Could Hugh Hefner & Donald Trump Be Homosexual?


And until they talk about race, which they don't tend to in public and within arm's reach, no one has any reason to call them by something other than their given name.

Most of what I've noted about your rhetoric that begs the question isn't something you'd hear a black person say, unless they were terribly confused, or Dave Chappelle. It was the rhetoric I've noted prior, the willingness to celebrate someone running down a BLM member, the use of rhetoric coined by racists, the "white culture" bits you've interjected.

You all are just programmed to think racially.

I should seriously record a conversation my friend down the road and I have every time one of swings by- just so you can see how spastic you all are about 'racism' :chuckle:

As for the subject at hand, as far as I'm concerned you all simply do not want to know reality- you want to remain in the bias women demand you be in. The only difference between you and Anna is that she's on the receiving end of your blind nonsense. If you ever find yourself on the street, be sure to praise feminists for all the good they will do you :wave2:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You all are just programmed to think racially.
What a surprise, another declaration without the least supportive data or argument.

As for the subject at hand, as far as I'm concerned you all simply do not want to know reality
Supra. I omit the following declarative nonsense and remind anyone interested:
I figured it out in fifteen minutes. I might've sourced everything and put the math out before this discussion got to where it is- I'm not going to do it now.
You haven't done it ever. And until you do it's just a variation of your usual declaration, signifying nothing. And I've offered established, Census statistics and the numbers of Homeless advocates along with straight forward logical examination of claims and answers to challenge and inquiry on your part.

If you want to deny reality, be my guest- you can't concede to anything anyway.
It's easy to deny what hasn't been offered and to rest on facts that have.

Or, to sum:

Those statistics you provided are broad and do not reveal factors and circumstances
That's nonsense. They're directly on the point. Yours on the other hand are unnoted, uncited and summed by some mysterious process you won't set out within your feverish noggin.

Or, you're making it up. Which is what you do.



Anna agrees with the '1 and 4' nonsense statistic, so that validates it for you- even God couldn't tell you otherwise now!

As I stated, women make up only 5% of the chronically homeless, and make up the entirety of the 1/3 of those in temporary situations of 'homeless families' whose average stay in said shelters are less than a week.

I don't need to prove anything to 'denialists', and men who defend people who are hostile towards them- like I said, those like Anna will not do the same for you, they will use you as a statistic of why women are better. They'll roll right over you after you vindicate them, just as any other lobbyist group :rolleyes:


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

Anna agrees with the '1 and 4' nonsense statistic, so that validates it for you- even God couldn't tell you otherwise now!
Oh, look, Cruc is declaring nonsense while blaming a woman for something.

Someone alert the media.

As I stated, women make up only 5% of the chronically homeless,
As I noted, you're making things up again. By way of example, Zlotnick, Tam, & Robertson, 2003; Zlotnick, Tam & Bradely, 2006, found the average to be in line with Anna's note, at roughly 25% of the chronically homeless, which (to reiterate) is a small fraction of the larger homeless population, which is itself a smaller portion of those living in poverty.

and make up the entirety of the 1/3 of those in temporary situations of 'homeless families' whose average stay in said shelters are less than a week.
Which if sustained would be a wee bit more than your favorite percentage. [/understated sarcasm]

I don't need to prove anything to 'denialists
You don't have to ever sustain your declarations with authority or fact. But the price of that, especially in the face of actual authority and reason, is the big, "Hoo-ha!" from anyone with a brain in their head.


New member
Someone alert the media.


Never! I cannot deal with 3 whole days of those people taking about why a conservative jerk on the internet would insult a woman for doing math.



blaming a woman for something

Women blame men all the time, but that's not misandry. It's misogynistic when one makes women accountable for anything, though- that's pretty much how you all operate. It does do a mighty job at securing feminism- that's the point right? Be as the Democrats on elections..
You see, that's why they pretend to be friendly toward you so that they can continue on, it's the whole reason why feminism is the one lie factory that receives so much success.

Anna's note

She didn't do anything but repeat the same thing you've been harking on with- but because she's a woman, it's like God validating it :chuckle:

Notice that Anna is a liberal atheist on a theology site who spends most of her time insinuating bias against men on a daily basis here. Half of all the 'thanks' you get are in your service of defending what's against you as a man :rolleyes:
'Conservative Christian'.

The reason you defend any of that tripe is for the same reason you defend anything else- it has nothing to do with 'sound reason', you're just a slave to liberal misconceptions. I've made my case on here and all you're doing is repeating yourself- you're just like one of these women, seriously, who do it all the time in 'debate'.


Well-known member
There is no 'source' on the matter of male vs female unsheltered homeless because it is not something easily observed or documented.

But then how do you know the proportion of unsheltered homeless women?

Anyway, according to "The 2015 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress" (table 1.4, page 9) - Men make up 70.8% of unsheltered homeless people, women make up 28.9% of unsheltered homeless people.

You can view the entire report here -


But then how do you know the proportion of unsheltered homeless women?

Anyway, according to "The 2015 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress" (table 1.4, page 9) - Men make up 70.8% of unsheltered homeless people, women make up 28.9% of unsheltered homeless people.

You can view the entire report here -

Again, you're taking an annual report that fails to take into account a myriad of factors- right down to the transitional period of temporarily receiving shelter- women make up a vestige of the chronically homeless, have 41 times the amount of gender specific shelters than men.

The pure and simple fact is that no city actually holds up to merely 1 woman for every 4 men on the street- it's JUST NOT REALITY, and you all know it to be the case being that you have never SEEN 1 woman for every 4 men unsheltered. NOBODY HAS, because it is FANTASY. The people you see holding signs are almost all MEN.
How many ways can I make this clear.. stop LYING to trivialize problems men face. Men suffer the most poverty in this country, don't insult it by putting women at the forefront.

You all have provided the same exact statistic ten times on here, and with nothing further to say. Therefore, I presume that you all do not have anything to add and just can't concede to further insight.

Peace out :)


Yeah I have, man.

That one time you noticed three men and a woman on the street is not an argument.

I was in a shelter for a few months and every single day we were kicked out- I got the grand tour of every nook and cranny of my city, and so you can see why I'm telling you all to your face that you're being dishonest :rolleyes:

Why do the signs matter, by the way?

Holding up a sign means you literally have no support system- you have no resources and nobody is there to help you.
That is why it matters, and from what I've seen, women holding up signs seem to be a lot more optimistic than the men- you see, because there is a natural privilege with being a woman :wave2:


New member

Anna agrees with the '1 and 4' nonsense statistic, so that validates it for you- even God couldn't tell you otherwise now!

As I stated, women make up only 5% of the chronically homeless, and make up the entirety of the 1/3 of those in temporary situations of 'homeless families' whose average stay in said shelters are less than a week.

Repeating something you made up won't make it factual.

Town Heretic and myself have presented references from the US Census,the National Alliance to End Homelessness and Housing and Urban Development and all of these diverse sources agree that women make up around 40% of all homeless individuals.


Repeating something you made up won't make it factual.

Town Heretic and myself have presented references from the US Census,the National Alliance to End Homelessness and Housing and Urban Development and all of these diverse sources agree that women make up around 40% of all homeless individuals.

First it was 1 in 5, then it was 23%, then it was 28%, and now it is 40%.
Why do the numbers keep changing :rotfl:

You all have utterly refused to acknowledge the factors I have brought up which shows the misleading nature of those statistics- you all are simply strung up on feminist bias, and quite frankly I'm sick of seeing the same old decrepit thing reanimate every time women are brought up in any subject.

The fact is that it shouldn't even matter anyway if it's one and five or one in twenty- the one's suffering the most and who make up the body of hard poverty are men. And yet you all have your heads up feminism's rear and giving people like me flack for pointing out the supreme conflict of interest.

That's the bottom line, nothing else further needs to be examined to conclude that you suffer from old fashioned STOCKHOLM SYNDROME.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
First it was 1 in 5, then it was 23%, then it was 28%, and now it is 40%.
Why do the numbers keep changing
Why can't you cite any authority, demonstrate your math, or understand that numbers change relative to time, region, and particular examination, as in the difference between the homeless and the poor, or the homeless and the chronically homeless.

You all have utterly refused to acknowledge the factors I have brought up which shows the misleading nature of those statistics
What factors? I've heard you say they existed. By all means bring up specifics. I'll wait while that doesn't happen.

Here's Cruc waving the vague "factors" flag:
Again, you're taking an annual report that fails to take into account a myriad of factors- right down to the transitional period of temporarily receiving shelter- women make up a vestige of the chronically homeless, have 41 times the amount of gender specific shelters than men.
That was also Cruc not noting that the chronically homeless are sliver of the homeless, who then constitute a relatively small number of the poor. Those are the unqualified rabbit holes he has to run down to appear to make a point about gender. And even then his numbers are distorted, because they don't do the denigrating job he means for them to do if he uses them honestly.

The fact is that it shouldn't even matter anyway if it's one and five or one in twenty- the one's suffering the most and who make up the body of hard poverty are men
Hard poverty? I think what we're witnessing is you using other people's work to look for some sliver of a thing you can rest your gender bias on, but here's the problem: most of the poor, broken down by gender, remain women. Sadly, women with children, another segment of the poor.

And yet you all have your heads up feminism's rear and giving people like me flack for pointing out the supreme conflict of interest.
I'm giving you flack for running a dishonest game, routinely declaring the sort of spittle flecked invective that frames your misogynistic world view. I also give you flack on abortion and race, where you're on the wrong moral and ethical side. So...

That's the bottom line, nothing else further needs to be examined to conclude that you suffer from old fashioned STOCKHOLM SYNDROME.
Ah, your unqualified go-to card, get out of argument nonsense. :plain:
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women can't do math :idunno:

Maybe that's why feminist statistics never match up with reality :chuckle:

Their numbers change like their sociopathic tendencies- 77 cent to a man's dollar, 63 cent to a man's dollar, 1 in 5 women are raped, 1 and 4 are raped- they'll squeeze the most outrageous ratio they can muster, so long as people are eager to believe whatever nonsense they spew.

They can do math, they count alimony and child support like a Muslim banker, and every second you get with your kid like chow time in a Chinese prison.
They're just misandrists :rolleyes:


Blacks vote Democrat because they believe it is in their best interests.

What Democrats did for them:



Now black society is a matriarch, which made black fathers obsolete, and kids continue to be raised in neglectful households, become a statistic, or meet the same fate as their fathers.

Good job.


More women are poor, more men are homeless- starting to see the sham? :rolleyes: