Theology Club: Is MAD doctrine correct?


New member
I have been clear, but you cannot see beyond KJV alone=Word of God alone. Wrong assumptions lead to wrong conclusions.

I once had an Uncle who believed every word in the Bible was of God, even the concordance in the middle... He read,one day, a nasty word in the book of Proverbs and was done with it forever....

"exert via Alan Watts circa 1962"

Right Divider

Body part
Oh brother. Disagreeing with MAD and KJVO is being a good Bible student. We are not talking about the simplicity of the gospel, but doctrinal disputes and specific issues relating to textual variants, etc. (that are not of major consequence).
And THAT was not what I was talking about in THAT particular post. But thanks anyway. :doh:


TOL Subscriber
She does not WANT to study. It is intellectual and spiritual laziness.
I have the pure and preserved words of the Lord (Psalms 12:6-7 KJV) and study to shew thyself approved unto God (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV), not unto you. I'm not in a battle without the sword of the Spirit. The Lord kept His words as promised. We have all scripture. You just don't believe it. That's your problem. You're stuck with corrupted versions of which you believe none.


TOL Subscriber
Trouble is, you dispies chop the word up, eat what you want, and spit the rest out.

That is wicked description of what it means to "rightly divide the word."


TOL Subscriber
You don't know what it means to rightly divide the word of truth as you don't even know what the word of truth is.

The Word of Truth is Jesus Christ; God the Son come in the flesh.

Do you dare to deny this?