ECT Evolution


Where have I said that the six days are fictional or mythological? I've never said that, I said that our time isn't God's time and a day isn't always a 24 hour period. :)
"A day isn't always a 24 hour period" means that a day is fictional or mythological sometimes. :chuckle:

All right, all right; I release you. :) Be well. I'll stop pestering you on this point.


Well-known member
"A day isn't always a 24 hour period" means that a day is fictional or mythological sometimes. :chuckle:

All right, all right; I release you. :) Be well. I'll stop pestering you on this point.

As I said before, the day of the Lord isn't a 24 hour period. As Peter said, a day is a thousand years and a thousand years is a day in the Lord.

Btw, you're not pestering me, it's been interesting, thanks :)


Well-known member
To all,
the issue of the age of the earth IN SCRIPTURE is not a question of literal days in Gen 1. They are normal days. They were meant that way, referenced that way in Ex 20, and presuppositionally, when you have God simply speaking things into existence, there is no problem. No more problem than enough food for 5000 people in a moment in Lk 5.

Age of earth question 1, Gen 1:
The question is a different one in the Gen 1 text. I don't know if I'll go into it here because as I said above, I work backward chronologically on these things. The geological evidence of the cataclysm (Peter's word choice in 2 Peter 3) is quite obvious, and is also the first historical layer we come to. (In certain regions, you will encounter side- or after-effects, for ex., glacial Lake Missoula's collapse, which moved miles of slurry from Montana to as far as Eugene; but the pattern of disruption will be the same). That evidence supports Genesis so well that it would be ridiculous to doubt the next event going back (the revolt of Adam and Eve) or the next (the creation).

The 2nd reason for not going into it here is the lack of material. Compared to the whole Bible, we have about 5 pages on the cataclysm, in a Bible of some 1600 pages (my NIV). Well, on the undisclosed topic I am mentioning here that has A LOT to do with time--the age of the earth--we only have a few lines. I hate to get too wobbly, hate to place too much weight on too little. Only a few lines in a Bible 1600 pages long! Not a good idea.

But no, the leap to figurative language in Genesis 1 is not warranted. If you are 'itching' to do that, please hold off until Gen 3 and speculate on why Satan is a 'grounded' serpent. But don't mess with the normal meaning of day when it is mechanically linked to 24 hour cycles as it is.

Age of earth question 2, Matt 1 and Luke 3:
Another question, though, is separate from the undisclosed Gen 1 question and from 'days' in Gen 1. It is the meaning of the term 'generations' or 'the son of...' in the NT genealogies and some OT genealogies. This has been raised as early as Schaeffer's GENESIS IN SPACE AND TIME. I won't go into the details here, but at the most, it allows for the maximum of 10K and he has OT citations to show why. The interesting thing about that kind of dating relates again to geology. There are a number of instances where secular dating is quite certain of catastrophic events changing our surface about 10K years ago:

1, Lake Morse, Olympic National Park, WA. Glacial lake said to have collapsed 10K ago.
2, Niagara Falls. Said to have started its 'undercutting' of its foundation rock 9K ago.
3, Glacial Lake Missoula. Said to have collapsed 10K ago, releasing more fresh water than all north American river water volume combined.
4, most volcanic activity in the US West is 'recorded' by native people in oral or written materials. Ie, writing history and volcanic events overlapped.
5, the Mayan dating of the span from Creation to a destructive Deluge is only 1750 years. It is difficult to question this dating because of the accuracy of the system on other accounts; the question would be 'what does creation mean?' in that setting.
6, such events as 1-3 are largest-scale at that time, tapering off to smaller and less frequent. For ex., glacial Lake Taku was intact until the 1800s. This was a case of a massive glacier damming a river, but not a river within it, rather intersecting it. The 40 mile glacier finally reduced enough to release the Taku River which was arriving from elsewhere and perpendicular where they meet. Local Tlingit accounts of life date that as the 'beginning.' It would be hard to imagine any life at sea level surviving the release.
7, Taku Glacier (the longest in N. America or perhaps only Alaska) itself is something of a clock like Niagara. If the Deluge ice age was as brief as the Biblical text says, it is merely a matter of mathematics to figure out how old it is, given a reduction rate that includes the above event in the 1800s--the release. It has reduced a certain % since then, for reasons completely other than 'anthropogenic warming.'


New member
Where have I said that the six days are fictional or mythological? I've never said that, I said that our time isn't God's time and a day isn't always a 24 hour period. :)

In the creation account of Genesis the "24" hour days are described.

Gen 1:5
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Gen 1:8
And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
Gen 1:13

And the evening and the morning were the third day.
Gen 1:19
And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
Gen 1:31
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.


Well-known member
In the creation account of Genesis the "24" hour days are described.

Gen 1:5
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Gen 1:8
And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
Gen 1:13

And the evening and the morning were the third day.
Gen 1:19
And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
Gen 1:31
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Do you also see that the evening through to the morning is going through darkness into light?

There is a deeper meaning.


New member
The length of a day is determined by the context in which the word is used.

With the creation of the seventh day, which was created for humans, sunset to sunset is established.

The 24 hour day of rest pictures the millennial day of rest.


Well-known member
That is not what Genesis says it says the morning and the evening were "one" day.

Can you show me where it says that the evening and the morning we're "one" day please? Because I've read the evening and the morning we're first, second, third day etc.

In the Bible it also says a day is a thousand years, and a thousand years is a day in the Lord.

If you believe in 6, 24 hour day periods then fair enough, I believe that God can do anything, but I know that there are spiritual meanings right through the Bible, Jesus even said, those who have ears to hear, hear.


New member

Here is the excerpt from my discussion with Jonahdog. I asked a series of questions, to which he replied. In my response, I included his quotes:

I never deny evolutionary concepts, for they are obvious fact. Such as adaptation, germ theory, etc. These are concepts however. Evolutionary theory includes these concepts, but as a whole produces a hypothesis for many questions. You said (and scientists agree) that life began in the early oceans. Why? Chemistry and physics. But that doesn't answer the question. How did life begin in the early oceans? Chemistry, no doubt referring to organic and biochemistry, with biophysics, would not produce life. "Life" is not a byproduct of any chemical rxn. Nor the result of any cycle in biophysics. The answer, which scientists have to provide, is that a "miracle" of impossible circumstance occurred once. Which itself goes against logic. Why would any event occur once naturally? Nature itself is a recurring set of phenomena. The mathematics, physics, and chemistry do not produce such a phenomena. The probability has more zeros than the age of the universe.

How long does it take to evolve? You say, "less than one billion years (obviously)." But you have to answer that, because you are limited to a timetable, set by the age of the earth. Which leads to the next question/answer: How does trial-error result in complex/simple systems like metabolism or thrombosis? (I am not saying metabolism is simple, however, it is a daily and constant necessary function)You reply with suggestions that courses would explain it. When in fact, they won't. Thrombosis is a very delicate function. The same with metabolism. If any species is altered in the slightest degree, the whole system collapses, back to zero. Such failure would result in death of the organism. A complex reaction and function, could not mathematically (or logically) have resulted from trial-error, in the timetable of the earth, let alone the cosmos.

This leads into the next two questions, which you claimed "makes no sense." How would a dying organism (such as the one who just failed a successful thrombosis attempt) communicate to nearby organisms about the evolution it was trying to undergo? Of course the question "makes no sense," because the answer is detrimental to the theory of evolution. Organisms could not, in early states, communicate complex actions to one another. Therefore, the idea that each organism successfully and eventually evolved complex systems and cycles, via trial-error which could not be communicated with fellow organisms, breaks the rules put forth by the theory of evolution.

Abiogenesis time. This will be quick and easy, although for you, I cannot say painless. You once again relied on "chemistry and physics" as means of answering, which is fine. I know the answers put forth by chemistry and physics, as do you. So no need to go in depth there. The question of the scenario which produced life being a "miracle" of improbability, you answer with "Apparently not. We are here." This is a dismissing of mathematics. And you know it is. The reason that you reply this way is that truth and logic point to the theory of abiogenesis being beyond impossible. One can be dismissive and say "well, we're here aren't we," but that doesn't explain anything. Neil Armstrong didn't just appear on the moon; there was an extensive amount of preparation and statistics that got him there. Science got him there. (I know this doesn't really work well as an analogy itself, but the explanation is key). You know, as do I, that probability is one of the largest flaws with abiogenesis. Probability renders the theory null, due to the staggering odds of so many elements and scenarios being perfect for the briefest of moments. It is more probable to throw out millions of scrabble letters and them form the phrase "To Be or Not To Be," in the same amount of time (4.5 million years), as for life to "appear" on the earth.

Now, what data points to abiogeneis? You answered "don't know what you mean...yada yada." This is either because you didn't understand the question, which I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, or you know that there is no evidence (which all theories in science call for) to support abiogenesis. There is no reproducing the creation of life. There is no evidence, physically or naturally, that demonstrates abiogenesis occurring. Sure, "we exist," but that is not data or proof of the theory of abiogenesis. Alternate theories could use the very same reason, and you would reject them as being insufficient.

Lastly, the Big Bang. Once again, we will not discuss the in-depth answers of chemistry and physics. But what holds the sun in place? You say it moves. I agree. But we are not spinning into other galaxies and colliding with other bodies, on a constant basis. Which goes against physics. The sun is pretty much stationary (in astronomical senses). Add on to this, proof that the universe is not expanding, rather contracting. Look up the redshift data measurements for the universe. Now, I am no astrophysicist or astronomer, but the data shows that expansion is not occurring, rather the opposite.

Life does have a purpose. Any scientist or religious agrees on this. Fitness is the scientific answer. Religious produce all kinds of answers, so no need to go into those. I will post all the contradictory statements of scientists, as well as those who disagree and assert, as I do, that theories of evolution, abiogenesis, have been disproven; as well as how the Big Bang doesn't really answer anything. I will also give a few statistics and evidence as well, which I have found on my own, through research.

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Well-known member
No, such speculation harbors a darker meaning . . .

No darker meaning, there's no darkness in God only light.

We're the darkness that he works in, and he brings us into his glorious light though his holy son. Christ Jesus.

Proverbs 4

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.


New member
Could you PM me the details of the book. I was unsuccessful in producing it via Google search. Could be a glitch, or even, not to sound like a conspiracy nut, an act on Google's part (such realities do occur; some of them to various publications).

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Depends on what enters as a search in Google. Try these four words, for example:

deluge of suspicions amazon


New member
Can you show me where it says that the evening and the morning we're "one" day please? Because I've read the evening and the morning we're first, second, third day etc.

In the Bible it also says a day is a thousand years, and a thousand years is a day in the Lord.

If you believe in 6, 24 hour day periods then fair enough, I believe that God can do anything, but I know that there are spiritual meanings right through the Bible, Jesus even said, those who have ears to hear, hear.

The TEXT says the morning and the evening were "1" day. True there are events and scripture that have dual meanings in scripture, but the scriptures themselves are not silent on there being dual meanings no one has to guess.
Gen 1:5
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Gen 1:8
And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
Gen 1:13
And the evening and the morning were the third day.
Gen 1:19
And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
Gen 1:31
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.


New member
That is not what Genesis says it says the morning and the evening were "one" day.

The creation week began with darkness and then God said, "Let there be light."

"God called the light Day and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day." (Genesis 1:5)