Battle Talk ~ Battle Royale VII

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Aussie Thinker


Yep Jack thinks that the world was flat (literally) before the flood.

It one of those fundy things that they have to come up with ridiculous impossible geology to account for their mythology.

Trouble is even his own Bible mentions “Mountains” pre flood.. I guess guys in those days just called a 3 foot high bump a Mountain ???

I have said this to Jack before but when you have to start piling on the weird and ridiculous situations you might as well just say God did it all Yesterday and made our memories too !


New member
Originally posted by NATEDOG
Jack isn't talking about sinking mountains, he's talking about raising ocean floors. if the floors of the ocean and all land above sea level were leveled out to the point that they were even, the surface would be covered by 10,000 feet of water.

If you raise the oceans it will have the effect that the land will sink, we are talking about plates that float on fluid magma.
You can't change the dynamics of the system.

If you would level up all plates to the same height (same distance to earth's gravitational centre), you can have some height of water evenly distributed everywhere.

This would be a kind of geological miracle that had happened then. Earth's geology is no back up for such stories.


New member
Indeed, but in the event of that miracle there would be some height of water distributed everywhere.

Aussie Thinker,
Yeah, Noah did land on one.

Aussie Thinker


I never quite get this…

God makes it rain for 40 Days and Nights
He suspends normal physics and geology and heaves the World Up and Down
He somehow allows an Ark built by primitive men to survive all this
He somehow allows for all the animals to survive the ordeal

For what ?

To kill all humans on the planet (well except for Noah and his clan.)

Why didn’t he just zap them all dead ?

Do you ever ask yourself these “normal” sorts of questions..?

Why would God make things so ridiculously difficult and strange..

Don’t you ever think.. geez I could do a damn sight better job ?

BTW BY Flat I meant smooth.. or at some stage it was "smoothed" out ???

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

I never quite get this…

God makes it rain for 40 Days and Nights
He suspends normal physics and geology and heaves the World Up and Down
He somehow allows an Ark built by primitive men to survive all this
He somehow allows for all the animals to survive the ordeal

For what ?

To kill all humans on the planet (well except for Noah and his clan.)

Why didn’t he just zap them all dead ?

Because then there'd be no evidence that He did such a thing. If He flooded the world instead, there would be evidence left behind, such as sedimentary layers and a fossil record.

Do you ever ask yourself these “normal” sorts of questions..?

Yes, and I find answers to them.

Why would God make things so ridiculously difficult and strange..

They're only difficult and strange to you because you have a reprobate mind.

Don’t you ever think.. geez I could do a damn sight better job ?


BTW BY Flat I meant smooth.. or at some stage it was "smoothed" out ???

No. You can have elevation differentials of several thousand feet and still cover the Earth with water.

Aussie Thinker

Jack you said,

Because then there'd be no evidence that he did such a thing. If He flooded the world instead, there would be evidence lelt behind, such as sedimentary layers and a fossil record.

So he wants us to know… ?

Why is it that it is still so ambiguous ?

Well it isn’t to most of us and to science it is a complete myth.. but to Christians even. Very few Christians believe that the world was ever completely flooded..

So again your God did a very poor job of “showing” what he can do.

Be much simpler to just come and tell us.

BTW My Bible never said anything about God wanting to leave traces of what he did.. it just says he wanted to take out the baddies.

Aussie Thinker


BTW did you understand what attention said ?

The entire surface of the Earth floats on magma.. so no matter how much you push and pull the exposed land (above water) up and down it will always be the same amount above water !

Do you get that.. Nooo.. I don’t think so.

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

BTW did you understand what attention said ?

Yes, I did.

The entire surface of the Earth floats on magma.. so no matter how much you push and pull the exposed land (above water) up and down it will always be the same amount above water !

I suppose you don't believe any volcanic islands exist then, or that they don't grow unless some other part of the Earth sinks? Is that correct? That's the logical conclusion of what you're saying.

Do you get that.. Nooo.. I don’t think so.

I think I did. I'm not debating that issue -- I'm debating the amount of water that exists on Earth. You fell for the old bait and switch. I didn't.


New member
The idea of a protective covering of water over the earth (the firmament), collapsing is the best explanation of where the water came from.
Assuming that is true, where did the water go?

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker
So he wants us to know… ?

He wouldn't have had it put in the Bible if He didn't.

Why is it that it is still so ambiguous ?

It's not ambiguous to those who believe.

Well it isn’t to most of us and to science it is a complete myth.. but to Christians even. Very few Christians believe that the world was ever completely flooded..

So again your God did a very poor job of “showing” what he can do.

It's all around, if you only have eyes to see.

Be much simpler to just come and tell us.

He did come. He was murdered by unbelievers like yourself.

BTW My Bible never said anything about God wanting to leave traces of what he did.. it just says he wanted to take out the baddies.

I arrived at that answer through logic and reason. Do you know what that is?

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by NATEDOG
The idea of a protective covering of water over the earth (the firmament), collapsing is the best explanation of where the water came from.

According to Genesis, it came from underground too.

Assuming that is true, where did the water go?

It didn't go anywhere. It's still here.


New member
It didn't go anywhere. It's still here.

I know there is still a lot of water on earth. However, all the water that was on the face of the earth high enough to cover all the mountains, had to have receded as to expose dry land within 150 days. That means the water either had to have gone underground, evaporated, or giant valleys have developed geologically to pool the water elsewhere.

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by NATEDOG
I know there is still a lot of water on earth. However, all the water that was on the face of the earth high enough to cover all the mountains, had to have receded as to expose dry land within 150 days.

It was 150 days before things really started calming down, but it took ten months before the tops of the mountains were exposed. That's about 300 days.

That means the water either had to have gone underground,

Some probably did. There's a plenty of water underground.


A lot of it did, and then probably ended up freezing around the poles. There's a lot of ice there.

or giant valleys have developed geologically to pool the water elsewhere.

That's another possibility. There are a lot of deep ocean chasms.


New member
Have you ever had a direct spiritual event that led you to know that God is there? I know some people are Christians intellectually and others are Christians emotionally or experientially.

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by NATEDOG
Have you ever had a direct spiritual event that led you to know that God is there?

Yeah, but I already believed in Him.

I know some people are Christians intellectually and others are Christians emotionally or experientially.

I'm a little bit of both. Belief in God satisfies me intellectually, and experience has only strengthened my faith.


Banned by Mod
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
Because then there'd be no evidence that He did such a thing. If He flooded the world instead, there would be evidence left behind, such as sedimentary layers and a fossil record.

And it's so unfortunate for this "theory" that the records we do have, in terms of fossils, sedimentary layers, etc., are not at all consistent with the notion of a worldwide flood.

They're only difficult and strange to you because you have a reprobate mind.

Actually, these notions are difficult and strange because they're such a clear example of trying to fit any and all evidence, no matter how contradictory, into the same pre-determined notion. This, of course, is the exact opposite from the way that one would pursue if one were attempting to determine the truth, as opposed to desperately attempting to bolster up a weak idea. They have little or nothing to do with any serious discussion of what God did or did not do; the vast majority of the Christian faith abandoned an insistence on a literal interpretation of Genesis decades ago.
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