ECT If you want out of the deceptions of MAD read the rebuttal of Bullinger by Ironside.

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Well-known member
He's so far behind the times....:yawn:

Because STP misses the meaning on such simple stuff as 'everyone deserted me' it is impossible to take him off ignore, and he infects people like RD with the same mistakes. 2 Tim 4:16 is not the latest in support for D'ism, and never was about that. Nor was it about the 2nd coming. It was simple abandonement through fear of what Judaizers would do.

As for the Protestant Catholic conflict, what planet have you been on? Have you heard of the IRA?

I can't do your history reading for you, especially since it is a sin to you, but you could have a moment's look at THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN about the 11th century battles about Jerusalem, and you might realize (at least) that no one had thought about Israel as such being back in its land for, well, centuries. What they did have there was indulgences for fighting to restore nominal Christian rule. No one thought your theology that you think was there to begin with until the 19th century (please correct 1900 to 19th cent. in the post above).

You may have sung such hymns as 'We are marching to Zion.' This was a Reformation hymn and had nothing to do with the land of Judea. it had to do with establishing the gospel instead of the myths of Catholicism in the post-Reformation years. It was about the city above.

All you have to do to verify the above progression from counter Reformation to Brethren is to look up what the Jesuit priest Ribera was hired to present in defense of a future AC that would save the face of the current pope. It is basically D'ism, and depends on Israel being back in its land (it has a much dimmer view of anything good coming out of Israel compared to D'ism).

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Because STP misses the meaning on such simple stuff as 'everyone deserted me' it is impossible to take him off ignore, and he infects people like RD with the same mistakes. 2 Tim 4:16 is not the latest in support for D'ism, and never was about that. Nor was it about the 2nd coming. It was simple abandonement through fear of what Judaizers would do.

As for the Protestant Catholic conflict, what planet have you been on? Have you heard of the IRA?

I can't do your history reading for you, especially since it is a sin to you, but you could have a moment's look at THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN about the 11th century battles about Jerusalem, and you might realize (at least) that no one had thought about Israel as such being back in its land for, well, centuries. What they did have there was indulgences for fighting to restore nominal Christian rule. No one thought your theology that you think was there to begin with until the 19th century (please correct 1900 to 19th cent. in the post above).

You may have sung such hymns as 'We are marching to Zion.' This was a Reformation hymn and had nothing to do with the land of Judea. it had to do with establishing the gospel instead of the myths of Catholicism in the post-Reformation years. It was about the city above.

All you have to do to verify the above progression from counter Reformation to Brethren is to look up what the Jesuit priest Ribera was hired to present in defense of a future AC that would save the face of the current pope. It is basically D'ism, and depends on Israel being back in its land (it has a much dimmer view of anything good coming out of Israel compared to D'ism).


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Because STP misses the meaning on such simple stuff as 'everyone deserted me' it is impossible to take him off ignore, and he infects people like RD with the same mistakes. 2 Tim 4:16 is not the latest in support for D'ism, and never was about that. Nor was it about the 2nd coming. It was simple abandonement through fear of what Judaizers would do.
You're so biblically illiterate that you did not even know the correct passage that RD and I were referring to.

Here it is,

2 Tim 1
11 Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.

12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

13 Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.

14 That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us.

15 This thou knowest, that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me; of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes.

And, it's about doctrine.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I can't do your history reading for you, especially since it is a sin to you, but you could have a moment's look at THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN about the 11th century battles about Jerusalem,

Why would I read a book called "The Kingdom of Heaven" about 11th century Jerusalem?
This is the dispensation of the grace of God. The Kingdom of Heaven is not at hand.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
All you have to do to verify the above progression from counter Reformation to Brethren is to look up what the Jesuit priest Ribera was hired to present in defense of a future AC that would save the face of the current pope. It is basically D'ism, and depends on Israel being back in its land (it has a much dimmer view of anything good coming out of Israel compared to D'ism).

Alfonso Ribeira was a fine dancer, and child actor, but I am not sure what he is doing these days. Nevertheless, when we snuff out the lighted camel and fail to hold the Head, we of all men become most miserable. Are you in agreement?

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I came to the knowledge of truth in 1978 when I placed my faith in Jesus and have not looked back since that evening.

I pray that MADist give up their idolatry of Paul and follow and believe the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Did you ever think that the teachings of Paul are the teachings of Jesus.

Galatians 1:11-12 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Paul Defends His Ministry
11 For I would have you know, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. 12 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.


New member
Did you ever think that the teachings of Paul are the teachings of Jesus.

Galatians 1:11-12 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Paul Defends His Ministry
11 For I would have you know, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. 12 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.

Of course Paul's preaching was what Jesus taught Paul just as He taught ALL of the Apostles.

Right Divider

Body part
Because STP misses the meaning on such simple stuff as 'everyone deserted me' it is impossible to take him off ignore, and he infects people like RD with the same mistakes. 2 Tim 4:16 is not the latest in support for D'ism, and never was about that. Nor was it about the 2nd coming. It was simple abandonement through fear of what Judaizers would do.

You are absolutely hilarious.

I was already "infected" long before I met STP.

As for the Protestant Catholic conflict, what planet have you been on? Have you heard of the IRA?

Another gut buster.

I have no idea where "the Protestant Catholic conflict" entered the discussion.

I can't do your history reading for you, especially since it is a sin to you, but you could have a moment's look at THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN about the 11th century battles about Jerusalem, and you might realize (at least) that no one had thought about Israel as such being back in its land for, well, centuries. What they did have there was indulgences for fighting to restore nominal Christian rule. No one thought your theology that you think was there to begin with until the 19th century (please correct 1900 to 19th cent. in the post above).
You are definitely making this a classically FUNNY post. Keep 'em comin'

You may have sung such hymns as 'We are marching to Zion.' This was a Reformation hymn and had nothing to do with the land of Judea. it had to do with establishing the gospel instead of the myths of Catholicism in the post-Reformation years. It was about the city above.
Never heard of it.

But do NOTE that the "city above" COMES DOWN.

All you have to do to verify the above progression from counter Reformation to Brethren is to look up what the Jesuit priest Ribera was hired to present in defense of a future AC that would save the face of the current pope. It is basically D'ism, and depends on Israel being back in its land (it has a much dimmer view of anything good coming out of Israel compared to D'ism).
I'll stick with BIBLICAL PAULINE DISPENSATIONAL RIGHT DIVISION, thank you very much. You know, the dispenational teaching that God put in the Bible.

You are a HOOT, as usual.
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