Creation vs. Evolution

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Stipe disdains rules, even those directly from his God

Stipe disdains rules, even those directly from his God

Luckily, I don't define what it means to be a Christian; that can be found in the Bible.
Really? I do know that I found a set of those rules that you think have no applicability in your life in the Bible. That set is called the Ten Commandments, and within them are rules against the type of conduct you seem to relish engaging in. Since you think you are not subject to those rules, have you told your God to shut up with the nonsense about issuing rules?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Really? I do know that I found a set of those rules that you think have no applicability in your life in the Bible. That set is called the Ten Commandments, and within them are rules against the type of conduct you seem to relish engaging in. Since you think you are not subject to those rules, have you told your God to shut up with the nonsense about issuing rules?

That you keep saying Christianity is tied to rules shows you have no idea what you're talking about.

This is why we say you're completely unwilling to engage sensibly; you've had it pointed out numerous times that your understanding is 100 percent wrong, yet you keep insisting on your view, and you'll double down on the nonsense by inventing things for me to believe.


New member
Stipe fears to yell at his God, so he aims for mortals instead

Stipe fears to yell at his God, so he aims for mortals instead

That you keep saying Christianity is tied to rules shows you have no idea what you're talking about.
You need to rail against what you apparently think is your deluded rule-issuing God, not me.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You need to rail against what you apparently think is your deluded rule-issuing God, not me.
Not even prepared to pretend to think, are you?

Christianity is not tied to rules. That God has issued rules is no contradiction.

You have no clue what Christianity is and are only interested in focusing on this because you cannot engage sensibly on science.


New member
Stipe: Rules from God - pshaw

Stipe: Rules from God - pshaw

... Christianity is not tied to rules. That God has issued rules is no contradiction...
What I see as significant is that recently on several occasions you have blatantly violated some of those rules which you now seem to admit did come from your God. If obedience to the rules from your God means no more to you that that, then you are a pretty poor excuse of a missionary for your cause.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
What I see as significant ...
... is anything that keeps the focus off a sensible conversation.

You have blatantly violated some of those rules.
Which ones?

You now seem to admit did come from your God.
Perhaps you can show where I said God never issued rules.

If obedience to the rules from your God means no more to you that that, then you are a pretty poor excuse of a missionary for your cause.

Still pushing this wheel-less cart? I'm not a missionary; I don't have a cause; I'm not here to pander to your twisted view of reality.

What you need to do is engage rationally and sensibly; something you've shown no aptitude for.

Now, are we done? This got boring a long time ago.


Michael, please save your "You'll be sorry" words for someone else. I'll take my chances with real life, not imaginary beings.

Dear Jonahdog,

I'm sorry if I was saying you'd be sorry. You take your chances with real life. Tons of luck!! Maybe when you are on your death bed, you will reconsider. Who will you turn to then. Darwin?? I don't think so!

For The Fallen,



New member
Rule-less Stipe

Rule-less Stipe

... Which ones?
You know, I know, and any interested reader can easily look back to see which ones. Honesty is a really nasty pill for you, isn’t it?
I'm not a missionary
Any time you push the creationist story, or make claim that the Bible is your source, then you are a missionary.
I don't have a cause
Then what is your incentive for the thousands of posts you have made? Feel free to exit the conversation and leave the discussion to those who feel they do have a message.

As to whether Christians need to obey rules – is it OK for you to violently rape a child?


You know, I know, and any interested reader can easily look back to see which ones. Honesty is a really nasty pill for you, isn’t it?

Any time you push the creationist story, or make claim that the Bible is your source, then you are a missionary.

Then what is your incentive for the thousands of posts you have made? Feel free to exit the conversation and leave the discussion to those who feel they do have a message.

As to whether Christians need to obey rules – is it OK for you to violently rape a child?

Davis B.J.,

You sound like one sick puppy!! We have two commandments from Jesus. Love God with all of our Heart, Mind, and Soul. Also, love each other. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. These two commandments are not rules as much as a way of life. It's how I act all of the time. Any other commandments all fall into place based on these two. We are forgiven of our faults and loved by God and Jesus because we love Them dearly. That is what being a Christian is all about. It is something you DON'T DO!! I would just as soon have my faults with God in my life, than live your untainted, perfect life. How many skeletons do you have in your closet dude? None, eh? Sure! You have the worst one first of all. Being atheist. You don't even believe in our/your God, much less Love Him!! I'd never trade places with you. Do you think I would stoop that low?? To not believe in my own God?? He is our Father, and you don't even know Him at all. Where are you going to be in the end, Davis? Where will Stripe and I be in the end!! We are spoken for already. You are NOT!! So keep on digging your grave deeper by pointing out other people's faults or sins. I have overcome all of my sins. You haven't, because you are still an atheist. Tons of Luck. I do hope that Stripe will also answer this post. I just could not remain silent, and you said some bad stuff about me and I don't appreciate it. But it's all in my past. So you're married, eh?? Having sex with more than only one other girl is fornication. Most of us have sinned in that respect. Did you marry the only girl that you had sex with? There's a lot that you don't know, Davis. Have your fun at others' expense. Your time will come. Tons of love and thanks to a God Who forgives our shortcomings and sins. How about you, Davis? You don't have to answer to anybody, eh? That's why you're an atheist. Because you don't want to follow any rules or beliefs, right? You don't want anyone to tell you how to live or believe. You'd rather just not believe period, eh? No loving a spiritual Father for you, huh? No having your sins and faults washed away by Jesus too?? That's right. In your world, you have no faults or sins, right?

God WILL bring you to your knees!! You will BOW to Him. He demands it and He says EVERY KNEE shall BOW and every tongue confess! I am a virgin with women. That's what God said He would do. Read it. Revelation 14:4 KJV. "These are they which were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb wherever He goes." 'These are among the 144,000 firstfruits to God.' Try reading it by checking out the whole chapter, if you even still own a Bible. Read it, Davis. Okay, I'm done here. Thanks, Davis, you helped me realize how lucky I am and how unlucky YOU ARE!! When you want to start posting to each other without malice, then you will not reap malice. Do you know that??

Warm Regards, Buddy,



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You know.
I don't know of any rules barring me from calling you a moron.

In fact, that is to be encouraged.

Any time you push the evolutionary story, or make claim that Darwin is your source, then you are a missionary.

Then what is your incentive for the thousands of posts you have made?
Really? We're going to talk about my motives for posting now?

Wake us up when you've got something interesting to talk about.

Feel free to exit the conversation.


New member
Davis B.J.,

… I do hope that Stripe will also answer this post. I just could not remain silent, and you said some bad stuff about me and I don't appreciate it.

Dear Michael,

Is that Stipe the fellow who, when he speaks of you, refers to you in terms more vile than any I have ever used at TOL? Yet your vitriol is not at he who stabs you in the back … therefore I elect to invoke Ignore # 66

Most Sincerely


New member
Stipe is selective in what rules he admits to

Stipe is selective in what rules he admits to

I don't know of any rules barring me from calling you a moron.
But you do know of rules against lying and deceit, and you choose to ignore those rules.

In fact, that is to be encouraged.
It has long been obvious that the thing you excel at is mocking, and so I fully expect you to grasp onto any pretext to continue in that vein.

Any time you push the evolutionary story, or make claim that Darwin is your source, then you are a missionary.
Not just for evolution, but quite generally mainstream science as a whole. I find no dishonor in that.

As to whether Christians need to obey rules – is it OK for you to violently rape a child?


New member
I feel confident that with time and counseling, you'll get over it.
Precisely. You exemplify what Christian conduct means to you by falsifying what another person said and then being dismissive about it when it is pointed out. If Christianity is to be judged by your conduct, then it is a pretty sick joke.

As to whether Christians need to obey rules – is it OK for you to violently rape a child?


Dear Michael,

Is that Stipe the fellow who, when he speaks of you, refers to you in terms more vile than any I have ever used at TOL? Yet your vitriol is not at he who stabs you in the back … therefore I elect to invoke Ignore # 66

Most Sincerely

Dear DavisBJ,

Stripe barely fazes me with what he says about me. To me, it is all in jest. Now you are a different story. Stripe is a brother Christian and you're not. Plus you've said worse things about me than Stripe and you being a man without God is vitriol by far. Stripe has said two zingers against me, and he is a God-loving, Christ-bearing, loving person. You are the..., I just can't say it. I might get banned. Every time I forgive you for things you've said to me, you go and say even worse things the next time. I sense that you don't like me very much and that's one reason we don't get along. I'm the one defending myself and you are the instigator and back-biter, Davis. I take what Stripe says with a grain of salt. You are more like a pinch of cayenne pepper in the eye. You don't want to try accepting me and loving me as a person and brother, just what I've tried to do with you over and over again, and you just shun me. I have an extremely high capacity of loving someone and also forgiving someone over and over again. God has done the same with me and that is Whom I've learned from.

I know you can't 'fathom' how I can actually still love you, but I don't love some of your ways, is all. Otherwise, I do still love you in spite of yourself. Under Adam and Eve, we are brothers, descended from them and Noah's family. Or like you'd like to believe, we're brothers under some ape and chimp who had intercourse, which I do not believe. And we shortly developed into being mankind? Ha!! Do you see how ridiculous it sounds?? Stripe may never quit quipping about me, but he still loves the same God and Jesus, and Holy Ghost that I do, so it is piddly what he calls me. Davis, it'd be different if you were loving, kind, thoughtful, caring, giving, etc. But you're not. You are all into what is 'intellectual' and not giving a hoot about anyone or anything but yourself, period!! I find it hard to still love you, but I do. God created me and He created you, and so we are siblings. Siblings shouldn't fight with each other, but instead should love each other, so yes, I hand you the olive branch and do still love you as a fellow relative. I just don't love everything you do. What has Stripe called me? A drug-addled moron? Yippee!! That is nothing compared to the searing things you've handed me. Let it be done. Peace!

Cordially yours,

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