Here's why Trump wants us all to go back to work

Gary K

New member
Originally posted by ffreeloader View Post

Are you married?

‘Perfectly healthy’ Texas dad with coronavirus dies from COVID-19

The novel coronavirus has claimed the life of a father of six in Texas, according to his family.

Adolph Mendez died on Thursday due to complications related to COVID-19. The New Braunfels resident was 44.

Brenda Johnson, one of the man’s six children, told the newspaper that her father had no underlying conditions and was “perfectly healthy” before falling ill with the novel virus.

In other words you refuse to answer a simple question about yourself. What are you so afraid of that you can't answer something so simple?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There is also a TOL rule about not repeatedly pasting the same thing in a post over and over.

i was thinking about reporting him for spamming up the board last night, but obviously he's struggling with some kind of mental issues
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User Name

Greatest poster ever
In other words you refuse to answer a simple question about yourself. What are you so afraid of that you can't answer something so simple?

Utterly and completely none of your business. Shall I proceed to ask personal questions about you? Sorry, I'm not interested.

Gary K

New member
Utterly and completely none of your business. Shall I proceed to ask personal questions about you? Sorry, I'm not interested.

Wow. You mean asking an anonymous person on the internet who I cannot identify in real life just completely offends you and is a major invasion of your privacy? Wow. You must be really paranoid about our government's invasion of your privacy. Especially since it is the Democrats who are really pushing this agenda.

Well, I can understand your hesitation to answer such a simple question. The fact that if you're married means you made a major life change without consulting science, but rather consulted your hormones and feelings instead is a rather embarrassing position after you accused Trump of making a decision not based on science and excluded all other concepts other than "science" as inappropriate for use in decision making.


i was thinking about reporting him for spamming up the board last night, but obviously he's struggling with some kind of mental issues

We can no longer allow folks to follow others around the forum mocking them and disrupting their threads. If you don't like the topic of a thread or do not like the person who started the thread ignore it! Move on to something you are interested in. Please be careful if you are teasing or having fun with another member because if we mistake that for mean-spirited mocking you will get an infraction and possibly a TOL ban.

Please folks... TOL needs to be a place where people feel comfortable making a point or exploring ideas. That's the fun part of a community forum. If they feel like they cannot explore ideas without being mocked they will go elsewhere and TOL will end up being 6 or 8 members preaKNIGHTching to their own choir.

Therefore... infractions will fly fast and furious for those who do not add to the conversation but simply mocking and troll the forum. From here on out folks need to show other members a level of respect when responding to one another. That doesn't mean you can't vehemently disagree but you must do so in a way where you are actually engaging in the debate and not simply trolling.
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Science deals mostly in inference.

False. The irrational thinking you call "Science" does not deal in inference. Inference, rather, is the domain of logic and reasoning. Perhaps you're mistaking the word, 'inference', for the word 'induction'.

What you would be asking for is deduction based on your specific case.

Deduction is inference, inference is deduction.

You could have your hands tested and the PCR technology would tell you whether you had viruses on your hands or not.

Have you done this test? Have you done this test, and thereby learned whether or not you had viruses on your hands? If you've not done so, then why do you say this? Answer: Because you are merely parroting those whom you revere as "Science".

But it's not a great use of resources to generalise this test to everyone in the population curious about whether there are viruses on their hands.

But it's somehow a great use of resources to create media-promulgated bugaboos to terrorize the masses into granting more and more power to demagogue tyrants to destroy economies and private wealth, in the name of the irrationality you revere as "Science"?

Just having some viruses on your hands is not in itself going to get you infected.

What do you imagine is the relevance of what you said, here, to anything I have said in this thread?

You would have to touch your face or touch something going in your mouth to transfer the viruses onto the mucous membranes in there.

Because to touch your face is to touch mucous membranes? Or, do you have particular difficulties keeping, say, your forehead from going into your mouth?

The experiment you outlined earlier has, pretty much, been done.

By whom? By you?

What you mean is that some whom you revere as "Science" have told you they have done some experiment, and gotten such and such results from it, and you believe what they tell you, because you revere them as "Science".

The inference is that hand washing with soap for about twenty seconds will kill any coronaviruses, and the use of hand sanitiser for a bit longer will also kill coronaviruses.

Here, again, you erroneously use the word, 'inference'. From, "Such and such procedure has killed some coronavirus", it will never follow that "(Therefore) such and such procedure will kill any coronavirus". No proposition has ever been inferred from a proposition by which it is not entailed. Inference only occurs where there is entailment.

No indeed, that wouldn't be necessary. But washing your hands with soap after touching surfaces in public that have been touched by other people could do a great deal to slow the infection rate, which is important for protecting the capacity of the health system to give care to those most vulnerable to the effects of the disease.


It could? Then again, perhaps it could not. For, what do you know? You're not "Science"; you're just one of their happily unquestioning slogan parrots.

Gary K

New member
False. The irrational thinking you call "Science" does not deal in inference. Inference, rather, is the domain of logic and reasoning. Perhaps you're mistaking the word, 'inference', for the word 'induction'.

Deduction is inference, inference is deduction.

Have you done this test? Have you done this test, and thereby learned whether or not you had viruses on your hands? If you've not done so, then why do you say this? Answer: Because you are merely parroting those whom you revere as "Science".

But it's somehow a great use of resources to create media-promulgated bugaboos to terrorize the masses into granting more and more power to demagogue tyrants to destroy economies and private wealth, in the name of the irrationality you revere as "Science"?

What do you imagine is the relevance of what you said, here, to anything I have said in this thread?

Because to touch your face is to touch mucous membranes? Or, do you have particular difficulties keeping, say, your forehead from going into your mouth?

By whom? By you?

What you mean is that some whom you revere as "Science" have told you they have done some experiment, and gotten such and such results from it, and you believe what they tell you, because you revere them as "Science".

Here, again, you erroneously use the word, 'inference'. From, "Such and such procedure has killed some coronavirus", it will never follow that "(Therefore) such and such procedure will kill any coronavirus". No proposition has ever been inferred from a proposition by which it is not entailed. Inference only occurs where there is entailment.

It could? Then again, perhaps it could not. For, what do you know? You're not "Science"; you're just one of their happily unquestioning slogan parrots.

You know what the face touching ban is all about don't you? It has nothing to do with the coronavirus. It's all about how far the government can control human behavior as touching your own face is a very natural behavior. And if the propoganda put out is effective enough to get people to abhor touching their own face the work of indoctrination is almost complete.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You know what the face touching ban is all about don't you? It has nothing to do with the coronavirus. It's all about how far the government can control human behavior as touching your own face is a very natural behavior. And if the propoganda put out is effective enough to get people to abhor touching their own face the work of indoctrination is almost complete.

Firstly, what ban? Yes, it's a natural behaviour, there's no way it could be banned as a lot of the time it's subconscious.

Secondly, you are flat out nuts. Is it government propaganda to advise regularly washing hands as well? How do you suppose a contagious virus gets into the system? If your hands are contaminated then touching your face is a sure fire way of getting it. I can't believe the blatantly obvious needs spelling out to you.

This is the type of paranoid bunk that would make Infowars proud...


Gary K

New member
Firstly, what ban? Yes, it's a natural behaviour, there's no way it could be banned as a lot of the time it's subconscious.

Secondly, you are flat out nuts. Is it government propaganda to advise regularly washing hands as well? How do you suppose a contagious virus gets into the system? If your hands are contaminated then touching your face is a sure fire way of getting it. I can't believe the blatantly obvious needs spelling out to you.

This is the type of paranoid bunk that would make Infowars proud...


Where did I say anything against washing your hands? When you do that it breaks down the cell walls of the virus and kills it.

Do you commonly stick your hands in your mouth? Or do you commonly touch your forehead or temples? That's what I do. I also wash my face with soap and water at least twice a day and my heads multiple times a day.. So where's the risk? Both actions break down the cell walls of the virus. Unless I have a cut or abrasion on my forehead or temples the virus isn't going to get through the skin. So what's the virus going to do? Hop and jump into my nasal passages or mouth from my forehead?

And, if I go to the grocery store, which is about the only place I go anymore, I sanitize my hands when I leave the store and get into the car. So, yeah, I'm just foolhardy and stupid.

The fact that behavior modification has been used in every attempt to install a dictatorship on this planet to reduce the population's refusal to go along with it is just crazy talk. Right????

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Where did I say anything against washing your hands? When you do that it breaks down the cell walls of the virus and kills it.

Do you commonly stick your hands in your mouth? Or do you commonly touch your forehead or temples? That's what I do. I also wash my face with soap and water at least twice a day and my heads multiple times a day.. So where's the risk? Both actions break down the cell walls of the virus. Unless I have a cut or abrasion on my forehead or temples the virus isn't going to get through the skin. So what's the virus going to do? Hop and jump into my nasal passages or mouth from my forehead?

And, if I go to the grocery store, which is about the only place I go anymore, I sanitize my hands when I leave the store and get into the car. So, yeah, I'm just foolhardy and stupid.

The fact that behavior modification has been used in every attempt to install a dictatorship on this planet to reduce the population's refusal to go along with it is just crazy talk. Right????

Yes, stupefyingly so in fact.

The government have issued guidelines on washing hands as well and yet that's okay, it's not indoctrination?

I don't commonly stick my hands in my mouth as it happens but here's what you don't seem to understand. You don't need to. You can brush your hands up against your mouth, nose and eyes and if your hand is contaminated then you are now infected. You might wash your hands regularly as all get out but it only takes the once between washes where if the virus is on you and you do any of the above then you've got the thing.

So advising people not to touch their face is not some bat crazy attempt to control the populus, it's a common sense precautionary measure. That's it, your wild leaps of paranoid delusion notwithstanding.


Active member
The fact that behavior modification has been used in every attempt to install a dictatorship on this planet to reduce the population's refusal to go along with it is just crazy talk. Right????

So Trump is trying to install a dictatorship via behavior control by having the CDC recommend not touching your face and mouth? He did say he has 'total authority' hehe

Gary K

New member
So Trump is trying to install a dictatorship via behavior control by having the CDC recommend not touching your face and mouth? He did say he has 'total authority' hehe

Nope. That's the deep state's and Democrat's objective the way I see it. Take a look at Pelosi's wish list for new stimulus bills and how many things that are completely totalitarian in nature she wants included in a financial bill. You really think the hatred of Trump is because he is pushing the same things the deep state and Democrats want?