Christian censorship: Atheist billboard taken down

patrick jane

typical copout. if you want to spar with me on a specific topic, i will. grammar aside. take a position besides overt criticizm. you won't and you can't. called out and exposed. bye

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
typical copout. if you want to spar with me on a specific topic, i will. grammar aside. take a position besides overt criticizm. you won't and you can't. called out and exposed. bye

Asking you to take the conversation to a separate thread where we can discuss the topic there as opposed to derailing this one is a "copout"?!


Oh and btw, it's "criticism".


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Do you think those effect how you treat people?
Yes. If you pick your feet at my dinner table you won't be invited back.

My objection is you find an Atheist outreach billboard directed at other Atheists as tasteless and on par with picking toes in public.
I didn't say it was on par or that anything on the list was. I've already noted them as nothing more or less than illustrations of personal preference. So that's the first mistaken assumption that you have no real excuse for holding onto.... The second is that I find the billboard tasteless and that's the less forgivable error because I've been absolutely clear that what I find tasteless is trading on Christmas.

I literally said that while I object to the atheist's context, that same billboard in November doesn't receive the same valuation and response from me. It rationally can't be said that what I find tasteless is the wording/sign in that context.

No, just allow for others thinking.
So is it that I'm not supposed to have an opinion or that I shouldn't argue it when someone differs? Because I don't see the reason in that uneven playing field.

I guess I'm not finding the humor in being excluded from the entire month of December as far as reaching out to other Atheists.
Well, to be fair, if you're inclined to it, my objection has by and large focused on the fact that the billboard was set to run a week before Christmas and the why that reasonably followed. Beyond that, since I did begin more generally (the particular window coming as I discovered more information and underscoring my early argument a bit more definitively) I'll remind you I said if the point was really to reach out during a troubling religious season, despite the fact that the holiday has enough secular manifestation to allow anyone of any faith (or none) to participate and there are many different agencies specifically designed to combat depression, that the time to begin that four week window would be before the celebrations began.

Start week one. And maybe put something in the billboard speaking definitively to that issue and outreach. By the time Christmas rolled around everyone would at least understand the mission and that it wasn't attempting to do what waiting until Christmas week reasonably was.

People are work, the more you care about someone the harder you work at it.
Ah, love not carefully concealed. I've seen that in action.

People rarely suggest I'm stupid because I set that as the base line so it has no teeth. But I'm nobody's punching bag and if anyone suggests I should sit down and shut up for a month because it offends their taste then they can count on me standing up taller and louder.
I've never thought you're stupid. I think that statement reflects a bias that isn't rooted in what I'm actually saying and that's frustrating. Nothing in what I've said is met by that.

I guess we have to agree to disagree then, me being an Atheists and gathering with the like minded doesn't impinge upon your celebration anymore than gay marriage impinges on straight marriage.
There's an important point there.
I'm objecting to people who use others the way I see the timing of that billboard attempting. It doesn't matter to me who does it. It's why I answered zoo's declaration bout the Muslim country with a Christian billboard during their holy celebration the way I did. Ideas don't need protection. They can contest. It's not about that.

Coffee from dawn till noon, beer from five till midnight.
I may have drank a glass of water once but I don't recall to clearly.
I was shooting more for kind and quality, but that's a start.

Then you're simply discounting the possibility that it could.
I'm saying and have said that looking at it, the timing, the wording, makes one more likely than the other. I chose the simplest explanation. That's not "simply discounting" it's working through a thing and forming what seems the best explanation for a number of reasons I've set out. Angel's "some people carry the celebration on" isn't a cross cultural event and in any event isn't true of this area and so far as I know isn't a Southern institution.

What if I took every Christian outreach as an attempt to trade on my lack of faith?
How? I'd suggest you'd be attempting a parallel without an actual parallel. Try it. I mean literally try to line it up with my objection on the points as made.

Is every cross a tasteless reproach of Judaism?
I never said every billboard of the sort we're discussing was a tasteless reproach of Christianity. I never said the billboard was tasteless at all. And this is part of what drives me crazy, assumptions not in a vacuum but in the face of contradictory information set out repeatedly by me.

And she answered your answers.
And I told her, I think she's having to reach to make that work. I've set out why. I didn't ask her or anyone else to agree with me, only answered inquiry as a courtesy and challenge on points for clarity.

Moving goal posts? Is the whole world a "Christian Neighborhood" that we should tip toe around? You've already claimed December as a holy month.
No, I've noted that the month of Christmas is special in the lives of Christians in a way only Easter rivals. Claimed? What is that even supposed to mean?

How is MLK day not an African American holiday and how is Robert E Lee day not an antithesis of that?
First, it's a national holiday and many people who were as white as Robert E. Lee marched and suffered and a few died in that struggle. So, no, it's a celebration of every likened mind and the impact of those who acted courageously against an evil machinery to win the right.

Beyond that, I've set out the differences and challenged someone to find a similar offense. I even set out a particular example on it. It's never really been an issue here. I grew up in the Deep South without ever experiencing a Lee day parade or commemoration. Maybe it's different in some places. Beats me.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
another 5 page post, that says NOTHING.
So you have problems with math and reading comprehension. :plain:

town heretic is a master at using words that never implicate him in anything.
Implicate? That's not the right word for what you appear to mean. I'd laundry list a few of the many issues where I've taken strong and often opposed stands, but I already gave a sample and you're still trotting out this now dishonest nonsense, so I won't bother.

I begin to think our pj is a reincarnation here.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
And there goes the second neg rep from jane (I'm not calling her patrick anymore).

First frothing: you never SAY ANYTHING

Second frothing: spineless

Did you mean the second one to be ironic?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
another 5 page post, that says NOTHING. town heretic is a master at using words that never implicate him in anything. i am too, yet, i actually make points. i take positions and defend them. Spineless commentators are seen for what they are. get a life

Really? Let's look at your foundation. Your strong spine if you would:
i chose "other" simply because i don't like labels. just me, they can be helpful. i guess i should say, I don't want to be labelled and try not to label others.
Yeah, you're a rock. :rolleyes:

And who could forget your leonine like roar:
i don't mind if people don't believe in God, as long as they know they aren't special. they can't gain "enlightenment" or be "one with the universe" or turn into energy and light all by themselves.
Way to take a stand.

Or your bold:
technically, perhaps. yes. but define "lie" and "mainstream".
If you see a rock, whatever you do, don't throw it. :nono:

patrick jane

Really? Let's look at your foundation. Your strong spine if you would:

Yeah, you're a rock. :rolleyes:

And who could forget your leonine like roar:

Way to take a stand.

Or your bold:

If you see a rock, whatever you do, don't throw it. :nono:

wow, i must have hit a nerve. i see what you are, and that suffices. you know too. thanks for being the "village idiot". you're pretty good at isolated quotes that i didn't post TO YOU, in an effort to discredit me. you have respect and "friends" because you PAY, and you've been here too long. i get it. no need to keep convincing TOL that you are a great guy


New member
No, we can discuss the other billboards after we're done with the OP, I've already stated that I find the adversarial ones counter productive.

A counter productive one.
You find the pattern counter productive to the argument you are promoting: that of a single billboard message being innocuous.

I find the pattern very supportive of the counter arguments that attempting to release it at Christmas time was a carefully designed snub against Christian beliefs designed to provoke a reaction.

But Atheists don't believe in that so they wouldn't say that, try again and concentrate this time.
I think,
"Join your nearest Atheist Anonymous meeting to find others in your area that will try to convince you that you are not going to hell", would be a very good slogan for Atheists to use to let other Atheists know about their meetings.
But, I can see how you wouldn't want to use it since it wouldn't provoke any objections from Christians.

Nobody says that about me so not relevant.
I am sorry for your loss. :plain: