Free Will


New member
Adam was created mutable and Adam became a sinner for his bride. Just as the last Adam became sin for His bride, the ecclesia. You don't seem capable of linking the type in the pre-evangel to the manifestation in the evangelism.

Here's an obvious example:
Adams fall involved a tree. The last Adams redeeming act also involved a tree. The fall involved a woman and the redeeming act involved a woman. These things didn't happen by chance. They were predetermined so that the saints would be comforted. But, it would seem your blind eyes can't even join the dots let alone find comfort.

Sadly, you cannot see the clear truth of scripture ! ADAM DISOBEYED A COMMAND THAT GOD GAVE HIM ! It was his choice.

Genesis 3:11 King James Version (KJV)

11 And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?


New member
Sadly, you cannot see the clear truth of scripture ! ADAM DISOBEYED A COMMAND THAT GOD GAVE HIM ! It was his choice.

Genesis 3:11 King James Version (KJV)

11 And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?

I can only hope that you are granted repentance at some point.


New member
I can only hope that you are granted repentance at some point.

I hope for you the same ! I was born again March 19th 1978.

You can't even see the truth of scripture for your bias.

Even a baby in Jesus could see and understand that God gave Adam a command and Adam disobeyed God based on HIS choice.

Genesis 3:11 King James Version (KJV)

11 And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?


New member
I hope for you the same ! I was born again March 19th 1978.

You can't even see the truth of scripture for your bias.

Even a baby in Jesus could see and understand that God gave Adam a command and Adam disobeyed God based on HIS choice.

Genesis 3:11 King James Version (KJV)

11 And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?

I'm not disagreeing with the fact a command was given and that the command was broken. Where we disagree completely is the reason behind the sin or act of rebellion. You say it was an act of free will, but the truth of the matter is that no man has ever been in possession of nor acted independently of the will of the Eternal Almighty. You really need to study this matter in some detail.
Ask yourself why the tree was placed in the midst of the garden?
Why was the command given?
There was nothing in the fruit that gave knowledge?
Why was this single act of rebellion necessary in the eternal decree?
If the act was foreknown and it was then why was it allowed?
Why was there a need for a Last Adam predetermined before the act of creation?


The scripture is clear. They could not come, because the Father did not draw them:

"No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day".

Who is it, who will raise those who are drawn to him by the Father, at the last day? The man Jesus, or the Lord who filled him with his spirit and spoke to us through the mouth of his obedient earthly servant?


New member
Truster;4978556]I'm not disagreeing with the fact a command was given and that the command was broken.

Which is called disobedience i.e.sin.

Where we disagree completely is the reason behind the sin or act of rebellion. You say it was an act of free will, but the truth of the matter is that no man has ever been in possession of nor acted independently of the will of the Eternal Almighty.

If this were true, and it is not, then every sin ever committed by man is not mans fault it is ALL God's fault.

You really need to study this matter in some detail.

I have and God did not make man as a programmed robot.

Ask yourself why the tree was placed in the midst of the garden?

Short answer is because that is where God wanted the tree to be.

Why was the command given?

God explained to His creation what the consequences would be of disobeying Him , and Eve repeated the consequences of disobeying God's command to Satan, and yet she did exactly what God commanded her not to do as she made a BAD choice based on her own reasoning. She aw the tree was good for food, to make one wise, and to become like God.

There was nothing in the fruit that gave knowledge?

The act of disobedience had consequences.

Why was this single act of rebellion necessary in the eternal decree?

The single act of disobedience was the breaking of the one rule God gave His creation.

If the act was foreknown and it was then why was it allowed?

To show man that his need is God not self nor Satan.

Why was there a need for a Last Adam predetermined before the act of creation?

If there was no no last Adam there would be no payment for sin and everyone would have ended up in hell exactly where they deserve to be for sinning against God, but in His love He paid for the sins we committed by the sacrifice of the last man i.e. Christ Jesus.


New member
Sadly, you cannot see the clear truth of scripture ! ADAM DISOBEYED A COMMAND THAT GOD GAVE HIM ! It was his choice.

Genesis 3:11 King James Version (KJV)

11 And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?

You're so ignorant. Adam sinned in a perfect state with an unfallen nature. When we sin it is because we were born with fallen natures and all a fallen nature can do is sin. This is why Paul says:

Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, Rom. 5:14

No one has ever sinned like Adam because no one since him has had a perfect or unfallen nature. You can make your little choices from A to Z for the rest of your life and it won't save you or commend you to God. A sinner trying to choose what is right is like the corpse being dressed up all nice and pretty for the funeral - he looks a little better but he's still dead!


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You're so ignorant. Adam sinned in a perfect state with an unfallen nature. When we sin it is because we were born with fallen natures and all a fallen nature can do is sin. This is why Paul says:

Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, Rom. 5:14

No one has ever sinned like Adam because no one since him has had a perfect or unfallen nature. You can make your little choices from A to Z for the rest of your life and it won't save you or commend you to God. A sinner trying to choose what is right is like the corpse being dressed up all nice and pretty for the funeral - he looks a little better but he's still dead!
Has a baby in the womb ever sinned? What about a newborn?


New member
Has a baby in the womb ever sinned? What about a newborn?
We are all born sinners except for a few exceptions like John the Baptist and Jesus Christ who were born filled with the Holy Spirit. Your question shows oh so well that even most professing Christians do not see themselves as sinners.


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We are all born sinners except for a few exceptions like John the Baptist and Jesus Christ who were born filled with the Holy Spirit.
So an innocent little baby, which has done nothing but live, has sinned?

First of all, how?

Second, is the baby's sin the sin of his father? or is it his own?


New member
So an innocent little baby, which has done nothing but live, has sinned?

First of all, how?

Second, is the baby's sin the sin of his father? or is it his own?

We are all born sinners because of our father Adam's sin. You're a sinner, you were born one and you'll die as one.


New member
Epoisses;4978836]You're so ignorant. Adam sinned in a perfect state with an unfallen nature. When we sin it is because we were born with fallen natures and all a fallen nature can do is sin. This is why Paul says:

Have I ever said Adam was not in a perfect state ? NOPE.
Did I ever say Adam had an UN-fallen nature ? NOPE.
Have I ever said we aren't born in a fallen state ? NOPE

So do you have a point ?

The point is ADAM and EVE made the choice to disobey God. God said don't and they did. It is not rocket science.

You do understand because you say something does not make it true or scripture ?

Adam sinned because he made the choice to do the ONE thing God had forbid for him to do.

The ignorance is YOU continuing to put your preferred spin on scripture that scripture does not support.

No one has ever sinned like Adam because no one since him has had a perfect or unfallen nature. You can make your little choices from A to Z for the rest of your life and it won't save you or commend you to God. A sinner trying to choose what is right is like the corpse being dressed up all nice and pretty for the funeral - he looks a little better but he's still dead!

So the Holy Spirit does not convict you when you sin ? You might want to check and see if you have ever trusted Jesus and accepted the gift He offers.

I will say your posts are scattered and ranting with no substance. Your points are pointless.


New member
Have I ever said Adam was not in a perfect state ? NOPE.
Did I ever say Adam had an UN-fallen nature ? NOPE.
Have I ever said we aren't born in a fallen state ? NOPE

So do you have a point ?

The point is ADAM and EVE made the choice to disobey God. God said don't and they did. It is not rocket science.

You do understand because you say something does not make it true or scripture ?

Adam sinned because he made the choice to do the ONE thing God had forbid for him to do.

The ignorance is YOU continuing to put your preferred spin on scripture that scripture does not support.

So the Holy Spirit does not convict you when you sin ? You might want to check and see if you have ever trusted Jesus and accepted the gift He offers.

I will say your posts are scattered and ranting with no substance. Your points are pointless.

The sin of Eve was believing the serpent over the word of God.

The sin of Adam was believing his wife over the word of God.

Both sins were the sins of unbelief not choice.


New member
Epoisses;4978862]The sin of Eve was believing the serpent over the word of God.

The sin of Adam was believing his wife over the word of God.

Both sins were the sins of unbelief not choice.

I would suggest you take a reading comprehension course but it would not help. Some things only God can give the understanding, which you seriously lack.

The sin of Eve was disobeying God. God said do not and she did.
The sin of Adam was God said do not and he did.
The sin of both of them is God said do not and they did.

You make God the author of sin based on the little box you have put yourself in.

Scripture CLEARLY that God is NOT the author of sin.


New member
I would suggest you take a reading comprehension course but it would not help. Some things only God can give the understanding, which you seriously lack.

The sin of Eve was disobeying God. God said do not and she did.
The sin of Adam was God said do not and he did.
The sin of both of them is God said do not and they did.

You make God the author of sin based on the little box you have put yourself in.

Scripture CLEARLY that God is NOT the author of sin.

You're a brain-washed Arminian dispensational fake wannabe Christian who would not even know the first step on the path of righteousness. Your choice gospel is a works-centered false religion where men take pride in their worthless choices and rob Christ of his power to save sinners to the uttermost.


New member
Epoisses;4978871]You're a brain-washed Arminian dispensational fake wannabe Christian who would not even know the first step on the path of righteousness. Your choice gospel is a works-centered false religion where men take pride in their worthless choices and rob Christ of his power to save sinners to the uttermost.

Calvinism has taught you what that God makes man sin ? No thanks scripture says that is a lie.

Try explaining to a 5 year old that God created them for eternal hell for His own good pleasure because they were not chosen for heaven.

The god you follow is not the God of scripture. Scripture says God is love and creating people for eternal hell is not what anyone with 1/2 of a brain would call loving.

Your ilk has turned God into a cruel sadistic caricature that takes pleasure in creating people destined for eternal hell with no hope, which is not the God of scripture, and misrepresents God in every way.


New member
Calvinism has taught you what that God makes man sin ? No thanks scripture says that is a lie.

Try explaining to a 5 year old that God created them for eternal hell for His own good pleasure because they were not chosen for heaven.

The god you follow is not the God of scripture. Scripture says God is love and creating people for eternal hell is not what anyone with 1/2 of a brain would call loving.

Your ilk has turned God into a cruel sadistic caricature that takes pleasure in creating people destined for eternal hell with no hope, which is not the God of scripture, and misrepresents God in every way.

I'm not a Calvinist and I despise their perversion of predestination more than you. Ask anyone on this forum.


New member
I'm not a Calvinist and I despise their perversion of predestination more than you. Ask anyone on this forum.

So what exactly is your point ? God told Adam not to eat off of the tree and he disobeyed God and made that choice to do so. Adam's choice to disobey God was probably based on the fact he loved Eve but he still made that choice and disobeyed God. So what exactly is your POINT ?