Creation vs. Evolution II


New member
GregJennings said:
Care to explain how exactly a human transforms into a pillar of salt? Never mind if it ever happened or not, just explain to me how it could possibly happen
For a God who can speak the universe into existence, turning a 70KG body into 700 tonnes of salt is small potatoes.*

Greg Jennings

New member, the the key to the past is uniformitarinism...except when it isn't??
EX. "Canyon Carved in Just Three Days in Texas Flood: Insight into Ancient Flood Events on Earth and Mars”

It all depends on what you're making the canyon out of. Cutting through igneous rock would take far longer. That being said, it is known that big floods contribute heavily to canyon formation. Large regional floods almost certainly helped to carve out the Grand Canyon, as I believe your link notes. However, there is no evidence whatsoever that a worldwide flood occurred that carved it out all at once, and the fossils (particularly the traces of insects crawling on layers of sand) eliminate the possibility of the Grand Canyon being one big carving

And so we still know how fast microorganism tests accumulate, and that still contradicts your absurd creation date of 6000 years ago

Greg Jennings

New member
For a God who can speak the universe into existence, turning a 70KG body into 700 tonnes of salt is small potatoes.*

Since you're a man of science, explain to me scientifically how that happens.

You pretend to care about the scientific method. So use it

Greg Jennings

New member
No, sorry you didn't read correctly, Greg. The skull was eventually assigned a date of about 2 million years, in an area previously dated at 212 -230 million years.

Did "evolutionists" correct his findings? (Answer is YES)

Now tell me, is 2 million more or less than 6000?


New member
If you insist -

What does science say about creating an adult woman from a man’s rib?
What does science say about a river turning from water into hemoglobin?
What does science says about a snake having the necessary anatomy to create human speech?
What does science say about living for several days in the intestines of a big fish?
What does science say about transforming living flesh and blood into sodium chloride?
What does science say about sticks transforming into snakes, and vice versa?

Based on your criteria, that thing you label as “God’s Word” must be fiction.

1. Has not been observed.
2. Has been observed and recorded.
3. Irrelevant as anatomy not required for speech, proved by human observation.
4. Has been observed.
5. Has been observed.
6. Has been observed.

You seem to not understand the word "science." Not my fault you refuse to believe data that you dislike the implications of.


New member
Because it is still happening on the ocean floor today with the exact same microorganisms, genius. We can measure the rates of accumulation anywhere we want, so we know how fast and thick this stuff packs together.

Any more questions as to why your creation myth is completely ridiculous, and you're foolish for buying into it so blindly?

So you ASSUME that it always grew at the same rate and nothing could ever move vasts amounts of it around. Bad assumptions.


New member
Since you're a man of science, explain to me scientifically how that happens.
I'm not sure how life can come from non life... Its a belief... It can't be explained scientifically.
The Bible though tells us that life came from The Lifegiver. Science also suggests that life always come from life.


New member
Did "evolutionists" correct his findings? (Answer is YES)
Correct the findings?...uh, well that is bit of a stretch. They rejected the data(212+ million years)...looked for new data to fit their beliefs, then eventually assigned a date(1.9MY).
You angrily asked for an example of how evolutionists reject data and assign dates... This was an example.


When KingdomRose asked:

6days responded:

Taking 6days at his word indicates he has a pathologically focused hatred of evolution. He makes no allowance for astrophysics speaking of deep time, or of geology, or nuclear physics. If some undeniable fatal flaw in evolution were to be found, several major fields of science that deal with deep time would be largely unaffected. Is 6days saying he would then, with evolution out of the way, be amenable to inserting vast time as determined by these non-evolutionary fields into the understanding of the Biblical creation account?

Dear redfern,

I also have a pathological thwart!! Evolution is of Satan. It is just a sneaky way of getting others to believe on his side {Satan's side}. There is not a chance that Evolution is a fact. You'll find out someday in your life. God created every different being, similar or not, of course. God is the Master Chemist and Master Biologist Who tweaks a genome, RNA, proton to cause any changes in His creatures, and birds and creeping things (insects). He can fix any changes necessary to any of His creations, as He sees fit. Aren't you astounded by how He created the caterpillar into a butterfly. A little colorful worm-like insect builds a cocoon and comes out with wings. And a smaller body than the caterpillar had beforehand. Same with tadpole fish which turn into frogs or toads. Don't you think it is all just there? It isn't. God is in control and He has a very vivid imagination besides. He can turn the minerals and atoms, and elements in rocks or dust to create an elephant, a bird, an insect, and yes, man and woman, whose seed is within itself. For all of the things you wonder about and want to know how things happened, still you won't believe there is a God and a Bible.

Jesus is to return very soon now, so perhaps you can query Him about it. You don't believe in a lot of things that are truth, but that is your prerogative. I think even Rosenritter believes the same way that 6days and I do. We know our Bible, and we know our Master, Jesus. You don't evidently know Him. Yes, I know that you probably don't believe in Jesus coming again with the clouds in Heaven for us.

Praise God For Jesus' Return! Godspeed!!



If you insist -

What does science say about creating an adult woman from a man’s rib?
What does science say about a river turning from water into hemoglobin?
What does science says about a snake having the necessary anatomy to create human speech?
What does science say about living for several days in the intestines of a big fish?
What does science say about transforming living flesh and blood into sodium chloride?
What does science say about sticks transforming into snakes, and vice versa?

Based on your criteria, that thing you label as “God’s Word” must be fiction.

Dear redfern,

I've got the answers, but not 2nite. I have to get to bed so I can keep an appointment 2morrow. It's already 3 a.m. here and I have to get up somehow in the morning. Usually I sleep until 11 a.m. or noon. I'm a night owl. Been that way all of my life. I'm going to try to answer a few more posts here and then hit the hay. Answering your post would take too much time 2nite.


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In comparison, the Old Testament accounts are just ancient creation legends handed down from scientifically ignorant nomads – accounts of which not a single original copy is known to exist. Like you say, we observe evidence in the present – like the billions of ladies that are alive, and not a single one has ever been seen to turn into a pillar of salt. So, like you say, we make conclusions about the past – such as how likely it is that an ancient oral story that violates several of the most fundamental laws of science is true – as opposed to admitting that the salt-lady story is typical of the types of embellishments and errors often seen in the handing-down of popular legends that have no factual basis. That’s how science is done.

Hey redfern,

You are being irrational. Don't you read your Bible knowing that God is Supreme Everything, including Master Archaeologist, Master Geologist, Supreme Chemist and Supreme Biologist? You are slow. You think it all made itself by happenstance! What a lame excuse for evolution. By the way, a light-year takes about 6 trillion miles to travel in one year. It's too much, really, 6days, so I wouldn't waste your time about it. It has nothing to do with Genesis. But that's up to you. Look up Kyle's converter.

God's Best Always!!



New member
Correct the findings?...uh, well that is bit of a stretch. They rejected the data(212+ million years)...looked for new data to fit their beliefs, then eventually assigned a date(1.9MY).
You angrily asked for an example of how evolutionists reject data and assign dates... This was an example.

So the rejected data also wasn't supportive of a 6000 year old Earth? Funny, that.

Now, YOU reject data that simply disagrees with your reading of the book. And NO well run radio dating agrees with your preferred dogma, so that makes you a lot worse than those scientists you criticise.

Repeating measurements to root out the erroneous minority is a standard part of science on their path to steadily improve knowledge. When was the last time you rooted out an erroneous part of the Bible to improve its interpretation in the light of experiment?


Active member
Dear redfern,

… God is the Master Chemist and Master Biologist …


Hey redfern,

… God is Supreme Everything…


Dear Mike, like the neighbor that just can’t resist dumping some trash on your front lawn, even when asked not to, you insert yourself into conversations that you really out to stay out of. But since I have to put up with your impolite butting in, I will ask one question. Is this God you are so enamored with the same one that you said you prayed to early last year, and who confirmed to you that the rapture would in fact occur before last Christmas?

Jose Fly

New member
True.... So, you are agreeing with me

I agree that the aspects of evolutionary biology that address past events are as scientifically valid as archaeology and forensics.

So now you're left with a dilemma. You either acknowledge that the historical aspects of evolutionary biology are scientifically valid endeavors, or you take the position that archaeology and forensics are not valid fields of science.


Active member
Do you think you will get a different answer every time?

I felt it best if I gave you another chance to show that you were man enough to give a direct answer to a simple question. Like most con artists, you avoided that answer and instead responded with a diatribe.

I am going to focus more specifically on the salt lady story. Do you dare discuss how well it comports with science in light of A) Conservation of Mass (both in her biological mass disappearing and in the appearance of salt in its place), B Conservation of Energy, and C) the Second Law of Thermodynamics?

We can't observe or experiment on a one time event in the past.
You and Rosen toss out stupid absolutist claims like this pretty regularly. Can you honestly not think of scientific experiments specifically designed to investigate events that far pre-dated man?

Science is NOT excluding a hypothesis of an intelligent designer, when the evidence seems to point in that direction.

Science does not concern itself with whether or not an intelligent designer exists, it simply investigates the natural world. Over the past few centuries since science was recognized as a formal independent field of study, a vast number of things once attributed solely to your God have been shown to be quite natural. The only scientific “evidence” for your God that you allude to lies in those extreme places where science has not been successful. Those islands of scientific ignorance are pretty sad excuses that you to have to rely on to pretend that proves your God.


New member
gcthomas said:
So the rejected data also wasn't supportive of a 6000 year old Earth?
The data wasn't supportive of evolutionary beliefs is why it was rejected.*
GregJennings seemed to get angry at the notion evolutonists would do such a thing.*


New member
Jose Fly said:
So now you're left with a dilemma. You either acknowledge that the historical aspects of evolutionary biology are scientifically valid endeavors, or you take the position that archaeology and forensics are not valid fields of science.
Heehee.... You sure try hard. *

Once upon a time, in the city where I live, *a young nurse was killed on the street, one cold wintery day. It looked as if someone had tried to rape her, but at minus 30 degree, it was too cold, so there was no DNA, fingerprints or other physical evidence. The forensic detectives did however find some evidence. A car was abandoned nearby on the street stuck in snow. Detectives woke and started interviewing people in the vicinity. At a nearby hotel they found the owner of the car, a young guy spaced out on drugs.*

The police interogated the young man. He denied anything to do with the murder. The police confronted him with evidence of footprints of his that were headed in the direction of the murder. As the hours in the interview room wore on, David's story slightly changed a few times. He was charged...convicted and sentenced to life in prison.

David's mom didn't believe her boy did it. It was annoying how she kept the story alive for years fighting for his freedom. 20 years went by. Then... a break for the mom. New and improved DNA techniques became available. A lab was able to recover some DNA presumably from saliva on the murdered womans winter parka.*

The lab results came was not David's DNA. *Police searched their database. They had a hit. The DNA belonged to a guy currently in prison serving time for rape. He happened to live one block away from where the murder ocurred 20 years earlier. There was signature evidence from the rape he comitted, to the murdered woman. He didn't confess but his alibies completely fell apart as the investigation continued. It still took time, but David was eventually released from prison...20+ years of his life was gone. The other guy was charged and convicted.

So... yes historical science is valid. But when you start with the wrong conclusion, then try shoehorn data to fit your belief... you might convict the wrong guy. Or, you might end up believing evolutionism is true.*