I will not vote for trump

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
America most certainly is a spiritual and moral decline. People think because we have nice tech toys everything is ok. But look at how prevalent fornication, homosexuality, abortion, greed, gluttony, avarice, anger, etc. are in our society. I see it more with the younger generation. I know a lot of millenials that are in a spiritually dark place. Oh, they may have nice material things like a good job, a car, tech toys, etc but for many that I've spoken that tell me they feel so empty inside. They hide this by putting on their "happy face" on social media. They have fallen victim to placing their faith and trust in themselves, or celebrities, or politicians, or in material things. They have treasure in this world but they don't understand their true treasure is in God's kingdom. Some young people are starting to see the light. I truly believe their will be a great spiritual awakening in the future that will be driven by the utter spiritual dispare of millions and millions of people. The church will stand like a beacon of light in these dark times as the Bible says it supposed to be and will.


patrick jane

I don't have a horse in this race -
I have always wanted to say this -
that dog won't hunt -
always wanted to say that -
it is pathetic that I can now say both -
regardless of who wins -
you will have to take care of yourself -
they can't -
regardless of what they promised -
you're angry -
we get that -
there will be no more rallies to go to -
get back to work -
just try it -
it might work
4 more years of Obama's care, thanks to people like you


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I wonder if those of you who won't vote for Trump because "the lesser of two evils is still evil" would have stood against our alliance with Stalin in WWII that allowed us to defeat Hitler or would have told Truman not to drop the bombs on Japan, ending WWII and saving countless more lives that it cost?

I wonder how many of you refuse to use fluoride toothpaste because fluoride is, after all, poisonous. Do you struggle with choosing to risk ingesting poison for the benefit of fewer dental problems, which themselves can cause other major health issues?

I wonder if any of you agonize over whether to contribute to the smog problem in your city vs walking or riding a bicycle which is healthier for both you and those who don't have to breath the smog your car would have made? Nevermind the benefits cars bring to both our lives and to the economy as a whole.

I wonder if any of you worry about the people who died building the Empire State building or the Golden Gate bridge or the Hoover Dam or any number of other major works of infrastructure that are woven into the fabric of our society and identity as a country? Never mind the countless thousands of people who have died in an attempt to even get to this country!

The lesser of two evils? What human being would not be the lesser of two evils in comparison to Hillary Clinton? Any two people you put up there is going to be a choice between the lesser of two evils, are they not?

Humans beings are forced to choose between the lesser of two evils on a daily basis. But is it really the lesser of two evils you are choosing?

Perhaps instead it's the greater good.

Food for thought.


New member
If Trump can't be trusted with Twitter why would we trust him with nuclear codes. _ Obama paraphrased

:mock: Trump

If anyone has an even vaguely plausible answer to that question, I'd love to know what it is. I'd trust whatever advisor (Kellyanne?) took away his Twitter account to be President before the man himself.


New member
I wonder if those of you who won't vote for Trump because "the lesser of two evils is still evil" would have stood against our alliance with Stalin in WWII that allowed us to defeat Hitler or would have told Truman not to drop the bombs on Japan, ending WWII and saving countless more lives that it cost?

Hard to say for me. Hindsight distorts too much to accurately say what I'd have done in a different time that I never experienced first hand. I have read the argument that the bombs had nothing to do with ending WWII, but was more about signalling to the future what could happen should someone start down the road to WWIII. I don't know the details enough to defend that argument, though.

I wonder how many of you refuse to use fluoride toothpaste because fluoride is, after all, poisonous. Do you struggle with choosing to risk ingesting poison for the benefit of fewer dental problems, which themselves can cause other major health issues?

While I certainly can spit out toothpaste, I do question ingesting it even in small amounts through tapwater. Unfortunately, the particle is too small for filter systems I can afford.
I wonder if any of you agonize over whether to contribute to the smog problem in your city vs walking or riding a bicycle which is healthier for both you and those who don't have to breath the smog your car would have made? Nevermind the benefits cars bring to both our lives and to the economy as a whole.

My wife and I chose to buy our home within biking distance of where I work partly because of the value to my health, bank account, and air we breath. I bike frequently.
I wonder if any of you worry about the people who died building the Empire State building or the Golden Gate bridge or the Hoover Dam or any number of other major works of infrastructure that are woven into the fabric of our society and identity as a country? Never mind the countless thousands of people who have died in an attempt to even get to this country!

Yes. Occupational safety regulation can be a good thing, though some of it does cross the line into ridiculousness.

The lesser of two evils? What human being would not be the lesser of two evils in comparison to Hillary Clinton? Any two people you put up there is going to be a choice between the lesser of two evils, are they not?

There is a difference between those who pursue righteousness and fail, and those who revel in baseness. I continue to be surprised by the intentional ignorance of that distinction by the "we're not voting for pastor" crowd.


I wonder if those of you who won't vote for Trump because "the lesser of two evils is still evil"...

I know that you won't debate me Clete because you do know your limitations, but who ever proved that republican for a day Donald Trump is the lesser of two evils?

Granted, Trump is running on a conservative party platform, but he doesn't acknowledge that platform as something that he'll adhere to, in fact he's strayed off of it horrifically in his speeches and promises to the lemmings like you who blindly follow him.


Originally Posted by patrick jane
4 more years of Obama's care, thanks to people like you

like me? -
people like you picked the only candidate that couldn't beat hillary -
what were you thinking?

Let me answer that question for him:

'Destroy the Republican Party with this joke of a candidate'.

Patrick jane and other Libertarians have admitted that is their goal.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I wonder if those of you who won't vote for Trump because "the lesser of two evils is still evil" would have stood against our alliance with Stalin in WWII
Not really a parallel, is it. Not a choice to make for the electorate and the choice we actually had was to combat evil or make peace with it. Stalin fought for his people and reasons. That said, you assume Trump is the lesser, but you can't really, objectively know. So outside of the creative value of the remaining exercise, it's not going anywhere.

Humans beings are forced to choose between the lesser of two evils on a daily basis.
Agreed. Sometimes you don't have a choice. This isn't one of those times.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the good news
this is a complete rejection of obama
the bad news
you are jumping out of the frying pan into the fire
always wanted to say that
you can fool all the people some of the time
always wanted to say that as well