Battle Talk ~ Battle Royale VII

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One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by heusdens
I just looked it up. I made a remark about Jesus being the only way. I placed a remark that I knew of other ways, which are (apart from my own way) that of Martin Luther King, Che Guevara, and one could mention many others.

In fact in a world with 6.3 billion people, there are 6.3 billion ways. There are 6.3 billions ways people conduct their lives.
One might distinguish similiarities, but even so, there are 6.3 billion unique ways of living a human life. 6.3 billion ways.

We're not talking about a way to live someone's life. We're talking about the way to Heaven, and Jesus is the only way.

Now, you stated that the way to the Father and to heaven is only through Jesus, and that my life has no purpose.

I never said your life has no purpose.

Like I stated, I take some offense in that.

Well, that's your problem, because I never said that.


New member
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
We're not talking about a way to live someone's life. We're talking about the way to Heaven, and Jesus is the only way.

Unless I am misinformed, they have a policy up there that states that anyone in a consciouss state, is not going in, and will be sent back immediately.

Have they changed the rules, and also let in people in consciouss states???

As long as I am consciousness, why would I even want to go to "heaven" i.e. wishing to be dead?)

I never said your life has no purpose.
Well, that's your problem, because I never said that.

No, you stated that "my life is not going anywhere".

To me that is rather equivalent to "not having any purpose".

Neither can you judge that or know that.

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by heusdens
Unless I am misinformed, they have a policy up there that states that anyone in a consciouss state, is not going in, and will be sent back immediately.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

No, you stated that "my life is not going anywhere".

That's a misquote, and you know it. That is not what I said.


New member
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
I have no idea what you're talking about.

I was talking about the fact that unless someone is realy dead (that is: having no more consciousness), there is no way that one goes to heaven (or hell).

Am I right about that?

That's a misquote, and you know it. That is not what I said.

You said: "Your way isn't going to get you anywhere."

But let us not elaborate further on that. I take it that you did not meant that in the way I interpreted it.

No need to discuss that then.


New member
Re: Re: Re: Atheism

Re: Re: Re: Atheism

This could introduce the burdon of proof argument which is a debate in itself.

Originally posted by SOTK4ever
That was my whole point. If the Atheist makes the statement that God is not responsible for the gaps but can't prove it, the bringing up of this statement serves no purpose.

Where once some people believed man was created, some people now believe that man evolved, and is an animal as all other animals with the same origins and reasons for being. A reasoned hypothesis based on evidence, developing into a theory as more research is performed. A gap filling up, if not already filled. A god hypothesis, for that is all it can be, is left in a more precarious position, but still a hypothesis nontheless. Many statements and theories are made all the time in reference to everything, but without the proof they are disregarded.

It could be said that aliens made the world, and the burdon of proof would be on the asserter to substanciate the statement, or withdraw it. A cult could arise based on blind faith and tenuous reasoning but that does not count as proof or even evidence of the truth. A book may be produced, but how could it be taken as anything but circumstantial. The alien worshippers could have such a strong conviction that they mistake belief for knowledge spured by desire and reinforced by the book, but thats just an hypothesis of course.

Originally posted by SOTK4ever
What evidence? Cite the facts where the evidence is diminishing. This is the same area where Zakath failed miserably.

If I find the time to read and research then so can you, educate yourself. I wont preach, but evolution is rather a strong gap filling theory. So convincing in fact that even some god fearers believe the theory to be true.

Originally posted by SOTK4ever
Again, show me the growing evidence of this fact. It seems to me that the Atheist has blind faith that God does not exist as opposed to knowledge of this fact as you assert. You might not like nor agee with the explanations given in the Bible regarding the creation of the universe and man, but I can at least point to mine and say "This is my proof, God does fill in the Gaps for me". Again, show me your proof where the Gaps have been filled with human knowledge.

"This is my proof, God does fill in the Gaps for me".
Exactly, there we have your god of gaps admitted by a theist, thankyou.

If I write a book and said the aliens gave it to me and it explains how they created the world, would that be proof of my alien creation theory? Are you saying faith others hold is not important unless its faith in what you yourself believe? Pointing at your story book is not proof of anything other than gullibility.

Originally posted by SOTK4ever
No, I don't fear Hell, because I already know where I am going. I do have a healthy fear of God. "The beginning of wisdom is to have fear of God". I am always accountable to Him and this will especially be the case when I am judged. I don't see at all where I am incorrect in saying that the Christian has nothing to lose but the Atheist everything. The Atheist being a "good person" and having a moral code similiar to the Christian will have no bearing whatsover in having a place in God's home. Jesus was very specific when he stated, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6.

You cannot know these things. Believing is not knowing, although you may believe it is. Your quote is meaningless gibberish spoken, purportedly, by a man a long time ago, why even mention it?

Originally posted by SOTK4ever
I think you are right when you say that you do not have to abide by God's will in order to love thy neighbor as thy self. There are many that I personally know who are very good people. Most of them are agnostics and believe they will have an "afterlife" because they do "good". This is very wrong and unfortunate. Where does the Atheist moral code come from? Why should you be good? What happens if you are not good? From whom or where do you find accountability for doing bad?

Again you are talking of your beliefs as though it is knowledge. You presume that your beliefs, already established as not being knowledge, are superior to what others believe. This is a classic oppressive mode of thought. You believe you are right and they are wrong, but have nothing to back it up other than intuition or better still, self-righteousness. Just add some power and authority and you get a dictator. By the same hand, a non-believer can be guilty of exactly the same process. Neither has the high ground.
The moral codes, label them if you wish, are from yourself. You may say we are born with the essence of morality, that we are educated with it or we gleen from others in our experience of life. You may also say god gave them to us, but why would he not give them to everybody in the same way for all time? Is this your god of gaps leaping in to plug a lack of knowledge of where morality came from?

Originally posted by SOTK4ever
It can also be argued that the removing of God from society can lead to more harm than good. Look at the rise in work place violence and the terrible acts of violence which have occured in our public education schools. When Christian ethic was more present in society in general, there weren't nearly as many incidents of violence as there is now.

Yes it could. However, existence of your god does not stop terrible acts. I made my point.

Originally posted by SOTK4ever
I don't have inherent goodness. I can choose to be good or choose to be bad. Believe me, I am more bad than good as compared to Christs example. I can never live up to the example which Christ set. It's impossible, which makes the gift He gave so awesome. I owe it to God to be good. Look how good he was to me. Man has been screwing up since the beginning. There is no inherent goodness.

Its a shame you have such a low opinion of yourself. It depends on the definition of "good" and "bad" which again is a lengthy subjective debate.

Originally posted by SOTK4ever
If I had so much faith in myself, how come I couldn't stop drinking alcoholicly on my own? It took an act of God to remove the physical craving of alcohol as well as the obession of the mind to drink alcohol from me. I tried for a couple of years to quit on my own. Love did not help either. Talk with any recovering alcoholic and see if their inherent goodness or faith in themselves allowed them to stop drinking.

I didnt say you did have faith in yourself, maybe if you did you wouldnt have had such problems. I see that your belief in god helped you. Faith has been said to be able to move mountains, but its the faith that has power, not what you have faith in. You did it all yourself in the end, you should be proud.

The gullibility of mankind has been exploited for eons. This is how confidence tricksters operate. If you believe in the unlikely and unsubstanciated, but appealing, you have been conned and you cant see it. Dont be ashamed, its part of human nature.


New member
Originally posted by heusdens
I was talking about the fact that unless someone is realy dead (that is: having no more consciousness), there is no way that one goes to heaven (or hell).

Am I right about that?
I do not think so. Death, in my view. does not mean unconsciousness, it means separation.
Spiritual death is when our spirit is separated from God.
Physical death is when our spirit is separated from our body.

I believe that once God gave us consciousness that He will never take it away; we will be conscious forever.

On another point, I note your musings about the length of eternity and how difficult it would be to exist forever. That is a good point and one that I have contemplated.

Scripture teaches that for the saved there will be no more pain, no more sorrow or crying and no more death. In short, there will be a grand paradigm shift in the way we are geared.

I'm going to make a crude analogy. Our bodies and brains are wondrous. If evolution is responsible, then evolution is really really smart. ( <<== tongue-in-cheek). Anyway, those who have experimented with drugs, can often fall into a trap due to the varied pleasure sensations and altered perceptions. Existence on Earth and over time does have a monotonous aspect to it. I postulate that a God who could make possible the "trips" of wonder that are sadly abused by the drug user, can also make possible a paradigm shift where eternal bliss is possible. It is hard to fathom entirely I agree. I take it on faith that good things await those who have trusted Him. Scripture does teach this.


New member
Originally posted by LightSon
I do not think so. Death, in my view. does not mean unconsciousness, it means separation.
Spiritual death is when our spirit is separated from God.
Physical death is when our spirit is separated from our body.

So, basically you are saying that once we become consciouss, we will stay that for the rest of eternity.

But the problem is of course, how could my consciousness, my states of my mind which exist as material forms in my brain, exist without a brain?

My consciousness is not my brain, but without it, my consciousness would be gone. No me! Nada!
I even would not be aware of that, so why should I be in any way
bothered with death itself?

What matters is what I do now!

I believe that once God gave us consciousness that He will never take it away; we will be conscious forever.

I have argued against this. Assume that would be the case.
Then I would have to be conscious for all of eternity, which is realy realy long.

Although I expect you do not have experience in that yourself, I would ask you, could you imagine that, having to life for eternity?

And there is no going back! For me I think that would be just hell, as for anyone.

Life is worthwhile, BECAUSE it is not eternal, and BECAUSE you only have one life.

Can you see my point?

Anyhow, I think this whole heaven idea is just an invention.
The idea is of course, to teach people good morals, and to lead decent lives. At the time when this was invented, it was probably desperately needed.

In current days, I would argue people have good morals of their own free will. They do so, because a good moral "pays off" in that others will treat you the way you treat them.

On another point, I note your musings about the length of eternity and how difficult it would be to exist forever. That is a good point and one that I have contemplated.

Scripture teaches that for the saved there will be no more pain, no more sorrow or crying and no more death. In short, there will be a grand paradigm shift in the way we are geared.

You would be bored to death, in eternity!
You would long to suffering and pain, to at least break the days as they go by and by! Realy!

Just explore the very idea in your mind!

Just think about it. IT WOULD BE REALY HELL (EVEN IN 'HEAVEN')!

This makes our life therefore more important. It's the only one we have!! Think about that!

You already know this, don't you? Because you have only one life, it's value is infinite!

I'm going to make a crude analogy. Our bodies and brains are wondrous. If evolution is responsible, then evolution is really really smart. ( <<== tongue-in-cheek).

Of course evolution is smart!

Anyway, those who have experimented with drugs, can often fall into a trap due to the varied pleasure sensations and altered perceptions. Existence on Earth and over time does have a monotonous aspect to it. I postulate that a God who could make possible the "trips" of wonder that are sadly abused by the drug user, can also make possible a paradigm shift where eternal bliss is possible. It is hard to fathom entirely I agree. I take it on faith that good things await those who have trusted Him. Scripture does teach this.

Well, you can KNOW that without FAITH.

Just do good things, and you will feel great about yourself.
Do miserable things, and you hate yourself.

What would yopu chooce, having free will?

So, basically what I am saying, all this heaven and hell and other religious are ancient things from the past.

I don't dismerit religion or their followers. It obviously served a goal, else it would not have existed! But you need to see things in perspective, and in it's historic context. Religion fitted in a historical phase, in which humanity realy had no clue.

But please, we live 2000 years after that period.

We have other things to base us on. (and I mean not just science, but just about everything).

Realy, I don't understand how people can still nowadays belief such things! Honestly! It puzzles my mind realy. I ask myself then, is the world and how I see it and my mind so different that

Religion should be put in a museum, so that we can wonder and laugh at our selves in the silly things we used to believe in.

Same what will happen in the future with current day science of course. In a few hundred years, people will laugh when they hear that we believed in the Big bang! Were they nuts?????
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New member
Originally posted by Nineveh
No, what would strike me as a little harsh is forcing you to live eternally with a God you obviously despise.

Where did I say I despised him? I just said I don't think the Bible is factual. I agree with alot of the moral lessons in there. If I despised the Christian god, I would come out and say it up front.



New member
Originally posted by heusdens
So, basically you are saying that once we become consciouss, we will stay that for the rest of eternity.
Yes, that is what I saying. I have a feeling that I was created for more than this Earthly life. Perhaps you have good life. Whatever your income source is, it provides you with ample time to spare on this board, and that is fine. Consider all the millions who live in abject poverty. Is life good for them?

All the wonder of life is to be cherished. My kids provide me great pleasure. To think of them "gone" brings great sadness. The thought that all we have is 80 years is sad to me.

But the problem is of course, how could my consciousness, my states of my mind which exist as material forms in my brain, exist without a brain?
I realize you will reject this out of hand because there is no science to support it. But I believe we are more than just flesh and blood. We also have a spirit. That spirit provides for dynamics which, from a fleshly perspective. can appear ambiguous. All that is me, my love and faith, my devotion to my children are related to my spirit. I believe that our physical brain merely provides an interface to our body. Weird guy right?

Life is worthwhile, BECAUSE it is not eternal, and BECAUSE you only have one life.

Can you see my point?

I can see your point, but it is because you haven't seen God that your perspective is myopic. (No offense intended). When one is born of God, they inherit eternal life (as opposed to eternal existence). Eternal life is God's life, a qualiity of existence which not only lasts forever, but has an ongoing pleasure value.

Anyhow, I think this whole heaven idea is just an invention.
The idea is of course, to teach people good morals, and to lead decent lives. At the time when this was invented, it was probably desperately needed.
I realize you must hold that heaven is fiction. It follows from your worldview. I still can't understand why you do not see that "good morals" is a concept smuggled in from a God-based system. Hitler's good morals was to exterminate jews. How do we know he is wrong? There must be a higher sense of "goodness" if we are to answer that question unequivocally. I think you sense it is wrong because of what your spirit is making you feel. I can't prove that however.
You would be bored to [death], in eternity!
Just think about it. IT WOULD BE REALY HELL
You missed my point. I propose that in heaven, believers will not experience monotony and boredom like we do here. One cannot accurately feel what it will be like in heaven, anymore than one can know what it is to be high on crack cocaine - unless of course you've experienced it. This is what I meant by a paradigm shift.
You already know this, don't you? Because you have only one life, it's value is infinite!
I disagree. If this Earthly life is all we have, it's value is finite. It's value ends when you die. My brother-in-laws sibling was killed in an auto accident yesterday - He was 18. What is the infinite value of his life? In my view, life has infinite value because it will go on infinitely. Wanna make a good investment? Invest in a God who has the power to raise your body up from dust. You are investing in a future of dust. Please don't do that. You are worth infinitely more than that.
Religion should be put in a museum, so that we can wonder and laugh at our selves in the silly things we used to believe in.
No offense taken.
Here is more "silliness" for you to consider, perhaps have a laugh at.

I believe that the resurrection of Christ is an ontological fact. This fact validates the scriptures and the Christian worldview. It is also the demonstration of God's power over death. Because Jesus revived and was seen of witnesses, I am confident that God will raise me up.

If somehow I am somehow mistaken, I will suffer no worse fate than you. And the quality of my life has improved immeasurable since surrendering to Christ.

editing notes:
changed: "When one is born God" to "When one is born of God".
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: A god of Zakath's own making.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: A god of Zakath's own making.

Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
That reference obviously flew right over your head.
Maybe. I thought you were referring to something Jesus said. I was referring to something Paul said. You got that, right. Gong. Clang.


One Eyed Jack

New member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: A god of Zakath's own making.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: A god of Zakath's own making.

Originally posted by ZroKewl
Maybe. I thought you were referring to something Jesus said. I was referring to something Paul said.

And what was that?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: A god of Zakath's own making.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: A god of Zakath's own making.

Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
And what was that?
What was what?


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Spartin
Where did I say I despised him? I just said I don't think the Bible is factual. I agree with alot of the moral lessons in there. If I despised the Christian god, I would come out and say it up front.


My apologies. You did not use the word "dispise".

But, did you get the gist of my reply to you? Whatever you may think of God, would it not be far more harsh to you to force you to live in His presence for all eternity against your will?


Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
You said you were referring to something Paul said. What was it?
I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming your question is sincere.

1 Corinthians 13. The whole chapter.



Resident Atheist
Originally posted by RogerB
You think suicide bombers can take children to heaven? Woah.
No, I was merely stating that the scenario you presented could be played out in a suicide bombing...

I don't think that suicide bombers take people anywhere but the grave.

However many Christians believe otherwise...


New member
Originally posted by LightSon
Yes, that is what I saying. I have a feeling that I was created for more than this Earthly life. Perhaps you have good life. Whatever your income source is, it provides you with ample time to spare on this board, and that is fine. Consider all the millions who live in abject poverty. Is life good for them?

Life is for a large part of humanity still quite miseable.
That is what withdraws me from religion also, cause religion is more concerned with the spiritual needs (so it seems) then the actual and urgent needs of those who suffer.

All the wonder of life is to be cherished. My kids provide me great pleasure. To think of them "gone" brings great sadness. The thought that all we have is 80 years is sad to me.

Life come with pleasure and with sadness.

I realize you will reject this out of hand because there is no science to support it. But I believe we are more than just flesh and blood. We also have a spirit. That spirit provides for dynamics which, from a fleshly perspective. can appear ambiguous. All that is me, my love and faith, my devotion to my children are related to my spirit. I believe that our physical brain merely provides an interface to our body. Weird guy right?

I am not used to terms like spirit, and this of course triggers for me some religious perceptions and jargon, which are not mine.

But please understand this. We can of course take a flat or vulgar approach in that we can say: everything is matter (like bones, flesh, cells), but that is of course a silly notion.
What matters is of course the specific structures and forms of matter, their specific internal relations, even the historic development of each and every one of them, that is important.
You can not reduce society to humans. You can not reduce human behaviour to your biological stuff. And one can not reduce biology to just chemistry or chemistry to just physics. Because at each level we have to deal with specific structures and relations.
Yet each and everyone of those elements, compounds or structures, can be called 'material'.

So, as to say that we are more as the sum of our cells, then of course that is the case.
Same is true for our consciousness. We know it is connected to the brain, without the brain no consciousness. We can explain phenomena of consciousness based on brain activity.
But neither is consciousness matter or reducable to matter.

I can see your point, but it is because you haven't seen God that your perspective is myopic. (No offense intended).

How can we know that (can you look in my brain and see that a certain brain state realy corresponds to what you have called for yourself God?) he he

Of course, because of the way I was raised, educated, and learnt to thing in different terms and concepts as those who are reiligously raised.

I have however reasons to assume, that although we have developed different concepts in our mind, for our relation with the material world, realy there is only matter.

Matter one can not see. Like you can not see fruit. You can only eat an apple or an orange, but not fruit itself, since it is - like matter - an abstract category. Matter is infinite and eternal, it can neither be destroyed or destructed, it can only change from one form into another. Matter and motion are inseperatable. Matter is it's own cause and is not dependend on something else.

In the philiosophical sense, matter is that what is independend, outside and apart from the mind / consciousness. Acc. to materialism matter is the primary stuff, consciousness and mind the secondary stuff (it is dependend on matter).

How does one proof that there realy is just matter?
Actually this can not be performed by science, since science only explores specific material forms, but not matter itself.
How to explain or proof that all those material phenomena (atoms, light, fields, living things, etc.) are nothing but specific forms of the same substance, matter?

I can not realy proof that matter exists. But the opposite position then would be to assume that nothing realy exist. All what I think that exists, would then just exist in my mind itself, without there realy being an actual world. It would be like Matrix. Not a real world, but one self-imagined or inprinted in our mind.

As to the position of religion. Religion claims that there is a God, we can not see, just assume there is one. We can see the effects of what God is or does, but not God itself. God is in eternity also.
God is also called the 'essential being' in that it must necessarily exist (since there can not be 'nothing'). God however is not thought of in a material or physical form, but spiritual form.

Even when this is a weird assumption, in the philosophical sense the abstract category we call God and the abstract category we call matter, are in fact one and the same. (that what constitutes the world, or what the world in essence is)
Although in religion to God are attributed 'superhuman' qualities (being good, all powerfull, etc) this is just a human way of characterizing an unseeable/untouchable abstract category.

In reality we would just need one concept, and not both.
Although these two concepts agree on many points, there are of course differences.

My viewpoint is that of materialism. I think as a human being is free, and only obliged to itself, it's fellow humans and the natural world, and does not 'owe' it's existence to some 'higher being'.

Since we are now enlightened by science and the methods of science, I can think we better could deal with the concept of matter then the concept of God.

I realize you must hold that heaven is fiction. It follows from your worldview. I still can't understand why you do not see that "good morals" is a concept smuggled in from a God-based system. Hitler's good morals was to exterminate jews. How do we know he is wrong? There must be a higher sense of "goodness" if we are to answer that question unequivocally. I think you sense it is wrong because of what your spirit is making you feel. I can't prove that however.

Why would having morals having anything to do with there being a higher being?
If I feel pain, I feel bad. How much effort would it cost me to realize, that if I hurt someone else, that is bad too?
And even if I don't realize that immediately, the person I hurt will likely hurt me too. So, next time, I will be more carefull, cause I know the other person has the same feelings as me.

What 'higher' understanding is necessary there, the morals we have follow quite evidently from the soceity we live in, and how we reflect on ourselves.

You missed my point. I propose that in heaven, believers will not experience monotony and boredom like we do here. One cannot accurately feel what it will be like in heaven, anymore than one can know what it is to be high on crack cocaine - unless of course you've experienced it. This is what I meant by a paradigm shift.

Heaven is inherently a human invention as to comfort those that have earthly miserable lives.

But for the hungry, food is more comforting then a fiction of a heaven, healtcare more comforting for the ill, etc.

I disagree. If this Earthly life is all we have, it's value is finite. It's value ends when you die. My brother-in-laws sibling was killed in an auto accident yesterday - He was 18. What is the infinite value of his life? In my view, life has infinite value because it will go on infinitely. Wanna make a good investment? Invest in a God who has the power to raise your body up from dust. You are investing in a future of dust. Please don't do that. You are worth infinitely more than that.

Do Gods accept credit cards... hehe

No actually, none of that is making sense to me.
There is no life after death.

I think we should take the story about heaven and hell, as being a human invention, as a teaching of a moral.
It would teach people to actually care how to live their life.
And the teaching came with a reward and a punishment.
I think it might have had it's merits for that time.

For my perspective, I could just state that death and birth belong to life as natural as anything else. I think the perspective of an after life, makes people alienated to their own lives, and desires.

We better stick to the facts.

No offense taken.
Here is more "silliness" for you to consider, perhaps have a laugh at.

I believe that the resurrection of Christ is an ontological fact. This fact validates the scriptures and the Christian worldview. It is also the demonstration of God's power over death. Because Jesus revived and was seen of witnesses, I am confident that God will raise me up.

If somehow I am somehow mistaken, I will suffer no worse fate than you. And the quality of my life has improved immeasurable since surrendering to Christ.

The resurrection of Christ. I have been puzzled about that.
It is a fact of human history, in that it is recorded as such.
But it is a faith fact. Can thousands of people believe something that is not factual true? We have evidence for such phenomena too, like we see in an illusionists show. When we don't know how the trick is performed, we are inclined to believe what we see. Even if we know in the back of our head, that it is a trick.

What can I say besides that my mind is puzzled about it.
I don't have a natural explenation, neither have I heard one.

But I hold is as to the evidence, this is strictly the evidence from many people that he realy died (no more heart beat, pulse, respiration, blood cluttered, etc) and that many witnesses saw him a few days later alive.

I think apart from that, we can state no more. As far as I know there is no testimony or eye-witness report of what happened at this supposed moment of resurrection. (or is there?)
So, if these are the facts as are presented to us through documented history, I would suppose that people would give this phenomena a supernatural explenation. What else could they explain it with?

So, the resurrection of Christ, is the only thing which maybe has not been adequately explained. But there are no other known resurrection phenomena we know of.

Would all of what we know from so many other sources have to be wiped out, just because there is one case in which we may not be having an adequate explenation?

Sometimes we can not know everything. But does that mean the supernatural is the only possible explenation?
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