ECT Genesis 1 & 2 The Beginning...


The chronology of Adam's years as a Living Person on Earth started counting only after he was Born Again spiritually in the image and likeness of God on the 6th Day (Gen 5:1-3 KJV)... Not during the time he was physically formed from the Dust of the ground, becoming a natural living soul, on the 3rd Day.

Adam lived 930 years more after He was Created in the image and likeness of God, spiritually (Gen 5:1-5 KJV). That's also why Eve is documented by the Scripture as the "Mother of All the Living".

Biblically speaking, those who are not yet Born Again spiritually in Christ are considered “Dead” by the Scripture and not “Living”.

Therefore, those who are natural born living soul are NOT included or counted in the number of years as a Living Person here on Earth, as record in the Chronology of the Genealogy Listings.... simply, because, they are considered "Dead" and not "Living" by the Scripture.

Therefore, the basis of the Traditional Ancient Goat Herder’s Dating Methodology of Archbishop James Ussher leaves thousands of years more Unaccounted for.... if not double the number of the estimated 6k year of Age, the time Noah set foot on this present planet of ours after the Universal Flood.

Btw, YECs for your additional information and for Dating consideration....

He is not the God of the Dead, but the God of the Living: ye therefore do greatly err. Mar 12:27 KJV

God Bless
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