Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Mark,

I have posted this weeks ago on your thread or mine and do not remember where. I found out where. On this thread on Pg. 282, Post No. 4224. I don't know what to tell you. I might certainly be wrong about God making Adams in different lifetimes. The only thing possibly that I could see would be that God created many Adams at the same time on Earth. I don't believe that I'm saying this, but I am saying it anyway, in case I am the one who is mistaken. Only time will tell us which is the truth. So just remember that.
You know how it is written in Gen. 5:2, 'and He called THEIR name Adam in the day THEY were created. It could be that God created more than one Adam at the same time as our Adam and Eve. Otherwise, where did Cain get his wife?? From the land of Nod on the edge of Eden. How did she get there? Who were her parents?? The Lord God also cast out Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden. Where did He cast them to? So there must have been other people or other gardens or cities? I'm putting myself out on a limb here considering what I have believed for 40 years now, so this is a big thing. I will post this also on TOL in my Creation vs. Evolution thread. If I have been wrong all of this time, I certainly apologize profusely, and hope that any persons I've possibly misled will learn the truth either way about the matter when Jesus Returns. Please forgive me, everyone. Time will have to tell us all what is the truth. I do not want to be saying something that is not true. It does NOT mean that I've been wrong about everything, but only THIS matter. I have been visited by more than 3 angels, had 3 visions, was visited by the Holy Ghost and the Lord God twice each. This I know for SURE is correct. But as far as Adam and Eve, I don't want to put myself out on a limb. So I guess that makes me a possible YEC? I will keep pondering and praying about this with the Lord and if it is something that He wants us to know before Jesus' Return, I'm sure He'll let me know and clarify things. See what happens? I am as surprised as you. But I read Isaiah chapter 45 and 66, and Zechariah chapter 5, and I can't help myself but to reconsider. If I've been telling the truth all along, we will find out.
I will not speak anything in God's name unless I know it to be the absolute truth. I have to do that or face living my life without Him, which thing I don't want whatsoever. That's all I have to say for now. Time will tell. If the Lord instructs me to believe this, I shall. I will give it some time to meld. This does not explain why the Earth seems older, etc. If I'm possibly, possibly wrong, to spare God's Wrath upon me, I leave it up to Him to tell you.

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Dear Mark S,

I really don't believe that what I've believed for 40 years is not true, but I have to give my other thought on it some time. I do believe that my original stance is correct. I'm sure I know what God said to me 40 years ago. But I've also wondered about this, which seems like it would make more sense, even though I doubt that it does.

God Be With You Always,


Mark SeaSigh


I'm just Going to say, that I think what it says is Them As in Man And Woman.

Maybe I'm Missing your Point.


Ok, this I actually know, for Fact.

When Cain left Eve and Adam, it was long after the Garden, and The land of Nod was filled with their Descendants Already. Cain Married a Sister or Cousin. There were no Men, that were not descended from Adam.

But I see where the Confusion Lies.
Being it doesn't mention all the other Children that Eve had In between Leaving the Garden and Cain And Able.

I had a Friend that believed that there were actually multiple Creations of Adams. And that there was Once a creation with A Wife named Lilith.

Have you heard of anything like that? I don't believe this, but It's out there.

The Garden of Eden only Spanned Part of the Earth. The Dimensions Are Given In Genesis.
Some Believe that the Entire Earth was the Garden at the Time. The Bible Clearly Says What the Garden's Borders Where. The Garden and The Geography there, was Most Likely Destroyed in the Flood. Modern Day Iraq Had the Tigris River Running Through it, but who says that is the Same Tigris as the Bible. being that Noah and his Family More than Likely Lost their Bearings, and Renamed Different rivers With Names they Had Previously. Given The Geography Changed with the Flood water, and Unless Noah's Little Boat was tied Down, then Floated a Ways.


Have you heard of the Postal Service??

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Dear Mark,

I can see what you mean. Point well taken!! Time will tell and will heal all wounds.

In Christ's Love And Forgiveness,



Dear Mark,

I can see that the rivers might have changed during the flood. I always thought that the Garden of Eden was the only place on Earth at the time that had any live people in it. Perhaps I'm wrong? I still can't help but just believe the way I do. I also always thought that a number of Adams were created or made, and that was why it says, in Gen. 5:2, "And He called THEIR name Adam in the day THEY were created. Eve's name isn't Adam.

Praise The Lord!!



Dear Mark,

Otherwise it would say, "And He called THEIR name Adam and Eve in the 'day' THEY were created/formed." It is plural. So there was more than just our own Adam. There were Adams made in different centuries, or Adams made all at the same time with different wives' names. Well, I'll catch you on the flip side.

In God's Extraordinary Imagination,



Dear Mark,

Do you not know that in Rev. 22:2, it says, "and the leaves of the tree were for healing of the nations." I don't think it's THC, but I do know that God makes plants with healing powers. Look what I've just told you.

Let me know what you think, Mark!!

God Bless You Tons!!



Dear Mark,

I ask some hard questions, don't I? Am sorry. Haven't heard from you at all today. Hope you are okay.



Dear noguru,

Did you notice my post on this thread and on Mark's about the leaves of the tree of Life helping to heal the nations. See Rev. 22:2. That's what I was talking to you about earlier. It says the tree bears 12 different fruits. I believe a different one each month. It's going to be an interesting future to explore all of these things. It sounds wonderful. Can't wait to explore the universe. I'm so glad you decided to choose Christianity for your future!!

Proclaim God's Handiwork,

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Dear Alwight,

I do hope you are in good spirits lately! I don't mean being down at the pub. HEHEEHEHEH. Hey, I'm making London Broil 2morrow with Yorkshire Pudding. Maybe some cauliflower and broccoli with it, with Lemon Pepper. Of course, I use lemon juice as an ingredient for my marinade for the London Broil. I was just looking through the freezer deciding what to make and found the flank steak. We cook it quite rare and slice it real thin.

Well, I don't know what happened, but I got on the scale yesterday and I gained back all of the weight I lost. Back up to 182 lbs. It must have been that corned beef, among other things. Plus the Sour Cream Cheese Enchiladas. Oh, well, will keep working at it. My car mechanic friend is coming in a week or so for a week-long visit. He taught me a lot of what I know about fixing cars, plus the car repair manuals. Anyway, he wants to buy a couple vintage cars here and then he's going to have them shipped (on flat bed truck) to Westland, MI (suburb of Detroit). He can sell them for 3 or 4 times what he pays for them here. It's because they don't have old cars much in Detroit because of the rust from the salt and the snow. He got an inheritance, so this time he's buying everything, including dinner at the restaurant and everything. I told him we're going to be taking it easy and not going out too much each day because of the extreme heat. I usually hibernate right now, but we will have to go out early, while it's still not too hot, and go shopping for old cars. He's only buying two of them. He may just keep one for himself. We have so many cars here that are historic vehicles, they are so old, and no rust on them, and in mint condition. Is that a trip, or what??

Well, there I go writing a novel again. I'll get going for now. You take good care and enjoy life to the max!!

Have a Bloody Good Week!!



Dear Mark,

Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden after their initial sin. So I can understand that Cain was in a land that was not the Garden of Eden. Perhaps he did marry a sister or cousin. Maybe Adam and Eve were cast out of Eden and went to Nod. Who knows? Will look forward to hearing from you soon.

God Be Kind To You And Your Loved Ones,



Dear noguru,

How are you doing lately?? I do realize that you have a great batting average also!! You are quite wise! You've had quite a life and I'm proud that you are where you are now considering your trials. Do you speak Sicilian or Italian? Or are they the same?

May God Bless You And Enrich The Lives Of You And Your Loved Ones!!



New member
MichaelCadry said:
I also always thought that a number of Adams were created or made, and that was why it says, in*Gen. 5:2, "And He called THEIR name Adam in the day THEY were created. Eve's name isn't Adam.

Michael...The text does not allow for previous Adams.*

Genesis 5:1 tells us that we are about to be told the geneaologies of Adam. We know beyond any doubt this refers to Adam that God created on day 6.

Genesis 5:2 tells us that God created people and called them "humans" or "mankind" or the KJV uses the term "Adam". We are all 'Adams'.*

MichaelCadry said:
... in*Gen. 5:2, "And He called THEIR name Adam in the day THEY were created. Eve's name isn't Adam

Correct...Eve's name is not Adam. However Eve is a**"human" or "mankind" or the KJV uses the term "Adam". *We are all 'Adams'.

If you would quote the full verse from Genesis 5:2,(not part of a sentence as you *did) it becomes very very clear that the term 'Adam' refers to all descendants of Adam and Eve. *Lets use the same translation you used, the KJV...

Genesis 5:2

Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam.


Dear 6days,

I would love to agree with you, but why does it say that God created the fowl from the WATERS in Genesis 1:20, and then say in Genesis 2:18, 19, and out of the ground the Lord God formed the GROUND every fowl of the air. Also why does it say in Gen. 1:25, that God made the beast and cattle, and then created man, and yet, in Gen. 2:18, "It is not good that the man is lonely...and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and fowl of the air...and brought them to the man to see what he would call them." It just doesn't pan out for me, 6days. I'd like to believe you, but I have too many questions. I'd like to believe differently, but something is just amiss. I know what the Lord told me about this, but I will keep it to myself. But just consider these things. GOD Created, the LORD GOD formed. Seems like different instances to me by far. I won't say anything so that I won't mislead you at all. God will tell us when we go to be with Him. Our Best Bet!

Really good to hear from you again, 6days. Don't be a stranger.

Many Blessings From God And Jesus, And The Holy Ghost,

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Well-known member
Dear noguru,

How are you doing lately?? I do realize that you have a great batting average also!!

I'm well, Michael. How are you?

I see you have been talking to my high school baseball coach, he told me I was one of the best inside out hitters he had ever seen. That was the last time I had a batting average. I was pretty lucky in that regard, because he was in the major leagues (he played second string to Ernie Banks) so I got quite a good education in baseball.

You've had quite a life and I'm proud that you are where you are now considering your trials. Do you speak Sicilian or Italian? Or are they the same?

Yes, I can say "Forgedaboudit."

May God Bless You And Enrich The Lives Of You And Your Loved Ones!!


Right back at you.


New member
Dear Alwight,

I do hope you are in good spirits lately! I don't mean being down at the pub. HEHEEHEHEH. Hey, I'm making London Broil 2morrow with Yorkshire Pudding. Maybe some cauliflower and broccoli with it, with Lemon Pepper. Of course, I use lemon juice as an ingredient for my marinade for the London Broil. I was just looking through the freezer deciding what to make and found the flank steak. We cook it quite rare and slice it real thin.
Hi Michael, real life is keeping me busy at the moment. Not sure how Yorkshire pudding fits in a London Broil, but sounds good enough to eat anyway.

Well, I don't know what happened, but I got on the scale yesterday and I gained back all of the weight I lost. Back up to 182 lbs. It must have been that corned beef, among other things. Plus the Sour Cream Cheese Enchiladas. Oh, well, will keep working at it. My car mechanic friend is coming in a week or so for a week-long visit. He taught me a lot of what I know about fixing cars, plus the car repair manuals. Anyway, he wants to buy a couple vintage cars here and then he's going to have them shipped (on flat bed truck) to Westland, MI (suburb of Detroit). He can sell them for 3 or 4 times what he pays for them here. It's because they don't have old cars much in Detroit because of the rust from the salt and the snow. He got an inheritance, so this time he's buying everything, including dinner at the restaurant and everything. I told him we're going to be taking it easy and not going out too much each day because of the extreme heat. I usually hibernate right now, but we will have to go out early, while it's still not too hot, and go shopping for old cars. He's only buying two of them. He may just keep one for himself. We have so many cars here that are historic vehicles, they are so old, and no rust on them, and in mint condition. Is that a trip, or what??
Seems to me that good air conditioning is what you need in your cars. :)

Well, there I go writing a novel again. I'll get going for now. You take good care and enjoy life to the max!!

Have a Bloody Good Week!!

Thanks Michael, tootle pip old chap, what. :sherlock:


New member
MichaelCadry said:
6days said:
MichaelCadry said:
6days said:
MichaelCadry said:
I also always thought that a number of Adams were created or made, and that was why it says, in*Gen. 5:2, "And He called THEIR name Adam in the day THEY were created. Eve's name isn't Adam.

Michael...The text does not allow for previous Adams.

Genesis 5:1*tells us that we are about to be told the geneaologies of Adam. We know beyond any doubt this refers to Adam that God created on day 6.

Genesis 5:2*tells us that God created people and called them "humans" or "mankind" or the KJV uses the term "Adam". We are all 'Adams'.

... in*Gen. 5:2, "And He called THEIR name Adam in the day THEY were created. Eve's name isn't Adam

Correct...Eve's name is not Adam. However Eve is a "human" or "mankind" or the KJV uses the term "Adam". *We are all 'Adams'.

If you would quote the full verse from*Genesis 5:2,(not part of a sentence as you did) it becomes very very clear that the term 'Adam' refers to all descendants of Adam and Eve. Lets use the same translation you used, the KJV...

Genesis 5:2

Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam.
I would love to agree with you, but why does it say that God created the fowl from the WATERS in*Genesis 1:20....

You would love to agree?

Then lets stay on topic discussing Adam in Genesis 5:2.

Do you agree that God created male and female and called them Adam? (Humans / mankind)


I'm well, Michael. How are you?

I see you have been talking to my high school baseball coach, he told me I was one of the best inside out hitters he had ever seen. That was the last time I had a batting average. I was pretty lucky in that regard, because he was in the major leagues (he played second string to Ernie Banks) so I got quite a good education in baseball.

Yes, I can say "Forgedaboudit."

Right back at you.

Dear noguru,

I never expected you to write me a post. You have shocked me. Pleasantly!!! So you did play baseball, eh?? I played some baseball and softball, but my little sister Lila was pitching a hardball game and got hit in the forehead by a regular baseball. She really got hurt, but they didn't call the ambulance or anything. Just painful. Turned me off of baseball since then. She's about 53 by now and still as smart as a whip! You know poor Lila. She was going to be the top of a tower of people. So the neighborhood girl (heavy and sturdy) was on the bottom, then I crawled up on top of her shoulders, then Lila (6-years-old) climbed up my shoulders, and it was in a garage. Well, we move a bit and Lila fell from the top and hit the cement garage floor and got hurt bad. Another one last time, she was petting our neighbor's dog through the cyclone fencing, and the dog bit her hand. Lila has had one hell of a bringing up. But she has grown to be quite strong and resilient.

So it sounds like you have the Italian-American accent!! Too funny!! So I'm suppose to take it that Italian is the language that Sicilians speak? I know they make a mean pizza.

You are such a good sport!! I will have to start calling you Sporty!! Thanks for bringing me a shock and a chuckle!!

Lots Of Love In Christ!!


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Don't Think So.

Don't Think So.

You would love to agree?

Then lets stay on topic discussing Adam in Genesis 5:2.

Do you agree that God created male and female and called them Adam? (Humans / mankind)

Dear 6days,

Why would God have to call THEIR name Adam, unless there was more than one Adam made. You mean, in Gen. 5:2, it means just Adam and Eve as 'them' being called Adam?? You can't help but know that He created/formed more than One Adam! If He did not make more than one Adam, then you are asking me about our Adam and Eve being them, and those were the only two Adams made (our Adam and our Eve = our Adam). You make no sense whatsoever. There is a genealogy in Gen. chapter 5, about the generation of Our Adam and Eve. There is also a genealogy about the generations of Noah, which go so far as to include the generations of Shem, which then include the genealogy of Abraham.

6days, I can't help but believe you and our genealogy of Our Adam. But I also believe that before our generation and story of our Adam and Eve, there was an Adam way before ours and probably a place called Atlantis, etc. You can't tell me that you believe Our Adam and Eve had Tyrannosaurus Rex and Brontosaurus' running around during their days. I know there were some giants, like Goliah was with David, in those days, but I don't buy any pterodactyls flying around with Our Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They are from a time long ago before our Adam. It says in Gen. that man had superiority over all of the creatures and cattle of the earth. So he had no chance over a T-Rex, etc.

You know what I'm saying. There are still some mysteries that perhaps you've blocked yourself off from considering. The is no saying that before our Adam and Eve, there was a different Adam with a different genealogy of his own. This is what the Lord has led me to believe for 40 years now. It is in my first book, which was published in 1999. Fifteen years ago.

What do you say about these things? Make some real sense to me and tell me how else things could be? Maybe we can make a compromise? I'm not trying to be unloving or unfriendly to you. You know I care about you plenty, for that I have told you since I read the things you wrote on this website. I didn't hide how I felt. I knew you had a gift. I think we will have to wait until our Lord returns so we can ask Him about it.

May God Shower Tons Of Blessings And Love Over You And Yours,


Hi Michael, real life is keeping me busy at the moment. Not sure how Yorkshire pudding fits in a London Broil, but sounds good enough to eat anyway.

Al, it was delicious. No, I made the Yorkshire Pudding (Like Bread with delicious beef taste to make the meal more filling and lasting). With that, I used a 1 and 1/2 inch thick New York Steak instead of flank steak for the London Broil. Delicious and tender!! I didn't use fresh elephant garlic because I don't have a garlic press. (Mine broke a while back and I have to get a new one soon). So I used Garlic Powder. I should have used the minced garlic that I have a jar of in the refrigerator. We will have leftovers for 2morrow's dinner. Very soon, I am going to try making Mark SeaSigh's recipe for Zesty Italian Chicken. We just had Fried Chicken yesterday, so I'm gonna wait a little while b4 we have chicken again.

Seems to me that good air conditioning is what you need in your cars. :) Do you see my seven decorative boxes??

I have great A/C in my car. Cost me $700 this past spring for me to get it fixed so that my car would be ready for summer this year. Still need to get a transmission sensor from the junk yard and install it in my car in place of the broken one.

Thanks Michael, tootle pip old chap, what. :sherlock:

Al, I still must learn some of the way you talk there. We talk the same except we have certain different slang words that are so cute. Thanks so much for posting me and cheering me up! You're a diamond in the rough!! A True Gem!!

Love You Much And Cheerio!!



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