American Journalist beheaded by Islam

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why not?

Me too.

And with the next, and with the next, and with the next, and with the next ........ until the people of this evil bloodthirsty cult are gone.

Why not??? Because for one it would plunge the rest of the world into a conflict that would scar the face of the earth if not just effectively ruin it altogether? That's even before the moral ramifications of blowing a country out of the water. Geez, are you even thinking before typing? Try watching something like "Threads" where the full horrors of a nuclear conflict and the horrendous suffering are exposed in full detail and taken to years after the attack on the remnants of society. Some of you lot need a bloody wake up call...


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Why not??? Because for one it would plunge the rest of the world into a conflict that would scar the face of the earth if not just effectively ruin it altogether? That's even before the moral ramifications of blowing a country out of the water. Geez, are you even thinking before typing? Try watching something like "Threads" where the full horrors of a nuclear conflict and the horrendous suffering are exposed in full detail and taken to years after the attack on the remnants of society. Some of you lot need a bloody wake up call...
So we CAN do it, but you would rather we didn't do it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So we CAN do it, but you would rather we didn't do it.

Um, no, '"we" can't do it, not unless "we" want to lay waste to whatever remains of the world after a full on war. Frankly, I find the notion of nuking other countries despicable entirely anyway even if there weren't consequences for others. How can you possibly support nuking a country?

Fiat Tenebris

New member
How many Muslim's have you spoken to about that? That would seem to be the more extreme view - pretty much like the Phelps' & the executing 'homos' & adulterers crowd reflecting 'Christianity'...

And if you talk to a Christian who doesn't really believe in God...?

Why are you using the people who don't represent the religion as the representation of it? Sure, innumerable Muslims are good people, simply by not following the religion or traditions properly.

I've befriended many Muslims, recently I talked to one face to face who worked on the same complex as me for around 30 minutes every day, I thought he was a swell guy. I add him on facebook and he sees my posts defending Israel's right to exist and he lost it.

For the past two weeks I've lived under the threat of having ten members of the religion of peace attack me (I do love irony).

Many Muslims conceal their beliefs concerning you from you, they save it for their mosque and their Muslim friends. Occasionally one of them will slip up and share the "Allahu Akbar" world domination thing.

Either their Islamic parents, mosque or tradition is imbuing them with this love for inflicting fascism upon others.

Draw a cartoon of Mohammed and then we'll try to count the sane ones, if we can see past the waves of Urban Jihadists frothing at the mouth.

Fiat Tenebris

New member
Why are we even talking about nuking another country? Is this high school or the mental asylum? This is the kind of talk you get at the homeless shelter, uttered by the bitter and uneducated.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
How many Muslim's have you spoken to about that? That would seem to be the more extreme view - pretty much like the Phelps' & the executing 'homos' & adulterers crowd reflecting 'Christianity'...
How many public protests have you seen with Muslim "moderates" protesting what the extremists are doing?

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Militant Islam endorses such but then so do all sorts of extremists under the banner of "religion", else why would we have nutcases like Phelps' and the plethora of others who advocate the like simply under the 'Christian' banner? If certain folk had their way we'd be living under a hard line theocracy where you'd need permission to sneeze.
I see in the news that David Cameron is raising an alarm about the Muslims in the UK. Perhaps you should advise PM Cameron that he is acting just like Phelps and Westboro or will you write PM Cameron off as just another "extremist?"




Islamic State of Iraq and Levant terrorists show the beheading of an American photojournalist who has been missing since 2012. The group claims the beheading is a message to President Obama to end the American intervention in Iraq.

Edited version

So, do you let these animals have their way because they threaten to do more if we respond?

Or, do you start exterminating them post haste?

In their eyes "we" the Western world, which is supposed to represent Christianity somehow, we just kill differently for our cause.

The Quaran instructs them:

Surat Mohammed: 47:4

"So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah - never will He waste their deeds."​

We, the Western world, we send a drone, blow the crap out of our target, for our cause, and take out half the neighborhood!

Defense yes! We have the right to defend our nation and embassies, but our religion doesn't seem superior to theirs, and from their view America pumps out garbage all over the world, our values seem to tolerate all kinds of nastiness!

Note: I have the same initial reaction as everyone else here towards these acts, but I have to stop and think of what Jesus would do, what is Gods will for me, what is wise for the nation????


New member
It was Impossible for (( "SODOM"! )) to Ever do the right Thing. There was "Nothing of God" / LAW in Sodom. -- ((( LAWS of the Creation ))) were in effect there as everywhere at all Tines, And ( HERE )! - The LAWS / God did what "Natural Law" Always do; JUST ( Go by the Natural Trinity of Laws / God ), which are the Physical, Spiritual and Mathematical LAWS of the Universe!! - They Just Say They are God!!!!

(( Psalms 19:1 KJV )) -- 1- "The (( Heavens declare )) the Glory of God; and the (( Firmament Sheweth )) His handywork". --//-----
That is Nothing More than the Universe, - The LAW / GOD Just says of ITSELF, ( Hear "ME" ); I AM - not a PARABLE!!

Now, the Whole World, and you all's - "Place Prepared" by Satan, Has "Come" before ( All LAWS ) of the Creation of That Trinity of LAW!! - The Law / God calls it Judgment. -- Of ( COURSE!! ), -- how did you ALL think the Judgment actually would BE?? ~~just standing there IN ~judgment?? - NO!!! -- ((( The Evil -- "WILL" - FIGHT, NO NOT WHO )))!!!

Have I not told you these things??

Paul, David -- 082014

The Barbarian

I wonder what our Commander-in-chief will do...........

Why not ask these guys?


(long list)...


Well, actually you can't ask them. He had them killed.

But you get the idea. This isn't Bush, playing defense against terrorism. Now we're hunting them down and killing them.


New member
Hall of Fame
Actually didn't bin Laden denounce ISIS? I'm pretty sure they were too crazy even for him.


Well-known member
Because we would receive UN sanctions. Besides, are we prepared to deal with the uprising within our borders? We have to be very careful what we do and we have to do it smart. Stuff like this happens and I can just feel the Islamic community in Cinci holding its breath....waiting.

In the basement of the U.N. is a staircase straight out of hell, at least.....that's what I envision.


New member
Whatever Obama is doing it certainly isn't working. This is probably the worst the situation has been in 100's if not 1,000s of years.

( IF ) your President is the - "Most Powerful Antichrist"; - then That is the definition OF ( "The Antichrist" ). -- You all pick what Times you're in. (( I AM - not there )).

Paul, David -- 082014


Whatever Obama is doing it certainly isn't working.

U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron cut short his vacation, and returned to London to have meetings about ISIS, Iraq, Syria, etc.

Over here in the USA, Barack Obama left Washington D.C., and returned to his vacation on Martha's Vineyard.

Cameron called the beheading of the American journalist "shocking and depraved"....Obama hasn't said a word about the beheading.

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