ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 1

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Thank you very much for answering my questions so promptly. This is an interesting response.

MitchellMcKain said:
Objective in the sense of purpose or objective as opposed to subjective??? Well I suppose I should assume the first since I am not sure this distinction has any meaning when we are talking about God.

As for purpose, what does the perfect infinite being do except seek to give of His infinite abundance to another? God created life as the perfect object for relationship, something with infinite potentiality to which He could give without limit of His own infinite actuality. The purpose of living things is somewhat a thing of their own determination. That is part of what free will means. But in the eyes of God our purpose is life - more and more life, realizing our greater and ultimately (eternally) infinite potentialites. Our greatest potentiality is therefore one of fully participating in the parent-child relationship we can have with God, growing in the Lord eternally.

Since taking our life (choice) from us contradicts God's purpose in creating us, we remain free to choose a lesser purpose than eternal life.
Instead of my spending a lot of time addressing and asking you questions about your response let me first give you my take on the situation. If we can understand the purpose, it might help explain a lot of other stuff.
Human purpose: “to accept, develop and grow Godly type love for God and others”. This is commanded in: “loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and energy. And loving your neighbor as Christ loves you.” I do not know how you think God defines this love but what I gleam from scripture is: Love is sacrificial, selfless, decided upon by a free will agent that has likely perceived alternative choices (sin has pleasure for a season), requiring maturity, thought out, all consuming, all compelling and all motivating.
God does not just want any relationship with humans, but a loving relationship with humans. The only thing lacking for that relationship is man’s acceptance of Godly type Love and allowing that love to grow.
God’s objective is a little more derived from His actions. God is the epitome of Godly love so to be the most selfless and sacrificial it would mean God quenches His own desire to: “do all He can to help those that can love Him fulfill their objective”.
God’s and man’s objective would then explain: the Garden, Satan, tragedies, evil, sin, the universe and Christ going to the cross.

MitchellMcKain said:

I guess I don't really believe in Satan. And I don't mean that do not think he exists. I do. I just don't give him any credit for anything. I ignore him. What power he has is largely because we give it to him, either by believing his lies or by making him our scapegoat. The real responsibility for evil lies with human beings. I give him no attention except to consider his role in the fall of Adam and Eve.

Unlike the majority of Christians I do not believe that the angels have authentic free will, and I do not believe in any war in heaven where angels rebelled against God before Adam and Eve's disobedience. Genesis chapter 3 is the story of the origin of evil. Evil is the creation of human beings not God and not the angels. God created the possibility for evil when He created life, for that possibility is inherent in the nature of life.

It, however, possible that Lucifer had been turning towards a darker interpretation of his purpose as a result of the darker choices of living things before Adam and Eve. But Adam and Eve's obedience would have made this irrelevant. The real responsibility was theirs. They in effect created the devil when they assigned to him all the blame and responsibility for their disobedience.
Maybe I believe to much in satan. The Bible does not give us the story of satan or angels, so that suggests it is not needed, but we do get small pieces in sometimes apocryphal language. I do not see God intentionally creating satan to be satan, so maybe earlier angels were like humans the same as humans one day will be like angels and were given a universe to develop Godly type Love. As free will spiritual beings they could still fall away and satan made a free will decision to do that. The real question is: “Why does God allow satan to be in the Garden and roam the earth today?” It would all have to do with humans fulfilling their objective, because satan is not making God happy. God could be using satan to help humans in the long run accept Godly type Love and grow that love. God would really have to quench a strong desire to make all humans happy on earth, to allow satan to provide needy people as opportunities for those people that could love Him.

Humans may not be as depraved as you might think. We can never see a truly neutral human, because satan or his angles are always around. I am not suggesting satan is to blame for our sins, we are to blame. Most have not become so bad they can not keep from committing the next sin, but all mature adults will sin sometime and usually sooner then later. We are constantly choosing between selfless and selfish behavior and thoughts.

What is God’s objective for satan?
Does sin have an objective?
Why do bad things happen to good people?


Active member
Hear Ye's!!!!!!!!!

If God knows the entire future, why doesn't he say he does, in his word?

(psssst.....'s, check out the replies, this should be good :D)


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Hall of Fame
patman said:
Hear Ye's!!!!!!!!!

If God knows the entire future, why doesn't he say he does, in his word?

(psssst.....'s, check out the replies, this should be good :D)

They may proof text Is. 46, for example. All this shows is that God knows or settles some of the future (specific). One cannot extrapolate this to a general principle or exhaustive foreknowledge or all of the future settled. There are two motifs in Scripture. Proof texting one motif and making the other figurative is bad hermeneutics and deductive preconceived theology.


Active member
godrulz said:
They may proof text Is. 46, for example. All this shows is that God knows or settles some of the future (specific). One cannot extrapolate this to a general principle or exhaustive foreknowledge or all of the future settled. There are two motifs in Scripture. Proof texting one motif and making the other figurative is bad hermeneutics and deductive preconceived theology.

I wish they would realize this......


Well-known member
Cellist addressed this:

cellist said:
You admit from the get go that to you it is a logical absurdity to say that God can know future contingencies exhaustively. This automatically will rule out even the possibility of being shown otherwise from Scripture. Similarly, Calvinists believe it is a logical absurdity that God would repent, in a real way, because they cannot square this with God's sovereignty. All of this reminds me of trying to argue for Christ's resurrection with an historian who has the presupposition that we live in a closed system, and eliminates before examining the evidence that the resurrection is a possibility.

This presupposition of rejecting what we consider to be absurd, I think, is a "dangerous" approach to hermeneutics, as it can color our understanding of the texts.

This is my only point. Could there be presuppositions that are getting in the way of coming to a resolution?

It doesn't answer the question but it does set up a groundwork already consigned to failure because the discussion is already going that way in the form of the dare and ensuing statements. Cellist is right. How could one prove what is already seen as absurd?


Well-known member
As a reminder, ChristisKing, Lee Merrill, and Berean Todd already covered this.

Psa 39:4 LORD, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am.

Psa 139:4 Certainly5 my tongue does not frame a word
without you, O LORD, being thoroughly aware of it.

Psa 139:16 Your eyes saw me when I was inside the womb.
All the days ordained for me
were recorded in your scroll
before one of them came into existence.

Psa 139:16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
Psa 139:17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

Pro 16:1 The ordering of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from Jehovah.
Pro 16:9 A man's heart plans his way, but Jehovah directs his steps.

Mat 21:2 saying to them, Go into the village across from you. And immediately you will find an *** tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to Me.

Eph 1:10 for an administration of the fullness of times, to head up all things in Christ, both the things in Heaven, and the things on earth, even in Him,
Eph 1:11 in whom also we have been chosen to an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His own will,

Heb 4:13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight, but all things are naked and opened to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.

1Jo 3:20 God is greater than our heart and knows all things.

Rev 1:11 saying, I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last.
Rev 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, the First and the Last.

and of course Godrulz' verse: Isa 46:9 Remember former things from forever; for I am God, and no other is God, even none like Me,
Isa 46:10 declaring the end from the beginning, and from the past things which were not done, saying, My purpose shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure;
1Ki 13:2 And he cried against the altar in the Word of Jehovah and said, O, altar, altar, so says Jehovah. Behold, a son shall be born to the house of David, Josiah by name, and on you he shall offer the priests of the high places who burn incense on you, and men's bones shall be burned on you.

ROM 9:20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
ROM 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

ROM 11:33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

2 Thess 2:13 But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth,


New member
bling said:
If we can understand the purpose, it might help explain a lot of other stuff.
It is essential. I encounter atheists claiming that God is a miserable failure because the world is such a mess. But they are making such a judgement without understanding the purpose of what God has made.

bling said:
Human purpose: “to accept, develop and grow Godly type love for God and others”. This is commanded in: “loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and energy. And loving your neighbor as Christ loves you.” I do not know how you think God defines this love but what I gleam from scripture is: Love is sacrificial, selfless, decided upon by a free will agent that has likely perceived alternative choices (sin has pleasure for a season), requiring maturity, thought out, all consuming, all compelling and all motivating.
God does not just want any relationship with humans, but a loving relationship with humans. The only thing lacking for that relationship is man’s acceptance of Godly type Love and allowing that love to grow.
God’s objective is a little more derived from His actions. God is the epitome of Godly love so to be the most selfless and sacrificial it would mean God quenches His own desire to: “do all He can to help those that can love Him fulfill their objective”.
God’s and man’s objective would then explain: the Garden, Satan, tragedies, evil, sin, the universe and Christ going to the cross.
Love is the deepest expression of our free will and choice. When we talk about loving something, therein lies our choice of attention, thought and action. We are free to choose or love all things equally but not all choices are equal in God's eyes. Choosing the way of greater life is God's vision for us. So the most important choice is that of choosing life and its development over death and its destruction by sin. And therefore the most important love is to love life. But loving God Himself who is the source of all life and all of its greater potentialities is inseperable from this. You cannot love life without loving its source. In fact, I think that a faith in God is indistinguishable from the faith that life is worth living. How can you have faith in God if you do not belief that life is His loving gift to you for your benefit and growth. And if you have faith in the value of life, then you see life as a gift, and appreciating the gifts of God is the essence of faith in Him.

bling said:
I do not see God intentionally creating satan to be satan,
In other words, we do not believe that a good and loving God is responsible for evil. This is one of the reasons we believe in free will. But why would God create free will? What could possibly justify creating even the possibility of evil? I cannot believe that the creation of servants could possibly justify this. Nor can I believe that God is so inept a master that a third of his servants, the angels, would rebel against Him. To imagine that they have such an autonomy would make them more like demigods, pagan gods, or the aeons and demiurge of Gnosticism.

No. The only thing that could justify the creation of free will and the possibility of evil is in order to create children. In creating a servant there is no reason to design them do anything other than the what they are intended to do. But children are different. They are created to be loved and served and to exist for their own purpose NOT in service to the parent. The only way that this is possible is if they can choose their own purpose and thus they must have free will.

bling said:
so maybe earlier angels were like humans the same as humans one day will be like angels and were given a universe to develop Godly type Love. As free will spiritual beings they could still fall away and satan made a free will decision to do that.
But this does not make any sense. If God can make spiritual beings with free will then there is no reason to create the physical world and the angels would be far more like the children of God than we could be. Creating mankind in such circumstance would be like intentionally having children who are badly handicapped. No parent would do this. My studies of physics tells me that this physical universe was in fact designed for one purpose: free will.

bling said:
The real question is: “Why does God allow satan to be in the Garden and roam the earth today?”
One of the reasons I believe in the angels because it seems perfectly obvious to me that the first step in a complex task like the creation of the universe would be the creation of tools that could work automatically to do the more tedious tasks, much in the same way that we create computers. The angels are obviously a lot more sophisticated and powerful than our computers and able to imitate many of the characteristics of a person with free will, but they are essentially the same as our computers because they just do what they were designed to do.

I therefore think that Lucifer was doing the job for which He was created, encouraging all living things to creatively try new things and to learn from this. He was designed to pursue this task without the direct supervision of God. But just like our computers, when they interact with living things the results can be unpredictable.

bling said:
It would all have to do with humans fulfilling their objective, because satan is not making God happy. God could be using satan to help humans in the long run accept Godly type Love and grow that love. God would really have to quench a strong desire to make all humans happy on earth, to allow satan to provide needy people as opportunities for those people that could love Him.
It is far more tragic that this. God nurtured and raised up life until He finally had those with the ability to communicate with God directly and thus whom He could teach as His own children. But with their rejection of responsibility, God's presence in their lives actually became a harmful influence, as they expected this all powerful God to do everything. The only way that they could grow and learn the lesson of responsibility was to make their own way without Him, suffering the consequences of their own choices. God did not give up but tried again with their decendents, but the refusal of responsibilty was repeated again and again, forcing God to retreat from the lives of mankind, until God had a whole world doing evil continually. For our own good, God could no longer directly participate in the lives of His children, even though they were doomed to stumble into bad habits that would destroy them without His guidance. Parents of children with drug addiction have a very similar experience.

bling said:
Why do bad things happen to good people?
To put it simply there are two basic part to my explanation. The first part is that as eternal beings with the love of God waiting for us, the worst that can happen to us on the earth is just not a bad as we think. The second part is that God's highest priority is our life and growth to realize our greater potential (our spiritual growth if you will) and for these things taking responsibility for our own choices and life is essential. God's interference simply can too easily do far more harm than good, for we will simply expect Him to do everything taking no responsibility for our own lives or the evil within us.


Active member
Lonster said:
As a reminder, ChristisKing, Lee Merrill, and Berean Todd already covered this.

Psa 39:4 LORD, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am.

Psa 139:4 Certainly5 my tongue does not frame a word
without you, O LORD, being thoroughly aware of it.

Psa 139:16 Your eyes saw me when I was inside the womb.
All the days ordained for me
were recorded in your scroll
before one of them came into existence.

Psa 139:16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
Psa 139:17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

Pro 16:1 The ordering of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from Jehovah.
Pro 16:9 A man's heart plans his way, but Jehovah directs his steps.

Mat 21:2 saying to them, Go into the village across from you. And immediately you will find an *** tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to Me.

Eph 1:10 for an administration of the fullness of times, to head up all things in Christ, both the things in Heaven, and the things on earth, even in Him,
Eph 1:11 in whom also we have been chosen to an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His own will,

Heb 4:13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight, but all things are naked and opened to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.

1Jo 3:20 God is greater than our heart and knows all things.

Rev 1:11 saying, I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last.
Rev 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, the First and the Last.

and of course Godrulz' verse: Isa 46:9 Remember former things from forever; for I am God, and no other is God, even none like Me,
Isa 46:10 declaring the end from the beginning, and from the past things which were not done, saying, My purpose shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure;
1Ki 13:2 And he cried against the altar in the Word of Jehovah and said, O, altar, altar, so says Jehovah. Behold, a son shall be born to the house of David, Josiah by name, and on you he shall offer the priests of the high places who burn incense on you, and men's bones shall be burned on you.

ROM 9:20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
ROM 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

ROM 11:33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

2 Thess 2:13 But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth,

I am not seeing it anywhere.... The O.V. doesn't say God doesn't know SOME things before they happen, it says EVERYTHING can't be known. These are just examples of that.

Such a verse really doesn't exist.


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Hall of Fame
God knows the past and present exhaustively (the point of many of your 'proof texts'). The future is correctly known as possible/probable, not actual/certain because God has chosen freedom and relationship (love) over determinism. Much of the future is unsettled and known as such, by God's sovereign choice (leading to a limitation on possible objects of certain knowledge due to the type of creation God chose to actualize).


Active member
Here ye Here Ye's

I found a perfect analogy to the settled view.

These guys:

crazy -> :kookoo: chronically ill -> :vomit: chronically happy -> :chuckle:

Why? These little guys also have settled futures. They are forever locked in their ways, they will never be able to bring themselves out of their condition.

Their Animator on a higher plane of existence has set forth their ways, tho they animate on their own.

So when you think of your life, think of it as you being stuck, like this dude -> :stuck:

And tough luck if you are him :vomit: as opposed to him :chuckle:

Because God wont change anything.. having a perfectly known future is more important than loving and compassion..

Nathon Detroit

patman said:
Here ye Here Ye's

I found a perfect analogy to the settled view.

These guys:

crazy -> :kookoo: chronically ill -> :vomit: chronically happy -> :chuckle:

Why? These little guys also have settled futures. They are forever locked in their ways, they will never be able to bring themselves out of their condition.

Their Animator on a higher plane of existence has set forth their ways, tho they animate on their own.

So when you think of your life, think of it as you being stuck, like this dude -> :stuck:

And tough luck if you are him :vomit: as opposed to him :chuckle:

Because God wont change anything.. having a perfectly known future is more important than loving and compassion..
Let me take it a step further.....

Lets say the animator of this guy -> :stuck: told us that even after the animation "loop" was complete he still expected that this guy -> :stuck: would un-stick himself.

What would we think about the animator?
Last edited:


Well-known member
patman said:
I am not seeing it anywhere.... The O.V. doesn't say God doesn't know SOME things before they happen, it says EVERYTHING can't be known. These are just examples of that.

Such a verse really doesn't exist.

What about 'Most' instead of 'all?' I'm not sure I want to make the concession, but I'm trying to determine how 'open' someone would have to be to hold to OV theology.

By the way, I do thinks those guys did a really good job of showing exhaustive foreknowledge from some of their explanations.


Well-known member
Knight said:
This topic reminds me of a really old thread.
It was a good bump, and post but I think it misses.

The 'four' in that scenario was not there. In the original creation man's choice to put in his 'four' was part of the program. Adam and Eve gave into sin and ruined the equation.

God was not schizo, He made creation with Adam and Eve in obedience. The missing piece "godliness" was there. The difference is that responsibility to add the 'four' was in the original program, but it came not from God's responsibility, but man's. The reason something is missing is man's choice.

Two dynamics here: God made the program with Adam and Eve fulfilling their part. The 'four' was there, so God made a perfect program that worked absolutely. Did He know? Was He aware of the Adam/Eve factor and potential hazard? Yes. Did He think it would happen? He made contigency, of course, we might have differing ideas on the predictable/all knowing postions. Regardless of our positions here, I think it is important to recognize that man (Adam/Eve) is the author of the failed portion and God still chose him even if he had a fallibility.
Dynamic 2: Satan is a key factor, I'm sure that God's program was not fallible without a bad programmer adding the virus of sin.

I think that it is easy to forget another player. Why did God allow him to pervert His program? Surely He was aware of the occuring incident as it was happening and so the same question falls to both of our views regardless of our understanding.


Thank you again for responding so quickly. I read everything you said with great interest and will reread as I try to respond.

MitchellMcKain said:
It is essential. I encounter atheists claiming that God is a miserable failure because the world is such a mess. But they are making such a judgement without understanding the purpose of what God has made.
It is one of the athiest’s best arguments to show that God is not logical.

MitchellMcKain said:
Love is the deepest expression of our free will and choice. When we talk about loving something, therein lies our choice of attention, thought and action. We are free to choose or love all things equally but not all choices are equal in God's eyes. Choosing the way of greater life is God's vision for us. So the most important choice is that of choosing life and its development over death and its destruction by sin. And therefore the most important love is to love life. But loving God Himself who is the source of all life and all of its greater potentialities is inseperable from this. You cannot love life without loving its source. In fact, I think that a faith in God is indistinguishable from the faith that life is worth living. How can you have faith in God if you do not belief that life is His loving gift to you for your benefit and growth. And if you have faith in the value of life, then you see life as a gift, and appreciating the gifts of God is the essence of faith in Him.
When, I discuss differences in theology, I am amazed how the definition of just one word can produce a huge variance. “Godly type Love” love is one of those words. It is natural to love those that love you back. It is both biological and emotionally pleasing to love a spouse. Some animals instinctively love and some groups of pagan people can love each others or even others. All those loves I see as the result of genes and/or environment. Now that is not to say you can not add Godly type Love to any of them and have a greater combined love. That is also the reason I talk about Godly type love being a love for you enemies, because that love is not natural and requires a thought out mental decision to do that which is not natural. If you know the relationship between the Jews and Samaritans of the first century, you can understand how extreme that love of the Good Samaritan was for a Jew. Jesus was describing something the Jews of that day would have thought utterly impossible. If a person expresses “love” for another doing great and wonderful things for that person without “Godly type Love” (defined by Paul in 1 Cor. 13) then that type love he is showing is worthless. There may be many people “loving” God to the point of choosing to give their lives in the fire, with what is described as worthless love 1 Cor. 13.
I am not talking about a wonderful child’s love for a wonderful parent, for that is instinctive for at least some children. God is wanting a love like His love for us, sacrificial, selfless, thought out, mature, and coming from our free will choice to love Him. A robot maybe programmed someday to really love a something, but that is not the love God is desiring from us. That does not mean this love is something difficult because it is not something we have to create within us. We have to truly accept God’s love as a free unwarranted gift (forgiveness) and those that are forgiven much will love much. The problem is that requires humbling oneself to accept something as a gift.

MitchellMcKain said:
In other words, we do not believe that a good and loving God is responsible for evil. This is one of the reasons we believe in free will. But why would God create free will? What could possibly justify creating even the possibility of evil? I cannot believe that the creation of servants could possibly justify this. Nor can I believe that God is so inept a master that a third of his servants, the angels, would rebel against Him. To imagine that they have such an autonomy would make them more like demigods, pagan gods, or the aeons and demiurge of Gnosticism.

No. The only thing that could justify the creation of free will and the possibility of evil is in order to create children. In creating a servant there is no reason to design them do anything other than the what they are intended to do. But children are different. They are created to be loved and served and to exist for their own purpose NOT in service to the parent. The only way that this is possible is if they can choose their own purpose and thus they must have free will.
You ask: But why would God create free will?
The only reason I can come up with for God to create free will is that it is required for “godly type love”. You can create robots to do most everything else.

You said: They are created to be loved and served and to exist for their own purpose and The only way that this is possible is if they can choose their own purpose and thus they must have free will.

These all go together, so I will try to address them all. God is caught in a catch 22 so to speak. He may have a need to (love) serve others in ever increasing number as His love grows (this is speculation on my part for the need to create humans in the first place). The problem is this love is very unique in that when the exchange takes place (as a free gift) it comes back as more love. So, if an independent agent truly accepts God’s love as a free unwarranted gift godly type love will come back to God even greater from the independent agent. I do not see God leaving us to our own purpose, but the purpose He has given us to accept and grow His love. If you love God with all your heart, soul, mind and energy, that will be what you are doing all the time while you are going through life.
We are not created to be robotic slaves, but lovers like God.

You asked: What could possibly justify creating even the possibility of evil?
You said: Nor can I believe that God is so inept a master that a third of his servants, the angels, would rebel against Him.
There is a real problem here. If God makes agents that can love of a free will with likely perceived alternative choices (sin having pleasure for a season) at some time and place they will chose to be selfish (try to serve their own interest). There has to be likely alternatives or there is no real choice so sin will occur. For humans on earth sin is not the problem, only unforgiven sin is the problem. Forgiven sins can actually be part of the agent’s witness (like Paul used it). Now, Christians do not want to sin again and the Spirit can help with that, but is it bad for the non Christian to sin if he/she is not willing to change for God’s sac at the time? Sometimes people have to reach the bottom before they want out.
We know very little about angels or heaven, so most of what I say is conjured up. Earth maybe the place where we can accept and grow Godly type Love, but heaven if there is free will without likely alternatives (a Garden place without the tree or satan) then Humans in their new state can take the Godly type Love they accepted on earth and love God without the alternative of sin. Just as the garden was not a good place to accept Godly type Love heaven would have a similar issue. I do not know what arrangement the angels had, but somehow at some time, they had real likely alternatives so they could chose to love. Like us they may not at some point been able to receive forgiveness again, so they fell. If it was a third that still might not be as bad as the human ratio. Since humans are not Spiritual beings the punishment (time in hell before being consumed) for humans should not be as suffer. That may be another reason for earth.
. God does not desire satan to be around at all, but to help humans accept, develop and grow Godly type Love, he will quench His desire and allow satan to roam. God allows Satan with limitations, to do stuff that provides opportunities for people to accept, develop and grow Godly type Love. You, I am sure have seen good things come out of tragedies, will that is what suppose to happen and can happen with each tragedy. The reason it does not happen is not God’s fault, or satan’s fault, or Adam and Eve’s fault, or bad luck, or sins fault. The blame lies with you and me. Good people must step up to these opportunities to experience, to show, to receive, to express Godly type Love. Unfortunately, Godly type Love can best be seen with the cross.

MitchellMcKain said:
But this does not make any sense. If God can make spiritual beings with free will then there is no reason to create the physical world and the angels would be far more like the children of God than we could be. Creating mankind in such circumstance would be like intentionally having children who are badly handicapped. No parent would do this. My studies of physics tells me that this physical universe was in fact designed for one purpose: free will.

I have a master in Chemistry and think the Universe was created for humans to accept and grow Godly type Love. I think the earth situation is better then the Spiritual free will agent model. My understanding of Godly type Love suggests the need for likely alternatives for acceptance, the choice to be loved. God is wanting us to choose Him over other things (self).
Can you still have free will if you do not have likely alternatives? (This would be agents that have Godly type love and very limited unlikely ways of rebelling.)

MitchellMcKain said:
One of the reasons I believe in the angels because it seems perfectly obvious to me that the first step in a complex task like the creation of the universe would be the creation of tools that could work automatically to do the more tedious tasks, much in the same way that we create computers. The angels are obviously a lot more sophisticated and powerful than our computers and able to imitate many of the characteristics of a person with free will, but they are essentially the same as our computers because they just do what they were designed to do.

I therefore think that Lucifer was doing the job for which He was created, encouraging all living things to creatively try new things and to learn from this. He was designed to pursue this task without the direct supervision of God. But just like our computers, when they interact with living things the results can be unpredictable.
I do not want to personify God that much to need helpers. God may need others beside the Spirit and Christ to love, but helpers?
The interacting with living things might have some possibility. It would not seem to be the reason for satan’s fall but there maybe more then I can figure out there. We do not want to take our theology from “Paradise Lost”.

MitchellMcKain said:
It is far more tragic that this. God nurtured and raised up life until He finally had those with the ability to communicate with God directly and thus whom He could teach as His own children. But with their rejection of responsibility, God's presence in their lives actually became a harmful influence, as they expected this all powerful God to do everything. The only way that they could grow and learn the lesson of responsibility was to make their own way without Him, suffering the consequences of their own choices. God did not give up but tried again with their decendents, but the refusal of responsibilty was repeated again and again, forcing God to retreat from the lives of mankind, until God had a whole world doing evil continually. For our own good, God could no longer directly participate in the lives of His children, even though they were doomed to stumble into bad habits that would destroy them without His guidance. Parents of children with drug addiction have a very similar experience.
That’s an interesting possibility, but not supported much by scripture. Often in my discussions with atheist or agnostics I have said: “You do not have to believe the Garden to be literal to get the meaning from it.”

This is the first story of God’s interaction with humans and gives a tremendous amount of information in a very simple story.
1. We know that God wants us in heaven and has made a place for us there, because God starts out putting humans in a heaven on earth situation in the Garden.
2. Adam and Eve are the best human representatives we could have: they have bodies that can last forever with the help of the tree of life, they have minds without any bad mutations, and they were trained (programmed) to adulthood by the perfect Parent. They had intelligences that included the ability to talk to animals and the animals seemed to have miraculous intelligence.
3. The objective of humans we know today is to have a very special Godly type Love (Love with all your heart, soul, mind and energy) for God. That type Love we understand is not something God could give instinctively to Adam and Eve and would have to be desired by them and accepted from God as a unwarranted gift. Here in lies the problem with the Garden, for the Garden is not a good place to develop Godly type Love, for there is no perceived need in the Garden.
4. We can see problems with the perceived utopia situation the biggest being humans on their own, have to obey God’s commands to remain in an eternal close relationship with God. (Outside the Garden they will depend on God’s mercy for their eternal close relationship with God.)
5. If you have done nothing wrong then you are a very good child of a very good parent, so there is no perceived need for Godly type Love, the Children can have an extremely strong child/parent type love without ever needing Godly type Love.
6. God’s love although sacrificial, selfless, all consuming and controlling His behavior would not be seen as anything more then a wonderful parent’s love for wonderful children.
7. Even with only one way to sin humans without the development of Godly type Love will sin (if you love me you will obey me). God will not stop you from sinning. Sin will be made convenient, desirable, and satan will be allowed to tempt you. It will all be your fault for sinning since you could have said “no” at that time, but that does not mean you will always say “no”, so all mature adult humans will sin (including Adam and Eve).
8. Not sinning is not the objective, the objective is obtaining Godly type love, and through sinning we can desire and accept God’s forgiveness (Love) and thus love Him (He who is forgiven much, loves much).
9. Outside the Garden Adam and Eve can produce limited resources which they can give to others (love), they can help needy people, they can have faith in the mercy of God, they can have hope of heaven, and they have a dependence on God’s mercy (love).

As much as we might think we would love to be in the Garden situation and many will ask: “How could an all loving God allow_____” the best place for us to fulfill our objective of obtaining Godly type Love is after we have sinned and being surrounded with needy people. As far as original sin hurting us today, I see only my sins hurting me, and know I could not have done any better then Adam and Eve in that situation. The sin of Adam and Eve demonstrated that the Garden type situation does not work for obtaining Godly type Love.

MitchellMcKain said:
To put it simply there are two basic part to my explanation. The first part is that as eternal beings with the love of God waiting for us, the worst that can happen to us on the earth is just not a bad as we think. The second part is that God's highest priority is our life and growth to realize our greater potential (our spiritual growth if you will) and for these things taking responsibility for our own choices and life is essential. God's interference simply can too easily do far more harm than good, for we will simply expect Him to do everything taking no responsibility for our own lives or the evil within us.
To show how Christ addresses questions and responds to statements we would have to go through all His responses. I have done that and what I see is Jesus answers the question on people’s hearts at the time and not necessarily what they verbalize. The question on the disciples’ heart in John 9:1-7 would not have been for this particular blind person that they did not even know the name of. The question would apply to all babies born with a defect. That is something to think about, but let’s look at the issue at hand.

We have all heard of or experienced directly good coming out of a tragedy, the question is could good come out of every tragedy if good people stepped up to the opportunity created by the tragedy to produce that good. That is not to say good always results in every tragedy, for it is an opportunity that God allows.

It would be inconsistent with God’s nature to hurt innocent people (God can take the lives of innocent people). God can only allow Satan to hurt innocent people to a limit God establishes to provide opportunities for Good people to develop and grow Godly type love. Look at Job. Job was a better person at the end then at the beginning as a result of going through the tragedy.
Look at Rms. 8:28 all thing (which would include tragedies) work together for the Good of good people (it is not the result of the actions of bad people or sin).

God reveals Himself to the believer, but in ways that still require faith. (This is another long subject but faith is needed to develop (accept) Godly type Love.) Satan is limited so faith is still required. All tragedies are caused by Satan, but are allowed by God to create opportunities for good people. There are many “natural” ways, parts of God’s plan, which can over come tragedies (Doctors, medicine, councilors, fireman, armies, etc.) and we are to use these methods God has provided, so we can directly participate in the healing. What ever we do it will include pray for the best outcome. There are also those tragedies that go beyond the world’s available solutions, that will require our prays resulting in almost exclusively God’s help. Remember death is not bad.

This is a brief explanation.

Nathon Detroit

Lonster said:
It was a good bump, and post but I think it misses.

The 'four' in that scenario was not there. In the original creation man's choice to put in his 'four' was part of the program. Adam and Eve gave into sin and ruined the equation.

God was not schizo, He made creation with Adam and Eve in obedience. The missing piece "godliness" was there. The difference is that responsibility to add the 'four' was in the original program, but it came not from God's responsibility, but man's. The reason something is missing is man's choice.

Two dynamics here: God made the program with Adam and Eve fulfilling their part. The 'four' was there, so God made a perfect program that worked absolutely. Did He know? Was He aware of the Adam/Eve factor and potential hazard? Yes. Did He think it would happen? He made contigency, of course, we might have differing ideas on the predictable/all knowing postions. Regardless of our positions here, I think it is important to recognize that man (Adam/Eve) is the author of the failed portion and God still chose him even if he had a fallibility.
Dynamic 2: Satan is a key factor, I'm sure that God's program was not fallible without a bad programmer adding the virus of sin.

I think that it is easy to forget another player. Why did God allow him to pervert His program? Surely He was aware of the occuring incident as it was happening and so the same question falls to both of our views regardless of our understanding.
Everything you have just typed can only fit within the framework of a open view of theology. Based on your above paragraph, you are an open theist that rejects the label.

Furthermore... me thinks you missed the point of the other thread. It doesn't have anything to do with Adam and Eve.


Well-known member
patman said:
Here ye Here Ye's

I found a perfect analogy to the settled view.

These guys:

crazy -> :kookoo: chronically ill -> :vomit: chronically happy -> :chuckle:

Why? These little guys also have settled futures. They are forever locked in their ways, they will never be able to bring themselves out of their condition.

Their Animator on a higher plane of existence has set forth their ways, tho they animate on their own.

So when you think of your life, think of it as you being stuck, like this dude -> :stuck:

And tough luck if you are him :vomit: as opposed to him :chuckle:

Because God wont change anything.. having a perfectly known future is more important than loving and compassion..

Known and determined do not always equate. I see God's determinism and His foreknowledge (Exhaustively Divine or otherwise) as two separate parameters. Yes, I think they interact well because God is perfection, but one does not always lead to the other, in this I'd probably be closer to the OV in explanation. We have choice, but God knows it as I understand Him and scripture. As in the Psalm passage, where God knows the thought and therefore the words, before the are spoken (foreknowledge of future), God can know our choices without being the actor that makes those choices. Can it change? No, but not because of God's knowlege, but because of our own determination. I'm not sure I explained this well, but I've tried. When we make a choice, we are deterministic and narrow our action to only one. In other words, based on who we are, our preferences, though we see possibility of many choices, we still only choose one. We are the reason we have no other choice. I know I'm explaining this in a logical conundrum, but I'm trying to say regardless of whether someone (God) sees things in the future, He is still not the one that made the determinism. We are. If there is a rape, even if God sees that as happening, it is still the person who did the crime and God did not. Our determinism is ours alone. God ordains our determinism, but it isn't God controlling in determinism, it is us. He intervenes in grace for our salvation, so He is definitely a player in His foreknowledge and His own determinisms (man purposes his direction in his heart, but God is the one who actually directs his steps (Proverbs).
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