Biblical Flat Enclosed Earth and Firmament

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patrick jane



patrick jane

@patrick jane I warned you about the big fonts and bolded text. You are also getting too mean spirited in this thread, attributing disbelief in the Flat Earth to satan and so forth. That is not acceptable on TOL.
I copy/paste scripture and apparently they have fonts built in but only appear if quoted, I think. I'm not being mean spirited and I'm NOT FOR ONE SECOND EQUATING DISBELIEF IN FLAT EARTH AS SATANIC. You obviously haven't watched a video that you assume says "if you don' believe in flat earth it's against the Bible." You're assuming that, and you've been itching to shut this thread down since it started. False accusations and made up contexts and meanings are in error. I will type all scripture from now on and many people here "bold" their text or specific text. You're being unfair and picking on this thread and me.
BTW, why do we have fonts colors and bold options if we aren't allowed to use them? I didn't invent fonts etc.

patrick jane

To be clear, it makes NO DIFFERENCE whether you believe in a flat earth or think it's even possible OR if you believe we're on a globe. I have explained myself in this thread. If anyone doesn't agree with flat earth (which is 99% of people) it has nothing to do with satan or going against the Bible. The videos I post do NOT say that either.


Well-known member
To be clear, it makes NO DIFFERENCE whether you believe in a flat earth or think it's even possible OR if you believe we're on a globe. I have explained myself in this thread. If anyone doesn't agree with flat earth (which is 99% of people) it has nothing to do with satan or going against the Bible. The videos I post do NOT say that either.

What do you make of FE'ers who preach it as if it's the saving Gospel, that anyone who doesn't believe it are indeed blinded by Satan or whatever? They are out there, as you know.

patrick jane


“Avoid Science Falsely So Called” Has Arrived!

Posted on October 4, 2017 by Noel J. Hadley

HOW CHRISTIANITY HAS COLLECTIVELY COME TO AGREE with an academic Scientism which claims it knows better than God, I cannot say.

But this is the soggy marsh by which we’ve fooled ourselves into building God’s kingdom upon, having conceded to the itching ears and salivating mouths of godless philosophers that ‘not all of the Holy Scriptures are so firm a foundation as we once thought,’ and just look around—western civilization is clearly no better for it.

The theology of Flat Earth is inseparable from the Bible’s many other fundamental doctrines because God Himself spoke of it—which makes it of equal importance, if not greater still.
Martin Luther and his Reformer brethren held fast to their position. Future generation did not. We were born into the muck and the mire of such humanists catacombs, and if we successfully clamored out into the illuminating light which only God can give, and if we have freed ourselves from the shackles of deceit, it’s because we entrusted the Word—not men, as a lamp unto our feet and a light until our path—and nothing else. The doctrine of “Sola Scriptura!” insists that God has given us a surer word. It takes a strict stance against the vanity of worldly philosophies, human tradition, or counter-revelation by men of the cloth, even those deriving from the halls of Science, if and when they oppose the Lord’s own testimony concerning Him.

That sure Word which we hold in our hands is a light-bearer into the glorious reality of eternity itself. The Holy Ghost is not so frivolous a poet—a title sporadically assigned by men who feel His wording does not apply to their higher understandings—as to keep us guessing in the fog of confusion with a plurality of possible meanings. What He has revealed is sure and fundamentally true.The moral views regarding the universe always have been and will forevermore continue to be, if we simply brace ourselves like men, put forward by God Almighty. The theology of Flat Earth is indispensable to correct views of the Lord Himself, and with good reason. Whenever human souls depart from God’s unbending principle, as is evident from this “renaissance of man,” or the illuminated parade of humanism unfolding before us, they invariably end by departing from Him—eternally.

Avoid Science Falsely So Called: Flat Earth, the Reformation, & the Science Delusion is available for purchase at Thanks to everyone who exhibited such patience while this undertaking was accomplished. And special thanks are especially needed for those personally involved—particularly Cathy and Zen. Our meeting was nothing short of a divine appointment.This entire experience has been a trial by fire. From the very beginning, and even this week, upon its conclusion; Avoid Science Falsely So Called certainly didn’t come without personal sacrifice—and loss. Among the ever-increasing push back, something which I had once thought unfathomable, my faith has not only been tested, but in this act of obedience to the LORD, it has expanded without measure.God will not be mocked. His Word is true.
Trust in the LORD.



“Avoid Science Falsely So Called” Has Arrived!
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patrick jane

[h=1]FLAT EARTH: The Globe... Symbol of Gnostic Worldwide Religion?[/h]Not the regular speaker but Dr. Peter Jones for first part of the video - If I can get permission to post these in my Aethereal thread I wouldn't post them in this one.

From Video :
"The Gnostic Gospel" - Full lecture by Dr. Peter Jones: 'Future' Luciferian Religion by Daylight Riders Channel:

Duration - 15 minutes

patrick jane

“Those Who Were Once Enlightened….” Apostasy Walks among Us | The Terrible Truth about Flat Earth

Posted on January 25, 2018 by Noel J. Hadley

I AM AMAZED AND BEWILDERED THAT SOME OF YOU—in fact, many—have defected from the faith of our fathers; from Him who called you by the grace of Christ, in favor of perverse gospels. That this Geocentric-Flat Earth awakening is Biblically sound and yet saturated with HTD’s—“humanist transmitted diseases”—remains an abhorrent truth which we must come to terms with rather than simply ignore.

The dilemma before us will not so easily go away. Their numbers are growing with militant strength. But their ranks, however self-enlightened, are drenched with the most eternally-gullible of ironies. Despite proudly labeling themselves “Truthers”—and therefore acting the part as gatekeepers of truth—they are what our spiritual fathers would once rightly refer to them as—apostates. They have left the church.

Many have in fact rejected what they once believed and now stand in rebellion against the Creator. It is nothing short of a rebellion against truth itself.

The Earth is stationary. You needn’t worry. There will be no disputing of that here, nor am I deserting the plane. Because God Himself testifies to it, there is nowhere else I’d rather be.

And yet I have it on good word that there are many out there—in fact sound Bible-believers, church leaders, and pastors; woken by Scripture alone to the joyous cosmology—as I have; who are quietly huddling around the warmth of this divinely inspired fire, but are hesitant to come out about it. To associate with Flat Earth is not only a crippling of one’s repute, but a dreadful yoking with apostates.

Which, we must ask ourselves, is worse? If only the Apostle Paul could write us an epistle about it! Regardless, it is to their absolute horror—soon as they begin their plight from the City of Destruction, that another inhabitant of Flat Earth will interrupt their pilgrim’s journey with the most devilish of whispers: “You can awaken your divine spark, as I have. You too can be like God.

This I am reminded almost daily, as if I should be tempted by such absurdities. If I am not mistaken, didn’t the serpent tell Eve the exact same lie? Conclusively, Flat Earth is a cesspool of Neophytes.Behind every rock and fallen tree we are surrounded with subscribers to the esoteric, the Gnostic principle, New Agers and Sophia worshipers, and as Pastor Dean Odle will call them, “the Torah Terrorists.” Some have even gone beyond walking away from Jesus. They deny his historical existence.

Apparently, the search for truth has brought them to such miserable conclusions. I would need to write entire books addressing each and every perversion of the Gospel before us. Fact is I have never met so many apostates and compromisers until my arrival here. The church—the truechurch—is a sleeping giant which must be woken. We need every man and woman to put on their full armor of God and take up the fight. This is a call to arms. There are few of us in the trenches. And we’re bleeding.


I often ask the apostate if the Holy Spirit has advised them on their error. They will often be thrown for a loop by my tenacity to ask such forthright questions. After all, isn’t their self-enlightenment proof enough? Often it has never even occurred to them to inquire of the Spirit; specifically, to wait upon Him. And I can only conclude the dreadful silence between them and heaven is because they and the Spirit of God are not in communion.

As Spurgeon said, “It is a great and solemn truth that every child of God will hold on until the end, but it is an equally solemn truth that many who profess to be the Lords are self-deceivers, and will turn out apostates after all.”
The Apostle John did not mince his words when writing:

“They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us (1 John 2:19).”

The self-deceived were not, as Jesus told Nicodemus during the night, “born again.” Indeed, only those who have been born again of the Spirit may enter the kingdom. This is a necessary tenant of the faith which must be asked of ourselves, and successively evaluated, if we have not done so already. We must make sure that we are born again of the Spirit—our eternity depends upon it—or else we are left with the deceitful tenants of our own imagination.

They are the Masters Words, not mine. Take up your dispute with Him.
But here in Flat Earth we are delivered an even more sobering truth. Those who have left the faith, having once tasted of the Holy Ghost, will not be renewed to repentance. In Hebrews 6:4-6 he writes:

“For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.”

I have broken the yoke of fellowship with the common community of Flat Earthers. This will come across as bigoted and small-minded to most, particularly the compromisers, who feel it gratifying to hand the podium to everyone, but the Gospel is of no effect where there is fear to offend. If I stand alone, then so be it. The Gospel must be preached. The blood of Jesus must be cherished.

And the whole Testimony of the Spirit must be understood—not only as sacred, but relevant to our lives. If men are so determined on hell, then our mission is certain. Make them jump over our bodies before they may enter.
Our passiveness will not suffice. What was Adam doing while the serpent tempted his wife? He was certainly not naming the animals, nor toiling away in the coal mine. Scripture is clear. He was “with her,” and apparently doing nothing to intervene.

We must therefore stop blaming the woman. Moses writes: “…when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her.”

Had our first father performed his duty as a husband, he would most certainly have protected his family from evil. Must we also shy away from protecting the sheep of our Master Shepherds congregation? Children of God, the time is now.
We need leadership. And I know there are some of you out there whom God is calling upon to be pastors, prophets, church planters and leaders. We desperately need new wine in new wine skins. The Lord has put it upon me to ask. Is He tugging at your heart? Do you hear His call?Stand up. Be a man or woman of God.





I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Reopening this thread, as these posts fit best here. Please watch the fonts. TOL's firewall does not like weird fonts and it could lock up sections of your thread.
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patrick jane

This is a great opening introduction to Biblical history leading up to now. I want this video in this thread and the original was removed from Youtube after 1,000,000 views in less than 6 months. It has been corrected and was released again on 3-14-18. To understand the thinking of a flat earth believer, this video is needed a documentary called "The Principle" which I will post a link to as well, later.

AETHEREAL - The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Biblical Cosmology Documentary)

AETHEREAL - The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Cosmology Documentary)Chapters:
1. The Ancient Conflict
2. A New Nation 11:00
3. The Cosmic Rewrite 17:30
4. The Quantum Deception 25:49
5. Sorcery Reborn 35:09
6. The Power of the Air 51:27
7. New Age "Zience" 1:12:33
8. Oracles of the Technium 1:28:27
9. The Templum Defiled 1:42:10
10. The Choice 1:47:53

Links:Carolyn Hamlett and Daniel Duval: Higher Dimensions and Parallel Worlds

(interview with Zen Garcia, V of VI):"
What is Reality?" [Quantum Gravity Research]
"Flat Earth... Let there be Light" [Dan Dimension]
Flat Earth, Cosmology, Biblical Cosmology, Biblical History, Scientism, Great Deception, "aliens", etc.


Literal lunatic
This is a great opening introduction to Biblical history leading up to now. I want this video in this thread and the original was removed from Youtube after 1,000,000 views in less than 6 months. It has been corrected and was released again on 3-14-18. To understand the thinking of a flat earth believer, this video is needed a documentary called "The Principle" which I will post a link to as well, later.

AETHEREAL - The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Biblical Cosmology Documentary)

AETHEREAL - The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Cosmology Documentary)Chapters:
1. The Ancient Conflict
2. A New Nation 11:00
3. The Cosmic Rewrite 17:30
4. The Quantum Deception 25:49
5. Sorcery Reborn 35:09
6. The Power of the Air 51:27
7. New Age "Zience" 1:12:33
8. Oracles of the Technium 1:28:27
9. The Templum Defiled 1:42:10
10. The Choice 1:47:53

Links:Carolyn Hamlett and Daniel Duval: Higher Dimensions and Parallel Worlds

(interview with Zen Garcia, V of VI):"
What is Reality?" [Quantum Gravity Research]
"Flat Earth... Let there be Light" [Dan Dimension]
Flat Earth, Cosmology, Biblical Cosmology, Biblical History, Scientism, Great Deception, "aliens", etc.

Dang it, PJ.

You're bound and determined to make me watch it. :)

patrick jane


“Avoid Science Falsely So Called” Has Arrived!

Posted on October 4, 2017 by Noel J. Hadley

HOW CHRISTIANITY HAS COLLECTIVELY COME TO AGREE with an academic Scientism which claims it knows better than God, I cannot say.

But this is the soggy marsh by which we’ve fooled ourselves into building God’s kingdom upon, having conceded to the itching ears and salivating mouths of godless philosophers that ‘not all of the Holy Scriptures are so firm a foundation as we once thought,’ and just look around—western civilization is clearly no better for it.

The theology of Flat Earth is inseparable from the Bible’s many other fundamental doctrines because God Himself spoke of it—which makes it of equal importance, if not greater still.
Martin Luther and his Reformer brethren held fast to their position. Future generation did not. We were born into the muck and the mire of such humanists catacombs, and if we successfully clamored out into the illuminating light which only God can give, and if we have freed ourselves from the shackles of deceit, it’s because we entrusted the Word—not men, as a lamp unto our feet and a light until our path—and nothing else. The doctrine of “Sola Scriptura!” insists that God has given us a surer word. It takes a strict stance against the vanity of worldly philosophies, human tradition, or counter-revelation by men of the cloth, even those deriving from the halls of Science, if and when they oppose the Lord’s own testimony concerning Him.

That sure Word which we hold in our hands is a light-bearer into the glorious reality of eternity itself. The Holy Ghost is not so frivolous a poet—a title sporadically assigned by men who feel His wording does not apply to their higher understandings—as to keep us guessing in the fog of confusion with a plurality of possible meanings. What He has revealed is sure and fundamentally true.The moral views regarding the universe always have been and will forevermore continue to be, if we simply brace ourselves like men, put forward by God Almighty. The theology of Flat Earth is indispensable to correct views of the Lord Himself, and with good reason. Whenever human souls depart from God’s unbending principle, as is evident from this “renaissance of man,” or the illuminated parade of humanism unfolding before us, they invariably end by departing from Him—eternally.

Avoid Science Falsely So Called: Flat Earth, the Reformation, & the Science Delusion is available for purchase at Thanks to everyone who exhibited such patience while this undertaking was accomplished. And special thanks are especially needed for those personally involved—particularly Cathy and Zen. Our meeting was nothing short of a divine appointment.This entire experience has been a trial by fire. From the very beginning, and even this week, upon its conclusion; Avoid Science Falsely So Called certainly didn’t come without personal sacrifice—and loss. Among the ever-increasing push back, something which I had once thought unfathomable, my faith has not only been tested, but in this act of obedience to the LORD, it has expanded without measure.God will not be mocked. His Word is true.
Trust in the LORD.



“Avoid Science Falsely So Called” Has Arrived!
I'm posting the link to the documentary that goes with this. This movie/documentary is one of the best I've seen lately. It is NOT about flat earth although it is if you can imagine. While watching and listening think of a flat immovable earth and you'll see. The findings in recent years destroy the Copernican model and annihilate the heliocentric garbage. You may have to click on the video 2 or 3 times to play. @jsanford108 told me about it. You can buy, rent or borrow it, filmed in 2014 I think.

Galileo even admitted late in his life that the EARTH DOES NOT MOVE. They removed his name from the paper and hid that for 500 years. This is a fascinating and very educational film and a MUST watch for anyone that takes life seriously and has a desire to KNOW WHAT WE LIVE IN. This movie is NOT available on youtube and must be bought. I just watched it for free here on this this link below.

[FONT=&quot]This Video Is Purely Scientific - No Flat Earth Talk[/FONT]


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I moved this to the ECT as this is the Flat Earth as it relates to Christian theology. I don't want secularists and other non-christians in this discussion. The target audience for this thread is Christians.

patrick jane

"The CYMATIC/QUANTUM CLOUD" [Flat Earth Cosmology & the Beast System]

From Video Description : With all the recent developments regarding quantum computing there is now more connections being made between a "quantum communications network" and "outer space". Many of us believe that quantum computing has an undeniable role to play in the coming one-world Beast System, so is it true (as some contend) that the importance of things like quantum computing and it's spiritual implications are largely lost on people who no longer believe in an expansive Copernican universe? Does believing in a Biblical enclosed cosmology dissuade us from understanding the significance of such things? No. In fact it is quite the opposite...Here's the video I snagged from: "CHINA LAUNCHES QUANTUM COMM SATELLITE: Are They Building the Mark of the Beast Infrastructure? " -

15 minutes -
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