Creation vs. Evolution

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Mark SeaSigh

I know that you believe that the Concept of a "Ring Species" is Truth, and that if Animals Are Separated for a Long period of time, they no longer are the Same Species.

I don't believe that has Ever Happened in Reality.

Show me, if you "Believe" in Evolution.



New member
I know that you believe that the Concept of Ring Species is Truth, and that if Animals Are Separated for a Long period of time, they no longer are the Same Species.

I don't believe that has Ever Happened in Reality.

Show me, if you "Believe" in Evolution.

Do you want to concede that nobody claims that one species ever gives birth to another?
Ring species are a fine example of that not happening. :plain:

Mark SeaSigh

If your Definition of the Term "Species" is; "The Largest Group of Animals, capable of being Interbred".

Yes. I'm telling you that True Speciation, has Never Occurred in Nature nor is there Evidence that it has Ever Occurred on this Planet, in the Fossil Record; and, there is No Evidence that you can Show me that it has, Given it Does not Exist.

After All, by the Current Definition of Species; A Lion and a Tiger are still the Same Species, and How long have they been Split as Different Looking Cats?

According to Evolutionists, I mean; Of Course.

: D


Species - The Largest Group of Animals, Capable of Being Interbred.

Mark SeaSigh

I think Evolutionists Claim it Constantly, but also cannot possibly Define the Biological Meaning of the Term "Species".

Do you think an Animal, has ever given Birth to a "New Species", which can no longer interbreed with another animal from it's obvious ancestral animal line?


Do you think that New (Never Existed Before) Anatomy has been added to any Animal's Genome; Through Mutation by Reproduction, and "Survival of the Fittest"?

If So; Do you have an Example for me To "Observe"?

Do you really believe that the Human Brain developed through Mutation by Reproduction, in just under 3 Million years; Yet, Giraffes appear in Layers of Earth Evolutionists think are 12 Million Years Old?

I think Ol' Carl Sagan Does A Perfect Job describing the Basic Beliefs of the Theory of Evolution, and Common Descent;


New member
I think Evolutionists Claim it Constantly, but also cannot possibly Define the Biological Meaning of the Term "Species".

Do you think an Animal, has ever given Birth to a "New Species", which can no longer interbreed with another animal from it's obvious ancestral animal line?


Do you think that New (Never Existed Before) Anatomy has been added to any Creatures Genome, Through Mutation by Reproduction, and "Survival of the Fittest"?
Clearly then what you think "evolutionists" are saying and what "evolutionists" actually are saying are two different things Mark.

Mark SeaSigh

Clearly then what you think "evolutionists" are saying and what "evolutionists" actually are saying are two different things Mark.

Well, "Think" again; Just consider Carl Sagan, above.


Do you really Believe that Cows Reproduced themselves into Whales, Over Time?


New member
Do you really Believe that Cows Reproduced themselves into Whales, Over Time?
Did they? Will they? Theoretically possible perhaps, but in practice no.
Do you think it more likely that a cow would give birth to a whale or that a whale would appear fully formed out of thin air/water?


Did they? Will they? Theoretically possible perhaps, but in practice no.
Do you think it more likely that a cow would give birth to a whale or that a whale would appear fully formed out of thin air/water?

High Alwight,

How R U doing?? It's been too long!! I'm gonna' have to PM you. I've just been so busy that it's been awhile. Al, the whale would appear fully formed in the water. God created great whales, it says in our Bible. He did it by 'creating' them, instead of them descending from a cow!!

Cheerio Bloke,


P.S. Is Bloke used correctly by me?? I'm tryin'!!




Mark SeaSigh

High Michael!!!





And Deer!!!


Now, for a "Whale of a Tale";

From Wikipedia;


Yes Evolutionist think that Whales Descended from Cows and Deer!!!

Wiki's Whale Article said:
Ambulocetus natans – a primitive cetacean
See also: Evolution of cetaceans

All cetaceans, including whales, dolphins, and porpoises, are descendants of land-dwelling mammals of the artiodactyl order (even-toed ungulates). Both are related to the Indohyus, an extinct semi-aquatic deer-like ungulate, from which they split approximately 54 million years ago.[5][6] These primitive cetaceans first took to the sea approximately 50 million years ago and became fully aquatic by 5–10 million years later.[7] Their features became adapted for living in the marine environment. Major anatomical changes include streamlining of the body, the migration of the nasal openings toward the top of the cranium, the shrinking and eventual disappearance of the hind limbs, the modification of the forelimbs into flippers, and the growth of flukes on the tail.

But, Wiki! What's an "Even-Toed Ungulate"?

Oh, thanks Wiki;

From the "Even-Toed Ungulate Article":
Poorly Written Wiki Article said:
The name Artiodactyla comes from (Greek: ἄρτιος (ártios), "even", and δάκτυλος (dáktylos), "finger/toe"), so the name "even-toed" is a translation of the description.[1] This group includes pigs, peccaries, hippopotamuses, camels, llamas, chevrotains (mouse deer), deer, giraffes, pronghorn, antelopes, goat-antelopes (which include sheep, goats and others), and cattle. The group excludes whales (Cetacea), although DNA sequence data indicate they share a common ancestor, making the group paraphyletic. The phylogenetically accurate group is called Cetartiodactyla (from Cetacea + Artiodactyla).[2]




Hi Patrick Jane,

How are you 2nite? We're getting quite a show so far 2nite. I do not believe anything about whales and cows. It's written specifically in Genesis (Our Bible) that great whales were created from the waters, and it says the cattle were created from the ground. Who comes up with these wiki's?? I guess they can't all be right.

Laughable though!

God's Best 4 U, PJ,



Dear Alwight,

Hope things R going great 4 U!! Are you just waking up over there? It's 0130 here. Hope you have a wonderful day planned. How's the weather? We're supposed to be 76F today. That means sunny and nice/warm. Just wonderful. These are the days that we suffer all summer for. We bake like cookies in the summer here. Heck, you can fry bacon on the sidewalk during the summer. Well, I hope you got my PM today. You take real good care now and I'll chat with you soon.

Much Love To You, Alwight,

Cheerio Mate!!





Dear Mark,

Quite a beard on Obama. Looks like someone went to a lot of work in the design dept. The beard looks real. I have a friend who is an excellent artist/painter. He did a 3D of Stevie Nicks for me with real human hair (blondish red) and also wearing gold lama. It's framed with an expensive frame. It's quite nice. Someone wanted to buy it from me, but I turned them down. She wanted it so badly, but I know my friend would not want me to sell it and it's too nice to sell anyway. Well, will gab with you in a bit!!

May God Be Gracious Toward You And Yours,



Dear Mark,

Well, ok, it's about time we all realized that there is no truth to evolution, right? How many times do we have to go down that road? There is Creation by God, and that is it! Isaac Newton said it, am I mistaken?? So Darwin made a big mistake. Yippee!!! Enough is enough. God creates. Men judge. Am I right?! Lookin' forward to hearing from you.



Dear Mark,

How long are we going to have to debate until we beat this evolution thing out of the ball park? I mean, what's it going to take?? You know better than I do. I have this feeling is that neither one can prove their side, so it's a toss-up all the way around no matter what either of us does. Is that it?? Well, when Jesus returns, that will prove our side. So there is a light under the tunnel. OK, I just thought we were done with it all. Hang in there!!

God's Angels Be With You And Your Wife,



Dear patrick jane,

I hope that all is going well with you 2nite. I have to get to bed early 2nite because I've got a doctors appt. 2morrow. Should be pretty warm tomorrow also, so that will be nice. I won't need a jacket. I hope that winter is over here this year. I'm not too fond of winter. I like the snow and how awesome when it looks like piles of diamonds to stuff your pockets with, but that bitter cold I could do without. Just cash in them there diamonds for a plane ticket to Hawaii!! Heeeheeheeeeheee!! Well, I will close for now. I have one other post to write before I hit the hay. You take good care and have a wonderful day 2morrow.

Make It Count!!


Mark SeaSigh

Debate Over, Going Once!

Here's your Evolutionist's last Chance; To post some "Proof of Common Descent".

Or, this debate about Evolution being true by any means, should be laid to rest; Right Now!!!



Dear Alwight,

How are you doing? I do hope that all is well with you in your life and your extracurricular activities. I'm sure you're probably getting more exercise than I do these days. My plantarfaciitis is feeling a bit better, so that's cool. My back was bothering me about a week ago, but it's feeling better also. I can sit for maybe two hours, then I have to lay down or get up and not sit for a couple more hours. There's no cure. My doctor certainly doesn't want me to have a back operation. Chiropractor doesn't help. Oh well. Does England get snow at all? You getting any snow there lately on the Isle?

Well, I guess I'll get going. I will chat with you soon, I hope. Send my love to your mother!! Hope she's doing well. Best Blessings, Al!!



New member
Dear Alwight,

How are you doing? I do hope that all is well with you in your life and your extracurricular activities. I'm sure you're probably getting more exercise than I do these days. My plantarfaciitis is feeling a bit better, so that's cool. My back was bothering me about a week ago, but it's feeling better also.
Hi Michael, your back and mine is "proof" for Mark that the human spine evolved from a creature that didn't walk upright. Back problems are a part of the evolved human condition.

I can sit for maybe two hours, then I have to lay down or get up and not sit for a couple more hours. There's no cure. My doctor certainly doesn't want me to have a back operation. Chiropractor doesn't help. Oh well. Does England get snow at all? You getting any snow there lately on the Isle?
We usually get a small amount of snow, for a few days, but none at all so far this year.

Well, I guess I'll get going. I will chat with you soon, I hope. Send my love to your mother!! Hope she's doing well. Best Blessings, Al!!

Thanks Michael, my mother is finding walking very difficult these days.
Is what you think you were called to AZ for going well?
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