Isn't it reasonable to doubt Young Earth Creationism?


Well-known member
You're saying we're putting "spin" on what scripture says.

Yet, neither I nor 6days have done anything but quote scripture and left it at that.

No exegesis, no eisegesis. Just quoting scripture.

Meaning, we take it at face value. We read what is written... and that's what it means.

Tell me, vowels. How are I and 6days putting "spin" on Exodus 20:11?

I know exactly your spin on this verse.

Exo 20:11
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

First, you ignore that the Sabbath, every sabbath, is blessed and hallowed. Hence Christ went to synagogue every Sabbath, as His custom was. So you are ignoring this part of the verse by not obeying the command to remember and hallow the sabbath by keeping it.

Second, heaven, earth and sea refer to earth with its 3 regions supporting life, birds in the sky, fish in the sea, land animals on land. Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere constituting the biosphere.

But there have been many biomes as evidenced by the geologic column. The current holocene with its current biome was (re)created in 6 days, after some mass extinction had left earth with darkness and water covering it, making it without form and void. But this was just the latest of dozens of recreation events. Study the geologic column and you will see that many fossils are never found with others, so the epochs were consecutive. That is what I call hard evidence, the evidence of the rocks.

The truth in the rocks should be used by those studying the Bible to keep them humble enough to not go spouting nonsense about all animals from all fossil layers living at the same time. Only about 3% of all animals which have ever lived are still extant today. That means there were 97% more plant and animal species around in the past. Yet you believe these all occupied the same niches within the last 6000 years. Absurd. A 5 year old child would know it was not possible for all the different (now fossil) animals to have lived on earth at one and the same time.


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I know exactly your spin on this verse.

Exo 20:11
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

First, you ignore that the Sabbath, every sabbath, is blessed and hallowed. Hence Christ went to synagogue every Sabbath, as His custom was. So you are ignoring this part of the verse by not obeying the command to remember and hallow the sabbath by keeping it.

Second, heaven, earth and sea refer to earth with its 3 regions supporting life, birds in the sky, fish in the sea, land animals on land. Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere constituting the biosphere.

But there have been many biomes as evidenced by the geologic column. The current holocene with its current biome was (re)created in 6 days, after some mass extinction had left earth with darkness and water covering it, making it without form and void. But this was just the latest of dozens of recreation events. Study the geologic column and you will see that many fossils are never found with others, so the epochs were consecutive. That is what I call hard evidence, the evidence of the rocks. The truth in the rocks should be used by those studying the Bible to keep them humble enough to not go spouting nonsense about all animals from all fossil layers living at the same time. A 5 year old child would know it was not possible for all the different (now fossil) animals to have lived on earth at one and the same time.

I think you need to stop arguing for something that doesn't fit scripture, and go for something that does, such as the hydroplate theory.

And realize that true secular theories of origin don't exist.

And that the universe itself speaks against billions of years.


New member
Calling scripture meaningless?
Now I know you're a fool.
His source of truth is secular beliefs through which he 'interprets' scripture. Basically, it's a belief in an old earth that Paul argued against in Scripture. Essentially he thinks Christians for 1800 years didn't understand the Gospel correctly until the atheist maker, Darwin came along.

Sadly..... his compromised belief system has taught millions of kids that they don't need believe what the Bible plainly stated. (Allegorical interpretation of flood, virgin birth, resurrection etc).


Well-known member
6days, you have spoken much about science in the past. But until you learn what a fact is, you are forever going to be confused, as will be a multitude of Bible thumpers. A fact is something like "The earth is round/spherical", "Donald Trump is president of the USA" - things on which all except ignoramuses agree.

Your interpretation of the Bible you seamlessly place in the same category as facts. Thus you have lost the mechanism of sorting facts from fantasy - things in the real cosmos, like old light and the geologic column, you just wave away with a (misinterpreted) scripture such as "in 7 days God created the heavens and the earth" which you repeat like a mantra to ward off the facts.
Exodus 20:11 :think:

To set the background of how wrong you are...
1) You are claiming Adam, Eve, and every other creature never stepped on an ant, or ate anything except leaves - since any carnivore would introduce death. Do you really think before the fall, all animals walked carefully enough not to step on and kill another.

Romans 8:22,23 Isaiah 11:6 :think:
2) Some critters have short lifespans. So no adult fly, with a short lifespan, died in the time before the fall.
Not sure if it is important if animals died naturally or not, but rather whether men died naturally or not. Romans 5:12 :think:

3) God would have had to reprogram every omnivore and carnivore, some of which are very specific in their diets after the fall. E.g. anteaters eat ants. Are you claiming that after the fall, God reprogrammed anteaters to change from eating whatever herb, to eating ants? There is no record of this in the Bible.
This is an assumption. If animals died naturally, there would be ample food. You and I weren't there so imho, you are presumptuous to say 6 days is 'wrong' when it very well could be you. We just don't know. Speculations are understandable, but I'm not sure there is room for 'wrong' in this particular venture of the conversation.

4) Adam and Eve did not die for nearly 900 years after their sins. Abel, for instance died long before them. So the first human death was not from the original sinners, but occurred to an innocent human victim.
Most of us disagree with Catholics. We don't believe Abel was 'innocent.' His sacrifice was acceptable. It was certainly Cain's sin that caused Abel's death. Whatever else, or however else you want to argue the point, it needs a cogent and more precise treatment. Of course Abel died as a result of sin, introduced from Original Sin. I don't think you can argue this point cogently or biblically.

5) The first recorded animal death was a lamb God killed to make Adam and Eve a coat to cover themselves. Thus one could make a case that death entered the world through God doing the killing (which is incorrect since animals were eating each other in food chains since the beginning of creation).
There is no mention what the animal skins were. Sin, however, was certainly the beginning of the need. Prior? They were in the Garden and unclothed, there was no need.

6) Sin did not enter the world through one man, but through one woman, Eve. Watch how your mind is programmed to negate this fact with excuses of a misogynistic kind.
Genesis 3:6 :think:

Like the scripture about death entering the world through one man's sins which you enquired about, and which I have explained at length in the past, but you are teflon coated against real facts or even against the correct interpretation of scripture.
It's a fool's errand, but I have some time, so I will explain it again to some lurker who may derive some benefit from my explanation.
7) Paul was using an analogy of trying to liken Adam to Christ - so Paul had to force the analogy to fit, making Adam to be the one who brought sin into the world so Christ could be the one to take it out. Paul's bad.
Paul's bad??? And I should listen to someone who is not an Apostle concerning this? :think:
Now to clarify what Paul was trying to say...
You are attempting to correct and Apostle??? Where is scripture authority after that? Where is objective truth after that? Don't you become the new Pope by default of taking up the correction and giving your opinion rather than scripture? How can you have objective truth after that?

Through one woman (Eve) and one weak man (Adam) sin entered the HUMAN condition, and that sin condemned them to physical death because God cut all humanity off from the Tree of Life, which we have to nibble on to live forever. There has been no access to that Tree of Life till Christ came along. Now we eat of Him and His body (the bread and the wine) and we have communion with His eternal life.
I don't remember any instructions to 'be sure you eat daily from the Tree of Life or you'll die.' It is an assumption, a derivative, an educated guess. I don't know whether the Tree was Christ or whether it was an actual tree or whatever it was. I agree Christ is life. John 11:25; 14:6
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You mean Cain's sin?

Exodus 20:11 :think:

Romans 8:22,23 Isaiah 11:6 :think:

Not sure if it is important if animals died naturally or not, but rather whether men died naturally or not. Romans 5:12 :think:

This is an assumption. If animals died naturally, there would be ample food. You and I weren't there so imho, you are presumptuous to say 6 days is 'wrong' when it very well could be you. We just don't know. Speculations are understandable, but I'm not sure there is room for 'wrong' in this particular venture of the conversation.

Most of us disagree with Catholics. We don't believe Abel was 'innocent.' His sacrifice was acceptable. It was certainly Seth's sin that caused Abel's death. Whatever else, or however else you want to argue the point, it needs a cogent and more precise treatment. Of course Abel died as a result of sin, introduced from Original Sin. I don't think you can argue this point cogently or biblically.

There is no mention what the animal skins were. Sin, however, was certainly the beginning of the need. Prior? They were in the Garden and unclothed, there was no need.

Genesis 3:6 :think:

Paul's bad??? And I should listen to someone who is not an Apostle concerning this? :think:
You are attempting to correct and Apostle??? Where is scripture authority after that? Where is objective truth after that? Don't you become the new Pope by default of taking up the correction and giving your opinion rather than scripture? How can you have objective truth after that?

I don't remember any instructions to 'be sure you eat daily from the Tree of Life or you'll die.' It is an assumption, a derivative, an educated guess. I don't know whether the Tree was Christ or whether it was an actual tree or whatever it was. I agree Christ is life. John 11:25; 14:6
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Well-known member
I know exactly your spin on this verse.

Exo 20:11
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

First, you ignore that the Sabbath, every sabbath, is blessed and hallowed. Hence Christ went to synagogue every Sabbath, as His custom was. So you are ignoring this part of the verse by not obeying the command to remember and hallow the sabbath by keeping it.
Nothing to do with the price of tea in China.

Second, heaven, earth and sea refer to earth with its 3 regions supporting life, birds in the sky, fish in the sea, land animals on land. Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere constituting the biosphere.
Two words to consider.

But there have been many biomes as evidenced by the geologic column. The current holocene with its current biome was (re)created in 6 days, after some mass extinction had left earth with darkness and water covering it, making it without form and void. But this was just the latest of dozens of recreation events. Study the geologic column and you will see that many fossils are never found with others, so the epochs were consecutive. That is what I call hard evidence, the evidence of the rocks.
The evidence doesn't necessarily mean we can figure it out. Scientists claim 'foul' for such, but it isn't their world. That'd be quite an egotistic/egocentric postulation. It belongs to the One Who made it and including you and I. As fond as I am of science, I've always known its shortcomings in ability to actually deliver on time-sensitive theory. There is no possible way but to speculate. A big bang wasn't and isn't enough. In order for meat eaters to have 'evolved' they had to have had meat but science thinks that plants were first and that other life came from them (and spores before that). None of it actually works well that way. Evolution as a proposition is less substantiated as theory.

The truth in the rocks should be used by those studying the Bible to keep them humble enough to not go spouting nonsense about all animals from all fossil layers living at the same time. Only about 3% of all animals which have ever lived are still extant today. That means there were 97% more plant and animal species around in the past. Yet you believe these all occupied the same niches within the last 6000 years. Absurd. A 5 year old child would know it was not possible for all the different (now fossil) animals to have lived on earth at one and the same time.
Again, speculation is what we have. I'm not hung up on a Young Earth, but God certainly had to make a system, in a short number of days, that allowed for an equilibrium or life couldn't exist. There is no 'life' without oxygen and that requires mature plants, etc. Either the Creation or Evolution model has to account for life sustainability. Creation does so by pointing to the source of all life. Evolution leaves the source of all life, out of the picture.


Well-known member
Sanctify: set apart as or declare holy; consecrate.

Create: bring (something) into existence.

So you're saying that "sanctify" and "create" are synonyms?

You said God created something on the 7th day. If that is true, then what did He create?

Exo 20:11
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Do you think God hallowed/sanctified just the original Saturday, or all Saturdays?

Sanctify and hallow mean to set aside for holy use. Do you sanctify Saturday? Or do you just like to quote scripture?


Well-known member
I think you need to stop arguing for something that doesn't fit scripture, and go for something that does, such as the hydroplate theory.

And realize that true secular theories of origin don't exist.

And that the universe itself speaks against billions of years.

My bad. You found some dodgy website video on the internet, so that must be true.
The whole body of science knows about old light and the geologic column which shows successive biomes complete with their own food chains, and most biomes did not have overlapping organisms. That's a fact. There was an age of the dinosaurs/ followed by an age of the mammals with very little overlap. Your theology needs to be able to explain this, or it is not based in fact.


Well-known member
His source of truth is secular beliefs through which he 'interprets' scripture. Basically, it's a belief in an old earth that Paul argued against in Scripture. Essentially he thinks Christians for 1800 years didn't understand the Gospel correctly until the atheist maker, Darwin came along.

Sadly..... his compromised belief system has taught millions of kids that they don't need believe what the Bible plainly stated. (Allegorical interpretation of flood, virgin birth, resurrection etc).

6days - there are many christian families homeschooling their children to be just like you - contemptuous of science and facts. It does not bode well.


Well-known member
Not sure if it is important if animals died naturally or not, but rather whether men died naturally or not. Romans 5:12 :think:

Here you are right Lon. Death entered the human condition when one woman, Eve sinned.

This verse speaks nothing about death being present in food chains since the pre-Cambrian.

And until the Holocene, there were no humans around to sin - but in all the previous fossil layers before the Holocene we find fossils with other animals in their mouths and stomachs - showing its a FACT that there was plenty of death and dying of animals before the appearance of man on earth.


Well-known member
This is an assumption. If animals died naturally, there would be ample food. You and I weren't there so imho, you are presumptuous to say 6 days is 'wrong' when it very well could be you. We just don't know. Speculations are understandable, but I'm not sure there is room for 'wrong' in this particular venture of the conversation.

The fossil record of animals found in other fossil animals mouths and stomachs shows 6days IS wrong, and that you are wrong too in playing the "we just don't know" card. We do know. The fossil record is brutal and bloody. T. rex was eating Triceratops long before Adam planted a footprint on planet earth.


Well-known member
You are attempting to correct and Apostle??? Where is scripture authority after that? Where is objective truth after that? Don't you become the new Pope by default of taking up the correction and giving your opinion rather than scripture? How can you have objective truth after that?

Bible-fact - sin entered the world through one woman - she knowingly disobeyed God after quoting to the snake that they were not to eat the fruit.

Are you claiming that a) the woman never sinned b) the woman never sinned first c) women don't count


Well-known member
The evidence doesn't necessarily mean we can figure it out. Scientists claim 'foul' for such, but it isn't their world. That'd be quite an egotistic/egocentric postulation. It belongs to the One Who made it and including you and I. As fond as I am of science, I've always known its shortcomings in ability to actually deliver on time-sensitive theory. There is no possible way but to speculate. A big bang wasn't and isn't enough. In order for meat eaters to have 'evolved' they had to have had meat but science thinks that plants were first and that other life came from them (and spores before that). None of it actually works well that way. Evolution as a proposition is less substantiated as theory.

Again, speculation is what we have. I'm not hung up on a Young Earth, but God certainly had to make a system, in a short number of days, that allowed for an equilibrium or life couldn't exist. There is no 'life' without oxygen and that requires mature plants, etc. Either the Creation or Evolution model has to account for life sustainability. Creation does so by pointing to the source of all life. Evolution leaves the source of all life, out of the picture.

Do yourself a favour and study the geologic column for a while.

The geologic column has nothing to do with evolution, but everything to do with successive creative events on the part of a Creator over time. The creation of Adam 6000 years ago was not God's first rodeo.


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Exo 20:11
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Do you think God hallowed/sanctified just the original Saturday, or all Saturdays?

Sanctify and hallow mean to set aside for holy use. Do you sanctify Saturday? Or do you just like to quote scripture?

Backpedaling now, eh? Iouae, what did God "create" on day 7?

My bad. You found some dodgy website video on the internet, so that must be true.

Dodgy? These videos are far from "dodgy." Did you even bother to watch them? No? They present evidence (and not just scripture) against your entire position, and they do so in a clear and concise manner.

Go on, watch the videos. I'll wait.

The whole body of science knows about old light and the geologic column which shows successive biomes complete with their own food chains, and most biomes did not have overlapping organisms. That's a fact.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

There was an age of the dinosaurs/ followed by an age of the mammals with very little overlap. Your theology needs to be able to explain this, or it is not based in fact.

See the video "The Global Flood and the Hydroplate Theory" above. It explains the geologic column quite well, as well as asteroids, meteors, meteorites, (frozen) water on Mars, earth's radioactivity, the craters on the moon, and much, much more.

6days - there are many christian families homeschooling their children to be just like you - contemptuous of science and facts. It does not bode well.

Christian families (heck, just families in general) who homeschool their children have smarter kids than those who go to government run public schools, and that's including science in the curriculum.

Here you are right Lon. Death entered the human condition when one woman, Eve sinned.

Except that's not what the Bible says.

It says "one man."

The fact that you insist that it was Eve and not Adam shows your knowledge (or rather, lack thereof) of the Bible.

This verse speaks nothing about death being present in food chains since the pre-Cambrian.

"Pre-Cambrian" is a term used by secular scientists who reject the flood of Noah as being an actual event.

But since the Flood did in fact happen, all those terms are moot.

And until the Holocene, there were no humans around to sin - but in all the previous fossil layers before the Holocene we find fossils with other animals in their mouths and stomachs - showing its a FACT that there was plenty of death and dying of animals before the appearance of man on earth.

Sounds like you're still "spinning" God's word to try to make it fit pseudoscientific opinion from people who reject God.

The fossil record of animals found in other fossil animals mouths and stomachs shows 6days IS wrong, and that you are wrong too in playing the "we just don't know" card. We do know. The fossil record is brutal and bloody. T. rex was eating Triceratops long before Adam planted a footprint on planet earth.

We know (read as "it is a fact") that the "geologic column," what you call the "fossil record" does not show millions of years, but is the result of a global flood.

Bible-fact - sin entered the world through one woman - she knowingly disobeyed God after quoting to the snake that they were not to eat the fruit.


Trying to change what the Bible says to fit your beliefs doesn't work. The Bible says sin entered through Adam, not Eve.

Are you claiming that a) the woman never sinned b) the woman never sinned first c) women don't count

D) Eve sinned first, but it's through man that sin entered the world. Consider why Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, and not by Joseph sleeping with her. If sin was passed down through the woman, then yes, you could say that sin entered into the world through a woman. But that's not what Paul says. Paul says that sin entered through one man, because the sin nature is passed down by man, not woman. If it was through woman, then there would have been no hope for humanity, because even Jesus was born of a woman. But since sin entered through man, and not woman, God was able to complete one of Mary's eggs, so that Jesus could be born without the sin nature of His earthly father, Joseph, and yet still be human.

Because Adam sinned, the entire human race was affected. If Adam had not sinned, then it would have been possible for Eve to bear children who would not sin, even though she herself had sinned.

Again, as others have said, by denying the literal reading of Genesis, you remove the entire reason and meaning of Christ coming to Earth to die on the cross.

Do yourself a favour and study the geologic column for a while.

Do yourself a favor, and read the Bible and watch the "Global Flood and the Hydroplate Theory" video I linked above. You just might learn something.

The geologic column has nothing to do with evolution, but everything to do with successive creative events on the part of a Creator over time.

The geologic column has nothing to do with either of those things. Sedimentary layers an average of 1 mile deep around the globe can't be formed by millions of years, only by a catastrophic global flood.

The creation of Adam 6000 years ago was not God's first rodeo.

So you're saying God messed up the first time?


God didn't mess up the first time, and he didn't create over a period of millions of years.

He created in 6 days, and rested on the seventh, about 7 thousand years ago.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Quoting scripture is not providing evidence. Evidence consists of facts. Someone's spin on scripture is not fact - and that applies equally to my spin on scripture.
:AMR: Dude!

Learn to read. :up:

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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Exo 20:11
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

First, you ignore that the Sabbath, every sabbath, is blessed and hallowed. Hence Christ went to synagogue every Sabbath, as His custom was. So you are ignoring this part of the verse by not obeying the command to remember and hallow the sabbath by keeping it.
How would not hallowing the Sabbath show that "six days" does not mean what it plainly says?

Second, heaven, earth and sea refer to earth with its 3 regions supporting life, birds in the sky, fish in the sea, land animals on land. Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere constituting the biosphere.

But there have been many biomes as evidenced by the geologic column. The current holocene with its current biome was (re)created in 6 days, after some mass extinction had left earth with darkness and water covering it, making it without form and void. But this was just the latest of dozens of recreation events. Study the geologic column and you will see that many fossils are never found with others, so the epochs were consecutive. That is what I call hard evidence, the evidence of the rocks.
This is the fallacy of begging the question. You've assumed the truth of what you're trying to establish.

The "geological column" is an assumption of the Darwinist worldview.

The truth in the rocks should be used by those studying the Bible to keep them humble enough to not go spouting nonsense about animals evolving.

You believe these all occupied the same niches within the last 6000 years. Absurd.
This is an argument from incredulity. You presented nothing but your assertion that it could not happen. That which you assert without evidence we are justified in ignoring.

A 5 year old child would know it was not possible for all the different (now fossil) animals to have lived on earth at one and the same time.
Because you say so?

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Well-known member
D) Eve sinned first, but it's through man that sin entered the world. Consider why Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, and not by Joseph sleeping with her. If sin was passed down through the woman, then yes, you could say that sin entered into the world through a woman. But that's not what Paul says. Paul says that sin entered through one man, because the sin nature is passed down by man, not woman. If it was through woman, then there would have been no hope for humanity, because even Jesus was born of a woman. But since sin entered through man, and not woman, God was able to complete one of Mary's eggs, so that Jesus could be born without the sin nature of His earthly father, Joseph, and yet still be human.

Because Adam sinned, the entire human race was affected. If Adam had not sinned, then it would have been possible for Eve to bear children who would not sin, even though she herself had sinned.

JudgeRightly, I have to give credit where credit is due. At least you are not one of the many on this forum who criticise everyone and everything without ever revealing their hand. Here you have presented a cogent, comprehensive, complete theory which explains why sin can only be transferred through the male. You are completely and utterly wrong, and this theory, (new to my ears), is completely nonsensical. But well done for some original thinking.

Your theory is wrong because if sin is passed down in the genes, male and female genes are routinely swapped every generation. If sin is passed down through physical molecules, these are renewed and replaced. Thus your theory does not attempt to explain where sin resides, in a portion of anatomy possessed only by males.

But I knew your theory was incorrect simply because sin is NOT passed down from father to child. The sins of the fathers are NOT imputed to children. Every human is condemned to die because every human him/herself sins. Thus each of us are 100% responsible for our own death.

In fact this is not even the full story. All that happened in Eden is that mankind was cut off from the Tree of Life, and hence every human was condemned to die, even if that human never sinned once in his/her whole life. There is life only through befriending Jesus. The gift of God is eternal life. None of us are born with this gift. Each and every one of us has to personally intreat God for this gift.


Well-known member
How would not hallowing the Sabbath show that "six days" does not mean what it plainly says?

Because there is nothing simpler to comprehend than what was created on the 7th day. If one is lost understanding that the Sabbath was created by God resting on the Sabbath setting an example for mankind - then you will utterly be lost explaining the other 6 days. For instance if I were to ask you what light was created on day one - you would be utterly unable to explain it since the sun was only created (according to your mindset) on day 4.

This is an argument from incredulity. You presented nothing but your assertion that it could not happen. That which you assert without evidence we are justified in ignoring.

I totally and utterly expect you to ignore FACTS like the geologic column. It's far to factual for those who like theology and philosophy.


Well-known member
We know (read as "it is a fact") that the "geologic column," what you call the "fossil record" does not show millions of years, but is the result of a global flood.

Noah's flood is just one of dozens or possibly hundreds of mass extinctions, each of which brought the curtain down on one set of organisms, and raised the curtain on another biome.

If there was only one flood in earth's history, then there would not be the neat sorting of individuals into dinosaurs below, mammals above etc.