ARCHIVE: I believe religion to be obsolete

Rolf Ernst

New member
Granite1010--concerning your post #912: I assume your reference to my promise to name the commentators who "agreed with my scripture twisting" pertains to frame dragging. Well, I spent about thirty minutes on it and in that time all I came up with was a quote from either Albert Barnes or Matthew Henry (both of whom passed away long ago). I still have the text, but not having my own computer, I often do not have the time to be punctual in my responses, and when I do remember, my texts are often at home.

What the ancient commentator said in reference to it was to note that the closest possible literal translation of the word translated "curtain"really meant a "fine thin fabric."

Tanks for reminding me. I will get back on that topic with more energy. I haven't given it the time it deserves. As for the commentators themselves, what they say or think is of value to me only insofar as their thoughts are framed according to what the Bible itself really says, and the commentator who trasnslated the Hebrew text "fine thin fabric" was doing his best, knowing Hebrew, to translate literally.

Therefore, according to him, the Bible says literally what is in accord with what scientists are finally concluding. By this I don't mean to discount those who translated the heavens which God stretched out as a "curtain." They were just doing their best to give the readers the most accurate possible impression of what the Bible was saying in that text. I will get back to you and cite author, volume, and page number so you can check it out yourself. Thanks for reminding me. When you don't have websites available at home, it is too easy to
become distracted by other threads and never get back to do necessary housekeeping for those you have been in touch with earlier. BUT I WILL give you source, location, and a verbatim quote.