How do you defend yourself against people who will blow themselves up to kill you?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
you're a retard

you should stop being a retard

not all of them

just the ones who acted cowardly

Only a dope or an incredibly nasty little piece of work would have started such a thread. You're a troll so you combine both a lack of intellect with the putrid. It's why you obsess over people so much more intelligent than you I suppose. You're kinda pitiable in your own sad little way, but too tedious to continue addressing so have at it after this. Maybe one day you'll get some sort of peace where you don't need to troll anymore.
Here's hoping.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Prophetic. And Christianity, such as it was, no longer shields you. Were he alive, he wouldn't stand for you standing for it.

If you think he would stand for idiots who would preempt world war three with their insane warmongering then once again, you haven't got a clue. Stick to not knowing much about your own country's leaders dude.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You've overlooked a point or two.
You're supposed to be a Christian, and there you are, you gungo-ho freak, promoting the idea of killing scores of thousands, polluting a huge area for decades, and destroying the religious centres of a billion or so folks.
True Christians just don't think like tyrants, cowardly tyrants at that.
Fortunately, most....... the huge majority of US citizens don't think like you, but in the event that any bombs were dropped on Mecca or Medina or anywhere else, you'd start a World war, which is probably what you'd like.

Rubbish! Like the US, we are a nation of folks from multiple backgrounds and we are very proud of our Equality Act. If you spouted your rubbish around here you could get into very bad trouble.

You dimwit! We loved Churchill! But he was PM of a mixed-party emergency government (Coalition to you), and after the war we wanted a more beneficial country for all. Mr Bevan's National Health Act had to win, amongst other Labour policies. But We loved Churchill all the way through to his death....... We regard him as the greatest War Stateman of the 20th century.

Chew on that.

As a wartime prime minister there was nobody better. That some of these far right wingnuts "think" he would spiral the world into thermonuclear war through their insanity shows how little they know about him. Was he opinionated? Sure. Was he a bat crazy loon like George C Scott in 'Dr Strangelove'? Far from it, and these freaks have more in common with the latter by a country mile...


Well-known member
True Mohammedans cannot conceive of Allah ever allowing their "holy" sites to be cratered. Cratering them would prove Allah does not exist, destroying the virulent faith of millions who want to see a global caliphate.


The church will win in the very end, but this will come first:

Revelation 13:6 And the beast opened its mouth to blaspheme against God and slander His name and His tabernacle—those who dwell in heaven. 7 Then the beast was permitted to wage war against the saints and conquer them, and it was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. 8 And all who dwell on the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain.
OK, but I am still doubtful that destroying Muslim holy sites will do anything at all to end Islam. It may even strengthen its grip in Muslims. And if you're going to use Revelation to guide your decision making in almost any regard, I'd be very very wary of that; and what we're talking about is destroying Muslim holy sites, so especially in a case like this, I'd be even more wary than normal, to use Revelation to guide us.


You're just petrified of what has been happening.
That is understandable and I feel empathy for you.
Instead of that condescension, you ought to just feel like a moron, for the above.
But you need to realise that a suicide bomber doesn't make a whole billion hearts.
:plain: I do realize that. :plain:
These very few bombers and their supporters are just misguided Muslims, maddened by a Western World that they perceive to be utterly totally evil. Christians have felt this way before, you know, and thrown their lives down for their beliefs. It's true.
Christians are killed for witnessing to the Resurrection. Muslims are Kamikazes. These are not the same thing! Supra, re: you're a moron, and ought to feel like a moron, instead of your "misguided" empathy.
We need to reach out and stand by our lawful Muslim neighbours and protect them from any racist, religionist, secularist backlashes.
Nobody is saying anything other than this, least of all me. I love all the Muslims I know.
And I know you would as well, because you're not an extremist who has lost sight of his true objectives.

You would do the right thing.
I am doing the right thing.


Well-known member
Instead of that condescension, you ought to just feel like a moron, for the above.
:plain: I do realize that. :plain:
Christians are killed for witnessing to the Resurrection. Muslims are Kamikazes. These are not the same thing! Supra, re: you're a moron, and ought to feel like a moron, instead of your "misguided" empathy.
I'm even more sorry for you now. Outright sympathy.

Nobody is saying anything other than this, least of all me. I love all the Muslims I know.
I am doing the right thing.
Great........ so you will stand by the vast majority of Muslims at this time.


Well-known member
What a complete moron.
Yes, while I mutilate and torture and mercilessly and brutally drag out the righteous death of their false faith, yes.

It's good to finally read that you will stand by lawful and decent Muslims. Good!

I don't mind you calling me moron....... keep at it, but you might do better to focus upon your own faith rather than chuck bricks at others' faiths.

Those dedicated to some international harmony between religions, focusing upon the Abrahamic background of all Jews, Christians, Muslims, Bahais and maybe others, might see your protestations as ....... moronic. But they would never say so.

....just sayin'.....


Well-known member
OK, but I am still doubtful that destroying Muslim holy sites will do anything at all to end Islam. It may even strengthen its grip in Muslims.


Haaj is required at least once for every male who can physically and financially do it. Destroy the tent housing the meteor = haaj is impossible = Allah had to allow the infidels to do it = the Quran end time predictions won't come true = Allah is very displeased with Muslims, or he doesn't exist.

Medina is possibly the holiest of their sites. Crater Mo's tomb = Allah had to allow the worst possible desecration, meaning he is very displeased with Muslims, or he doesn't exist.

Kinda like if St. Peter's went up in smoke while your pope was home, along with the top Marian shrines. Catholics such as yourself couldn't compute it and would be thrown into deep despair of Mary's love for them.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Haaj is required at least once for every male who can physically and financially do it. Destroy the tent housing the meteor = haaj is impossible = Allah had to allow the infidels to do it = the Quran end time predictions won't come true = Allah is very displeased with Muslims, or he doesn't exist.

Medina is possibly the holiest of their sites. Crater Mo's tomb = Allah had to allow the worst possible desecration, meaning he is very displeased with Muslims, or he doesn't exist.

Kinda like if St. Peter's went up in smoke while your pope was home, along with the top Marian shrines. Catholics such as yourself couldn't compute it and would be thrown into deep despair of Mary's love for them.

My word you're a nut.


Nick M: Muslims don't believe in the bill of rights. So why should they be extended to them? If you go to Iran, you have no rights.

Patrick Jane: We need to start racial and religious profiling and put safety first like the Israelis do

Dodge: The best way to keep suicide bombers out is to keep Muslims out of America. The best defense is do not bring the murders into your country.

Intojoy: You start a holy war and kick some Muslim arse.

Angel4Truth: Islam directly believes that Allah would never ever allow anything to happen to their black worship rock, and if it did, there is no allah.

Musterion: True Mohammedans cannot conceive of Allah ever allowing their "holy" sites to be cratered. Cratering them would prove Allah does not exist, destroying the virulent faith of millions who want to see a global caliphate.

KTyou: Yes, many Muslims are hateful and jealous of western society, even more so than they hate Christianity, although they hide their true motives.

How do you defend yourself against people who will blow themselves up to kill you?

Recent terrorist incidents in North America and Europe have shown that a Muslim immigration ban would not have prevented them!

There is a small select group of citizens in these countries that have been radicalized and imposing a "travel ban" that targets one particular religion would be counterproductive!

Threads like this are also counterproductive - any impressionable Muslim would feel alienated from a society that produces this kind of "venom" demonizing their religion!
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New member

Haaj is required at least once for every male who can physically and financially do it. Destroy the tent housing the meteor = haaj is impossible = Allah had to allow the infidels to do it = the Quran end time predictions won't come true = Allah is very displeased with Muslims, or he doesn't exist.

How well did it work when the Romans decided to destroy the Jews' temple in Jerusalem? Did the religion just disappear?


I spent some time in Kabul and Kandahar both. Last place I was at in Afghanistan was at F.O.B. Shank.

Nick, one would have to see Kabul or any place in Afghanistan ( or Iraq ) to understand or believe how much of a dump it really is.

You're a hero, happy Memorial Day Chevy.

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No. The goal is to make it harder to commit a crime, and to reduce the impact.

When has that happened? Do you think we've ever done anything to bring about ISIS?

I'm gonna count that as at least partial agreement.

No. But to reduce the opportunities and the impact.

How do you accomplish the later? Seems more like pie in the sky than anything I suggested, in addition to being even more vague.

Rex, we can't just let the oprahfried girly men take the lead here. Even Rosie O'Donnell was kissing Bush's butt after 9/11.

Fighting Islamic Terrorists:

1. Step one - move Rex, Rusha and their friends to the back of the line with the women and children.

2. Step two - give the American soldiers a blank check to kill every last man, woman and child that sides with their ideology that they get to blow my grandson into pieces thinking that I'm not going to retaliate.

3. Step three - preach forgiveness

This is a task for real men Rex. Go lay down someplace and meditate with some weed or something. Don't need your help now that Obama is done.

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Well-known member
Rex, we can't just let the oprahfried girly men take the lead here. Even Rosie O'Donnell was kissing Bush's butt after 9/11.

Fighting Islamic Terrorists:

1. Step one - move Rex, Rusha and their friends to the back of the line with the women and children.

2. Step two - give the American soldiers a blank check to kill every last man, woman and child that sides with their ideology that they get to blow my grandson into pieces thinking that I'm not going to retaliate.

3. Step three - preach forgiveness

This is a task for real men Rex. Go lay down someplace and meditate with some weed or something. Don't need your help now that Obama is done.

Sent from my iPhone using TOL

Wow! A Warmonger........ nice and safe in Hawaii?
Is that where you are?

You must be very very scared to feel the need for all that killing.
And yet you want to stand in the tough guy's line?

The tough guys are trying to find a peaceful resolution as well as seeking out the groups, any groups, that want to kill innocents.