Coitus Interruptus... Flirty Turtles, Fossils and the Flood


New member
I do!

Theological definition for "literal"
A literal interpretation is that which discovers the authentic meaning of the text in its grammatical forms with consideration for (1) the historical, cultural and linguistic context, (2) the author's presentation style and literary devices, and (3) the integrity and harmony of the Scriptures.

Literal is not a synonym for physical or face value.
It means authentic, actual, the authors original intent(s), that which was literated.

The literal meaning of "Our God is a consuming fire" is that God will consume us when we serve Him in reverence and godly fear.

I agree, George. It depends how the word 'literal' is defined.


New member
Interesting choice. How do you determine that this a poetic description of a battle and Genesis is a historical account?
Cabinet....You are a bright guy, but asking a dumb question. In the example I gave, they use the phrase the "world held its breath".....Are you serious that you don't know how to tell that this was poetic language describing a historical account?
Is it not possible that Genesis is a poetic account and not historical?
Absolutely not. Various Bible authors, and even our Lord Jesus referred to Genesis as literal history. For example Jesus referred to Adam and Eve as people who were made at the beginning of creation. Jesus asks "If ye believed Moses, ye would believe me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?”

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
Really Stripe, you are starting to look quite pathetic and desperate. Let me help you with your ignorance. 6-Days posted a response in post number 111, you can scroll up to see it. I would strongly recommend that you do that. He stated that history sometimes uses allegory to describe events in a more poetic way. Remember when you claimed that Genesis is history? Well, 6-days also offers Genesis as historical evidence. Since 6-Days says that history can include allegorical accounts, is was questioning the evidence known as Genesis and offered as evidence. Does that help? Can you see how I was discussing evidence offered by both you and 6-days?

He said nothing about "a more poetic way" in reference to the historical account of WW1.
You injected that idea.

No wonder Stripe mocks you guys.

BTW - pretending not to know the difference between historical narrative and poetry does not help your cause.


Banned ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matt 6:33KJV

Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. Tit 1:15KJV

Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding;
If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;
Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.
For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. Prov 2:3-6 KJV

So unless you are part of The Club to begin with you don't get to understand?
Love the giveths and comeths by the way.


You obviously missed the thread.

We know why you're desperate to talk about anything apart from the evidence.

Turtles frozen in rock — Darwinists running for the hills.

Only works for Stripe-O when he gets to pick and choose evidence. Turtles frozen in rock means goddidit. Radiometric dating or cosmological red shifts are part of the grand atheistic conspiracy.
But no matter to the Stripe-man. Illogical thought fits with his theology and is less painful to him than having to figure things out.


New member
Only works for Stripe-O when he gets to pick and choose evidence. Turtles frozen in rock means goddidit.
Strawman fallacy Jonah. Stripe did not argue that.
Jonahdog said:
Radiometric dating or cosmological red shifts are part of the grand atheistic conspiracy.
Stripe did not say that.
Jonahdog said:
But no matter to the Stripe-man. Illogical thought fits with his theology and is less painful to him than having to figure things out.
Hmmmmm..... It seems you would rather try and belittle others rather than attempt to refute the argument.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
He said nothing about "a more poetic way" in reference to the historical account of WW1.
You injected that idea.

No wonder Stripe mocks you guys.

BTW - pretending not to know the difference between historical narrative and poetry does not help your cause.

Here is a passage for you:
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

So are these fountains real? Can you point to the windows in heaven?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Cabinet....You are a bright guy, but asking a dumb question. In the example I gave, they use the phrase the "world held its breath".....Are you serious that you don't know how to tell that this was poetic language describing a historical account?

Absolutely not. Various Bible authors, and even our Lord Jesus referred to Genesis as literal history. For example Jesus referred to Adam and Eve as people who were made at the beginning of creation. Jesus asks "If ye believed Moses, ye would believe me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?”
Are the windows in heaven visible?
I do not interpret Genesis as literally as you do, but I have no doubts about what Jesus said and taught. Why? Because I believe that God created everything. We quibble about how and when, but I have no doubts that God is the sovereign creator of all.


New member
Here is a passage for you:
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

So are these fountains real? Can you point to the windows in heaven?
George did say that pretending not to understand poetic language doesn't help you. Cabinet.... If you hear that the sun will rise in the East, do you pretend you don't understand? If the weather lady tells you it rained cats and dogs, are you baffled? Why are you pretending not to understand poetic language in scripture?

patrick jane

George did say that pretending not to understand poetic language doesn't help you. Cabinet.... If you hear that the sun will rise in the East, do you pretend you don't understand? If the weather lady tells you it rained cats and dogs, are you baffled? Why are you pretending not to understand poetic language in scripture?
Good point 6days, davis and the other atheists need to hear this


New member
I do not interpret Genesis as literally as you do, but I have no doubts about what Jesus said and taught.
Why would you read history books and not accept them literally? You do not accept Moses...nor Jesus. Jesus said that if you can't believe Moses, you don't believe Him. Jesus said that Adam and Eve were MADE at the beginning. If you reject first Adam, you don't understand the Last Adam.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matt 6:33KJV

Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. Tit 1:15KJV

Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding;
If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;
Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.
For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. Prov 2:3-6 KJV

So unless you are part of The Club to begin with you don't get to understand?
Love the giveths and comeths by the way.

It never ceases to amaze me how comments like this continue to validate God's Word.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Really Stripe, you are starting to look quite pathetic and desperate. Let me help you with your ignorance. 6-Days posted a response in post number 111, you can scroll up to see it. I would strongly recommend that you do that. He stated that history sometimes uses allegory to describe events in a more poetic way. Remember when you claimed that Genesis is history? Well, 6-days also offers Genesis as historical evidence. Since 6-Days says that history can include allegorical accounts, is was questioning the evidence known as Genesis and offered as evidence. Does that help? Can you see how I was discussing evidence offered by both you and 6-days?

Only works for Stripe-O when he gets to pick and choose evidence. Turtles frozen in rock means goddidit. Radiometric dating or cosmological red shifts are part of the grand atheistic conspiracy.
But no matter to the Stripe-man. Illogical thought fits with his theology and is less painful to him than having to figure things out.

Here is a passage for you:
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

So are these fountains real? Can you point to the windows in heaven?

Darwinists will do anything to avoid a discussion over the evidence.


Per stripe, I'm going to my local hardware store to get some dirt, and Portland cement, then find some turtles and make some fossils.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
George did say that pretending not to understand poetic language doesn't help you. Cabinet.... If you hear that the sun will rise in the East, do you pretend you don't understand? If the weather lady tells you it rained cats and dogs, are you baffled? Why are you pretending not to understand poetic language in scripture?

Because people like Stripe insist on Genesis being literal and I am just exploring the limits of what is literal and what is allegorical,


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Why would you read history books and not accept them literally? You do not accept Moses...nor Jesus. Jesus said that if you can't believe Moses, you don't believe Him. Jesus said that Adam and Eve were MADE at the beginning. If you reject first Adam, you don't understand the Last Adam.

Beginning is a relative term. As I said, I believe, I just understand it differently than you. It is an understanding that in no way lessons Who and What God is.


Darwinists will do anything to avoid a discussion over the evidence.

Dear jonahdog,

I posted already, but I think I lost it. I just want to say that Stripe doesn't have to say tons every time to get his point across. He is a man of few words often, but what he has to say does the trick well enough. And exactly how is your theology fitting? I don't see how you have ANY theology!!



Dear jonahdog,

Did you miss this earlier post from me??

I must mention here also that it is written in Rev. 14:7KJV, "Fear God, and give Him glory, for the 'hour' of His judgment is come upon all of the Earth, and worship Him Who made Heaven and Earth, and the sea, and the FOUNTAINS of WATERS." Of course there are vast amounts of water below the crust of the Earth and most likely, beneath the deepest of oceans. You never know what God has in store for us that is actually truth, so why stop here. I'm just trying to say that water covered the entire Earth or else the birds on the rest of the Earth would have flown to higher mountains as the waters got deeper and they wouldn't have died too, and the animals on the rest of the Earth would just have lived instead, when God is very definite on this: That He put an end to those on Earth, not just those in a certain location. I hope that this helps 6days and George A. I can't see why some people just don't get it. Doesn't God put His Bow in the sky all over the Earth, not just in one area?

I'm sorry I don't get to venture off of my Creation thread often because it keeps me so busy, but I wanted to check this thread out again. It's only the second time I've gotten on here.

Our God Is Our Shield,
