Go Bernie!


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[h=2]The Real Democrat Campaign for President is About to Begin[/h] Thomas DiLorenzo

I noticed that in the Sunday “Parade” insert in the newspaper there was a full-page front cover mugshot of Hillary Clinton, with a headline something like “Hillary’s Side of the Story.” I consider this to be the real start of the Democrat/Clinton Crime Family presidential campaign. Hillary will ride into the “brokered” convention and be “drafted” with the help of all those “superdelegates” (a.k.a. already-been-bribed-by-the-Clinton-Foundation political hacks) as The Savior of the Party (and of all humanity), after which she will pick the biggest sychophant she can find to be her vice presidential candidate. This will include none of the current pretend “candidates.” Marxist Bernie will then kiss here ring, just as he did last time around.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Hillary will ride into the “brokered” convention and be “drafted” with the help of all those “superdelegates” (a.k.a. already-been-bribed-by-the-Clinton-Foundation political hacks) as The Savior of the Party (and of all humanity), after which she will pick the biggest sychophant she can find to be her vice presidential candidate.

Comically absurd. You're wasting your time hanging around lewrockwell.com.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
[h=2]The Real Democrat Campaign for President is About to Begin[/h] Thomas DiLorenzo

I noticed that in the Sunday “Parade” insert in the newspaper there was a full-page front cover mugshot of Hillary Clinton, with a headline something like “Hillary’s Side of the Story.” I consider this to be the real start of the Democrat/Clinton Crime Family presidential campaign. Hillary will ride into the “brokered” convention and be “drafted” with the help of all those “superdelegates” (a.k.a. already-been-bribed-by-the-Clinton-Foundation political hacks) as The Savior of the Party (and of all humanity), after which she will pick the biggest sychophant she can find to be her vice presidential candidate. This will include none of the current pretend “candidates.” Marxist Bernie will then kiss here ring, just as he did last time around.

I think they're terrified of a strong win by anybody on Tuesday


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
polls are a joke, they predicted Clinton would win by a landslide. People who respond to polls are usually liberal.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I hope Sanders wins....Sanders v Trump, two diametrically opposed ideologies on the table!
I'm looking forward to it. :banana:

I hope Biden and Sanders and Warren come out of it in a perfect three way tie, forcing a brokered convention that will inevitably alienate the dem base :banana:

also, I hope Santa brings me a pony next Christmas :p

User Name

Greatest poster ever
1) Low information voters in South Carolina came out in force to give Biden his first primary win the other day.
2) Democratic Party insiders told Buttigieg and Klobuchar to quit and throw their support behind Biden.
3) Finally, the media have been giving disproportionate and favorable coverage to Biden at Bernie's expense.

That's basically what's happening here. The Dems are going to regret this because Biden will only get more senile as time goes on.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
1) Low information voters in South Carolina came out in force to give Biden his first primary win the other day.
2) Democratic Party insiders told Buttigieg and Klobuchar to quit and throw their support behind Biden.
3) Finally, the media have been giving disproportionate and favorable coverage to Biden at Bernie's expense.

That's basically what's happening here. The Dems are going to regret this because Biden will only get more senile as time goes on.

I'm surprised by how well Bloomberg's doing in the south

and not surprised by how poorly Warren is doing

except Texas - she's a close second to a surprisingly strong Bernie in Texas (with 0.03% in :chuckle: )


Well-known member
Democrats do not have winner-take-all contests.

Alabama BIDEN 97% chance of winning
American Samoa NO INFO
Arkansas BIDEN 88%
California SANDERS 91%
Colorado SANDERS 92%
Maine SANDERS 86%
Massachusetts SANDERS 71%
Minnesota SANDERS 81%
North Carolina BIDEN 93%
Oklahoma BIDEN 82%
Tennessee BIDEN 87%
Texas BIDEN 55%
Utah SANDERS 83%
Vermont SANDERS 99%
Virginia BIDEN 96%


Alabama 52
American Samoa 6
Arkansas 31
California 415
Colorado 67
Maine 24
Massachusetts 91
Minnesota 75
North Carolina 110
Oklahoma 37
Tennessee 64
Texas 228
Utah 29
Vermont 16
Virginia 99


Joe Biden literally cannot form complete sentences.

He is clearly in at least the early stages of dementia.

How is he the front runner right now?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Joe Biden literally cannot form complete sentences.

He is clearly in at least the early stages of dementia.

How is he the front runner right now?

Low-information voters only care that Biden was Obama's VP. That, plus the Democratic Party establishment and plutocrat-owned news media are working against Bernie.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Joe Biden literally cannot form complete sentences.

He is clearly in at least the early stages of dementia.

How is he the front runner right now?

Because people recognize that Bernie is a worse choice than Biden with dementia

remember how we got Trump?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Because people recognize that Bernie is a worse choice than Biden with dementia

remember how we got Trump?

No that's not it. The oligarchs and plutocrats who own the news media also own the Democratic Party. They don't want Bernie to win because they know he will do more to help your parents, and that will cost them money.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and the final delegate count after Super Tuesday .....

Creepy Uncle Joe: 453

Crazy Bernie: 373

Pocahontas: 39

Pete the Butt: 26

Mike "a billion dollars doesn't buy as many votes as it used to" Bloomberg: 18

Klobuchar (who?): 7

Gabbard (???): 1

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Pete has already dropped out

Expect Bloomberg and Pocahontas to drop out shortly

So that's 91 delegates to reassign - I don't know what the process is for that

A close Bernie and Biden race works for me - best case scenario, they go into the convention neck and neck with Bernie slightly in the lead, a brokered convention denies Bernie the nomination and all the Bernie supporters stay home in protest on November 3.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Listening to Democrat political analysts being interviewed on the CBC and it's amazing - they're so giddy that Biden didn't just totally tank last night that they've completely written off Bernie - listening to them (former Clinton operatives), you'd think Bernie had conceded :chuckle:

amazing to hear the Canadian interviewer remind them that Bernie is still very much in the race :dizzy:


Well-known member

Below are shown market predictions (% chance of winning) as of 1:40 p.m. yesterday, adjacent to the name of the state or territory. Beside each is added the name of who actually won.

Alabama BIDEN 97% chance of winning; BIDEN won.
American Samoa NO INFO
Arkansas BIDEN 88%; BIDEN won.
California SANDERS 91%; SANDERS won.
Colorado SANDERS 92%; SANDERS won.
Maine SANDERS 86%; BIDEN is ahead by 1 percent, about 35% to 34%.
Massachusetts SANDERS 71%; BIDEN won.
Minnesota SANDERS 81%; BIDEN won.
North Carolina BIDEN 93%; BIDEN won.
Oklahoma BIDEN 82%; BIDEN won.
Tennessee BIDEN 87%; BIDEN won.
Texas BIDEN 55%; BIDEN won.
Utah SANDERS 83%; SANDERS won.
Vermont SANDERS 99%; SANDERS won.
Virginia BIDEN 96%; BIDEN won.

In 11 out of 14 states, the candidate predicted to win did win. In 3 states, Biden upset Sanders: Maine, Massachusetts and Minnesota. The market predictions were wrong in these 3 states.

There may be revisions when all the votes are in, but they are unlikely to change the overall picture.

Biden now has a 75.5% chance of winning the nomination. Sanders’ chance has fallen drastically to 17.1%.

Yeah Id would say you can probably write Ol socialist Bernie off for good.....Biden would really have to screw it up to give the Burn any chance....