I will not vote for trump

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Thanks for demonstrating the wisdom and maturity of your choice. I think it resonates in your candidate as well. You have absolutely found your guy.

Hillary wants open borders, Syrian Immigrants, expanded abortion, higher taxes, globalism..... .....she even recently said that increasing Food Stamps will help the economy. That is beyond insane.

Security, Borders, Taxes, Military, ISIS, Trade..... ....Trump is right on all these issues and Hillary is wrong. To flush all that down the toilet just because people don't like some things Trump said is insane.

So what I said is 100% correct: Maybe the people voting for Hillary should stop being IDIOTS and MORONS and actually consider policy over personality.


like marbles on glass
Hillary wants open borders, Syrian Immigrants, expanded abortion, higher taxes, globalism..... .....she even recently said that increasing Food Stamps will help the economy. That is beyond insane.

Security, Borders, Taxes, Military, ISIS, Trade..... ....Trump is right on all these issues and Hillary is wrong. To flush all that down the toilet just because people don't like some things Trump said is insane.

So what I said is 100% correct: Maybe the people voting for Hillary should stop being IDIOTS and MORONS and actually consider policy over personality.

It's not Hillary who's caused Christian women to obtain abortions at a higher rate than people who have no religious belief or affiliation.

Look to your own house.

Religion and Abortion

  • Those women who had abortions in 2008 listed their religious affiliation as:​
Roman Catholic = 28.1%
Protestant = 37.3%
Other = 7.1%

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Hillary wants open borders...
I don't support Hillary. I think she typifies most of what I hate about career politicians.

Security, Borders, Taxes, Military, ISIS, Trade..... ....Trump is right on all these issues and Hillary is wrong.
I like some of his ideas, I think others are just so much smoke. But character matters. He lacks it. Judgement matters. He too often and in ways that matter, appears to lack it, which is why he's in trouble now.

To flush all that down the toilet just because people don't like some things Trump said is insane.
No, to ignore the reason and root of it is insane, is to empower an apparently bad guy in the hopes he'll do something good...an ends you hope for justifying the means of character deficiency.

So what I said is 100% correct: Maybe the people voting for Hillary should stop being IDIOTS and MORONS and actually consider policy over personality.
So what I said about your paralleling his practice and judgement stands. You've found your guy, sadly.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I don't support Hillary. I think she typifies most of what I hate about career politicians.........

By not supporting Trump you support Hillary. Simple math. One less vote for Trump is another plus vote for Hillary. I know people don't believe that, but its a fact.

....But character matters......

At a time when America is on the edge of economic armageddon (20 Trillion in debt) we cannot afford to concern ourselves with whether or not Trump's character is all we'd like it to be. We need someone to cure the dying patient, Uncle Sam


Well-known member
By not supporting Trump you support Hillary. Simple math. One less vote for Trump is another plus vote for Hillary. I know people don't believe that, but its a fact.

I don't want to be unduly unkind but I'm not sure you get it any more than ACW. I don't save many blog comments but we've reached the point where this comment is the truth:

Obeying the law is no longer a matter of ethics or morality but [has been reduced to] merely a matter of avoiding or suffering consequences.

The Left made that happen, by design. It's called lawlessness. You're reacting as if we're on a playing field that you believe still exists. I'm afraid it doesn't. No reaction we can have -- no result we can bring about -- is likely to change a thing:

It's best to remember that regardless of who becomes President, or which party they claim, neither of these two candidates can stop the utter avalanche that we're facing.

Things neither Hillary nor Donald can stop:

1. Financial Armageddon due to untenable debt.
2. Collapse of SS program
3. Collapse of dollar
4. Massive unemployment due to (see above) and robot workers
5. Increased/ever increasing racial strife as (see above) continues
6. Continuing SJW class warfare.
7. Full on attack from every previously inconceivable angle against the 2nd Amendment and the 1st.
8. Looming war with China/Russia
9. Likely war in Middle East as Iran gets nukes and Israel says "nope".
10. Likely launching of nukes between Pakistan and India
11. Likely war between China and Japan over disputed territory.
12. Continued attacks by radical Islamic fundies.

[I'm adding #13, the Left's continued, systematic degradation and alienation of LEOs]

Did I miss any sunshine?

So while we're arguing over the carpet color, the house is burning down.

Best to laugh this election off and prepare for these far more likely events.

Just my borrowed two cents. I know it won't make a lick of sense to A Koolaid Warrior, maybe it will to you.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
By not supporting Trump you support Hillary. Simple math.
Then not supporting Hillary would be a supporting Trump.

Good grief, I'll be voting twice and that's against the law! :shocked: Well, maybe not in Florida, but in general and here in my state.

At a time when America is on the edge of economic armageddon (20 Trillion in debt) we cannot afford to concern ourselves with whether or not Trump's character is all we'd like it to be.
How do you think we arrived at that debt? What wants allowed men and women to accrue it? I'll give you hint, it rhymes with shmaracter.


New member
Hall of Fame
It's not Hillary who's caused Christian women to obtain abortions at a higher rate than people who have no religious belief or affiliation.

Look to your own house.

Religion and Abortion

  • Those women who had abortions in 2008 listed their religious affiliation as:​
Roman Catholic = 28.1%
Protestant = 37.3%
Other = 7.1%

Why do you think that just because someone name drops, they are actually part of that house?


New member
Security, Borders, Taxes, Military, ISIS, Trade.....

Not only is Trump not right on these issues, but what he's said hasn't been coherent enough to be sure he's wrong. Mostly, he's a loud noise in lieu of a policy proposal. So, whereas I'd love to judge him on policy, there's just not much there. When he does propose something substantial, mostly via his website, which I have to assume he's not involved much in, there's nothing especially brilliant there.

Go ahead. Find, on Trump's website, or anywhere else, the brilliant policy idea for defeating ISIS that isn't also on Hillary's website:


I'll wait.


New member
Hall of Fame
Not only is Trump not right on these issues, but what he's said hasn't been coherent enough to be sure he's wrong. Mostly, he's a loud noise in lieu of a policy proposal. So, whereas I'd love to judge him on policy, there's just not much there. When he does propose something substantial, mostly via his website, which I have to assume he's not involved much in, there's nothing especially brilliant there.

Go ahead. Find, on Trump's website, or anywhere else, the brilliant policy idea for defeating ISIS that isn't also on Hillary's website:


I'll wait.

Yep. Some Trump supporters like to frame it as personality vs policy. As if Trump is great on policy but people are supporting Clinton or a 3rd party because of his personality. It's not that way for me. I have liked some of what Trump has said but not others and it's hard to judge him because of his inconsistencies. Besides building a wall, which I don't think is the cure-all he alleges, and the trade deals, which I do tend to like, I don't think he's been consistent on much. And his temperament doesn't seem well-suited for the Office, which may be related to personality but not in the way Trumpers tend to mean it.

patrick jane

Yep. Some Trump supporters like to frame it as personality vs policy. As if Trump is great on policy but people are supporting Clinton or a 3rd party because of his personality. It's not that way for me. I have liked some of what Trump has said but not others and it's hard to judge him because of his inconsistencies. Besides building a wall, which I don't think is the cure-all he alleges, and the trade deals, which I do tend to like, I don't think he's been consistent on much. And his temperament doesn't seem well-suited for the Office, which may be related to personality but not in the way Trumpers tend to mean it.

The best choice is Trump - kmoney, vote for Trump sir !!!

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Yep. Some Trump supporters like to frame it as personality vs policy.......

......because that's what it is. If nobody ever saw or even knew Hillary or Trump, and all there was were two policy papers set before the people, void of any actual human being, Trump's policies would win hands down.



New member
Hall of Fame
......because that's what it is. If nobody ever saw or even knew Hillary or Trump, and all there was were two policy papers set before the people, void of any actual human being, Trump's policies would win hands down.
Trump's policy papers would have so much white-out and revisions that it wouldn't even be readable. :eek:


New member
......because that's what it is. If nobody ever saw or even knew Hillary or Trump, and all there was were two policy papers set before the people, void of any actual human being, Trump's policies would win hands down.


Still waiting on anyone to point out the tremendous policy proposals. I gave links to start you out.

You can't. You won't. Trump doesn't do policy. He does rhetoric.