a constitutional republic, a nation under law, not a pure democracy, which is the rule of 51+ percent.

In a pure democracy, if 51 per cent decide that everyone by the name of Greg are non-human and need to be terminated then majority rules.

In a nation ruled by law, based on principles of life, liberty and ownership of property, Greg's life has great value, no matter what a whimsical majority thinks.


Well-known member
If you hadn't been born to a Christian family, but instead to a Muslim one, you'd think that the Quran was ultimate truth and that the Bible was inaccurate.

You were born into a Christian family, and therefore believe the Bible to be truth and the Quran inaccurate.

If your opinion on something is so heavily affected by which denomination you were placed into at birth, then neither side is much more convincing than the other. As such, you need to show respect for other views besides your own.

Amazing to me that that is somehow a radical opinion here when a fellow by the name of Jesus said "love thy neighbor as thyself." He didn't preach "tell thy neighbor how stupid he is and totally disregard him because he isn't the same religion as you." Or maybe I just missed that sermon?

I was born into a pantheistic family and through the process of
studying and practicing various belief systems, I came to the conclusion that Biblical Christianity is true and all others are false.


Eclectic Theosophist
Cult-ural conditioning................

Cult-ural conditioning................

If you hadn't been born to a Christian family, but instead to a Muslim one, you'd think that the Quran was ultimate truth and that the Bible was inaccurate.

You were born into a Christian family, and therefore believe the Bible to be truth and the Quran inaccurate.

If your opinion on something is so heavily affected by which denomination you were placed into at birth, then neither side is much more convincing than the other. As such, you need to show respect for other views besides your own.

Amazing to me that that is somehow a radical opinion here when a fellow by the name of Jesus said "love thy neighbor as thyself." He didn't preach "tell thy neighbor how stupid he is and totally disregard him because he isn't the same religion as you." Or maybe I just missed that sermon?

This is something for all to consider,...for we are often the product of our environment, upbringing, culture, circumstance, education, etc.....unless other factors play into our choice of religion, philosophical perspectives, etc.. Some of us are more 'rigid'(conservative), others more flexible(liberal/eclectic),...but we have to look at our 'conditioning' concerning religious beliefs, be intellectually honest about such.

Now considering, if you were born into a devoutly religious family of another religious faith or culture,'d be conditioned to accept that belief-structure as 'true' or 'orthodox'. You would not know anything else unless you began your own search or studies outside that 'system'.

The fact is, you cannot put 'God' in a box, much less contain the infinite or limit 'God' to only one religious cult-ure or tradition, since 'God' is omnipresent, a universal Spirit, and all-pervading consciousness. 'God' is not contained by only one religious cult, but contains all.... which are but varying expressions and forms of 'God'.