ECT A challenge to Calvinism on limited atonement

patrick jane


Such is the very and exact definition of a "reprobate" soul. God promises them no good news ("gospel").

The so-called "free grace" being taught, is nothing other than "Universalism" which comes in many forms.

Universal salvation is non-existent, as even empirical evidence proves. God's grace is Particular, period.

There is no middle theological position to take or try to sell . . . none . . .

You pervert the gospel

Galatians 1:6-7 KJV Galatians 1:7-9 KJV


New member
There is no good news for the reprobate.

Or maybe you simply overlooked the entirety of the Old Testament and Revelation :plain:

I don't think you realize it
You are speaking to someone who is an orthodox Protestant- you are simply rolling out the Free Grace heresy to us.

We just don't do it. We're not going to say what sounds nice or what is attractive- we're going to tell you the real, actual reason why Christ was crucified :rolleyes:

Your refusal to preach the same Gospel as Paul did satisfies the criterion for Paul's curse - as also noted by Patrick Jane.

You still have made no refutation of the specifics of the OP - and have not given one scripture that supports limited atonement.


New member

Such is the very and exact definition of a "reprobate" soul. God promises them no good news ("gospel").

The so-called "free grace" being taught, is nothing other than "Universalism" which comes in many forms.

Universal salvation is non-existent, as even empirical evidence proves. God's grace is Particular, period.

There is no middle theological position to take or try to sell . . . none . . .

Mere assertion. Nowhere have you refuted the specifics of the OP.

I challenge you to provide one scripture that explicitly speaks of Christ's atonement being limited.


New member

Such is the very and exact definition of a "reprobate" soul. God promises them no good news ("gospel").

The so-called "free grace" being taught, is nothing other than "Universalism" which comes in many forms.

Universal salvation is non-existent, as even empirical evidence proves. God's grace is Particular, period.

There is no middle theological position to take or try to sell . . . none . . .

Your refusal to preach the same Gospel as Paul did satisfies the criterion for Paul's curse.


New member

Such is the very and exact definition of a "reprobate" soul. God promises them no good news ("gospel").

Contrary to your assertion, Paul and the Apostles did.

1 Corinthians 2:2
For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.

'Christ crucified' was, and is, preached to those that will never believe.

Your argument is with the likes of Saint Paul.


TOL Subscriber
Your refusal to preach the same Gospel as Paul did satisfies the criterion for Paul's curse.

I proclaim the same Gospel Paul proclaimed, and I do so indiscriminately to all around me, but I have no knowledge of who listening have been given spiritual ears to hear and understand the message.

The promises of God are revealed in the Gospel, but only God knows who those are predestined to receive life in Jesus Christ. I speak the Truth, and leave grace and salvation in the hands of God.

Your threats of cursings is totally inappropriate . . .


New member
I proclaim the same Gospel Paul proclaimed, and I do so indiscriminately to all around me, but I have no knowledge of who listening have been given spiritual ears to hear and understand the message.

The promises of God are revealed in the Gospel, but only God knows who those are predestined to receive life in Jesus Christ. I speak the Truth, and leave grace and salvation in the hands of God.

Your threats of cursings is totally inappropriate . . .

So you preach, 'Christ died for our sins,' to unbelievers, but you also say that: "God promises them (reprobates) no good news ("gospel")...God's grace is Particular, period."

That's contradictory and not the same Gospel that Paul preached. Just read Romans 10.


New member
I proclaim the same Gospel Paul proclaimed, and I do so indiscriminately to all around me, but I have no knowledge of who listening have been given spiritual ears to hear and understand the message.

The promises of God are revealed in the Gospel, but only God knows who those are predestined to receive life in Jesus Christ. I speak the Truth, and leave grace and salvation in the hands of God.

Your threats of cursings is totally inappropriate . . .

So the Gospel that you preach indiscriminately is:
Christ died for our sins...for particular persons - not for all men.
