Change You Can Believe In

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Manipulating Regulations Am 8:5

New Obama adviser compares GOP to Jonestown cult

State Dept. whistleblower has email hacked, deleted

County Orders Church To Remove 'Support Our Troops' Sign

Federal Government Funds Hardcore Porn as 'Art'

Government regulations driving fast food restaurants out of US

First flight in 50 years from Key West to Cuba takes off

Obama pollster asks reporters to stop covering polls in 2014

Obama's Half-Brother 'Floored' About President's Lying About Meeting Him

Marines delay female fitness plan after half fail

New Year's Eve Binge: Gov't Borrows $1,088 Per Household

Feds list 141 new regulations -- in 3 days

Al-Qaeda captures Fallujah

FBI Drops Law Enforcement as 'Primary' Mission

Pentagon waived sanctions rules on Chinese parts for F-35 fighter

Former Lawyer Convicted of Aiding Terrorist Granted Early Release

EPA proposes new restrictions for wood stoves Re 13:17


End Times Food Control

Feds issued 3,659 rules and regs in 2013
56 for every new law

Obama signs executive order protecting American's from 'global warming'

90% OF USA Frozen

Niagara Falls freezes over

Time Magazine blamed 'polar vortex' on 'global cooling' in 1974

White House: U.S. is Cold Because Planet is Hot

Gates: Obama, Hillary Opposition to Iraq Surge Was 'Political'

Obama Administration Sees Three Quarters of All U.S. Military Deaths in Afghanistan

Female Marines: No Pull-Ups, No Problem

Police become more militarized as wars wind down

Space commander: US satellites vulnerable to attack by China

CNN: 'Al-Qaeda Now Controls More Territory Than Ever In Middle East'

Jackson Lee: 'Welfare' = 'Transitional Living Fund'

92 Million Americans Not in Labor Force

Soros Media Group Reaches Deep into Taxpayers' Pockets
Maine Welfare Cash Being Spent in Disney World and Hawaii

Court skeptical of recess appointments

Federal Register: 80,000 pages of regulations

USA drops out of top 10 most economically free countries

Obama not waiting on legislation: 'I've got a pen and I can use it to sign executive orders'

Lifetime to air movie romancing incest

Cash for Kidneys

Failure to leave troops in Iraq
American troops may return to Middle East to train Iraqis

Islamist militants strengthen grip on Falluja

Dictatorship: Gov't tries to shut down entire conservative movement in Wisconsin
Police, secret tribunal, gag order

Obama: 'I'll act on my own' agenda

Kansas Middle School: Poster Listing Sex Acts Part of 'Health and Science' Curriculum

EPA Decree Shrinks Size of Wyoming by 100 Million Acres

'Sensitive' Docs Reveal Obama Admin. Gave Muslim Brotherhood VIP Treatment, Let Members Bypass Airport Security

Wall Street Advisor: Actual Unemployment is 37.2%

Teen Expelled For Performing In Porn Allowed Back In School

This is CNN: Celebrating Student Porn So-Called Star Duke Porn Star "Belle Knox"
"[To] have that sexual autonomy, it is so incredibly freeing"

Military eases rules on religious beards, tattoos


On the Dirty Yak Watch

Regulation Nation: Easier to Start a Business in: Rwanda, Belarus or Lithuania than in US
U.S. Ranked Number 20

Report: Obama Admin. Worries Israel Is Riling Up the Jews

Recommended Reading:

Antisemitism and the American Far Left by Stephen H. Norwood

Government scientists deliberately giving volunteers the flu

Body's Response to Disease Has Smell

World View: HSBC Cash Withdrawal Restrictions Raise Fears of Bank Runs


Treasury Secretary: Raise debt ceiling or we will run out of tricks

Progressive Kristallnacht Coming?


Socialist Councilwoman: ‘The Workers Should Take Over the Factory!’: Newly-Elected Socialist Has Some Radical Ideas for Seattle

Who Obama wishes wasn't in the audience at the State of the Union Speech: Benghazi victim Tyrone Woods' father to attend State of the Union

Pentagon Fears Chinese Military Advances Will Overtake USA's in 5 Years

Obama: We Must Move-Off Permanent War-Footing

Congress does act--they vote no. Forgetting separations of power: The Constitution, the Pen, and the Phone

Democrat Rep: Writing executive orders for Obama is 'our number one agenda'

Stuck in 1965: Obama Demands Equal Pay For Equal Work -- While White House Pays Women Less Than Men

"Barack Obama has gone from blaming George W. Bush to plagiarizing George W. Bush (Theissen)." Speechwriter accuses Obama of plagiarism in State of the Union

Olympics will show America's belief in equality, Obama says

Obama Touches on Afghanistan, Iran, Syria in State of Union

"Wars don't end when you leave. Wars end when you win....It's very easy to leave. It's very hard to win." ~ Dennis Prager, 29 Jan 14

Afghan ministries cannot properly account for how US dollars are spent

"There is a big difference between ending a war and in being vicarious in a war." ~ Dennis Prager 30 Jan 14

China preparing for space warfare with missiles, robot satellites

North Korea nuclear reactor restarted

More Obamacare regulations still to come

Obama's Organizers Beg for Positive Obamacare Stories

Obama asks CEOs for help hiring long-term unemployed

Report: Nearly Half of America Lives Paycheck-to-Paycheck

States see record high in long-term joblessness

Pentagon: USA has no counter to Chinese hypersonic missile

Islamic group once tied to terror trial received thousands in farm subsidies, without growing crops

White House wrote pro-Obamacare tweets for NFL players to send on Super Bowl day

Students Sign Petition To Have Gun Owners Executed In Concentration Camps

CBO: Obamacare killing 2 million jobs

Gov't Seizes Property For 'Economic Development' -- Nothing is Built

Regulators shut down, issue fines to kids' lemonade stands

Senator warns EPA regs could cause winter blackouts

China/Russia Defense Budgets Soar

America Day banned at Ft. Collins High School
Students required to celebrate Cinco de Mayo

Debt Up $6.666 Trillion Under Obama

Scenes from a militarized America: Iowa family 'terrorized'

Authorities destroy cameras to prevent account of raid

Report: Increase in criminal tax prosecutions under Obama

Allen West: Democratic Policies Have Created an 'Economic Dependency Plantation' for Blacks

Obama: New Tax to Phone Bills to put Wi-Fi in Classrooms

Product Placement: Tablets Pre-Loaded with Common Core Apps

President meets with top Muslim Bro in White House

Obama: Religious freedom a US diplomatic priority
No Mention of Islamic Terror

Obama to allow immigrants with 'limited' terrorism contact into USA

Assad regime misses key deadline to hand over chemical weapons

Michelle Obama Encourages All High School Grads to Take Federal Aid

First Lady: NFL Draft Pick is an 'Inspiration' for Coming out as a Sodomite Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27

Former NFL Player to Michael Sam: Be Careful Patting Butts of Teammates

Also see:

Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 2

Uganda's leader to sign anti-gay bill

Obama warns

Almost One in Four 26 year-olds still live with parents

Dem lawmaker: Obamacare workforce cuts will give more time to cook dinner at home 2 Thess 3:10

White House mulls killing another US citizen with drone strike

Snowden: Targeted Killings Rely on NSA

Also see:

NSA collecting phone data on millions of people

NBC Trivializes Communism's Evil, Calls It 'Pivotal Experiment'

National Guard trains to fight 'anti-government' Second Amendment supporters

Army Builds 'Fake City' in Virginia to Practice Military Occupation


The Obama administration calls those who are have a "Christian identity" or who consider themselves "Constitution defenders" or "Liberty Lovers" as terrorists (Re 18:20-24).


DOD Training Manual Suggests Conservative Views 'Extremist'

Lists those concerned with individual liberties, states' rights

Joint Terrorism Task Force Guide

Army job: Internment / Resettlement Specialist (31E)

Right-wing extremists, war vets are dangerous

Professor: Americans rising up against government

Supreme Court Justice Scalia Warns of US Internment Camps

George W. Bush warns of 'divide' between military, civilians

Ambassadorships for sale? Obama donors get cushy diplomatic gigs

Email shows effort to shield bin Laden photos

Thought Police: Firms must swear Obamacare not a factor in firings

Anti-Voter ID Protesters Need Photo ID to March

USA Plunges To 46th In World Press Freedom Index

Feds adding new regulation every 3 hours

Food Prices Skyrocketing Since 2011 While Wages Stagnant

Report: Americans completely reliant on China for antibiotics

Obama Says he Stopped Bad Weather with Energy Policy


"...[T]his was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal..." ~ Barack Then-Senator Obama June 3, 2008 night speech when he won enough delegates to lock up the Democratic nomination for president

Opposition, pro-govt rallies grip Venezuela

Bowdoin College and Religious Bigotry

Supreme Court expands police authority to search homes

Video Shows Officer Threatening Man With Jail For Filming Arrests
'You Have No Rights'

England: Hiring People to Discredit Others on the Internet
Western Spy Agencies Build 'Cyber Magicians' to Manipulate Online Discourse

Court orders removal of anti-Islamic film

Net Neutrality (aka Gov Control of the Internet): Blackburn Introduces Bill To Block FCC On Net Neutrality

Professor Tells Congress: America at 'Constitutional Tipping Point'

Soldier Posts Selfie of Her Hiding to Avoid Flag Salute


"I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism." :Nineveh: ~ Barack Obama

American work ethic vs. France's vacation obsession
ABC Frets Over Pro-American Cadillac Ad: 'Arrogant' and 'Xenophobic?'
Ge 3:19, 2 Thess 3:10

"Ps 128:2: For thou shalt eat—that is, It is a blessing to live on the fruits of one’s own industry." Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Ps 128:2). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

Commander: Military Not Ready for Cyber Warfare

Court: School can ban American flag shirts for 'safety'

Taxpayer-Funded Planned Parenthood Promotes Sado-Masochism, Bondage to Teens in Video

YouTube Scrubs Muslim Symbol from Music Video

Paper: CIA spied on staff members of Senate committee

Obama Budget Proposal Pushes for $750 Million for Universal Preschool

Feds sue Philly schools over beard ban, saying it violates Muslim's const. rights

MSNBC Paints Un-Credentialed Abortionists as Heroes

College Student Who Secretly Doubled as a Porn Star Blames ‘Thousands of Years of’ Patriarchy and Religion for Society’s Negative Views on Smut

Congress Trying to Prevent U.S. Tax Money from Funding Palestinian Terrorist Salaries

Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' to Demand a Jewish State

US State Dept Denying Israelis Entry Visas at Record Level

Obama Orders Rule Changes to Expand Overtime Pay

President Obama’s Budget Eliminates Abstinence Education Programs

USA Gives up Control of Internet; New Global Governance


One World Religion/Government

Air Force: Christians' Religious Speech Not Legally Protected Right

13 people, including four veterans, say inclusion on no-fly list deprives them due process rights

Principal Loses Job for Instructing Students to Speak English
Civil Rights Investigation Demanded


"You need to make sure your child can speak Spanish." ~ Barack Obama

Navy's new counting rules add up to more ships
Adding: hospital ships, coastal ships, ferries etc. to increase the count

America's Incredible Shrinking Navy

U.S. Navy Tracks Civilian Traffic Tickets

Hawaii law lets police have sex with prostitutes

U.S. pays Mexican male prostitutes to avoid Venereal Diseases

Hobby Lobby Challenges the Obamacare Abortion Mandate in the Supreme Court

A detailed look at ‘the purge’ of U.S. counter-terrorism training by the Obama administration


The Obama administration calls those who are have a "Christian identity" or who consider themselves "Constitution defenders" or "Liberty Lovers" terrorists (Re 18:20-24)... Full text: Christians Need Not Apply

CA Democrat's Alleged Arms Trafficking Scheme Linked to Islamist Rebels

Postal workers use government credit cards to gamble, pay bills, go bowling
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Obama Statement After Jordanian Burned Alive at National Prayer Breakfast: Get Off Your High Horse Christians :CRASH: Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

ISIS Now Presenting Active Threats in 49 of 50 U.S. States :Nineveh:

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