Conversation with Knight about losing faith

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
my question to anna:
not going back through all this (man, did this thread catch fire yesterday or what? :) ), but....

did anna ever make any indication of what she would like knight to do differently, or wish that he had done differently with those mean mean posters who don't represent Christian values to her satisfaction?

anna's response:
You know what I was hoping to hear, Knight?

I was hoping that you cared about people on this forum other than your compadres.

You could have shown some leadership. Some empathy. Some Christian charity. Instead, you do what so many others do on this forum, and in the name of Christian 'truthsmack,' you treat other people like dirt. That's no way to witness, no way to show the light of the Christ in whom you believe to unbelievers.

1. I can't speak for zoo, and you can't speak for zoo. Only zoo can speak for zoo, and he did, and he said this forum played a large part in his becoming agnostic. Your callousness and that of others in this thread rather proves his point.

2. You have a commission, do you not? And if you come back with anything about shaking the dust, I'll say this first:

Shaking the dust doesn't mean "since you don't believe in God after I hit you over the head with my truthsmacking club, I'm now going to mock and belittle you into oblivion and I'm going to give my approval to anyone else who wants to pile on."

so, when asked what she wanted knight to do differently, this is what anna managed to come up with:

1. Care about people
2. Show some leadership
3. Show some empathy
4. Show some Christian charity

typical for a female liberal driven by emotions, when asking for specifics, she replies with generalities :doh:

anna - what specific actions do you think knight should have taken to make the place more comfortable for zoo?

for example:

1. ban someone
2. delete threads
3. make lots of posts to zoo telling zoo how sorry knight is that all those mean people here are mean
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New member
my question to anna:

anna's response:

so, when asked what she wanted knight to do differently, this is what anna managed to come up with:

1. Care about people
2. Show some leadership
3. Show some empathy
4. Show some Christian charity

typical for a liberal driven by emotions, when asking for specifics, she replies with generalities :doh:

anna - what specific actions do you think knight should have taken to make the place more comfortable for zoo?

for example:

1. ban someone
2. delete threads
3. make lots of posts to zoo telling zoo how sorry knight is that all those mean people here are mean

You've pretty well covered how to be a mean-spirited pathetic example of Christian love and charity... As usual. My! My! grandfather, what a brown nose you have!

Greg Jennings

New member
of course, you're unable to provide specifics, relying instead upon emotion-driven generalities

classic! :darwinsm:

Hmm....I seem to remember asking you for specifics on your claim that you were under fire and bravely defended everyone around you, and was denied those specifics. So quit projecting at Bybee

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Hmm....I seem to remember asking you for specifics on your claim that you were under fire and bravely defended everyone around you

which was a response to your assumption that i had never been under fire and couldn't know how i'd respond

, and was denied those specifics

no, i gave you the necessary specifics

specifically - i was under fire and i know how i responded

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
we should start a "Blame Knight" thread, as a counterpoint to his "Ask Knight" thread

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
beats me - can't see the woodshed when i'm banned or don't have a membership (like now)

used to be town before i started mocking him about it - he stopped doing it publicly and started his first Cub Reporters thread

but i'm sure he continued doing it through back channels

he reported me once for insulting a state (his, of course) :darwinsm:

i responded with this

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
can't do it, eh?

specifically anna - your beef is with me, not knight (except that you fault knight for not permabanning me)

let's narrow it even further

what specifically have I done that has caused zoo to lose his faith?

You're a venomous, bile filled little crank who's only reason for posting here is to troll and take out your own obvious frustrations in life on others via the net. You flame out more than November the 5th, harass and stalk other posters who could outwit you while comatose and are generally a complete pratt.

Other than that you're a veritable ambassador of Christian charity.



New member
You're a venomous, bile filled little crank who's only reason for posting here is to troll and take out your own obvious frustrations in life on others via the net. You flame out more than November the 5th, harass and stalk other posters who could outwit you while comatose and are generally a complete pratt.

Other than that you're a veritable ambassador of Christian charity.


An absolute gem of a response!


Well-known member
You're a venomous, bile filled little crank who's only reason for posting here is to troll and take out your own obvious frustrations in life on others via the net. You flame out more than November the 5th, harass and stalk other posters who could outwit you while comatose and are generally a complete pratt.

Other than that you're a veritable ambassador of Christian charity.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
knight is not responsible for anyone
it is your fault
you lose your faith
you can't blame anyone
knight has given us a chance to discuss our beliefs
for that we owe him our thanks

who will you blame
you lose your faith

Well said Chrys! and I would add on to it by saying that if you or anyone "lost Faith" because of others, a website, etc. I would say they never had faith to begin with. It is awfully handy to blame others for our own failings...we have an entire society that doesn't take personal responsibility as well, it is a sure sign of personal weakness to blame others, it is a much harder thing to look within.


Well-known member
Well said Chrys! and I would add on to it by saying that if you or anyone "lost Faith" because of others, a website, etc. I would say they never had faith to begin with. It is awfully handy to blame others for our own failings...we have an entire society that doesn't take personal responsibility as well, it is a sure sign of personal weakness to blame others, it is a much harder thing to look within.
It's real easy to excuse ourselves of all responsibility for the damage we do to others. And in an ideal way, I suppose it's true that if others were impervious to our insults, and our selfishness, we could do them no harm.

But who is that impervious? No one that I know of.

So this parade of self-excusing that I've seen going on on this thread doesn't entirely wash with me. Because we all know that no one is that impervious to us. And so we ARE responsible to some degree for the damage we do to another's psyche with our own anger, resentment, selfishness, and stupidity. We are not entirely responsible, but we are still somewhat responsible.

Because we know better. And because we could have been better to others as a result of our knowing better.
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